Chapter 17
The Real Adamites to Go Aboard - The Flood Occurs
The first race he (Adam) supposed to have peopled the whole world... Adam was created with a spiritual soul, and that from Adam the Jewish race was descendents, whereas the Gentile nations issued from the loins of the pre-Adamites. Consequently the original sin of Adam weighed only on his descendants, and Peyreira supposed that it was his race
which perished,
with the exception
of Noah and his family, in the Deluge…
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 28)
When the Bible states that “everyone died” in the flood, could this mean that the rest
of the Adamites
died… except the eight
; or could it mean that everyone
died who wasn’t aboard the ark; or both
? We’re not sure. We are not sure how specific the Bible goes, here… but we can assume, for sure, that those aboard the ark were saved.
We already know of ancient written texts which state that a number of people could have been aboard the ark, beyond those “eight.” Now, what about these eight (Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives)… can we assume that they were all
Adamites, and of this pure seed of Adam?
The Assumed Eight Survivors
oah’s Wife
Japheth’s Wife
Shem’s Wife
Ham’s Wife
We’ll now see that, inside of these eight, there could have been a few discrepancies: two or three may, actually, not
have had pure, Adamic blood. Who
could have been these exceptions… and what
may have really happened, here? Were these fallen angels involved, somehow
The First Wife of Noah
According to ancient sources, Noah remained a virgin for almost 500 years.
He may have been afraid (as many people often were) that any of his offspring would perish in the up-and-coming flood. Close to the time the flood, however, God instructed Noah to marry anyhow.
All his contemporaries begot at a hundred or two hundred years, while he begot at five hundred years! The reason, however, is that (God)… said: “If they [Noah’s sons] are to be wicked, I do not desire them to perish in the flood”… Therefore the Lord stopped his
and he begot at five hundred years
God wanted Noah’s children to remain pious; so He allowed him to bear children late
in life - so they would not
be exposed to a lot of this worldly temptation, at the time.
Beyond this, Noah could have had at least two wives, over time. The first (in succession) could have been someone we already know of - a virgin
. There were many names for this woman. Could it possibly the aforementioned “virgin” - that “Mary” character, of before?
By most accounts, his first wife of Noah was known as his “true love.”
A few of her names were
, or even
Another name for her -
- was probably the most interesting one, here. The ancient historian
stated that Azura could have been a sister of Seth; or another descendant of Adam and Eve.
And, we know
was a descendant of Adam and Eve, as well; and even was considered a sister of Seth, by some accounts. Now, could Azura be
: the direct descendent of Eve; and this
“virgin” mother?
…(Noah’s wife’s) name was Noema (Norea/Horea?)… The Gnostics called her Noria…
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 123-124)
If this was
the case, then Horea, like Noah, were both virgins for a long, long time. After foiling the advancements of these fallen angels, and before
her ascension into
heaven, God could have held Horea over for one more task: to marry Noah
! At least, if she wouldn’t be allowed to be mother of the antediluvian “savior,” maybe she could have at least married Noah; and had a couple of his
The first wife of Noah, according to sources, probably bore him his sons Japheth
and Shem
. Then
, at this time, she may have been allowed to ascend into heaven! Her role on earth was over. She did, at least, contribute to her society, some
With the woman gone, Noah was now all by himself. What was next for him? Was Noah going to have any more children? Was he going to be alone, from then on?
And, what about that “anti-Horea” of their day - known as Norea
? She was probably still around, at the time of Horea’s departure. As we recall, Norea was, most probably, the plant
of the fallen angels and the Cainites - their own
version of “Mary.” Both of these women lost their bids to become the mother of the promised savior. So, what might have been next for this “anti-Horea?” Word probably got around that Noah married the real “Mary” character; and even had children by her. So, many around may have realized that the “Mary” character of the day was granted this honor; which was beginning to expose the other “Mary” - the “anti-Horea” - as a fraud
. Would she bow her head in utter defeat, due to this exposure; or would she go on, and attempt to do something about it?
From the ancient evidence, we know Noah had
wife; probably a second wife.
Interestingly enough, this was not
. It was a woman of whom we’ve mentioned before -
; the famous Cainite of the Bible! What a change of pace for the patriarch Noah, now. Why marry a Cainite? And, if this happened - if Norea didn’t end up with Noah, as
she probably assumed
was her place - what did she, and her angelic supporters, attempt to do to Noah, as a
As we begin to discover these answers, let’s first look at Naamah
, and how she came into this whole picture.
Noah’s Second Wife?
Because of two unfulfilled prophecies, some of those with Cainite
blood had to go aboard Noah’s ark, at this time; and that’s without a doubt. There are a number of ancient accounts which state that Noah married someone of Cain’s
kin. It would be at this time
that Naamah
would have come onto the scene. This could have even been part of God’s plan to have some of these Cainites go aboard the ark; we’re not sure. Regardless, this woman, as we recall, could have even had blood of the Nephilim
- even the Serpent himself! Why was she chosen?
