Chapter 5
Adam and the Angels:
Dissension in the Garden
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good .
- Gen . 1:31 (KJV)
As we stated in the chapter previous , things in the world were good - the harmonized order of the world was even considered very good - but not perfect. We’ll soon discover that, because some inhabitants were about to utilize their own “free will,” dissension would arise. There would be those who had a problem with the way things were - a problem with Adam’s authority. There would soon be “trouble in Paradise.”
The first major accomplishment after the “Six-Day Creation” of Genesis was, obviously, the Garden of Eden. The word Eden could relate to words such as “delight,” “pleasure,” as well as “paradise.” 1 It may have even had a mountain close by - the “gateway” mount to God Himself. 2 Possibly created on the Third Day, the Garden was truly a beautiful place: where everything seemed to go good; there was no pain; and everyone seemed to be happy.
The word Eden could also be equated with a “plain,” or plot of “uncultivated land.” From this, we might be able to gather that the Garden was, indeed, located on some open, uncultivated plain. Another meaning of the word Edin (in ancient Akkadian myth) is a “steppe,” or a “terrace.” 3 If Edin could have been the same as the Biblical Eden, then the Garden could have been a raised (or stepped) agricultural plot of land - a stepped terrace. Some ancient sources even stated that the Garden was a walled enclosure . 4 Why might this be significant? Let’s see.
According to one ancient source, Eve proclaimed:
God set us to guard the Garden…
- Penitence of our Forefather Adam [44]17.3 5
An interesting question that, naturally, might follow is: if the world was created so very good , then why would the Garden need to be placed on a stepped plateau; or why would it need to contain surrounding walls? Who or what would the Garden need protection from, in this way? 6
The Fall of Angels Before Our World
Around this time, there could have been at least three groups of angels around Adam - all who had “fallen from grace” because of the use of their own free will. 7 These highly-esteemed angels would rebel against God, and eventually get demoted from their once-lofty positions. The first couple of occurrences could have taken place right around the time that God created Adam. The third probably occurred around a thousand years later. There was trouble brewing, on account of these angels.
Beyond these dissensions, there might have even been a rebellion of angels before the reformation of our current world! The prophet Jeremiah speaks of something interesting:
Jer. 4:
24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly .
25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the Fowl (or birds) of the Air (or, the heavens) were fled .
(in retranslation)
Could these tragic events be describing the destruction of our previous world? And, if this was so, could there have been a group similar to the Fowl of the Air before our current world - who had fled ! Maybe some of these angelic, or angelic-like, groups fled the destruction - being swept up by God and allowed to escape; whatever. 8 As we’ve already understood, some of these spiritual Birds (or Owph ) might have been brought back into our world, by God, at the beginning of our “Six-Day Creation.”
As we begin to look at these three angelic dissensions, we’ll discover that the first group of beings who fell could have been purely heavenly beings - their souls had not come up from the Darkness . The second and third incidents could have involved angelic beings who probably served in similar capacities to those human (and angelic-like) Fowl of the Air .
There were angels, all around our atmosphere, whose role it was to “help out;” or, otherwise, make sure the world was a better place… assisting whomever God dictated that they should. Instead, as we’ll see, a number of these angels would help turn the world in the opposite direction . What happened, and why?
Leader of the First Group?
Looking further into Biblical clues, we, possibly, have the name of at least two angelic groups who may have existed for a long time - maybe even before the time of our world’s foundation:
Job 38:
1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said…
4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding…
7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Job 1:
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them .
Here, we see there are the Morning Stars and the Sons of God . The Sons of God are in both of the above verses; so it’s pretty easy to attempt to link them as one group. Let’s concentrate a little more, here, on those Morning Stars . We already know there were, most probably, angels of Light who were formed on the First Day. Could the Light be the same these Morning Stars ? They both seem to be known for their illuminous, star-like countenances.
What about the famous angel Satan (or Lucifer)? Could he have, at one time, been a member of this Light ; or even a leader of them? Was he a Son of God; or, what was he exactly? The Bible does say that Satan once appeared as an angel of Light (II Cor. 11:14); and he was also known as Son of the Morning (in Isa. 14:12) .
And when he (Satan) was in the heavens, in the realms of light , he knew naught of darkness .
- First Book of Adam and Eve (The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan) 13:4 9
At least, we know that Satan may have related to some of these angels, in some way. Could they have all been part of the same illuminous group? 10
Whomever Satan was in charge of, and whatever group he was from, he apparently was among the first to dissent from Adam’s position in the Garden. Why? What could have happened to allow him to feel this way?
Former Ruler of the World?
(God speaking) Adam has life on earth, and I created a garden in Eden in the east… I made the heavens open to him, that he should see the angels singing the song of victory, and the gloomless light ; And he was continuously in paradise, and the devil understood that I wanted to create another world , because Adam was lord on earth, to rule and control it. The devil is the evil spirit of the lower places... and he understood his condemnation and the sin which he had sinned before
- 2 Enoch (The Book of the Secrets of Enoch) 31:1-5 11
Who was this devil ? Was it Satan; or was it someone else? Apparently, for whatever reason, this devil may have been brought down from heaven - in the world before our own - to run things on the earth… and it all didn’t work out. 12 As we recall from our chapter on the Gap Theory , evil probably did not begin in the time of Adam; it was probably present before the foundation of our world. That’s why God had to destroy it! So, another question which might naturally arise, here, is: who or what might have brought about this previous world’s destruction?
