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The first weeks of travel fell into a rather specific pattern, after the first day. Each morning, after a well prepared first meal, one of two, that Anders wasn’t preparing himself at all, the servants doing that work for them, he settled on the top deck. Along with Demo Gull, Daren Willet, and several of the Princesses. Lissa, Javina, Salina and Jasmin, even though the last woman was going to marry soon. Aisla skipped out on things, for the most part.
They drilled magician’s skills, using memory techniques, largely on their own, for the first three hours, then, more or less together, studied the tricks of being a wizard, seeking information in the distance. That required a bit of cleverness on Anders’ part, trying to find harder and more interesting things for them all to find, then walking them through how to use that skill to find things in the distance, and link that to the magician’s skills they knew, to move, change or alter things from afar.
It meant the people on the Limpet, which was in view the whole time, had their clothing cleaned and tidied for them, in their large, shared room, several times each day.
Then, in the afternoon they were joined by the servants and Sulana Meegan and walked, carefully, through learning the language of Istlan. That was met with some resistance for several days, from a few of the people, until they realized that memorizing a word every ten breaths meant that, by the end of the first ten days, they could have most of what they needed committed to memory, working only a few hours a day on the project.
Oddly, it was the servants, especially the cooks, who didn’t see why they needed to learn a new language. Sulana Meegan simply sat and did as instructed, without complaint. At least in front of him. Amazingly, Captain Enna took the time each day to come and work with them on that part of things, as well. No one even blinked at the idea, and the man himself did well, taking to the memory tricks easily enough. Not at a level that indicated a particular skill that way, but enough that, by the time they set in at the southern port of Istlan, Portsmouth, the man was able to speak to the dock officials himself.
It took a while to get everyone off the boats, and they had to hire some wagons and carriages for the princesses and other nobles with them. Those were, oddly, familiar to Anders, when he saw them. The carriage, of which he paid for two, being all that were available, were the ugliest color of yellow, with green highlights, that he’d ever seen.
The Modroc had arrived in the same carriages. Very likely the same wagons as well, since Anders had to hire everything the coastal town had, to carry them all. That meant climbing into the back of a wagon to ride, lacking a good horse at the moment. The one he’d claimed in the southern lands, Juniper, had been left at the grand palace there, to be well cared for, as she deserved.
She was a good horse, if honestly more of a pony than anything else.
Almost as if it were a joke, several of the Princesses climbed in to settle next to him, since Duke Lister and his bride-to-be needed to ride in a carriage, or it would look wrong, when they arrived. The Sulana was a Queen, so had to ride in the finer carriage as well. The baby wasn’t going in a wagon, which meant that they had Hoatha Eta, Depak Sona, Daren and the other unmarried Princesses in with them, bouncing for hours down the road. They’d gotten in early, with the Limpet heading out on the tide, the Sea Leopard waiting for some days, since Anders had left them with a bonus of coins.
The payment he owed Captain Enna, for some earlier work as well. When the ship had loaded with goods, on his say so, and headed to save some women and children, five months before.
The extra coins were simply for their service. Kreed had been given a small bag of the things, since he’d been doing special work. It was, Farad hoped, a lesson to the others. One that spoke of how working for Istlan was well worth doing. Even if it meant doing strange things that they didn’t feel prepared for.
As they rode, after the first two hours, which were filled with magical instruction, Anders started to speak.
In Istlan.
“From now on, we should all use this tongue, unless you need to pass something in secret. I wasn’t told why you were all coming? Is that a thing I’m allowed to know, do you think? I understand if you have orders not to speak about such things, of course.” He was curious, but the truth was that he was mainly passing the time, while giving a language lesson.
Lissa grinned at him, which was matched by Javina.
The younger Princess spoke, though.
“I asked to come, so I could pester you for more lessons, before you got tired of having me around. Father didn’t ask you to teach me? You started right in on it, so I’d thought...”
Anders shook his head, as Depak smiled, tears coming to his eyes for some reason.
“Truly! That’s amazing, Lissa! I don’t think that was asked of Anders, however?”
He did his own smiling then.
“It wasn’t needed, which I’m certain Sula Darian understood. I’m probably going to the front, soon, as is required of me. We should have you along?” He was teasing, since going to a real war like that wasn’t the place of a small girl. Even one who was actually working out to be both talented and powerful in battle.
Hoatha narrowed his eyes for a moment, his face looking youthful and his body lean and attractive. Like he had been as a boy, first learning to use the techniques of the Keepers of Times Story.
“That might not be the best plan, but we should see to your instruction, regardless. All of you ladies, of course. Daren will be going to the front with us, of course.”
Depak frowned for a moment, which could have been over Daren, given the words, but honestly wasn’t. The older magician was actually friends with the former servant. After a few moments, he sighed.