A year-or-so after his first two sons were born, Noah could have married her:
And when Noah was for hundred and fifty years old, he begat a son and he called his name Japheth. Forty two years later he begat another son of her who was the
mother of Japheth
, and he called his name Shem.
Eight years
later Noah begat a son
of his wife Naamah
Writings of Abraham
11:1-3 (also 12:1, 16:1)
With the amount of ancient evidence, abroad, it’s almost certain that Noah probably married Naamah; at least for a certain length of time.
And Noah took her on this wise: For the word of the Lord came unto Noah, saying, Take unto thyself
, the daughter of Lamech, who dwelleth here in the city of thy fathers, for she hath been faithful to my gospel, wherefore I shall preserve through her the
seed of Cain
through the flood
Writings of Abraham
12:2 (also 16:1)
Wherefore, let not my son Noah fear to take her to wife, for in so doing he shall be blessed for through him will
Writings of Abraham
In conclusion, here, we now discover that Naamah, for whatever reason God wanted her, could have been the first
member of these famous eight who really didn’t
have pure, Adamic blood!
Woman Corrupted
Naamah may have started
a wholesome woman:
When Adah and Zillah, the wives of Lamech, learned of this, they took their remaining sons and daughters and went unto their father Cainan's city and revealed the remainder of the secrets of this evil combination among the sons of Adam. Thus did
come to dwell among the sons of Adam and she grew up before the Lord
in righteousness
and was known for
her tender care
toward the sick and the
. Nevertheless, she had not husband because
she was of the forbidden race
Writings of Abraham
Naamah was, once, very well-known for how agreeable, and
, she was to others.
She also became famous for her
ability: she sang to the timbrel - a musical invention of her brother
. As with today, those who wrote music, and sang, back then, often had the ability to become
influential to people around them. Naamah, quickly, began to rise in popularity. She also was thought to have taught women the beautifying of themselves; as well as hairdressing.
Because of her overwhelming beauty and tenderness, as well as her abilities, she became famous to the masses.
And, as we recall, there were others who were interested in her - for more
than just her positive talents:
…”And the sister of Tuval Kayin (Tubal-Cain) was Naamah” (Beresheet 4:22). Why do the scriptures mention her name, Naamah (
)? It is because people were seduced by her overwhelming beauty and tenderness, and
lusted after her… the sons of Elohim, Aza, and Azael were seduced by her. Because of those seductions, she was named Naamah…
Eventually, Naamah raised the eyebrows of many around her,
some of the most important fallen angels of the day. She had a lot, she knew a lot, and, now, could have begun to use all of this to her advantage.
She, soon, had fallen angels in her left hand, Noah in her
- and her desire to survive God’s horrible flood in the middle! Things may have been changing in her mind, in regards to her feelings of “self-importance,” and how to work the system. And, now, she really wasn’t about to mind using
whatever it took
to achieve any of her end-goals, now
The Hot One
After Shem and Japheth, Noah’s younger son - Ham
- was born. We know that Noah probably begat Japheth and Shem with his previous wife. Soon after this, Noah could have fathered a son with Naamah
, now - his new wife. We recall:
And when Noah was for hundred and fifty years old, he begat a son and he called his name Japheth. Forty two years later he begat another son of her who was the mother of Japheth, and he called his name Shem. Eight years later Noah begat a son
of his wife Naamah
, who was of the seed of Cain, and he called his name
Writings of Abraham
At the moment of Ham’s birth, Naamah made a statement about her
son, here; just as Eve had, a couple of times! We recall that:
…Noah begat a son of his wife Naamah, who was of the seed of Cain, and he called his name Ham, for she said,
Through him will the curse be preserved in the land
Writings of Abraham
We also recall that one meaning of the name Cain
is possession
. And this, as we know, seems to be related to a circumstance of his birth: after he was born, he rose up, grabbed a stick or branch, and gave it to his mother. This desire to take, and possess
, things of this earth seemed to follow Cain for the rest of his life. Ham’s
name, interestingly enough, could also
have been a reflection of the kind of life he
would live in the future:
Hebrew names are often based on common words, giving the names special meanings that relate it back to characteristics of the individual or thing being named
(Quayle, 2005, p. 218)
Well, what could
mean; and how would his name be associated with something about him, or his
? The name
comes from a Hebrew word meaning “
.” It could also mean “
,” or “passionate.”