According to certain ancient sources, including Mormon thought, God intended the angel Sammael (a.k.a. Satan) to rule this previous world. Sammael was once in a lofty position, sent down from his official position in heaven to rule the planet. He was, at one time, the overseer and musician of God’s heavenly court. We don’t know if he was satisfied with his new assignment on the earth, but something went horribly wrong with his dominion over the planet. As a punishment, this angel lost his position as the world’s ruler; and he also was not able to ascend back into his former abode, in heaven. We have some ancient commentaries on this:
…he belonged to the remnant of the jinn (angels) who were on earth . They shed blood and caused corruption on it .
- al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood The Story of Iblis 84 (also 81) 13
they cast the world into ruins, were themselves driven from the world in ruin
- Genesis Rabbah 26:7 14
Before the Lord God [created] earth, he created the nine divisions of angels for the service of his divinity. Now the wicked Sadael and Beliar were the heads of the divisions of Satan; they were adorn gloriously, and were higher than all the angels and all the divisions of the angels… But the detestable Satan did not want to bless God and was arrogant in his heart… And the Lord God commanded the… great Gabriel, and the terrible Michael, and nine divisions of the angels, and they fall upon Sadael and all his attendants, smote them, and cast them down like hail from a cloud .
- Armenian Apocryphal Adam Literature Transgression 1-4 15
Apparently, Sammael (or Satan) rebelled in his position, and his punishment was laid out before him. 16 Jesus even spoke of the Adversary as the “Prince of this World” (John 16:30). Could this be because Satan may have once ruled the world? 17
…before Adam, the jinn (i.e. angels) were on the earth. God sent Iblis to act among them as judge. He did so conscientiously for a thousand years, so that he eventually was called “arbiter.” God called him thus and reveled to him His name. At that, he became filled with haughtiness. He became self-important and caused terror, hostility, and hatred among those to whom God had sent him as arbiter. This is assumed to have caused them to fight so bitterly on earth for two thousand years that their horses waded in the blood of (those killed). They continued. This is (meant by) God’s word: “Were We wearied by the first creation? No! Rather they are in uncertainty about a new creation (at the end of the world),” and (by) the statement of the angels: “Will You place on (earth) one who will cause corruption on it and shed blood?” At that, God sent a fire that consumed them. They continued. When Iblis saw the punishment that had descended upon his people, he ascended to heaven. He stayed with the angels worshiping God in heaven as zealously as did no other creature .
- al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood The Story of Adam 85-86 1 8
Who was this Iblis ? Was he Satan; or another angel? Apparently, whoever he was, he seemed to be around before the formation of our new world. So, to “let the cat out of the bag” somewhat early, here, we’ll soon discover that there may have been two angelic beings - two leaders - known as the “devil,” all throughout ancient texts… with Satan (or Sammael) being one of them. The other will become more apparent to us, as time goes on. But, for now, the important thing to understand is that there could have been more than one leader of angels which went rouge, back then.
Whatever happened before our time, whatever brought on our previous world’s destruction, would have assuredly brought on some action by God against any of those involved in any misdoings. Apparently, we see, in the above, that Iblis (whomever he might be) felt really afraid of God’s wrath; and tried to do whatever it took to save his own skin. Assuredly, if God was a forgiving God (which He is), then there must be some type of punishment to meet each heavenly/earthly crime. We will soon see what these two leaders, and a number of other angels, did; and what mitigated their punishments to follow.
To release some more information a little early, we’ll now discover that a number of ancient sources say that certain angels, in punishment, would be lowered in their angelic “rank,” or their overall position in the heavens: from a prince, or leader of many, to only a couple of steps in spiritual “rank” above Adam! 19 This would upset some angels to the extreme; and make them even more spiteful.
So, in order to get to the nitty-gritty of what brought on all of this dissension, let’s begin to put all of the pieces together.
The Angel’s Replacement
Certain of the angels having fallen, God made men , that they might take their vacated places .
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 21) 20
…Which to those rebel angels prohibited return… he stopped their service... In their room he created mankind ... May He give them strength, never to neglect his world .
(Bristowe, 1950, p. 39) 2 1
The above works follow the ancient presumption that, through the “Six-Day Creation,” mankind was to be created to fill the void left by the dissension of a number of ungrateful, fallen angels! 22 And, this event, apparently, took place before the formation of our current world. One man, in particular, would usher in a lot of problems:
And God the beneficent, because of Satan’s arrogance , created earthen Adam to fill the place of the fallen angels .
