Chapter 16
The Flood of Lust & Judgment - The Pious to Survive
Through their prayers the Lord God will deliver all those who believe from the flood of lust for this world. Amen .
- Armenian Apocryphal Adam Literature Tidings 59 1
The Nephilim, Cainites, and Watchers brought the world beyond the point of no return. The “Mary” and “Joseph” types were to be utilized; but, because of Lamech, were no longer needed. The whole world had to change; there were barely any Sethites to pass on Adam’s seed to (whomever would be) the next savior. God’s Judgment was upon them - there would soon be a devastating flood . 2 This would be the means God would use to right this entire wayward train. This flood is commonly known as the flood of Noah , today, and would change everything.
There are a variety of theories to why there had to be a flood: the most prominent (but not, necessarily, the most popular) being the fornication which occurred between the two seed lines. Whatever way people try to front it, however, it’s obvious that sin was in the center stage.
Again, we recall another definition of fornication:
…a wholesale abandonment of God and his righteous ways for women known to be in sin. This is what God calls fornication, not referring only to a sexual sin, but the sin of mixing the righteous with the wicked , truth with evil... This sin was so prevalent, and so blatant, a rejection of God that it could not be allowed to continue indefinitely .
(“There Were Giants on the Earth… The Nephilim”, n. d., p. 2) 3
The human population was not going in the right direction - the time was ripe for some change .
During the whole lifetime of Adam the sons of Seth had not intermarried with the seed of Cain, but when Adam died they intermarried… for seven generations the descendants of Seth kept righteous, but thenceforwards they became wicked. It was for this reason that God repented that He made man .
- Chronicles of Jerahmeel 24:11 4
The Time Had Come
And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation…
- Amos 8:10 (KJV)
As one could guess, in the world they once lived, there were no real laws, no real punishment, and no real organization. Chaos was on the horizon. There needed to be some sort of divine intervention - some kind of assistance - to save the remaining Sethite seed from dwindling into obscurity! No longer would there be such depravity; no longer would there be such decadence; or such sin. Imagine what would happen to the pious generations of Adam if some sort of action wasn’t taken at this time - there would soon be no pureblooded Adamites left; and no fulfillment of God’s “Seed Line” Prophecy.
God, now, needed to assure some seeds of Adam would continue. He, as well, must assure some seeds of the Serpent would survive - to allow this “other side” of the Genesis 3:15 Prophecy to be fulfilled, obviously! So, if Noah and his immediate family were the only ones to survive the flood (as so many might assume, today), then in what way could God’s prophecy be fulfilled, if no seeds of the Serpent were there?
If we were to assume that Noah and his family were the only eight who survived, there would be no Cainites, no Serpent-seeds, nor anyone else. We know that if the two prophecies of Genesis were to be fulfilled, things could not happen this way at all - there had to be other survivors of the flood! Some of each group had to make it through. Obviously, there may have been more to Noah’s flood than many might have assumed.
Just what was going to happen, and who would be allowed to carry on through this time ?
The Man of “Rest,” And “Comfort”
Enter Noah - the man who (as most of us know) survived this great flood. But, just who was Noah? The name Noah actually stands for “rest,” or “comfort.” The time of rest had arrived for the Sethites who still remained - rest was in store for those wondering if their seed would ever survive; and comfort for those with anxious thoughts about their own future. 5
At least a few with pure, Adamic blood were to survive; that’s fairly obvious. But, by the time of Noah, this would prove extremely difficult. There weren’t many pure Adamite souls left - probably just enough to be able to count, using one’s fingers ! There was so much crossbreeding between man, angel, and Cainite, that even the father of Noah had become suspicions of Noah - his own son! We will see, he thought his own wife had even committed fornication, the same way!
An Adamite named Lamech (not the Cainite Lamech) was Noah’s father. It was common knowledge, throughout these ancient times, that any of the offspring with angelic blood often came out of the womb with a shining countenance, at least somewhat. Noah did come out as a shining baby, much like the other mixed giants of the day.
(Lamech speaking) Behold, I thought then within my heart that conception was (due) to the Watchers
- The Genesis Apocryphon (1Q20) Col. II 6
Lamech immediately thought Noah was conceived through some affair of his wife; and ran right over to Enoch - that great judge/prophet of the day. 7 God instructed Enoch to tell him that it was a good sign. Noah, in actually, was quite a unique baby - with a very special purpose - and not to worry. If a pure-bred Adamite still had that angelic “shine” by that time, he/she must have been someone special. Now, baby Noah became a sign for the Adamites - the time had come for their seed to escape the present, evil world (and Enoch knew it) .