We see, according to ancient sources, that when God refashioned our present world, heat
seemed to have been involved in the process! He hovered over the waters of the Darkness
, and the waters, below, became hot
…the whole nature of the waters glowed with heat, and the leaven of creation was united to them. As the mother-bird maketh warm her young by the embrace of her closely covering wings, and the young birds acquire form through the
of the heat which (they derive) from her, so through the operation of he Spirit of holiness… the leaven of the breath of life was united to the waters when He hovered over them
Cave of Treasures
The Creation: First Day, First Day
From this, we discover:
…the Spirit of holiness… hovered over the waters, and through the hovering thereof over the face of the waters, the waters were blessed so that they might
become producers of offspring
, and they became
… And when the dust of the earth became
, it brought forth all the trees, and plants, and seeds, and roots which had been conceived inside it…
Cave of Treasures
The Creation: First Day, Fourth Day
Heat - the sensation of feeling hot
- often may also be connected with the act of coition, or sexual
activity. The sexual act itself, as most know, could generate a good deal of body
heat. What about Ham
- and his role in this all?
One theory abounds: Noah could have noticed something a little different about Naamah, in regards to her coitus with him. It seemed that Naamah might have been much more sexually voracious
than the other, non-Cainite - hence a reason for the name of their product, Ham
The Vice of the Soul
And, we know Naamah was thought to have, once, been a very beautiful woman. Beyond being a Cainite, however, she might have even been the offspring of an angelic being, herself (as we speculated)! We know, around this time, that she may have begun to
seek power for herself, and agree to affairs with certain fallen angels. Could these concepts of “heat” or “fire” be connected with her desire for coition with these angels, as well?
…The angels are flaming
… (this same)
came with the
of flesh and blood, but did not burn the body…
Pirke deR. Eliezer
After becoming corrupted by these encounters, she may have come to Noah with a pattern of sexual voraciousness and an almost-overbearing amount of passion:
”… (is) a sign of vice of the soul…
The “Changeling”
Beyond any over-bearing sexual practices, Naamah could have indulged in other
very questionable activities with fallen angels. What happened next is purely under speculation. We don’t have ancient evidence to support the following in any definitive nature; but there are
ancient written texts to support that this could have happened.
There are two
theories that surround Ham, and how he got aboard Noah’s ark. The Bible states that Noah begat his son Ham; and they both went aboard the ark - simple. And, it probably happened this way - in a way
. There may have been some underlying variants to this whole story, however. The first thought was that Ham may have been switched at birth. Noah and Naamah did
, indeed, bare a child Ham; but the Ham that went aboard the ark was not the same baby: it was a changeling
. A changeling
is defined as another
baby, switched (or “secretly inserted”) soon after the first baby’s birth! In this case, the changeling was actually a mixed-blood offspring of a fallen angel… inserted to perpetuate their seed. There was no DNA back then. This ability to switch a newborn was, probably, much more prominent. How was Noah to know, for sure? In this case, Noah may have gone along with it, not knowing he was no longer the father.
As we now see, Naamah was, interestingly enough, also famous for something else
…she (Naamah) was the mother of demons, being of the side of Kayin, and… she is responsible for the epileptic
death of babies
What if one of these angels did not want to accept his fate; and worked with Naamah to make a deal - and pass
his own seed
through the flood? What if they both agreed to switch a baby at birth? What if Naamah did it to fulfill some sort of obligation to her
family line; after all, she was a Cainite? Who knows? Maybe one of these angels even raped, or cohabited with, Naamah at the time she was married; and she felt shame by it; had a child through him (and not Noah) on the sly - we simply don’t know for sure.
How would anyone know, for sure?
One ancient Gnostic work stated:
But in turn the angels
secretly introduced
Kham (
) into the ark, for
he belonged to their posterity
. For, they say that out of eight persons then saved in that ‘coffer’ of Noah seven belonged to the pure people, but one-namely Kham-belonged to the other power, having sneaked on board… And this plan, which was contrived by the angels, came out as follows. Now-they say-inasmuch as the angels recognized that their entire people was going to be obliterated by the flood, by trickery they secretly added the aforementioned Kham in order to preserve the
people, which had been
made by them
. And as a result of this (people) there arose forgetfulness, error, sinful undisciplined passions, and evil promiscuity among humankind within the world. And thus the world turned back again to its original state of disorderliness and became filled with evils as it had been in the beginning before the flood
The Sethians According to St. Epipanius
Whatever way it might have happened, the switch of one Ham by another “Ham” could have ensured the survival of, at least, one
seed of a fallen angel, destined for death.
The second thought was that Ham had a brother; close to him, in name. Noah could have had a forth son at this time, named Yam
. One went aboard; the other didn’t. Yam, like Horea, could also have been thought of as “type,” and “anti-type,” in a way… one being true
and just
; the other imitation
. We, now, see ancient evidence to support this
thought, as well
The Four Who Persecuted Noah
God, as most of us know, instructed Noah to build an ark; an ark whose construction would take a long, long time. During this time of construction, Noah began to warn the people around him of God’s impending doom. Some listened; many more didn’t.
Ironically, the ark was said to have been built in the encampment of Cainites themselves - possibly because it gave Noah opportunities to witness to them; or it even began to serve as a test of
Noah’s resolve
Regardless of the reason, this situation also allowed some of the Cainites to be able to speak their mind against Noah - to be disruptive to this whole ark-building progress.