“I can’t love that, but we can’t protect them too much. Each of these ladies has shown promise as to being the future leader of Barquea. Perhaps having them sure up the roads, away from the most dangerous battle lines?” The man smiled, to show he was teasing.
Daren simply nodded.
“That would be a good task. I need to learn to do that, too. I’m not powerful enough to do much that way.”
Anders nodded, since it was true, which had Javina glaring at him. Then, the fifteen-year-old Princess rather fancied the man, who wasn’t that much older than she was.
When he spoke, Anders was glared at less.
“Your strength is enough. We need to work on efficiency in energy work, is all. I agree though, we need to hold the Princesses from battle. This time. Road work, building structures... That would be a fine task. We should make a palace for Duke Lister and Princess Jasmin. I’ve been checking the lands he’s been given in the north, using magic and the castle there is mainly a pile of rocks, at the moment. Daren and I will have to hurry and handle the Yansians, then head up north for that.”
Depak and Hoatha had come to aid with that, but it wasn’t a thing he was going to mention out loud. That would sound too much like asking them to fight Istlan’s battles for them, when the truth was that both men had already done their part that way, by teaching himself and Daren.
Instead of throwing a fit, Salina snorted.
“I can make up the plans for that, and you can build that for us? I have no clue how to do that kind of thing, using magic.”
There was a smile then, from Hoatha.
“That would be a good idea. Coming up with plans for it? I’ll help, having done that kind of thing many times before. As for the skills needed to do that, you can learn. Probably inside the next week or two, given the speed of your current efforts. So, that, and roads, for now?”
Interestingly, he looked over at Anders, as if seeking confirmation of the plans.
So he nodded, as if he wasn’t playing at all.
“If that won’t interrupt other plans? I still don’t know why you all came, exactly and don’t want to interfere that way.”
Javina simply looked down a bit, then over at Daren, which was telling, without seeming to be noticed by the pale, dark haired man.
“Father was pleased with my recent learning, so decided that I deserved a reward. Salina, as well. I do think that the hint was that we get you to keep teaching us, for as long as possible, but that wasn’t an order or anything. So, as long as we get to go to some parties and meet people, it’s probably fair to make us work, too.”
She smiled, and glanced at her sisters, who both... nodded.
Which had Depak bobbing his head, his face suddenly going still.
“Excellent. All of you. These are most serious times. I am highly pleased to see you all standing forward, and taking your tasks seriously. It will be some hours, before we arrive at the palace of King Mathias. We should, perhaps go over who we might meet there, if that is appropriate, Anders?”
The words had him thinking, and working on some illusions, almost instantly.
One person at a time, who seemed to be sitting in a floating chair, alongside the wagon. There was no room in the back with the rest of them. Not if the people were to be shown in a dignified fashion at all.
The first man was easy enough to pick.
He appeared, as if solid and real, moving a bit and looking at each of the others, in turn. His head was bald on top, and the hair on the sides graying. He was a bit portly, from a rich life, but still vital. His blue eyes shone a bit, and his face seemed pleasant enough.
“Mathias Caldas, King of Istlan. When you meet him, if you do, call him King Mathias each time, even if others are using Your Highness or Your Majesty. Bow, but use the method that is familiar to you. No bow is improper, except one that seems lazy or lacking in effort. If you are presented to him, simply bow, give your name if it wasn’t given for you and stand. Then you’ll be invited to move to the side, or to speak to him, briefly. It isn’t hard to do at all and doesn’t require complex lessons first. He’s a kind man. Much like Sula Darian, only, of course, not your father.”
The words got Salina to roll her eyes.
“So, he might want to take some of us to bed? How does that work here, if we get with child? He already has a woman, and is allowed only one?”
Anders nodded, ignoring the idea of the King taking the Princesses to his bed for entertainment. It wasn’t unheard of, but getting one of them pregnant would probably start a war, so hopefully wouldn’t happen.
The man vanished, showing a rather plain, but still regal, lady.
“Queen Maura Caldas. The only wife of King Mathias. Also a kind woman. She has visions, from time to time, so isn’t afraid of magic. The King isn’t either, of course. Some of the more common people will be. If anyone seems afraid of you for that reason, simply say that, yes, it’s magic, but that you were invited there, to serve them, using your skills. Then perform simple tasks for them, to aid or entertain?”
That wasn’t going to work, but it at least would be more polite than killing the cowards out of hand.
Lissa piped up.
“I’ve heard of that, from Aisla. How many people here fear magic? It’s odd, isn’t it? I mean, those with magic are no more dangerous than a person with a knife, or a horse that starts kicking.”