- Armenian Apocryphal Adam Literature Transgression 1 23
Mankind, especially Adam himself, would even be formed to replace the authority of the highest angels on the earth, at the time. Why? The devil, and any other angels “in charge,” would have probably felt a little taken back, by it; and might have wanted to get back at least some sense of worthiness and dignity, in their eyes. Regardless of how these lead angels may have felt about Adam, even regardless of how any of them might have tried to get back into God’s graces, they still may have went too far - in God’s eyes - to go back to what it once was; and some kind of response (by God) to it all had to be on the horizon:
When Iblis saw the punishment that had descended… he ascended to heaven. He stayed with the angels worshiping God in heaven as zealously as did no other creature. He continued to do so, until God created Adam
- al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood The Story of Adam 86 24
Adam’s Dominion Questioned
When the Holy One, blessed be He (i.e. God), desired to create man, He said to the angels, “Let us make man in our image...” He wanted to make him a leader over all the angels above, so that he might govern all the angels and they would be under his rule
- Zohar Beresheet A20 25
God… made him ruler over all the earth and of all the jinn (i.e. angels)…
- al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood The First House on Earth 130 2 6
Soon before the formation of human beings, God went to his accompanying angels (i.e. the Light ) and said, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen. 1:26). On top of this, God wanted angels, and any other groups of human beings around, to understand one more thing about His final formulation - Adam:
Just as all of you praise Me in the heights of heaven so he ( Adam ) professes My Unity on earth…
- Pirke deR. Eliezer XIII 27
Adam , especially, was given the crown of glory and honor - dominion over all of the works of God’s hands - including these surrounding angels. 28 Adam was to be revered as the new, supreme leader: 29
Adam walked about the Garden of Eden like one of the ministering angels .
- Chronicles of Jerahmeel 6:13 30
He, according to one source, was even given knowledge beyond these angels! According to The Traditions of the Jews , even the upper angels of heaven were not permitted to know some of the privileged information Adam was privy to. He was able to take some of these ‘upper secrets,’ and write down in his own special book, as a reference. 31 A number of these angels quickly began to gripe about this whole set-up. As things would progress, God was to advance Adam’s position even further:
And again, when he (God) bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him .
- Heb . 1:6 (KJV)
We already know (via Psa. 8:5) that man was made a little lower than the angels. Now, not only were these angels commanded to respect Adam, they were also to bow down to him, in and subjugation - not worship him as a god; but, ultimately, recognize him as the leading authority on earth. Adam, assuredly, felt honored; but also remained humble throughout it all. 3 2
The animals all came to bow down to Adam and worship him, Adam directed them to all worship God , as ruler of the earth .
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 26) 33
He probably held to a standard such as the following:
Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you , but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven .
- Luke 20:20 (KJV)
He followed the attitude of God: humility ; which solidified the authority of Adam in God’s eyes. Some angels weren’t angry, and didn’t complain. There were those, however, who would not have any of it. Their subjection to a being they deemed inferior was more than a good number could handle.
Adam has so much inherent glory and power the angels quaked and were dismayed , and prayed to God to remove this overwhelming, vast presence which he had made…
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 26) 34
There would, soon, be a vast migration of angels away from God’s present, reorganized cosmos, here - they just couldn’t accept Adam as the one ruling over them. This would result in angels falling in heavenly hierarchy; in rank… at least somewhat. The world, as Adam inherited it, was about to change.
A Major Problem - Free Will
(God) gave angels the perfection of a created nature... He gave them freedom .
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 15) 35
Because of free will , the working order of our world was about to become extremely fragile - open to outside influences. This Garden of Eden - the wonderful place that it was - needed to be elevated and secured with walls for this very reason .
The Angel of Will
As the Bible tells us, Satan was once the high musician, and guardian, of God’s heavenly throne. As we’ll see, some of his musical talent could have even been brought down to the Garden of Eden. We’ve now discover that there were angels in the Garden who provided an atmosphere of harmony and solace, due to their singing abilities. 36 The devil, as well, may have found it advantageous to utilize some of this talent, as well:
Ezek. 28:
12 …Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sun, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty .
13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God… the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created .
14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire .
15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee .
16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God : and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire .
In the above, we see that it was around the time of the Garden of Eden that the devil / Satan was about to have another falling out. Through his rebellion, he was about to lose any position of authority he might have once maintained, and be demoted even further .
Envy of the Devil
And the ministering Angels came down and rejoic’d before him (the man)… But when Sammael descended, and saw the glory that Adam was plac’d in, and the ministering Angels serving him at his Wedding, he envied him .
(Eisenmenger, 1748, p. 195) 37
Through the devil’s envy death entered the world, and those who are on his side suffer it .
- Wisd . 2:24 3 8
Whatever power the devil still might have had over this new world of ours, he was about to lose it. It was around this time that God told the angels of earth’s atmospheric heaven to “bow yourselves down” - and this was also directed at the devil. 39 Interestingly enough, the first racist of our world not be a white Adam; it was not the Adamites; it was no one of whom we might assume it would be - it was actually the devil.
The devil, Satan, whatever you might call him, was probably once an angel of the heavenly realm, since he, at one time, was able to guard God’s throne. Heavenly angels seem to have a body made, primarily, out of some sort of divine fire . 40
And the Jinn (i.e. angel) race, We had created before , from the fire of a scorching wind .