Ancient sources commented on this disruption:
Noah was enjoined to tell no man that he was making the ark; and, miraculously, his tools made no noise when he worked at it. The devil, anxious to prevent the building, went in human form to Noah's wife and asked her where her husband spent his time so secretly. She could not tell. He effectually roused her jealousy and suspicion, and gave her certain grains. “These,” he said, “if put in Noah's drink, will force him to tell you all about it.” This happened: Noah gave away the secret, and next day, when he went out to work, the first blow of his axe resounded through all the countryside. An angel came to him and rebuked him for his want of caution
Queen Mary's Prayerbook
(Brit. Mus. Royal 2. B. 7)
And while he was building the ark, the
cried out, the
cried out, the
cried out, <and> the
cried out, “Behold, a flood is coming and it will destroy this world!” When Noah heard the cry of the axe, he went <and> related to everyone that a flood was coming, Every man scorned him… They would scorn and say, “Look at the ignorance of Noah, who says a flood is coming!”
Armenian Apocryphal Adam Literature
Tidings 37-38
Probably during that “120 year” span God gave man to change his ways, He also directed Noah to minister to the people around him.
When Noah was 480 years old, it seems, he began to preach - all the way till his 600
year. A lot of people laughed at his warnings, and didn’t do anything but mock him.
Some even became violent to him.
According to one ancient source, four
people continually tried to persuade everyone that Noah was wrong; even mad
- Noah’s wife (so named Wa’ileh)
Ij ibn ‘Anak (translated
the son of Anak
Noah’s own
How would these people be related, in any way, to the eight Adamites who went aboard the ark? Let’s see.
The “Fire Woman”
We recall that Noah’s first wife was probably named Azura
(or Horea
). She was continually tempted by a couple of fallen angels; and, eventually - after bearing Shem and Japheth - ascended into heaven. The above woman - Wa’ileh
- probably wasn’t Horea… she had probably ascended into heaven already, by this time! She probably wasn’t Naamah, as well. Naamah wouldn’t really want to be too upset with her husband at this time, because she was already
going on board. Yes, this probably was another name for the scorned Norea
- the “plant” of these fallen angels.
And, we do recall that Norea was no longer in contention for this “Mary” character, because she no longer existed. She did not have much of a purpose in the world anymore; and now, was, probably, even more angry that Noah chose to take the other, true
“Mary” as his wife. She was in the mood for action.
And, if we think about it, a lot of the Cainites and other people around her were wholly convinced that she
was the real
, anointed one - the mother of this “savior.” It only made sense
(to so many) that she
should have, at least, been the one to marry Noah, and to survive the flood. Ancient Gnostic sources provide us with an interesting affirmation, here:
…when she wanted many times to be with Noah in the ark, her request was denied since -it says- the ruler (God?) who created the world wanted
to destroy her
in the flood along with all the others
The Sethians According to St. Epipanius
There are a number of ancient, mythological accounts which considered
as Noah’s proper wife.
Ultimately, we could only place her as a scorned woman who considered herself as having a rightful heir.
And, interestingly enough,
was known for one more thing: in Greek mythological accounts, for example, the name
could have originated from
, a word meaning “fire.”
Another character of ancient mythology -
- was, often, considered to be the Greek’s version of “Noah;” and this Deucalion was
said to have been married to
- a woman with a name meaning “bright red,” or “fire.”
Why? Yet, another equivalent for
, in ancient mythology, is
- the goddess of the forge.
Why all these associations with
And-it says-she (Norea) laid siege to the “coffer” (i.e. the ark) and
it, once, again, and a third time. Hence, indeed, the construction of Noah’s ‘coffer’ went on for many years because it was
burnt many times
by her. For–it says-Noah put his trust in the ruler (God?), whereas Noria (Norea)… (supported those)…
to the ruler
The Sethians According to St. Epipanius
A scornful Norea probably did everything she could to upstart
Noah’s construction - including her attempts to burn the ark! Obviously, it wasn’t very successful.
We recall the four people against Noah at this time:
Noah’s wife (so named Wa’ileh)
Ij ibn ‘Anak (translated
the son of Anak
Noah’s own
We will learn more about Ij ibn ‘Anak - or Og
- in a future chapter. What we need to know about Og now is that he was considered a Mighty Man
- one of those offspring of the Watchers and human women. One source states that the leader of these Watchers, Shemhazai
, could have tried to allow his seed to survive, as well! And, according to the Bible, this same Og
(and his brother Sihon) lived well beyond the flood - into the time of Moses, even. How could this be? If they were both alive before
the flood occurred, as
ancient texts tell us, then they must
have survived the flood, somehow. But, now, what was so significant about Og at this time, regarding Noah, and the building of the ark?
Og was considered either the son, or grandson, of Shemhazai.