120 Years to Adam’s Death
We recall the famous “120-year span” of the Bible:
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man (the man, Adam), for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years .
- Gen . 6:3 (KJV)
And, we also know (in the above) that when the Hebrew word for “man” is used in conjunction with the article (“the”), then it usually stands for one man - the one man Adam . We also know this was the time the Watchers descended from heaven; never to return. Now, this “120-year span” seems to even have another meaning:
And the Lord granted them a period of one hundred and twenty years , saying, if they will return, then will God repent of the evil, so as not to destroy the earth…
- Book of Jasher 5:11 8
This proclamation of God officially condemned Adam to fulfill the ultimate punishment given to him in the garden - death . On the other hand, God also used this time to allow all of those evil descendants on the earth a chance to repent. 9 As we’ll see, the world, as a whole, wasn’t really going to take heed of any of this.
Let’s take a look beyond this “120-year” mark, and see how the Sethites would be allowed to escape all of this treachery with their “seed” still intact. Let’s look at the flood of Noah.
The “End of All Flesh” Had Come
Gen. 6:
6 And it repented the LORD that he had made the Adamites (i.e. man) on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart .
7 And the LORD said, I will destroy the Adamites (i.e. man) whom I have created from the face of the earth; both Adamite (i.e. man), and Behemah and Chay (i.e. beast), and the Remes (i.e. creeping thing), and the Owph (i.e. fowls) of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them .
(in retranslation)
Some interesting things going on here: God was angry, and decided to destroy the Adamites, as well as every other group of human beings around. He, probably, was going to destroy animals in the area, as well, because the fallen angels had also tainted other elements of our world. 10
But Noah Found Grace…
Gen. 6:
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD .
9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just Adamite (i.e. man) and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God .
10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth .
(in retranslation)
Here, Noah is first mentioned. Noah was considered “perfect” in his generations. What this probably meant was that he didn’t have any angelic seed in him - absolutely no tainted flesh. His seed was pure. 11 Noah, along with his sons, would be asked by God to build a large boat - an ark - to survive His up-and-coming flood. This flood of water would save all inside from total annihilation.
The Warning in the Sky
Gen. 6:
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence .
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth .
Acts of flesh tainted the known world. God tried to warn the people of what was about to happen. 12 According to ancient sources, God even warned the people in quite a unique way: He placed a huge bow in the sky (like the typical rainbow we see today). Apparently, before the flood, this bow was also paired with an arrow : an arrow of war. 13 Imagine a huge bow and arrow, high in the sky - actually pointed down at them? This was symbolic of God making a proclamation of their upcoming destruction - a bow of anger , with the arrow of wrath ! 14 This would be enough to scare most anyone who looked at it, assuredly! Many of us recall, after the flood, that God also allowed a rainbow to appear in the sky, in remembrance of the flood. This time, the bow did not have an arrow - a sign that peace had now come to the people. Yet, even with a gigantic bow and arrow in the sky (before the flood), most of the people did not have much of a desire to change themselves.
Noah also pleaded to God. One source stated that Noah even asked God to give the people seven more days - beyond the day the flood was supposed to start - to allow people one more chance to repent. God agreed. And, in its stead, He provided a great show of thunder and lightning everywhere. It was horrifying! This now should, hopefully, scare all of the people into repentance. 15 Correct? Of course, nobody really budged.
In one final, mind-blowing attempt, God tried something different:
And on that day, the Lord caused the whole earth to shake , and the sun darkened , and the foundations of the world raged, and the whole earth was moved violently, and the lightning flashed, and the thunder roared, and all the fountains in the earth were broken up, such as was not known to the inhabitants before; and God did this mighty act, in order to terrify the sons of men, that there might be no more evil upon earth .
- Book of Jasher 6:11
Of course, it was to no avail:
And still the sons of men would not return from their evil ways, and they increased the anger of the Lord at that time, and did not even direct their hearts to all this .
- Book of Jasher 6:12
That was it. The followers of Cain, and the descendants of mixed blood, were so evil that most didn’t even lift an eyebrow to what was going on around them! God, as merciful and patient as He was, would not put up with any more. The flood had to happen.
And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh (those with this mixed angelic blood?) is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth .
- Gen . 6:13 (KJV)
Time for Heavenly Angels to Do Some Preliminary Damage
…those (Nephilim and Watchers) who had reviled and made a laughingstock of Adam were conquered .