- The Qur’an 015:027 41
The ensigns of Sammael and all his princes, and all his lords, have the resemblance of a red fire…
(Eisenmenger, 1748, p. 192) 42
Adam, as we know, was fashioned from the earth’s dust - a substance that, at the time, was of very little significance. And, as if it wasn’t enough to be demoted to a lower position in this world, the devil - an angel of fire - was now ordered to prostrate himself low (in his eyes), before some created man of dust. He was around longer; he was stronger… he was even said to have dominated the previous world, for one time. Why should a son of fire have to bow to this son of clay? 43 It was at this point that the devil spoke up:
And when the prince of the lower order of angels saw what great majesty had been given unto Adam, he was jealous of him from that day, and he did not wish to worship him. And he said unto his hosts, “Ye shall not worship him, and ye shall not praise him with the angels. It is meet that ye should worship me, because I am fire and spirit; and not that I should worship a thing of dust, which hath been fashioned of fine dust ”…
- Cave of Treasures The Revolt of Satan, and the Battle in Heaven 44
The devil thought the opposite should occur - that man should be bowing to him instead. 45 Because God created Adam in His own image, He wanted Adam to be the new light of the world, and bring forth human children “of the Light.” Some of the actual angels of Light had other ideas. 46 Very envious and scornful, the pride and free will of this devil allowed his thoughts to spiral down; even further: 47
…and God the Lord spake: “Here is Adam. I have made thee in our image and likeness.” And Michael (the angel) went out and called all the angels saying: “Worship the image of God as the Lord God hath commanded.” And… he (Satan talking) called me and… I said to him… “I will not worship an inferior and younger being (than I). I am his senior in the Creation, before he was made was I already made. It is his duty to worship me.” When the angels, who were under me, heard this, they refused to worship him. And Michael said… “if thou wilt not worship him, the Lord God will be wrath with thee.” And I said, “If He be wrath with me, I will set my seat above the stars of heaven and will be like the Highest .”
- Vita Adae Et Evae 13:2-15:3 48
A lot of similarities exist between this account and the book of Isaiah:
Isa. 14:
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (a.k.a. Satan), son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High .
God responded to the devil’s rebellion:
And his name was called “Sâtânâ” (i.e. Satan) because he turned aside [from the right way]… (he) would not render obedience to God, and of his own free will he asserted his independence and separated himself from God. But he was swept away out of heaven and fell, and the fall of himself and of all his company from heaven took place… And the apparel of their glorious state was stripped off them…
- Cave of Treasures The Revolt of Satan, and the Battle in Heaven 49
The devil, now, lost even more of his previous, angelic “estate:”
(God speaking) But the wicked Satan who continued not in his first estate , nor kept his faith… though I had created him… so that I hurled him down…
- First Book of Adam and Eve (The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan) 6:7 50
Once having a great countenance of light , the devil, and more and more of his accomplices, were to further lose what they all once had.
O Adam, so long as the good angel was obedient to Me, a bright light rested on him and on his hosts. But when he transgressed My commandment, I deprived him of that bright nature, and he became dark… he transgressed, and I made him fall from heaven upon the earth; and it was this darkness that came upon him .
- First Book of Adam and Eve (The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan) 13:2-5 51
In one interesting ancient text, Satan actually explains to Adam, in detail, his own position:
Satan also wept loudly and said to Adam. “All my arrogance and sorrow came to pass because of you; for, because of you I went forth from my dwelling; and because of you I was alienated from the throne of the cherubs… You did nothing to me, but I came to this measure because of you, on the day on which you were created”… Then Michael summoned all the angels… He called me and said, “You too, bow down to Adam.” I said “Go away, Michael! I shall not bow down to him who is posterior to me… Thereupon, God became angry with me and commanded to expel us from our dwelling and to cast me and my angels, who were in agreement with me, to the earth; and you were at the same time in the Garden… I had gone forth from the dwelling of light ”…
- Penitence of our Forefather Adam 12.1-16.2 52
Another Punishment - Not to be Allowed in the Garden
God cast him (Satan?) out what had been before an angel of the earth, and keeper of terrestrial things, and a guardian of Paradise .
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 18) 53
In consequence of his arrogance, Satan was no longer admitted into the Garden of Eden, as he once had! 54 Apparently, the walls around the Garden also provided some sort of spiritual blockage for undesirables, as well as a physical. Satan was even made to feel afraid in Adam’s presence, eventually. 55 Although he had all of these restrictions, he still maintained a lot of his power; and began, eventually, to want - desperately - a way to break this cycle of Adam’s authority.
Let’s look more at least one major angel involved in this insurrection - Satan, the angel also known as Sammael - and what he once had, what he was reduced to, and what he might have done to upstart Adam’s authority. Why do we need to know all of this information about such a negative topic? As they say: “know thy enemy .” We need to know what we’re up against - just like Adam needed to.
Satan’s proper name (of old) was Sammael . 56 Something happened in this powerful angel’s mind to lead him in some opposing direction of God, and God’s ways. It is important to know exactly who this Sammael is, so that we can understand what Adam was up against - and we, today, still might be up against.
Sammael was once thought to be among highest-ranking angels; among their various classes. 57 He had, and still has, many other obscure names, and/or avatars. Among his other avatars, Sammael was also known as the End of all Flesh , the Dog , as well the Strange God . 58 Sammael also means The Blind One or Poison of God - the poison (of information, knowledge, etc.) that ends a man's life. 59 He also, in ancient times, was known as the angel of desolation , destruction , or death . 60 We don’t know, for sure, if this title came about from something he did in the past, or whether he was appointed to these duties somewhere, in some world.
His most infamous name, however, is Satan . Under this title, he eventually would be allowed to accuse human beings in front of God: as the official “prosecutor” of God’s court, if you will. 61 This is also where we get one meaning of the word devil , meaning “slanderer” or “malignant accuser.” 62 Any devil is considered an all-around moral deviant, whether it’s in reference to Satan himself, or not.