And, before the infamous
married his own wife, she either was raped, or had an affair with, a fallen angel (or even Shemhazai, himself)… and
was the result. Then, when Ham eventually married her, he accepted Og as part of his family. So, near to the time of the flood, Ham’s wife was raped, or seduced, by a fallen angel (or even Shemhazai) again; and became pregnant, once again.
with Noah to take her aboard the ark, because it was obvious she was the mother of the mixed Og and Sihon. Noah reluctantly agreed. But, Ham may
have told him she was pregnant, yet again.
Noah really didn’t feel as if they should go on board in the first place; but, out of the generosity of his heart, he allowed all of them on board. Og (and probably Sihon) survived on top of the ark, holding onto a beam. And, Noah graciously put food and provisions out for him, on a daily basis.
As a statement of gratitude, Og
that he would become a servant to Noah, and his posterity, from then on!
This whole story did not have a happy ending, however; as we’ll soon see. Og’s attitude would not end up “too far from the tree,” regardless of the gracious treatment he received by Noah, overall.
Next, as far as the third character - Anak
- we are not sure. Could this have been a name for Ham’s wife - the mother of Og? Possibly, she wasn’t very happy that Noah had trepidations about wanting to welcome her, and her mixed sons.
Finally, the forth character (above) - one of Noah‘s sons - could have even been
, himself.
Possibly, Ham was also upset that Noah had trepidations about his choice of wife; we’re not sure.
Whoever these four individuals were - those who began to protest Noah and all that he stood for (even without openly saying it) - we do
have ancient evidence that Noah’s own wife, Naamah, was a Cainite, who was beginning to fall to corruption. And, we also have her son Ham
as another individual aboard the ark - a second
individual who might not
have been of pure, Adamic blood. Could there have been more
Ham’s Wife - Also a Cainite
Along with these two, there could have been
member of Noah’s family who was a Cainite: Ham’s
Possibly, as we know, Ham took compassion on this woman because he, himself, also had Cainite blood! Who knows?
Now Ham's wife was named Zeptah and she was also of the
seed of Cain
Writings of Abraham
Like minds think alike.
If so, now we have three - three
souls without pure, Adamic blood! Since Naamah, Ham, and Ham’s wife possibly did not have this pure seed of Adam, just who
were the real
eight souls that the Bible tallies, here?
The Real Eight Souls
We, now, recall the eight Adamites - along with the three
who weren’t totally purebred:
Noah |
oah’s Wife (Naamah)
Japheth |
Japheth’s Wife |
Shem |
Shem’s Wife |
Ham |
Ham’s Wife |
And, we already may be able to assume there could have been a number
of people going aboard Noah’s ark; beyond just these eight. Noah could have asked personal servants, his friends - even his concubines
- to board. So, looking at the above, we could
assume that up to three
of these other people could have been of pure, Adamite blood (to make the total eight
, again):
of Noah was an important personage… She was named Sambethe, and was the first Sibyl… (This) Sibyl… was
of the race
of Noah
(Baring-Gould, 1881, p. 123-124)
…And Noah together with his sons, his [
] and his son’s wives… entered the ark…
Genizah Manuscripts
Gen. 7:7
…he (Xisuthrus - the “Babylonian Noah”) immediately quitted it with his wife, his
, and
the pilot
Of the Cosmology and Deluge
he invited
his people
…to a feast
…his family was brought on board
I made to go up into the ship all my family and
of the field, the beasts of the field, all
I made them go up into it…
I went into the ship and shut my door
To the
of the ship, Puzur-Enlil the sailor
I committed the great house (the ark / ship), together with the contents thereof
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Loading of the Ship
If we put these all together, the most rational “eight” could be:
ah’s Sister, Daughter, Daughter-in-Law, or Another Wife
Japheth’s Wife
Shem’s Wife
The Pilot
The Architect / Handicraftsman of the Ark
Ultimately, whoever they really were, there were probably eight Adamic souls
saved from among the children of Seth (just as the Bible said)
All the children of Adam today trace their pedigree back to Seth. That is because the offspring of all the other children of Adam except those of Seth have completely disappeared, and not one of them remains
al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood
Eve Giving Birth to Seth 153
Now, Why Did It Have To Be a Flood?
And God said unto Noah, “Go about among the people and tell them that a
shall come and shall overwhelm them… build it (the ark)… in presence of the children of Cain… and if they will not repent they shall perish, and the blame shall rest on them.”
Third Book of Adam and Eve (The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan)
Ch. 2
Adamites were chosen. The year of Noah’s flood was approximately 2370-2369 B.C.
Interestingly, the word
comes from the same word as the word
(in Gen. 1:2, for example).
Would this devastating flood be not unlike the pre-Adamite devastation which once led so many human and angelic souls to the
, or the abyss?