- Book of the Glory of Kings (Kerba Nagast) 100 16
It was at this time that some of God’s most powerful angels were sent down to the earth, to make one more last-ditch attempt to heal the earth of its corruption. These angels tried to frustrate the current plans of any of these fallen angels and their mixed offspring around (as well as any of the spiritual angels of Sammael/Satan). 17 According to some sources, there were actual battles - spiritual “combat” - between the angels of God and these fallen angels! 18
Then Michael, Gabriel, Suriel, and Uriel looked down from heaven, and saw the wickedness which Azazel had done in the world, and they heard the appeal which the souls of the dead were making to heaven, and they reported the matter to the Most High… The God commanded Rafael to bind Azazel hand and foot… Gabriel was sent to destroy all the children of fornication ; and Michael was sent to bind Semyaza (Shemhazai) and… (others, in order to)… imprison them under the mountains of the earth for 70 generations , after which time they were to be taken to the abyss of fire and tortured there for ever .
- 1 Enoch 9:1-10:15 19
It was also at this time that one of God’s angels - Raphael - grabbed the Serpent (i.e. Azazel), and brought him down to the Abyss (i.e. the Darkness of the Deep ). This is the spiritual “prison” of which the Bible speaks of :
By which he (Jesus) also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison ; Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah
- I Pet . 3:19-20 (KJV)
And God spared not the angels that sinned , but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness , to be reserved unto judgment, And spared not the old world , but saved Noah
- II Pet . 2:4-5 (KJV)
It’s fairly easy to assume this was the Darkness - the holding place for fallen angelic (and human) souls. Interestingly enough, the Book of Revelation stated that an angel named Abaddon was in this abyss. This angel was also known as the “destroyer.” Could Abaddon be the same as the Serpent (Azazel) - the fallen angel who help to destroy the world with weapons and tools of his introduction? 20
And, we already know that up to ten percent of the hybrid, human offspring - upon their death - would have souls destined to remain on this earth after their deaths… to act as demons . 21 Those direct offspring of the fallen angels who died naturally, as well as those destroyed by the angels of God, would have their souls sent strait to the Darkness ; and into these chains.
Eventually, the death of most of these sinful individuals was on the horizon. Some fallen angels - even Shemhazai himself (the leader of the Watchers) - repented to God, and pleaded for mercy. 22 Regardless of who may have sorry by this time, regardless of who might have had a change of heart, many of these sinful deeds have already been done; and those around began to understand what would be their fate. Whoever was chosen to survive this flood - on an ark - would, now, be entirely up to God .
Eight “Souls” to Survive the Flood
And all else from the wooden house
went forth
Into one place. And then, most just
of men ,
Went Noah forth, the eighth
- Sibylline Oracles Book. I, Line 331-341 2 3
Most of us know the story: eight people survived Noah’s flood… all of those, supposedly, were of Noah and his immediate family. According to a number of ancient sources, however, there may have been more than these on the ark! The Bible, believe it or not, might also seem to back this up. First, we already know that some sons of the Serpent (and Cainites) had to survive - to fulfil the Genesis 3:15 Prophecy. We also have to consider the possibility of other groups of human beings living at this time, and if God wanted some of them to survive. Why wouldn’t He? Was He that mean - especially to the other groups of people - just because they may not be of that special seed of Adam? Could a good number more have gone aboard?
If there was a possibility for more people on the ark besides eight, then why were we always led to believe that there were only eight souls saved? 24 If we look at the Bible:
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell… And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth , a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly…
- II Pet . 2:4-5 (KJV)
Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water .
- I Pet . 3:20 (KJV)
In the Bible, this might sound like an open-and-shut case… only eight were allowed on board. Most people were also taught these eight were: Noah , his wife , his three sons , and their wives . 25 The above tow verses also seemed to contradict any chance of more people going aboard… right? Not necessarily.
First, we’ll notice that the Bible (and other ancient sources) often might mention these eight persons in the terms of souls . 26 We see, in II Peter 2:5, the original Hebrew doesn’t make references to human beings at all, just “the eighth ”… the eighth what? I Peter 3:20 also refers to these eight in terms of souls . We are hard-pressed to locate most any reputable source of old which states anything other than human souls , here. Why? Ironically, the Bible is known to be the book of the generations of Adam (Gen. 5:1). Could this, then , give us an answer? The eight souls mentioned above could actually be referring to only the souls of a particular bloodline - the bloodline of Adam . 27 Since the Bible is “the book of the generations of Adam,” then we are to understand the flood truly only allowed eight Adamic souls to pass through it; pure and simple.