Finally, Satan was also known as the Leviathan :
In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent ; and he shall slay the dragon that [is] in the sea .
- Isa . 27:1 (KJV)
He (Satan) is call’d Leviathan. In the Treatise entitled Emek hammeleck, we have the following passage … “And Gabriel shall hereafter hunt the Leviathan, that is, Sammael; as it is said ‘Canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook?’”
(Eisenmenger, 1748, p. 189) 63
Leviathan has long been paired with references to the Sea . Why? Does the leviathan live in the physical sea, or something - or could it be something more spiritual ? The Fish of the Sea , as we’ve already postulated, could also stand for those human and angelic souls once in the Darkness , or Deep … that supernatural Sea beneath the earth. Could this be the sea that leviathan “swims in?”
The “fish being” idea also doubtless relates to the Shining Ones (angelic and/or other beings) arriving out of the waters of the great Deluge , or Deluges recorded in the myths of many different cultures .
(Gardiner and Osborn, 2006, p. 145) 64
(The pagan fish/sea god) Oannes is the emblem of priestly, esoteric wisdom; he comes out from the sea , because the “great deep ,” the water, typifies… the secret doctrine .
(M.P. Blavatsky, n.d.) 65
The fish-man was one of the esoteric symbols of the initiate in that ancient culture [Babylon]. No doubt it was taught that the man or woman who had so developed themselves as to have free access to the Spiritual world could be regarded as being dual . Such people would be regarded as being equally content to walk on the Earthly plane or swim in the watery .
(David Ovason, n.d.) 66
According to Gesenius‘s Lexicon , the Hebrew origins of the English fish , in the Bible, could indeed mean something else. It originates in the root-word dagah , which is also associated with words such as “to multiply,” to “increase,” and to “cover:” 67 What could this signify?
…to cover (like… to cover over; hence to be dark)… this verb is applied to multitude and plenty covering over everything (compare… a great company … a great multitude …) .
(“Gesunius’s Lexicon - dagah ”, n. d., p. 1) 6 8
Again, it is really important that we look at the original Hebrew words, here, for Biblical verses: could the fish of some segments of the Bible actually refer to a great company of angelic (and/or human) souls - souls who once may have resided, or still do, in the Darkness , or Deep , or the Sea ? We see that:
…where a god dies, that is, ceases to exist in human form, his life passes into the waters where he is buried; and this again is merely a theory to bring the divine water or the divine fish into harmony with anthropomorphic ideas .
(Mackenzie, 1915, p. 28) 69
Its obvious Sammael was concerned about Adam. He didn’t like the fact God allowed Adam to have dominion over all living beings - including the fish (or angelic) around him . 70 The Zohar has a very interesting comment, regarding the Genesis 1:26 verse:
…“and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea”… meaning the ministers in the sea from the sphere of the serpent
- Zohar Mishpatim 18 71
Obviously, there was a reason Satan was also known as the Leviathan : he was once leader of a great company , or sea , of angelic souls! It would be no big deal if he ruled over salmon and trout. Since Adam was also considered as having authority over the Fish of the Sea , Sammael may have took this as an attack on his dominance and authority; and brought his grievances to other groups of angelic individuals, as well.
…the wicked Sammael (Satan) made a covenant with all the upper gods (i.e. angels?) against his Lord, because the Holy and Blessed God had said to Adam and Eve, “And have dominion over the fish of the Sea .” How can I prompt them that they sin, and be driven out before me? Then came he with all his hosts
(Eisenmenger, 1748, p. 193) 72
Obviously, Satan wouldn’t have cared so much about things - even enough to plot out something against Adam - if these Fish of the Sea were only lowly fish .
The Allies of Satan’s Cause
We’ve already seen that:
It is written… “and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea” (Beresheet 1:26), meaning the ministers of the sea from the sphere of the serpent…
- Zohar Mishpatim 18 73
Satan began to recruit angels - the former angels under his “sphere,” undoubtedly - towards his new cause. One source stated he probably had 130 die-hard angelic ministers of authority behind him. 74 Interestingly enough, these allies of his were known as, according to one ancient source, Shells or Barks . Why? The reason is example:
…the princes encompass his throne as a shell surrounds its fruit .
(Eisenmenger, 1748, p. 187) 75
These minsters had soon become devoted to their leader in thought and deed. 76 The first fall of angels, as noted in the Bible, could possibly have involved angels of fire (or, some of those angels of Light ?). They became totally devoted to Satan’s cause; of which was their undoing - God was watching. Things don’t get by Him. Their allegiance caused God to have to do what He had do, and demote entire groups.
The Second Wave of Envious Ones
Other groups would become dissident to Adam, soon after; and follow in Satan’s footsteps. These angels would, possibly, be a little different, however. They would not be angels who come, strictly, from the upper heavens (like Satan). No. These would be a lower order of angelic beings; closer to human beings in a number of ways. We’ll see that further grumbling took place between these lower-classes of angels and their human manager, as well .
The complaints of this angelic class would be made public through one of the first tasks the new manager, Adam, was to be engaged in - and there would also be a competition set up, to decide “who was who.” Let’s see.