But, why would it have to be a flood, again? It might be for an
reason, here - God, assuredly, understood what was going on in the world below, and the people were about to get
what was coming to them - in some sort of
As we know, flagrant sexuality and illicit sexual practices were, often, considered the largest contributors to God’s desire for judgment.
The “flood” of sin was about to have its impurities “washed away”:
The idea that the flood was essentially a purifying bath derives… from the very essence of the thing: bathing was, in ancient Israel, seen as a means of cleansing not only from actual dirt but from “
” as well - a concept in which the physical and metaphysical met
All of their “folly and impiety” were going to be “washed” away from human existence; much like a good
would wash away any impurities on a plot of land.
From Cain arose and were descended all the generations of the wicked, who rebel and sin… and they said: We do not need the
drops of Thy rain
, neither to walk in Thy ways, as it is said, “Yet they said unto God,
Depart from us
” (Job 21:14)
Pirke deR. Eliezer
How cruel: many people of the day still
did not think God was really serious; and/or really didn’t care
. They didn’t want any “rain” of influence upon them, and what they were still doing - especially from God
, Himself. So, it’ll soon be easy for us to conclude that water
, and a flood
, would become a perfect
retaliation for such a flood
of immorality they were saturating the earth with. It was the perfect method used before Adam’s formulation; and, now, seems the perfect method to use again (probably because the world before Adam had degenerated into much the same
state of moral decadence and decay).
The “120 years” time frame, before the onset of the flood, were about to come to a close; with Noah using the last breaths he was allowed to reach anyone and everyone he could.
We also know that some of the hybrid offspring of his day (of these fallen angels) actually
listen to Enoch, and probably Noah, as well. And, as a result, some of these individuals might have
been allowed aboard! Yes, God wanted to be fair to everyone, it seems… regardless of the circumstances of their birth.
There were other individuals around who, half-heartedly, may have even
that what they were doing could have been wrong, at least somewhat; and probably tried their
solutions to the societal problems brewing around them. They rationalized: “If there are so many problems in our society, today - which result from such open and unbound sexual practices - then we simply
won’t do
certain things that might make things worse… such as produce as many mixed offspring as we did before, and the like! We will
our sperm at the point of orgasm, and divert it from our coitus.
should help solve things!”
As one interpretation of early Genesis goes: “
And God saw the earth, and behold it was
” (Gen. 6:12). In other words, a number of people
didn’t want to change their ways, as far as stopping their sexual rampages, their orgies, and their perversions. And, they realized that having the offspring which resulted from these exchanges (as well as bringing on more Anakim and Mighty Men) was beginning to weigh on their society. The less responsibility they had (as far as time spent on raising
children, etc.), the
time they had to commit their sexual atrocities and perversion, here! So, why have children, anyhow? Many no longer wanted to take the time and effort to raise children, if it was getting in the way of achieving their goals! Doesn’t
sound a lot like much of the rationale so many people use, today? The real problem - according to them - is not
their actions, just the children which resulted from it!
was what’s getting in their way… not their
actions. Doesn’t this sound a lot like the rationale behind many of those who have
, today? People want to do their careless actions without any inconveniences resulting from. They did not want to give up any of their current habits; they just wanted to fix things
their own ways
. Again, we see that it’s not
, in itself, as being the problem; it’s the way it was being used!
So, the people of the day began to abuse their “fountains” (i.e. their penises), on a grand scale. They poured their semen everywhere! They even spewed onto trees and stones.
Their sex did not decrease, however. There was no change to their actions… it was just that their sex, now, began to look a lot more open, and contrary. Interestingly enough, we
see - at the beginning of the flood - that the “fountains of the deep” were being broken up:
of water were gushing up, from beneath the earth. Why? When a flood normally occurs,
usually falls,
… then, followed by the eventual overflow of water (on the surface of the ground). In Noah’s flood, however,
the opposite
seemed to occur - the waters of the earth,
, came from the fountains of the deep; and
the rains came sometime after (Gen. 7:11). Why? Again, the reason was simple: if mankind thought they could spew their “fountains” wherever they wished, there would now be fountains
of the earth
spewing liquids right back at them! How ironic. This was judgment, again - in God’s perfect way. As David (the psalmist) once wrote: “
Deep calleth unto deep…
” (Psa. 42:7).
In regards to this irony, there’s another
story which describes how the pious of God were told to go aboard the ark. Noah, according to one source, owned a brick oven (and old brick oven, once belonging to Eve, herself
)! A sign, soon, came to him, from the midst of this oven
The “oven” with the water boiling that God made a sign between Himself and Noah was an oven of stone that belonged to Eve… Noah was told: When you see the water
forth from the oven, go aboard, you and your companions!
al-Tabari: The History of al-Tabari - Vol. I: General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood
The Events That Took Place in Noah’s Time 193
Again, another taste of irony, here: the boiling of water of the oven would be another sign of the boiling water to come onto the world. Boiling water?
