Chapter 13
The Third Influx of Fallen Angels - The Watchers
I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a
and an holy one came down from heaven…
This matter [is] by the decree of the
To add insult to injury, there would soon be
group of angels - destined to fall from grace, as well;
group who seemed to put the final “nail in the coffin,” in regards to the world’s depravity. These angels would also produce mixed offspring
just as illegitimate
as the Nephilim - if not more. These two hundred or so angels could also be known as
the Shining Ones
the Holy Ones
, or the
. Their most famous name, however, is
the Watchers
Watchers of the Throne of God
These Watchers, most probably, represented another group of angels who existed before the world’s foundation.
Known as the
Sleepless Angels
, the Watchers were designated to “watch over” mankind almost
They were also allowed, by God, to descend to the earth, and instruct people in a number of essential truths, core values, and moral ways of living.
They also worked to protect the people from many numerous
factions they may have encountered in our post-Fall world (i.e. disease, sicknesses, poisonous plants and animals, etc.).
But, there was a problem: even
angels, with all of their helpful tips, would eventually be subjected to temptations in the world around them. No longer would they be there to help people - quite the opposite! Let’s look at what brought on such a
in these angels, and why it angered God to the utmost
The Third Group of Fallen Angels
So many groups of angels, here - how do we distinguish them? According to one ancient Jewish text (the Genesis Apocryphon
, Frag. 2, Col. 2), an Adamite woman placed these fallen angels into, at least, three groups:
the Sons of Heaven |
the Strangers |
the Watchers |
These three groups could
, in actuality, be the following groups:
the Light
the Nephilim
the Watchers
(of Genesis 1) |
The Light
- angelic beings truly composed of spirit
- could be the likes of Satan, those angels who accompanied God (as the Elohim) in the “Six-Day Creation,” and others of the like… without corporeal bodies.
The Strangers
, most probably, those of Nephilim statue: with the ability to shift into the image of a man, and back. We recall the earthly offspring of these fallen angels were known to be those with strange
The last group - the Watchers
- represented a large group of angels (in physical appearance) who, along with the Nephilim, could become corporeal
, if need be. Interestingly enough, these Watchers were also
mentioned in the Bible (such as the above verse), and in a variety of ancient texts:
Book of Jubilees
10:5, 4:15, 21-23
Testament of Amram
(The Dead Sea Scrolls) 4Q534
Genesis Apocryphon
(Dead Sea Scrolls) IQ20
Damascus (Zadokite) Document
(The Dead Sea Scrolls) CD, 4Q265-73, 5Q12, 6Q15
Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs (The Testament of Reuben: The First-Born Son of Jacob and Leah)
Beyond various Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha works, here, the Watchers were even mentioned in obscured pagan accounts of old (such as the
Book of the Dead
It’s fairly obvious these giant were well known throughout ancient times. Let’s discover what the Watchers did - how they contributed to this final outrage in the world… an outrage which set everything up for God’s up-and-coming annihilation.
The Fall of the Watchers
For whatever reason, the Watchers didn’t do the same as other angels - at the time of Adam’s creation - and complain to God. We’re not sure why; but for whatever reason, they weren’t punished like the others. Whatever their circumstances, they seemed to have remained chaste throughout the years, all the way to this time (even through the rest of the world was succumbing to such depravity. Their time was to come, however: maybe it was the continual pressure of seeing so much sin underneath them; maybe things down there on earth were a little too much for most to handle.
Evil Times of Jared
…and she bare him a son in the third week of the sixth year, and he called his name
; for in his days the
of the Lord descended on the earth, those who are named the
Book of Jubilees
The time period the Watchers would descend to earth seemed to be prevalent during the life of
, father of that famous prophet,
The year was approximately 3540-3544 B.C. that Jared was born (460 years after the formation of Adam).
The name
, in fact, means “descent” - a fitting name for the time the Watchers made their move.
The Mount of Dissension
Many years seemed to have gone by, since the Watchers first began to descend to the earth, in order to instruct mankind. They may have even been instructing human beings way back to the time of Adam! It was around the time of Jared, however, that things went horribly wrong.
Five hundred years after Jared’s birth (in approx. 3040 B.C.) the Watchers would, routinely, ascended and descended a tall mountain; and sing praises to God.
The mountain they used was called Mount
Interestingly enough, there
a mountain of the same name which exists at the northern tip of Israel. This mountain was also thought to be the place where Jesus himself communicated with those in the heavens!
