Space Opera

In the distant reaches of space, amidst planets populated with fantastical beings and breathtaking vistas, a battle is brewing. It’s a battle between good and evil, told with high adventure, grand clashes of opposing forces and maybe even a hint of romance. The stakes are high, the weaponry puts the fiction in science fiction, and at the end of the day, the heroes will stand victorious.


When you’re designing clothes for the sub-genre of science fiction known as a space opera, aim for the showy and elaborate. This particular type of tale is usually big and bold, both in storytelling and in visuals, so don’t shy away from getting too fancy.

Glamour From Beyond the Stars

To get a handle on drawing elaborate clothes for your space opera, focus on just one part of the costume and make that particular part more ornamental. Try an over-the-top hair style or a fancy hat or a patterned cape. Remember, these characters are living in space, so feel free to design an alien to go with your new look.