Hot Water for “Hot Times”
As their sensual desires had made them
, and inflamed them to immoral excesses, so they were chastised by means of
heated water
(Ginzberg, 1909, p. 159)
The eight pure-blooded Adamites were now on board; and so were the others. The ark was all ready to go. The doors to the outside world had just been closed. As the “fountains of the deep” began to open, here, water would begin to flood all of the areas around the ark - and those who were still outside. To make matters worse for those outside
the ark, the water that fell from heaven came down hot - boiling
The people in the generation of the Flood sinned with
hot passion
, and with
hot water
they were punished…
Babylonian Talmud
Mas. Zevachim 113b
Since the people enjoyed
, sensual times before the flood, it had now come back to them the same. According to one interpretation, God heated the deluge via “
the pit of hell’s flames
,” to punish their fiery lusts with scalding water. The rain of fire poured down on those evildoers.
Not only were these rains hot, but the “fountains of the deep,” which came up from the earth,
scalded everything it came across!
This made it extremely difficult for anyone trying to escape these rising waters. People may have tried, but no one could stand going near the holes which spewed this water out.
They stretched out their feet, and stopped up all the holes of the abyss. But what did God? He made the waters of the abyss boiling hot, so that their flesh were scalded, and the skin came off…
(Eisenmenger, 1748, p. 78)
The heat increases as we descend into the earth, and hence many scientific men have held that the interior of our globe is a reservoir of liquid fire… just as God broke up the fountains of the great deep to cause the Deluge, so will He command His stored fires to burst through the crust of the earth… A heat will then be developed so intense
After these “rains of fire” fell, many people soon began to be convinced - that God wasn’t kidding! But, now, it was too late! The ark, parked in its original stead, was slowly starting to rise… slowly being swept away with the floodwaters. The people around it desperately tried to get in. They banged on the ark’s door; they tried to climb aboard. But, no one made it in, however - the heated water began to burn their skin, during their attempts… scalding all of their hopes away.
No More Second Chances
One ancient source stated 700,000 people gathered around the ark, and implored Noah to give them protection.
When Noah said no (at God’s direction), they wanted to enter the ark by force, in whatever way they could. Yet, even beyond this scalding water, this great multitude of people were faced with, yet,
obstruction: the animals - those of which were
allowed to enter - were still
around the huge boat. Through God’s intervention, these animals began to keep watch over the ark; to guard it. As the multitude tried to approach the ark, they (the wolves, lions, bears, etc.) tore through hundreds of them - tearing them into pieces, and dispersing the rest.
It was even said that the birds of the area tore out the eyes of anyone who might have tried to swim towards it!
Funny, these animals seemed to know who were chosen ones to go aboard, and honorably accepted their own fate. They seemed to have more dignity, honor, and respect than the rest of the human beings who lived around them. Ironically, the human race was supposed to be the most gifted, knowledgeable beings on the planet. Yet, these
beings acted with less dignity than the lowly animals, here - no wonder why the earth was in such bad shape; and why, presently, it seems to be in the shape, today.
After realizing they couldn’t force their way aboard the ark, a number of people attempted
ways to save their lives. Whenever they tried - creating a make-shift raft, or whatever - their actions became fruitless… they were all “tripped up” by God, in one way or another.
In one example, the flood swelled up to 15 cubits (approximately 14 feet) over the highest elevation around them… which was
just enough
to drown any 14 foot giant who might have survived, otherwise!
The flood, in all of its dimensions, in all of the ways it came to be, seems to have went down the way it did for specific
Even though death and destruction is not a good thing, the people left probably had the
morals that most anyone would have ever dreamed. Not even up to the hour of their death did they feel remorse, nor suppress any of their vile instincts! We see that, for example, as the heated water began to come out of those inner springs of the earth, they began to toss their
own children
into the holes,
, in some vain attempt to choke off the flood!
Yes, their Cainite “ways” of life truly helped to create a number of vile, contemptuous individuals. These people truly became
evil -
not caring much about anyone or anything else, but their own, individual welfare. Their actions before the flood, and now, truly showed what they were made of, and why God
to do things the way He did. So many had died:
…(their bodies would) clog the river like dragonflies…
Ham’s Wife and the Ark
What about those on board? Some Cainite corruption, for example, may have manifested in the ark. As we recall,
In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s
, and
the three wives of his sons
with them, into the ark…
- Gen
. 7:13 (KJV
As we notice, in the above, Noah’s family seemed to have entered the ark
- the men
; and
the women. There was a reason for this, however: ancient sources tell us that God wanted no
aboard the ark, during their stay. It didn’t matter if anyone was married, or not. The reason, probably, was that flagrant misuses of
were that which helped to devastate the world; and God didn’t want any part of this to continue, on the ark.
This ark was now to be a place of
- the opposite of what the previous world had been. While the world around them was being destroyed, the people, inside, were to think about nothing, except for its replenishment. Again, it’s often
measure for measure
, as far as God in concerned.