Mount Hermon was also thought of as the “Mountain of the
.” In this case, the “Chief” obviously stood for God himself!
Other meanings for the
are “Mount of the Oath,” the mount of “Abomination,” or the mountain “Devoted to Destruction.”
Why? What “oath” or “abomination” could have taken place, here? What destruction might have happened?
As we’ll see, a group of Watchers would, soon, bind themselves by an
; an oath of which they made - under penalty of Herem (i.e.
Let’s discover what was behind their oath; what they did wrong; and how it brought about further
to the planet at large.
Abomination and Failure
Up in the sky, the Watchers were able to look safely down upon the world; and notice the horrible atrocities going on below unscathed. Over time, they probably began to develop a condescending attitude towards the people doing all of these things. After witnessing so much of man’s sinfulness, they decided they couldn’t take it any more: they needed to complain to God - just like the other
angels did, in the time of Adam.
They threw a hypothetical situation out to God: first, they claimed that Adam, and all of the other human beings around him, were really destined
to fail… because of their
physical make-up; and that God really shouldn’t have put such a lowly man as Adam
in charge of the entire world. Adam wasn’t, and never could
be, as “special” as they were. God, then, responded to them:
And God said unto them… “I created him (Adam) out of the dust… and I will not make my handiwork a laughingstock for his enemies.” And those angels said, “Praise be unto thee, O Lord. For thou, the Knower of hearts, knowest that we have reviled Adam”… And (God)… answered them on behalf of Adam… “You have I created out of fire and air with the one intent (that ye should) praise (Me). Him have I created of twice as many elements as you - of dust and water, and of wind and fire; and he became (a being) of flesh and blood… And if his heart inciteth him to good, he walketh with good intent; and if the Devil seduceth him, he walketh with him on an evil path. As for you, ye have no other object in your minds but
praise of Me
, with the exception of that arrogant one (Satan) who produced evil, and became an evil being, and was driven forth from your assembly. And now, why do ye magnify yourselves over Adam? If ye were as he is, and I had created you of water and dust,
ye would have been flesh and blood
, and ye would have
My commandment more than he hath done”…And the angels said unto him… “we will not oppose Thy word; for we are spiritual beings for life, and he is a creature of
dust (doomed) to folly
”… And straightway there were
given unto them
… flesh, and blood, and a heart of the children of men
Book of the Glory of Kings (Kerba Nagast)
Apparently, the Watchers felt they needed to prove something. They thought, with their superior intellect, they would not allow themselves to fall the same way as their angelic predecessors. Confident in themselves, these angels even volunteered to “abandon their proper, former abode,” to take on human form… to prove their point.
They were around this human depravity every day - how could
The Watchers should have had foresight - by looking at what happened to their predecessors - to understand the power of
. The women of the day, thanks to what they’ve learned over the years, would see
as targets, as well; and began to prepare themselves for the seduction. They began to scent themselves (i.e. to wear perfume), to fix their hair, and to dress seductively. They did all this to make themselves look irresistible to anyone around them. To the Watchers dismay, it
enough to take down even them.
Many women went all out: they painted their eyes like harlots; they even walked around
What was the reason for their actions? As we know…
. The
Watchers also had a vast amount of occult knowledge; and, as before, started to give away their knowledge for any sexual favors they may have wanted.
This segues into, probably, one of the most confusing set of verses in the Bible:
And it came to pass, when Adam (the man) began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them
That the sons of God saw the daughters of Adam that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with Adam (the man), for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years
There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days (at the time that marked 120 years before Adam’s death); and after that (time), when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men…
(in retranslation)
On the surface, these verses might sound a little confusing. Accompanied with the detail we already know, however, we’ll see they provide a great
deal of information - straight from the Bible - about our ancient world. There seems, here, to have been two
separate occurrences, with two separate angelic groups, being reported at once (as we’ll see): first, the words “And it came to pass” probably summarized that a certain period of time had passed. Time passed, since the Fall.
And, because the word for
, in the above verse, actually is represented by
The Adam
, we know (from
Chapter 4
The Adam is Formed
) the verse is referring to that
particular man - named
; and
mankind, in general. So, we gather from this that: it must have been around the time of which Adam was very
; and it was God who made a statement about
end of days:
And it came to pass, when Adam (the man) began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with
(the man), for that he also is flesh: yet
his days
shall be an hundred and twenty years.”