The Competition for a Help-Mate
Adam, as we know, was assigned the job of dressing and keeping the Garden - the top manager of this whole process. One of the first responsibilities Adam was assigned to was to name practically every living being around him - animals and (as we’ll see) human beings! Adam was, also, fairly lonely, throughout this time… possibly because a lot of other human beings around him had significant others; and he didn’t. The manager had a job to do; and not a lot of time to spend looking for a mate. God noticed this, and, during this whole “naming” process, probably brought a number of women in front of him - hoping that Adam would find himself a mate . 77
And Adam gave names to every animal, and to the birds of the heaven, and to every beast of the open field. But for Adam, no partner was found like himself .
- Genizah Manuscripts Gen. 2:20 78
The Bible stated, somewhat, the same thing:
Gen. 2:
18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him .
19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every Chay (Beast) of the Field, and every Owph (Fowl) of the Air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living soul (a.k.a. “creature”), that was the name thereof .
20 And Adam gave names to all Behemah, and to the Owph (Fowl) of the Air, and to every Chay (Beast) of the Field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him .
(in retranslation )
You’ll notice, in the above, that Adam seemed to give names to a couple of pre-Adamite groups, here, as well. Interestingly, this does help support the postulation the Owph of the Air and Chay of the Field were groups of human beings, and not just animals: why would groups of animals need to have been brought in front of Adam… for a possible helpmate?
In the above, we see Genesis 2:19 stated that, “out of the ground the LORD God formed…,” also of which might not be entirely correct. Again, we look at the original Hebrew to find some answers. We know that God formed the Chay of the Field in Genesis 1:24 and Owph of the Air in Genesis 1:21 - at different times. In the above verse, we see that there’s really no reason for God to form them “out of the ground” again, if they already were once! What could the Bible really be saying here?
The Hebrew word for ground , here, could also mean “a specific plot of land,” or even “the whole inhabited earth.” And, the word formed could also mean to “plan,” to be “predetermined,” or “pre-ordained.” 79 When we look at this verse with these other Hebrew meanings, it all makes sense:
Gen. 2:
19 And on one specific plot of land the LORD God pre-ordained to have every Chay (Beast) of the Field, and every Owph (Fowl) of the Air brought down unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living soul (a.k.a. creature), that was the name thereof .
20 And Adam gave names to all Behemah (Cattle), and to the Owph (Fowl) of the Air, and to every Chay (Beast) of the Field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him .
(in retranslation)
A particular plot of land was chosen for the “meeting” event to occur; maybe in a field around the Garden.
We also see, in the above, that those with a soul came in front of Adam (the Hebrew nephesh , again); translated into English as creature , here. As we’ve already surmised, those who had a soul - or, the nephesh - probably meant those living creatures with human souls (but, of course, the early King James translators, here, forced themselves to not see this as anything else than animals). So, Adam allowed human workers to pass by him; naming them as they walked along. Subtly, he was also looking for a wife , out of all of these, at the same time. Obviously… Adam wasn’t going to marry an animal!
What is that which is said in Genesis 2:23, Bone of my Bone, and Flesh of my Flesh. This Passage teaches us, that he (Adam) had coition with beasts (Chay, and others maybe?), both wild and tame, of every Kind; but his Mind could not be satisfied ‘till he cohabited with Eve … ‘Tis said by Some of the Sages, That the first Man had carnal Knowledge of all Animals (i.e. humans?), but could not be induc’d to chuse (choose) any one of them to be his Wife .
(Eisenmenger, 1748, p. 22) 80
Maybe he wanted a human being closer to him, in a number of ways. Even though the people he had before him may have sufficed his desires to some degree, he was probably looking for that “perfect” woman - one who thought like him; had similar interests; looked a lot like him; whatever. It seems, in the Bible, Adam grew a little weary, because he did not have a suitable woman close to him (in a number of ways). Some of us may recall, after Eve came into being, Adam stated this new wife was “bones of my bones” and "flesh of my flesh.” He was very happy she was close to him, in many regards.
But, before this, it seems that God arranged to have women from at least three different groups of pre-Adamites (the Chay of the Field , the Owph of the Air , and the Behemah ) to have their shot with Adam - one by one. Adam may have tried to make a relationship work with these women, but, on a personal level, didn’t seem to find the right connection. It’s not that these women weren’t worthy enough; it was more probable that Adam was some sort of perfectionist - wanting more of a clone of himself, to love. We’re not sure the exact reason why Adam was so picky, here.
Incidentally, an astute eye would notice that we only have the members from three different pre-Adamite groups, here. What about the Remes (Creeping Thing) that Creepeth ? Why didn’t God bring them in front of Adam, at this time? Maybe it was because they really didn't work much the Garden. We postulated already that this Remes group might not have had much of a working role in the Garden; so, God, quite possibly, didn’t feel they were in “the thick of things” enough to put them in there. Another possibility might arise - that Adam could have already once had a wife from one of these Remes ; and it didn’t work out. We don’t know for sure. Why didn’t Adam choose from the other Adamites, as well? Same reason?
