I passed as white? : olive skin tanning easily in the sun
as normal as safe : hairy forearms and fuzzy upper lip
as sure of who I was : a woman with imperfections and allure
until America’s past : bushy eyebrows bridging big brown eyes
caught up with me : plucked and waxed and cut
and held me down : scarred kneecaps from childhood scrapes
and told me this is : a wound that never fully heals
who you cannot be : high cheek bones and bulbous nose
I passed by becoming : bitter and educated and quiet
insubstantial : heavy bangs hung from a furrowed forehead
substance does not change : a life rife with questions unanswered
without fire : glittery red nail polish on pedicured toes
without blood : pierced ears and Arabic script on the right hip
without pain : whiplashed long neck and spinal scoliosis
without losing : a heartbeat with erratic rhythm
where I began : sister with Sito’s hard stare