(in retranslation
We already know, from a
previous chapter
, what
often stood for (in ancient times). And, we already know that Adam probably participated in sexual exchanges with female fallen angels - he followed the
. These exchanged, often, created offspring who ended up - over time - wandering
from God; and going
after the flesh
. Even
had fallen, some, by these exchanges. And, eventually, God decided to end his life, at this time, because of it all. After all, Adam was supposed to be His viceroy - but, even
would fall, to a degree… in this present, evil world. It was now time for God to do something. He, first off, gave Adam about 120 more years to live. This set into motion God’s plan of judgment.
The next piece of information, in these verses, probably involves two
groups of fallen angels. Genesis 6:3 stated that these Nephilim (translated in the KJV as giants
) were “in the earth” at that point Adam was destined to have 120 years left in his life:
There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth
in those days
And, it was also
during this same time that another group of angels (the “Sons of God”) came unto the daughters of men, and bore children by them. Guess who these were…
That the
sons of God
) saw the daughters of Adam that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose
…and after that (time)… the
sons of God
(the Watchers) came in unto the daughters of men…
(in retranslation)
Could these “Sons of God” be the Watchers? We know they weren’t the Nephilim because the Bible mentioned them previously! This was a new
group of angelic beings, with an entirely different
undertaking, about to commence. Could this have also
represented the time of the Watcher’s descent
If we follow the assumption that there were two
groups, here, the context of these verses becomes really clear.
sons of God
) saw the daughters of Adam that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose
(in retranslation)
There were (already) giants (the
) in the earth in those days (the time that marked 120 years before Adam’s death); and after that (point in time)… the sons of God (the
) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them…
(in retranslation)
The Third Dissension
So, we probably could conclude, here, that
was the point when the Watchers volunteered to go down to earth. They weren’t
cast down
like their fallen, Nephilim counterparts; they
chose to leave their former habitation, and show God what they were really “made of.”
As the Watchers began to challenge God, some of them came through as a little hesitant about their fortitude; others really didn’t want to go at all… but a group of them still
…the Watchers are the
sons of God
(Genesis 6) sent from heaven to instruct the children of men; they fell after they descended to earth… But not all Watchers descended: those that remained are the
holy Watchers
(“A Dictionary of Angels”, n. d., p. 10)
We see that a division arose, here. Some truly began to be afraid that they would fall to temptation. Their leader, Shemhazai, wanted all of them to go through with this task. He caused 200 angels to take an oath: that
will go down at the same time, and try to upstart God’s thoughts. And, if
began to have indecent thoughts about women, they
would have to follow along.
Shemhazai obviously didn’t want to fall alone, if he felt he was going to. An oath was
or nothing.
The Evil Inclination Overcame Them
…As soon as they descended to earth, the
evil inclination
seized them…
When the 200 descended, they obviously didn’t take into account the human
element: emotions
and other physical desires they may have inherited. They underestimated worldly temptation:
, “The sons of the Elohim (God) saw the daughters of man...” They were filled with passion for them…
So much for their superior intellect. As soon as they descended, the
evil inclination
quickly overpowered them.
Some sources stated that those angels who volunteered to go down to earth could
return to heaven… after being on the earth for seven days.
The Watchers - supposedly there to help people - began to subject themselves to the ways of the world; and helped
to more than they should have!
In the end, the Watchers ended up doing the exact
of what they thought they would, and fell even
than their predecessors! No longer were they continually awake, “watching” over those below them. Now, they began to prostitute their forbidden arts and sciences - information by which God gave them for helping people (but, only in limited quantities, however) - to help gather them their
worldly favors.
Rabbi Eleizar, in the 8
century… put the blame squarely upon the women. “The angels who fell from Heaven saw the daughters of Cain perambulating and displaying their private parts, their eyes painted with antimony in the manner of harlots, and, being seduced, took wives from among them” (Chapter 22). It is difficult to believe the angels were entirely innocent bystanders but they did prove to be highly vulnerable
(Godwin, 1990, p. 85)
Now, they began to teach human beings even more forbidden knowledge: spells, herbs, and other magical enchantments.