Lilith - Woman Left Out
…and the first Eve - that is, Lilith - found him (Adam)…
- Chronicles of Jerahmeel 23:1 81
Speaking of relationships which don’t work, there is a mountain of ancient evidence which suggests that Adam could have been married, or at least in a sexual relationship, at least one time before he would be united with Eve. It could have been slightly before the formation of Eve that Adam may have already concluded he had the perfect mate. The Bible might even allude to this, as well:
Why had not God created Eve at the same time that He created Adam? Moreover, when Eve finally was created, why did Adam say, “ This time [in some translations, “This at last ”] bone of bones and flesh of my flesh”… (Gen. 2:23). To ancient interpreters, both questions seemed to suggest that Eve was not Adam’s first mate…
(Kugel, 1997, p. 113) 82
According to a number of ancient sources, Lilith was his first help meet, or wife! 83 Some sources stated he was created out of this same dust (or mud/clay) as Adam. 84 Possibly, since she was formed from this same dust , Adam may have been under the assumption that she would be a suitable wife. There were other sources, however, which said that Lilith was formed from a slightly different mixture, which might have helped allow for friction between the two. 85
Though Adam wanted to make Lilith his wife, and have her respect him as her husband, she wasn’t having any part of it, eventually. Apparently, it seemed that Adam was trying to be head of the household, and Lilith was against these “roles.” 86 Regardless of being from the same dust, they just did not get along.
Lilith did not want to lie under Adam during sex, nor submit to him sexually. Since she was from the same dust that Adam was, she figured she didn’t have to lie underneath him! 87 She wanted to be on the same level as Adam, in whatever they did; even higher . Adam complained to God about it, and Lilith ran away. She would abandon her wifely duties, and continually leave the Garden. Eventually, she was reported to have consorted (had sex) with other human and angelic beings around her. God brought her back to Adam a few times, but she kept doing the same. Eventually, Lilith would soon be ousted; for good.
…(after Lilith) became proud and a vexation to her husband, God expelled her from paradise .
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 34) 88
Eve, as many probably know, was created from Adam’s rib . Again, a woman came on the scene; closer to Adam (as he wished). For whatever reason, she more compatible:
…when he (Adam) saw the woman fashioned from his rib, “This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh,” which is as much as to say, Now God has given me a wife and companion, suitable for me, taken from my bone and flesh, but the other wife he gave me was not of my bone and flesh, and therefore not a suitable companion and wife for me .
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 34) 89
Adam, most probably, believed that someone taken strait out of his own flesh may now work. Maybe; maybe not.
Another Reason for this “Naming of the Animals”
Beyond the naming of people, beyond the possible naming of any animals, as well - even beyond Adam looking for a help meet - there was one more reason for Adam’s undertaking, at this time. According to ancient sources, there were angels who challenged Adam’s knowledge and understanding of the world he lived in; which was a major indicator - at least in their minds - of his authority.
According to one source, “The according qualities with which Adam was blessed… aroused the envy of the angels.” 9 0
The angels then began to envy him (Adam), saying, “Indeed, God will now love him more than He does us; if we can entice him to sin he will be destroyed from the earth.”
- Chronicles of Jerahmeel 22:1 91
These angels thought they were superior in every way; and, from their very make-up, more knowledgeable. They did not want God to love this man as much as He did. Naturally, all of this would prompt them to continually desire to challenge Adam’s intellect. 92
The following verses of the Bible seem to give us more insight on the dissension of these angelic beings - strait from their own mouths:
Psa. 8:
3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
4 What is man , that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him ?
5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour .
6 Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands ; thou hast put all things under his feet…
They continually complained to God about the man. And God eventually would grant them their time to prove themselves. Now, the naming each human being (and animal) would become a test between these angels and Adam - whoever could do it better would, naturally, be considered more knowledgeable; and be considered worthy enough to be in the top position of authority.
Dissidence of these Angels “Of Old”
As we recall, a good number of angels in this world were, most probably, brought up , from the previous world. Apparently, God may have even allowed these angels memories and knowledge of this previous world - the world the Bible might refer to as that world which was “of old .” These angels, then, may have easily understood “how the world worked” before our “Six-Day Creation;” as well as any of the negative elements which may have comprised this world! This knowledge would, continually, prove to be a powerful commodity to these angelic beings. So, now, armed with this previous-world knowledge, the angels may have believed they would have a way to show Adam what an “upper hand” really was! The competition had begun.
Angel Verses Adam
God, now, set up the contest: whoever could name all of the human beings and animals placed in front of them would be deemed the more capable being; the loser to submit to the winner’s authority. This should settle it, at least in the minds of everyone. 93 Back and forth, Adam and the angels attempted to name each animal. People and animals came in front of Adam, and he named every one (Gen. 2:20). 94 The angels tried, but could not name them all. God, according to one source, could have even prompted Adam to win. 95 Whatever way it turned out, Adam accomplished this feat, and become the victor over all. This also was proof-positive Adam was more capable, at least to these grumbling angels.
Then God said to the angels, “Were you not saying, What is man, that Thou shouldst remember him? Now his wisdom is greater than yours!”
- Chronicles of Jerahmeel 22:1 96
When the angels failed in their endeavor, they were taken back. 97 Instead of reconciling with their defeat, everything seemed to get worse - they allowed free will and pride to get the better of them.
Angels to Burn
These angels, then, became so angry and envious that it became even harder for them to bow down. Ultimately, their inner rage turned into thoughts of revenge. According to some ancient sources, there were at least two distinct groups of angels who wanted action against Adam. Immediately God would put a stop to it. Another source stated that some of these angels tried to consume the Adamites (most notably Adam) with fire; but the protecting hand of God stopped them in their tracks. He allowed Adam to go about his business - unscathed.
