

This is me. Graeme Smith. Fantasy author. Mostly comic fantasy (which is fantasy intended to make you laugh, not fantasy in comics).

Having Graeme Smith as my pen name is convenient, since it also happens to be my real name. Although sometimes I think it isn’t. Sometimes I think I’m just a remote set of hands for a keyboard. So maybe Graeme Smith is my keyboard’s name, not mine.

When I'm not writing (well, or editing my writing. Or re-writing. Or editing my re-writing. Or... Quite. You get the picture), I'm doing other things. Maybe things involving mushrooms. And knitting needles (but the less said about my cooking the better). Maybe things like online gaming (If you know Bard Elcano, you know me. If you know a grumpy old dragon called Sephiranoth, you know me. If you know a tall, dark, handsome but brooding vampire, charming witty and brilliant - we never met. That's someone else.)

So there you are. Graeme Smith. Keyboard in disguise. Short, fat, bald and ugly (fortunately my wife has lousy taste in men). Time was, I worked on a psychiatric ward. Now I write about people who believe in magic and dragons, and who live where the crazy folk are the ones who don’t.

If you want to find me electronically, you can find me here:

Web page:

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Twitter: @Graeme_Smith_




Turn the page for the first chapter of Shadow Kill, coming in 2017