Cloud native architectures have matured over the years as the patterns evolve to take advantage of the newest advances in cloud technologies. Microservices are currently the hot topic for architecture trends since they allow for massive decoupling of components while utilizing cloud native services in ways that would be impossible with on-premises software. However, microservices are just a pattern. There are multiple ways to construct a microservice with various technologies and approaches, and containers and serverless approaches are the most common. This is not to say that microservice systems cannot be designed with more traditional virtual instances; in the right use case, that is still very applicable. What it means is that containers and serverless technologies allow for systems to be designed and deployed at scale and with agility that typically comes with microservices. They are more aligned with the goals of microservices. This section will explore containers and serverless, explaining what that means, and how they can be used to design cloud native architectures.