The number of people who came forth from the ark was eight souls , and they built the town of Themânôn after the name of the eight souls
- Book of the Bee 20 28
More Pious Allowed to Survive, However
At length, behold! there came Our command, and the fountains of the earth gushed forth! We said: “Embark therein, of each kind two, male and female, and your family - except those against whom the word has already gone forth, - and the Believers .” but only a few believed with him .
- The Qur’an Hud 011:040 29
Most probably, eight Adamic souls would be allowed to board the ark. Even so, this doesn’t mean that more pious individuals weren’t allowed to survive! 30 As we recall, there were crossbred giants who actually listened to Enoch. Upon hearing his warnings, they believed in God, and what He had in store for them. 31 A number were sorry, repented to God, and flat-out accepted their fate. Some begged for mercy. Some pleaded for God to save them. A number truly had a change of heart. Could some of these have been allowed aboard?
And, with the possibility of the Chay of the Field , the Owph of the Air , the Behemah , and the Remes that Creepeth as pre-Adamite human groups, there could have also been pious individuals from these groups, as well. Assuredly, there are a number of them who wanted aboard, also. Interestingly enough, the Bible seems to mention these exact same groups as coming and going off the ark!
Beyond any speculation of mixed giants going aboard, beyond any speculation of these other groups as going aboard, we also have more ancient works which stated a lot more than eight individuals survived Noah’s flood: 32
Talmaiel: A descendent of the Grigori who managed to escape both the flood and the swords of the avenging angels .
(Godwin, 1990, p. 113) 3 3
He (Noah) carried his three sons… and their wives, as well as six men of those who believed in him…
- al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood The Events That Took Place in Noah’s Time 196 34
He (Xisuthrus - the “Babylonian Noah”) therefore enjoined… (to) take with him into it his friends and relations… his wife, his children, and his friends…
- Berossus Of the Cosmology and Deluge 35
…they hid themselves in an ark… not only Noah, but many other people from the immovable generation .
- Apocryphon of John 36
A curious legend exists among the Slavonic nations… He (God) took from among Adam’s daughters the three finest… they were good and holy, and therefore did not perish in the Deluge, but entered with Noah into the ark and were saved .
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 60) 37
Noah and his family, together with a company of other believers, the number of whom some say was six, others ten, twelve, and even seventy-eight or eighty , half of them men and half women … were saved…
(Hanauer, 2007, p. 14) 38
There are even other ancient sources which state that Noah built a city , sometime after the flood; and the name of this city was Themanon . The name means, “city of the eight.” 39 Yet, interestingly enough, this same name, in Arabic, could also mean “city of the eighty .” 40 Could there have been, not just eight Adamic souls aboard, but, possibly, a lot more ... maybe even up to eighty ? 41 Islamic sources tell us:
“Embark therein, of each kind two, male and female, and your family… and the Believers.” but only a few believed with him .
- The Qur’an , Hud 011:040 42
They were eighty , referring to “the few ” in God’s word (the Qur’an): “But only a few believed with him”… Noah… built himself a village there which he called Thamanin (“Eighty”) because he had built a house there for each of the men who were with him; they were eighty
- al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood The Events That Took Place in Noah’s Time 195-196 4 3
Groups Going Aboard Together
One was traditionally taught that there were a good number of animals, also , on board the ark. Through divine providence, God signaled to the specific animals He wanted aboard, and told them to travel to the ark by themselves. 44 One source stated that a number of animals walked up to the ark, and lied down. Then, God appointed the two He wanted to stand up, and walk towards the ark. Noah, then, permitted them to enter.
Many have been told the Bible says that there were two of each species allowed on board the ark. How about any people , here? Doesn’t God care more about people, overall? Assuredly, animals are important to one’s idea of compassion, and are important to the livelihood of our world; but human beings are the real elements of our planet which need to be of concern, here (as most will agree). People would (and should) be of the most importance - at least to God. Does the Bible talk about any of these groups of people going aboard the ark, besides just Noah?
Gen. 6:
17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath (i.e. human souls?) of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die .
18 But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee .
19 And of every living Chay (thing) of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female .
20 Of Owph (fowls) after their kind, and of Behemah (cattle) after their kind, of every Remes that Creepeth (creeping thing) of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive .
(in retranslation)
If we look deeper into this, we see that these verses could not only refer to animals, but also to human beings. Could groups of people have been brought aboard, at this time? Assuredly, animals around them were important to them, in ways. Assuredly, animals were brought on board, too. That’s not the argument. Maybe they even went aboard with these different groups of people. Or, maybe they want on board at some time of which the Bible didn’t really notate! The significant thing, here, is how people were brought aboard the ark. After all, it was for the sake of the human race that God had to bring on a flood; and it was also for the sake of the human race that God wanted to build an ark in the first place! Animals are important, yes; but, really, not to the extreme of which they have been glamorized in traditional Bible stories… or, at least they shouldn’t be.
Did animals go alongside these groups of human beings, here? The following verse seems to develop on our theorem, a little bit. Note the following differences, when the Bible spoke about these different groups going on board:
They, and every Chay of the Field (beast) after his kind, and all the Behemah (cattle) after their kind, and every Remes (creeping thing) that Creepeth upon the earth after his kind…
- Gen . 7:14 (in retranslation)
Note the use of the words his and their . Why were different words being used - with these different individual groups - here? Could the use of the word “their” refer to a combination of human and animal , here; and “his” only referring to a group of human beings ? Why would we suggest this? Well, we’ve already postulated that the Behemah (i.e. Cattle ) were that group of individuals who worked with the animals; the shepherds, animal caretakers, etc. This was unlike the Chay of the Field , who probably may have worked the fields, almost exclusively. The Remes that Creepeth , as we’ve also theorized, probably did not work with animals, either. And, since the Behemah once, traditionally, took care of animals as their profession , they, now, may have been given the awesome responsibility of taking care of animals while aboard Noah’s ark (for the most part)! It all makes perfect sense: if animals did go aboard, many probably would have gone aboard at this time ; along with, and under the care of, the Behemah who traditionally worked with them, in the past!
Besides, even if this wasn’t the case (and if these groups were only animals), wouldn’t it be so much simpler for the Bible to state something like “all the animals went aboard at this time;” rather than divide up animals into these specific groups, here? Why do this? It really doesn’t make sense - except to help confuse. And, why would the Bible continually seem to mention these same group names - throughout Scripture? Why? The answer is probably that: the truth is a lot easier to read, here, than what certain individuals/translators believe we should see it say! It would be so much easier for the Bible to say, here, that “Noah and two of each animal entered”… if that’s what it was really trying to say!
Along these same lines, we have:
They, and every… Owph of the Air after his kind, every bird of every sort .
- Gen . 7:14 (in retranslation)
Obviously, the Owph of the Air , here, was not a group of birds . If they were, the Bible would have absolutely no reason to mention these two groups individually. Right?
Two-by-Two Groups of People Go Aboard
And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life .
- Gen . 7:15 (KJV)
In verse 15, we may even have more scriptural “proof” that God probably brought humans and animals together , in some instances. The above verse stated that two of each animal and two of each who had the breath of life went on board. Again, a human being is the only being who has this breath of life - this soul . 45 That’s what this means; the same as with the other verse, previously mentioned:
And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life , from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die .
- Gen . 6:17 (KJV)
Again, why does the Bible need to mention about animals having a breath of life ? Surely, dead animals aren’t about to walk aboard the ark. They wouldn’t be needed! If Scripture is as perfect as many of us believe, then these words were inserted for a reason … and, probably, not for the reason so many might assume, now-a-days. It’s all about mentioning those with souls … human souls !
Even non-Biblical works say something similar:
All the living beings (the humans with souls ?) that I had I loaded on it, I had all my kith (i.e. friends, neighbors, or relatives) and kin go up into the boat, all the beasts and animals of the field (i.e. the Chay and Behemah?) and the craftsmen I had go up .
- The Epic of Gilgamesh Tablet XI 46
With this in mind, let’s postulate, further. As we see, one of the verses we already mentioned (above) also might even separate animals and humans into two groups - stating that they went aboard Noah’s ark; side by side. 47 Let’s see:
And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two (i.e. animals?) and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life (i.e. people?) .
- Gen . 7:15 (KJV)
So, when the animals were to come aboard the ark (such as the times when they were to be accompanied by Behemah caretakers, for example), they walked aboard; two by two… they, and their human counterparts!