As a consequence, God eliminated the “glow” of a group of the angelic light for their insolence; He even burnt up some of them. 98 God would not let any rebellious angels stop His plans for Adam, and his role on earth:
God created some (angelic) creatures and said: “Prostrate yourselves before Adam!” They replied: We shall not do that… He set a fire to consume them. He then created other creatures… They refused, and God sent a fire to consume them .
- al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood The Story of Iblis 84 99
At the time the Holy One, blessed be He… said to them: Would ye advise me to create a man? And they asked Him: What will be his deeds? And He related before them such and such. They explained before Him: Lord of the Universe, what is the mortal, that Thou rememberest him, and the son of men, that Thou thinkest of him? [Ps. vii. 5]. He then put His little finger among them and they were all burnt . And the same was with the second coetus .
- Babylonian Talmud Sandhedrin, Chap. XI 100
The punishment of some obviously became a reflection of their fiery, overly-passionate thoughts. 101 They were burnt, or made blackened, on the outside for their dark, negative thoughts of envy, hate, and revenge on the inside .
Era of the “Fallen Ones” - Now Known as Nephilim
As if these disfigurements weren’t enough, many of these accursed angels were probably demoted , in rank or status; and given a new name: the Nephilim (or, the “Fallen Ones”).
How, you may well ask, can they (the Nephilim) subsist in this world? Rabbi Chiya said that they are among those referred to as “ Birds which fly upon the earth .”
- Zohar Beresheet B69 10 2
Again, we see a reference to birds or fowl as having some type of angelic connection (remember the Owph (or Fowl) of the Air , for example). These “fallen” angels, also known as the Nephilim , were so-named because, with their attempts to bring the organized world of Adam to a fallen state, they, themselves , fell! 103
…those angels wanted to denounce him. They asked the Holy One, blessed be He (God), “What is man, that you are mindful of him” ( Tehilim 8:5), for he is bound to sin before you? Why, therefore, do you want us to be under him? The Holy One, blessed be He (God), replied, If you were down below on earth like he , you would sin more than he does .
- Zohar Beresheet A20 104
Once with angelic qualities way above the average man, these angels had, now, even lost a lot of that. Their latest act of sacrilege caused them, in their fall, to be physically demoted - to have most of the same attributes as human beings! 105
Sammael (i.e. Satan) and the heavenly angels probably were not created using elements of our planet. They were fashioned in true, spirit form. Henceforth, these beings really could not transform themselves into human form at will. But, angels such as the Nephilim probably could. 106
And these, as we have discussed, appear to men in the form of human beings. And how, you may ask, do they transform themselves from the shape of an angel to that of human beings? As we have learned, they can transform themselves into all kinds of shapes, and when they come down into this world, they clothe themselves with the garments of earth's atmosphere and take on human form .
- Zohar Beresheet B69 107
Yet, their demotion - their loss of ‘estate ’ - was a further blow to them, on so many levels!
…there are heretical accounts which suggest that when angels sin they “clothe themselves with the corruptibility of the flesh .”
(Godwin, 1990, p. 86) 10 8
This probably made them a lot less powerful than they were before - and even more resentful to Adam. They wanted Adam to go down even more now! So, let’s take a look at a couple leaders of the Nephilim, and see what they did to further expedite their cause against Adam, and all of mankind.
Azza, Uzza, and Azazel
A few prominent angelic beings of the day were known as Azza , Uzza , and Azazel . 109 According to the Third Book of Enoch , these were angels who openly and continually made the most complaints about Adam. Two of them, Azazel and Azza, were notorious in ancient written works (Azazel was even synonymous with the so-called “scapegoat” of the Bible; in Lev. 16:8).
Azazel, though, had quite an interesting story about him: according to one source, even before the beginning of our “Six-Day Creation,” Azazel was disagreeing with God! Apparently, God already chose the bloodline of what would be His people (i.e. Israel) in the beginning of our world, with Adam to be the patriarch. Azazel knew of this, and had a prediction about the future. He reminded God that Adam’s future descendents could eventually fall, and believed that his descendents would not turn out to be the great nation God set them out to be. God, however, did not falter; He continued on with His creation, forming Adam anyway. According to another source, Azazel was even commanded by God to go and fetch the dust for Adam’s formation - probably in response to all of his bickering!
This angel, and fifty-or-so of his fellow Nephilim (or fallen angels), were all forced to give up their lofty positions, because of these continual complaints. Now , they were told to take on a new role for their insolence: to be mid-level “managers” of the Garden of Eden! 110 Worse yet, at least to them, they felt the “sting” of looking a lot like, as well as taking on an, overall, general role as human beings! To them, it was a massive step in the spiritual “gutter.”
These angels, then, began to cry out: “If we do not take counsel against this man so that he sin before his Creator, then we will not prevail against him!” 111 So, this became their new rallying cry; their new goal - to make Adam fail at any price .
Azazel was the lead angel of these Nephilim, and possibly many more. He played a very sinister role in the organized construct under Adam - speaking to people with a forked tongue. He probably strolled around the Garden – under another, very-famous name! We’ve mentioned earlier that Sammael (or Satan) may not have been the only leader of angelic dissidents at this time - can we guess who the other largely-problematic leader of angels might be? Yes, he was in the Garden of Eden; and, yes, he was someone that most of us have heard of.
It’s, now, time to learn who the other half of this whole “conspiracy of devils ” was…