Two Working Together
And, through the eventual abuses of all this occult knowledge, the Watchers helped to drag the world down
even more
The wickedness of these giants became so great that the earth complained [to God]. At this time (the angel) ´Azâz´êl taught men the art of working in
, and the use of stibium, or
, and the art of
stuffs in bright colours. ´Amêzârâk taught
(i.e. magic) and the knowledge of
; ´Armârôs taught how
were to be broken; Barak`âl taught
; Kôkab´êl taught the knowledge of
; Tem´êl taught
; and ´Asrâdêl taught concerning the moon…
Cave of Treasures
, The Second Thousand Years
People used this, and other
, knowledge - and began to abuse it.
The “Men of Old”
Here, we continue with our reinterpretation of Genesis, Chapter 6:
…and they bare children to them,
the same
became mighty men which were
of old
- Gen
. 6:4 (KJV)
These words, though initially confusing, go right to the point: the same
stands for these same
offspring of the Watchers (as mentioned, before). Their particular descendants would be called the Mighty Men
(the Great Men
, the Gever
, the Gibborim
, etc.). We’ll, also, see Biblical evidence that these descendants came from a group of angels who were reportedly of old
, or who were around from the foundation of our world
We already discovered the mixed offspring of the Nephilim were known as
. The
Mighty Men
were a little different, though. Because the Watchers were large angels
to begin with, their offspring were so-called because - when they grew into adulthood - they grew to a mighty, overbearing size!
Their descendants ended up being anywhere from twelve to fourteen feet tall - three to four feet
than those Anakim were!
The “Men of Renown”
…the same became mighty men which were of old,
men of renown
- Gen. 6:4 (KJV)
These angelic offspring would be lot more intimidating, however: they were intelligent; their deeds would make them look like
to almost everyone around them.
These Mighty Men were also called
men of renown
(or, the
men of name
). Even though popular, they didn’t their reputations by living in proper, wholesome ways.
They utilized all of this highly-advanced knowledge - the knowledge that
had given to their forefathers -
giving any of the glory to Him! This segues, perfectly, into the next verse of Genesis:
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually
- Gen
. 6:5 (KJV)
The evil deeds of these Mighty Men, however, would not come without a cost to themselves, and everyone else around. The Mighty Men, along with the Anakim, had an extremely hard time living in our world. Their huge sizes - measure for measure - would come back to haunt them, on many levels. On top of this, their evil deeds angered God - to the utmost.
Why These Offspring Didn’t Work - Problems at Birth
Wherefore have ye (the Watchers) left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done like the children of earth, and begotten giants (as your)
sons. And though ye were holy, spiritual, living the eternal life, you… have lusted after flesh and blood as those also who die and perish. Therefore have I given them (human beings) also wives that they might impregnate them, and beget children by them, that thus nothing shall be wanting to them on earth. But you were formerly spiritual… And therefore I have not appointed wives for you… (Your children), the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling… because they are born from men, and from the holy watchers is their beginning and primal origin…
Not only were the Mighty Men up to five feet taller than the Anakim, the birth of these individuals, often, seemed much more difficult to come about. Imagine one of these giant babies - how could it come out of a human womb effectively? There are ancient accounts of the horrible circumstances which surrounded the birth of these offspring:
And the daughters of Cain with whom the angels had companied conceived, but they were unable to bring forth their children, and they
. And of the children who were in their wombs some died, and some came forth; having
split open the bellies
of their mothers they came forth by their navels. And when they were grown up and reached man’s estate they became giants…
Book of the Glory of Kings (Kerba Nagast)
As they grew, their 12-foot-plus sizes posed even more of a logistic problem:
Our skills and behavior are finely attuned to our size. We could not be twice as tall as we are, for the kinetic energy of a fall would then be 16 to 32 times as great, and our sheer weight (increased eightfold) would be more than our legs could support. Human giants of eight to nine feet have either died young or been
crippled early
by failure of joints and bones
(“Sizing Up Human Intelligence”, 1996-1997, p. 151-155)
This was the beginning of their realization that their present world may not have been meant
for them. This fact made the Mighty Men even more
angry and resentful (to God) than the Anakim ever were; and soon began to take out their anger on anyone and anything
that surrounded them
Another Motivation to Breed With Women
Beyond the exchanges of sex with power-hungry women, here, there could have been
reason that the Nephilim and Watchers wanted to breed with so many women, and have as many children as possible - very
reasons (at least to them). First, we need to understand that these Watchers, after
fall, were not allowed a
second chance
for redemption; just like the Nephilim:
…because man (Adam) definitely was destined to sin… as Aza and Azael said, as written “the woman whom you did give to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat”… He (God) replied… You, Aza and Azael, have laid accusations before me that go beyond those of all the hosts above. If you were better than man in your actions, you would have had a right to accuse him, but man is destined to sin only with one woman while you are destined to sin with
many women
. Therefore, your
sins are greater
than those of human beings… As man sinned, I prepared
for him to amend his sin, as repentance takes precedence in the world. But for the angels,
atonement has no effect at all
As with the Nephilim, they, now, had their reward right in front of them - in this world
, already… and that’s all
(The) Nefilim… made themselves fall from their holiness, and they fornicated with women who were fair. Because of this, the Holy One, blessed be He, also eliminated them from the
world to come
, so that they may not have a portion there. And He
gave them their reward in this world
There’s nothing really left for them, after their mortal run on this earth finally ends. After the Fall of Adam, the Nephilim
that their lives would not continue forever. They would die, just as any other living being in this world. The Watchers were now in this same boat! After their deaths, God would sentence
of their souls down in
- imprisoned in the debts of the earth… until the end of our era.