…there was no procreation, either human or animal, in the ark, for it was not appropriate that creatures should indulge themselves in such pleasures while the rest of the world was plunged in tragedy
(Goldstein, 1933, p. 47)
Because of this proclamation, the women were to remain in the
-end of the ark; with the men in the
, the Cainite, obviously knew that he was not supposed to go over to the other side, and have
on the ark. Yet, he also knew about his wife being pregnant (via an angel), as we know.
No one else may have known about this pregnancy, however; and Ham wanted to conceal her pregnancy, as long as he could. Ancient sources tell us that Ham
eventually have sex with his wife, however - against God’s orders.
And, there were a number of reasons (according to him) why he may have needed to disobey this order:
Ham sinned in order to save his wife from disgrace: had he not lain with her himself, Shem and Japheth would have known that she was already bearing a child to the fallen angel Shemhazai
(Graves and Patai, 1964, p. 114)
For whatever reason, Ham thought this act was honorable
; yet, it was still disobedience
to God! Just like Adam, just like Cain, just like a number of Biblical characters throughout history, Ham rationalized to his self
what God’s command might have meant to him
- following his own
interpretations on the matter. No matter. Some of
these things are not for us
to decide. God gave him an incredibly simple and straight forward command; and, for some pride-filled reason, he did not choose to follow it.
Let’s look at more of how he disobeyed, here. There is another part to this story, which exposes Ham, and the use of some
tactics, to achieve his end result. According to a number of ancient sources, Ham learned some forbidden, magical arts, from, most probably, one of these fallen angels of old; and began to use them
… to get what he wanted:
...Ham, calling up a demon by magic art, crossed over
to his wife
and slept with her. The reason why the vehicle of the demon was used is that Noah had strewn ashes between them, by means of which he could observe the footprints of those crossing over to their wives. The others remained continent with their father; Ham alone through the service of the devil and the aid of his wife rendered himself to
his wife's embraces
. Because Noah persisted in his prayers the demon was unable to bring Ham back; blocked in his efforts by Noah's nocturnal orisons he fled. Ham therefore was compelled to walk back before daylight to the other brothers, and because of the scattered ashes he could not hide his guilt. Noah therefore detected his footprints, and he began to hate Ham for his disobedience
Peter of Riga
Ham felt it more important to him not
to follow the rules, the way they were laid out; or flat-out didn’t care
. This act of Ham, among other acts that he would do in the future, would have repercussions on - not only his family line - but for many, many of his generations to come.
All wasn’t perfect that was aboard the ark.
Everything Died Around Them - Animal and Human
In regards to the world outside, the Bible clearly stated that everyone around them - who was not aboard the ark - was now dead:
And all flesh died that moved upon the earth,
of Owph (fowl), and of Behemah (cattle), and of Chay (beast), and of every Remes (creeping thing) that creepeth upon the earth, and every
- Gen
. 7:21 (in retranslation
The rest of the Adamite and pre-Adamite groups around them did not survive… only those aboard.
Yet, life for those aboard the ark was not entirely pleasant. There were animals to feed; their close quarters brought on a number of diseases… apart from there being discomfort caused by the odor of animals and people aboard.
They survived, however - God made sure that they would.
After a while, the tide would begin to change. Their peace was, soon, in front of them.
And God remembered Noah, and every Chay (living thing), and all the Behemah (cattle) that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged;
The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;
And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried
(in retranslation)
After the waters receded, dry land began to reappear. The flood was officially over. The time was nigh for these occupants to leave this ark. Again, these same human
groups seem to have been mentioned as coming off
the ark, as well:
And God spake unto Noah, saying
Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons’ wives with thee
Bring forth with thee
every living thing
that is with thee, of all flesh, both of
(fowl), and of
(beast), and the every
(creeping thing)
that Creepeth
upon the earth…
And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him:
(beast), every
(creeping thing), and every
(fowl), and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth (animal and human?), after their kinds, went forth out of the ark
(in retranslation
These verses don’t state that, “God brought forth Noah and all of the animals
” - there were certain, specific
groups of individuals who went in, and came out… there has to be something to these groups!
And, as we see: God’s mercy always
seems to show through. He remembered Noah, as well as every
group of human and animal that He allowed aboard Noah’s ark. He cared about all
living creatures - even, probably, those with mixed blood. The Cainites had to make it through. Other groups
(including mixed-blooded Anakim
and Mighty Men
) also seemed to have made it through - as we shall soon see! The Lord was merciful to all
, regardless of their blood lines, or genetic predispositions. He just hoped there would be a new
, moral standard in this post-flood world.
God wanted all
who came out off of the ark - with mixed blood or without - to work together
, in this brave, new world. Obviously, from noticing all of what’s going on, today, we know that things didn’t really pan out like He wanted. What happened? What would be the driving forces behind our world falling back down
, morally, one more time?