There are some other, non-Biblical works which seem to separate animals and humans into two groups:
(God speaking) But do thou (Noah)
Make haste and enter with thy sons ,
And wife ,
And their wives. Call as many as I bid ,
The tribes of beasts (i.e. the Chay and Behemah?) and
creeping things (i.e. the Remes?) and birds (i.e. the Owph?) ,
And in the beasts (the animals?) of such as I
To keep alive will I then strait
- Sibylline Oracles Book 1, line 242–248 48
Animals don’t really form into tribes … only humans do! In the non-Biblical account, below, the animals were brought aboard, as well as a group of “sentient” beings :
Early the next day he brought in the beasts and the cattle… In the middle of the day he brought in the birds and all the sentient beings … At sunset Noah and his sons and his sons’ wives entered…
- Book of the Rolls (Kitab Al-Magall) 28 49
The word sentient means “conscious.” What type of beings possesses a human-like consciousness… except human beings, themselves? Again, we see that more , sentient beings went aboard the ark… more “conscious” beings, beyond Noah and his family.
Gen. 7:
13 In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;
16 And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh , as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in .
Could a number of different groups of people have gone aboard Noah’s ark… beyond the usual “eight?”
Different Strokes for Different Folks
…he (Noah) should make three stories to it. The lowest should be for the tame and the wild animals and the cattle (the Chay, Behemah, and, possibly, the Remes?), the middle one for the birds and their like (the Owph?), and the highest one for him and his children and his wife and his sons’ wives .
- Book of the Rolls (Kitab Al-Magall) 24 50
Could the people and animals both have been placed within different levels of Noah’s ark - with each human group assigned to tend, or care for, different groups of animals? 51
So, in conclusion, we might be able to assume that pious were allowed on board - some from each group - to repopulate the world. Why would God only want to allow only members of Noah’s family to survive, here? Assuredly, there were other pious individuals from other creeds, races, or groups. Why wouldn’t God have enough of a heart to allow some of every pious group, here ?
Could the number of pious individuals aboard the ark be up to eighty in total… or even more ? And, what about any of the not-so-pious individuals left? Would some of them be able to get themselves, or some of their seed, aboard the ark? Let’s see.
The Great Deception
Although we know that some of those with mixed-blood could have survived the flood (to fulfill the prophecy of Genesis 3:15), there are many, today, who assume that every one of those who went aboard Noah’s ark had to have been pious! Many have concluded that God wouldn’t want any individuals who practiced evil to survive the flood. Makes sense.
And, obviously, none of the original fallen angels should have been allowed to survive; neither would any of the original Watchers. The Serpent, as we know, was, also, totally unrepentant . Their fate was in front of them. Yet, if they all knew they were going to die, maybe they could, somehow, immortalize themselves… through their descendants! Maybe , somehow, they could sneak some of their own seed on board. At least that would make them feel a little better . Maybe they felt they could “get back at” God, in their own little way. To do so, however, would have been a monumental task for these; but, that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have even tried.
Apparently, a lot of these angels, including the Serpent, himself, did try to find a way “out” for their own seed; as well as keep their apostate causes going! They weren’t going to just accept their futures; and welcome it with open arms. So, in order to accomplish this, they’d have to take almost any sinister route. Now , we’ll see that there may have even been fallen angels who listened to Enoch for, yet, another reason - to find a way out for their own seed!
Now, a major goal of the Nephilim and Watchers left - if they couldn’t get on board - would be to find a way to their own seed aboard; to continue on, with their anti-God “ways” :
…if it (their desires) had been in them as it is in men, the Devils would not have left any one in the world alone without corrupting them, till not a virgin would have been left on the earth, for the foul Devils love corruption and fornication. As they cannot do this, they change their nature on account of it; they recommend it to men and make them love it .
- Book of the Rolls (Kitab Al-Magall) 25 52
We can assume why these angels, and most of their immediate descendants, were not allowed to board the ark: they would not have a change of heart. There was no way they were going to change their natures. They were trying their hardest to figure out ways to do things their own way , here. How would they pull it off… if they could?
Well, we recall that many people might assume that Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their three wives were the eight Adamic souls who survived the flood… makes sense. And, the Bible seems to be correct in stating that eight Adamic souls went aboard the ark. So, that’s not the issue. But, the question which arises, now, might be: were these eight the members of Noah’s family? Just who these eight were might actually become the point of conjecture, now! If there would be any manipulation done… how about doing it with these eight ? Could the fallen angels have even inserted their own seed into the immediate family of Noah?
We’ll soon see that there may have been two or three people - out of the eight immediate members of Noah’s family - who didn’t have pure, Adamite blood, here… but had the blood of fallen, angelic beings!