This was even mentioned in the Bible
And the
angels who kept not their first estate
, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting
chains under darkness
unto the
of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah… giving themselves over to
- Jude
1:6-7 (KJV)
Angels who are
immortal do not really need to reproduce! Because human beings are mortal, however - and these fallen angels have
been made mortal -
could have been a huge reason behind their desire for coition, and pregnancies. By producing a child, one might feel at least
a part
of them could continue. So, by this, they may feel at least a little bit of “immortality,” by way of their offspring.
The following is a passage from a Jewish Midrash: a woman named Hannah was praying to God, in order to have a child. Notice what she says:
celestials never die
, and they do not reproduce their kind. Terrestrial beings die, but they are fruitful and multiply. Therefore I pray: either make me
, or give me a
(“The Watchers & the Nephilim”, n. d., p. 2)
This is much like a person who lives vicariously
through their children; as we so often see, today! These fallen angels now found themselves in a similar situation. Only terrestrial beings use methods such as these, in order to achieve some sort of immortal feelings; which would also be a reason why these angelic beings would develop such insatiable
sexual appetites.
To Feel Better
Must of us know that sex feels good, and helps to create children; but it is
pathway to personal gratification. It, temporarily, feels good; but one has to keep doing it - over and over again - in order to achieve a similar effect. That’s not complete. That’s not perfection. Regardless, many of these angels also felt the need to use
as a way for them to a least feel
a little
better about themselves. Regardless of how many times it was done, back then, we know that even angels couldn’t be
satisfied with all of their worldly attempts… even though they did it
a lot
…they were never satisfied from hunger because of their hybrid nature (1/2 Earthly - 1/2 Spirit), since their
Spiritual side was never fed
, since… (God) had no desire to accept these unwelcome offspring of the Watchers. They were considered no part of his Creation Scheme and therefore outside of his help, and they would not be able to take advantage of any redemption plan
(“The Watchers of Heaven FAQ Page”, n. d., p. 4)
The Continual Hunger
Their over-extended sexual appetites began to expand, as in
appetites. The angels, and their mixed offspring, also began to be tormented with a continual hunger, and not only for sex.
They began to eat a lot of food; they even began to develop a taste for human flesh and blood!
Nothing of this world really satisfied them; not for long! Much like a drug addiction, their thoughts became somewhat overwhelming:
These children grew up and became giants… and when they had
all the provisions which their neighbours had collected, they began to fight against men and to eat them, and at length they ate the flesh and drank the blood of
each other
Cave of Treasures
The Second Thousand Years
Again, it seems they were trying to gather some sort of immortality
through their overindulgences; no matter what
they would manifest into. Their drives to consume more and more resources began to have some negative side-affects to the world around them: their habits helped to destroy things around them. God, responding to this, even tried to rain manna
down from heaven, to give these individuals enough food to suffice their obsessions. Although He tried to help, He really did not want them to go beyond their normal diets, in any way. Nor did He did not want them to eat human flesh, or drink blood… that’s for sure. God was a gracious God, even though these individuals were already becoming so misguided in their ways.
The giant offspring, especially, was intent on rejecting any help from God. Through their acts, they began to lead other people down these same pathways.
The world was going downhill,
. Cannibalism was even becoming a normal part of human hunger; as well, a part of religious practice.
Eventually, the Anakim and Mighty Men became a
to the world - even downright
. There were reasons why God did not want these fallen angels to procreate.
Another Way to Avert Their Doom?
There may have even been, yet, another
reason why these fallen angels worked so hard
to pollute the earth with their own angelic sperm! We know the immortality of these angels had come and gone - their time on earth was upon them. Their next step would be eternal punishment. We also know the prophecy of which God gave to Adam and Eve: the savior would clearly be descended from a seed of Adam
(Gen. 3:15). And, at the time of his arrival, the savior would disable any
and all
of holds these angelic beings might have had on the earth; and this includes Satan! He would seal
their fate - pure and simple… and the angels knew it!
So, these angels thought: if they could, somehow, totally compromise the seed of Adam, at this time, it might be able disrupt God’s prophecy, here. If they could totally prevent this Adamic seed from being passed on to the eventual savior, then he might never be born… thus, nullifying this prophecy!
They would no longer be defeated! Through their rationale, they felt they could never be punished - if they only were able to accomplish this dastardly deed!
With this possibility in their view, the stage began to be set. The influx of angelic DNA into mankind’s gene pool now seemed to take on a life of its own! This was also probably why the Serpent worked so hard
to show women how to allure men to their physical/moral destruction!
Not only were these fallen angels having so much sex to raise their lowered feelings of self-esteem, and to feel some sort of “immortality” in having descendants, now
they tried to disrupt the prophecy of Genesis 3:15!
These angels, and their mixed, giant offspring, became so sexually outrageous that they began to be known by another famous name - demons
“The Living Demons”
…(human) creatures were formed… whose bodies were not completed, namely
. They joined the body of Adam (the Adamites), the male and the female… and
begot offspring in the world
. They are called the plagues of men…
Now, we see that these fallen angels, and their offspring, were the
of this “demonic” concept!
Yes, demons, today, are mostly thought of as almost entirely
in spiritual form
- evil “spirits.” Back then, however, these demons were considered to be
, terrestrial beings!
There are demons, known as the incubus
and succubus
, for example, who are considered to be spiritual
entities; seducing men and women while they sleep. Yet, an interesting quote on these particular demons seems to give us a clue to their real
origins, however:
According to one legend, the incubus, and its female counterpart, the succubus, were
fallen angels
. Union with an incubus was thought to produce demons, witches, and deformed children
(Killian, n. d., p. 22)
And, we know that the word
comes from the Greek word
; which means, “to divide” or “apportion.” And, we also recall that Adam once called Eve the “divider of mankind.” Because Eve may have produced a child with the Serpent, she bore offspring who would be at
with the seeds of Adam. These demons, because they also had seed of the Serpent and other fallen angels, would also, often, be at
with these same seeds of Adam - trying to
a whole number of people away from God, and His ways.
On top of being the world’s “dividers,” a
could also be referred to as “an inferior deity (or “god”).”
As we know, these angels and their offspring were becoming
so popular
that they tried to convince others around them to worship
, as
It should be remembered, however, that
these antediluvian heroes
were thought to be something
more than human
, since they were so close to the beginning of the world... The length of their lives is therefore symbolic of their supra-human characters
(Goldstein, 1933, p. 43)
Now, we know them as they
were; and where they
came from. Along with their Nephilim and Watcher forefathers, a good number of these hybrid-offspring would
have their souls imprisoned in the bowels of the earth, after their death. One ancient source stated that up to
ten percent
of these original hybrid souls were not brought down to the
, after their death - but destined to
on the earth, and become the
we know of today! They were, then, forever condemned to roam the earth, as
These are descendants (of Adam), but the earlier ones were not [human] descendents. What then were they?
… Throughout the entire one hundred and thirty years during which Adam held aloof from Eve the
male demons
were made ardent by her and she bore, while the
female demons
were inflamed by Adam and they bore…
And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh,
shall be called evil spirits
upon the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies, because they are born from men, and from the holy watchers is their beginning and primal origin… And the
of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst, and cause offences. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they
have proceeded from them
1 Enoch
15:8-9, 15:11-12
The destiny of these mixed descendants angered these
than their terrestrial, angelic ancestors. And, these are the reasons why the demons of which we’ve heard of today are thought to be so
vivacious; and have so much anger.
They desperately wanted (in the past), and still want, to achieve the immortality they no longer have; and also want to bring
they could down with them, as a result! Total pride dominates their thoughts
An Ancient Parallel of Worldly Domination
The Nephilim, Watchers, and their mixed offspring were responsible for bringing even more
deviant acts upon our world - those never done on such a grand scale.
…there emerge firm grounds to suggest that initiates and secret societies preserved, revered, even celebrated the forbidden knowledge that our most distant ancestors had gained their inspiration and wisdom, not from God or from the experiences of life, but
from a forgotten race remembered by us today only as fallen angels, demons, devils, giants and evil spirits
. Should such a view prove in any way correct, then it must indicate one of the greatest secrets ever
from mankind
(Collins, 1996, p. 10)
From these demons,
deviant sexual acts, serial murders, and even a crossbreeding of different animal species had begun.
People probably didn’t think too much about homosexuality and other alternative sexual practices until the angels (and their offspring) came upon the scene. They introduced orgies, sodomy, and other alternate sexual acts into the mix - now, as
One ancient source,
The Book of Jubilees
, stated: “all of them corrupted their order ways and their orders.”
At this time, deviations to both the human and animal kingdom - even acts of bestiality - became fashionable. The animal kingdom would not only be violated by men and angel, animals were crossbred, one species to another. The whole natural world, around these terrestrial individuals, was being manipulated - exploited
their natural means.
All acted corruptly… the dog (copulated) with the wolf, the fowl with the peacock; hence it is written, For all flesh had corrupted their way (Genesis 6:12)
Animals lost a lot of their natural tendencies. Some began to reject their own mates; others became increasingly violent and dangerous.
Sexuality truly lost a lot of its original uses and purposes. If these angels and their offspring were going to go down, they wanted to bring
the entire world
down with them; that’s how they felt about it
So many of the problems in our world, today, did not probably originate from some hormonal imbalance in human and animal; they probably didn’t originate with some fluke, some genetic mutation, or natural selection - but genetic manipulation
: a deliberate
perversion of the flora and fauna on our planet… pure and simple.
We know the fallen Watchers were supposed to teach people what
to do
; now they were beginning to do the opposite! No wonder why the world was becoming so rampant, as far as deviant
actions, here - it was like a drug enforcement officer showing people how to use
The misdeeds of the
and their
Mighty Men
descendants helped to devastate the world a lot more than any Nephilim could have dreamed. They might have totally destroyed most of the true orders of nature, if allowed to continue.
“Spreading the Disease”
According to Persian legend, Arimanes, the Evil Spirit, by eating a certain kind of fruit, transformed himself into a serpent, and went gliding about on the earth to tempt human beings. His devs (demons) entered the bodies of men and produced all
manner of diseases
Now, mental problems, genetic deformities, and other physical and emotional human conditions began to take hold with the populous. According to the
Book of the Generations of Adam
, one corrupted daughter of Adam (named
) now, even “manipulated the very fountain of life, until she had created new forms of beings dedicated to evil and the destruction of mankind. From then on,
began to spread among the sons of men, bringing sorrow and death upon them.”
The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back
Because of all these problems, the world was going downhill… rapidly. The time frame for the world’s self-destruction was upon them - there was almost no other way for mankind to go. Everyone who turned their back on God was almost drowned in
these new “ways” of Cain and the Serpent. The actions of the Nephilim, the Cainites, and now
the Watchers, almost brought to the world to the point of no return - unless God caused something drastic to happen.
Interestingly enough, throughout this all, something seemed to be “in the air.” People were beginning to have that feeling that some kind of change was soon to be upon them. There were even
, and their descendants, who were beginning to have these feelings: feelings that they, no longer, would be able to live the
way they did, in the past… they just “felt it.”
Now, they will find neither peace nor pardon. For every time they take joy in their offspring, they shall see
the violent death
of their sons and sigh over the ruin of their children… Trembling seized upon them… for they could not speak with God as afore time, nor even raise their eyes heavenward, for shame on account of their sins
(Ginzberg, 1909, p. 126)
What would happen to all of those who adopted these “ways?” What about the pious, if any, who were to be left behind, after God’s judgment? Could anything stop the world’s downward spiral, here? And, most importantly, would there be something on the horizon to assure the survival of the Genesis 3:15 Prophecy… preserving, a least, a little of the untainted, Adamic seed, still left?