Anders figured things the same way, but Hoatha smiled, reached out and slapped the younger girl on the left shoulder.
“You have the heart of it. People are afraid of those things as well, and rightly so. It’s only that here, in this land, they have decided to give too much weight to magic. You might all wish to do what Anders suggested, if it comes up. Daren, you know these people as well, do you think that will work?”
Instead of simply answering, Daren looked away, then touched his bare chin for a moment, before shaking his head.
“No? Especially if they’ve heard that you were coming first. I’ll talk to the servants though, and try to get them not to be too afraid of you. Speaking the language well will help. When Depak Sona came everyone was so terrified that nearly half the servants quit, early on. I was too scared to do it, myself, at first. Anders came and introduced me, personally, and I saw that he was just a man, if one with great power. A kind one, even. That helped a lot. I was able to go to everyone else then and suggest that he wasn’t hard to work with at all. Being kind won’t be enough.”
He didn’t seem pleased with the words, but Anders had to shrug.
“That’s probably true. The nobles will be a bit better that way, since they deal with such things more often. Also, I’m planning to put on illusion shows, and other events, as often as possible, until everyone finds them boring and common place. That...” He was about to say it wouldn’t help either, but Daren clapped his hands.
“Yes! If it’s a thing for all, like you did on the road, going to Barquea? I doubt they will bore anyone, but I can see that helping, a lot. A big part of why magic is frightening is because it’s rare here.”
Depak laughed a bit at the words.
“And rare because it’s frightening, no doubt? Very good, Anders. You, Daren and Lissa will see to a show for us, then? Perhaps about the great river that was created along the eastern border, which ended the war?”
The war with the Modroc, of course. That had, of course, helped, but the Modroc had, suddenly started to have great losses, since Hoatha and Depak had gone for several months and fought, in their own persons. That meant the Modroc had pulled back, even before the water was flowing at all.
Instead of mentioning that, Anders simply started in on a lesson about illusion. By the time they were rounding the corner that would lead them to the castle, Anders had walked them all through making several illusions of their own, using memory skills, so they wouldn’t lose the teaching. Even Depak and Hoatha partook and worked on it with them.
Most of the people from the castle were shown as examples, with names. Daren did several of the servants, even, clearly outstripping the others in this new skill. Really, his work was as good as what Anders had managed in his first weeks, even after only one or two tries. It was highly impressive to see happening. Everyone managed something though, with Salina being the weakest in skills that way.
All of the princesses had that going on though, which was noticed, by the youngest girl.
“Well, men are better at magic than women are.”
Anders shook his head then, even as the girls all nodded.
“Not exactly. Women are stronger. Men tend to be a bit more adept at details and accuracy. In many ways women are the ones who excel that way. Such things, the small ones, can be learned with practice and concentration. Learning to be more powerful is also possible, but harder to pull off, or so I hear?” He didn’t really know that at all, but was speaking in a way he hoped wouldn’t dispirit Daren, in particular.
Depak looked away, as if it were a lie and Hoatha...
“True! It is much like with running or lifting heavy things. A man will never be the true equal of a woman who does the same work, but you can double or even triple what is possible, by keeping to good and regular practice, as far as magical strength goes. Given that most, man or woman, won’t bother working that hard, it’s well worth doing, for all of us. Especially with wars upon us from all directions.”
Depak looked back at the man, then rolled his eyes.
“Of course. Still, we are nearly at the palace. I do not know if we will be met or not. Anders, could you go over what we should do that way?”
He nodded.
“There won’t be a lot for us, this time. We’ll all need to bow, of course. The hard part here will be in introducing Gull and Daren first thing, after Princess Jasmin and Sulana Meegan, of course. Well before Hoatha here, though near the same time, since we have to let everyone know that they’re all magic users, first thing. I’m honestly not certain how to get that done.”
Depak grinned, but Anders went on.
“Seriously though, one of the others will introduce all of you, and whoever is greeting us will bow and give a small speech. I don’t know if we get Prince Robarts for this. The Heir? It might be Prince Erold, really.” Concentrating, both men were brought into being, floating as illusions next to them. He pointed to which one was which, again.
Then he shrugged.
“Really, Lissa, Javina, you should both make a point of meeting and befriending Princess Sweyn of the Modroc. Your lands aren’t at war any longer and she’s sweet. You too, Princess Salina. I just have to figure that you’ll be busy coming up with plans for that palace, for Duke Lister? Though... Really, you might get Princess Sweyn to help you with that? A joint gift, from both lands for his wedding might just go over well with the King. Maybe even with the Modroc?”
Salina made a face, but then nodded.
“I’ll ask after that? If we get a chance to meet at all. I’m a bit nervous now. What if the King sends us all away for being too ugly, or for our strange magics?”
It did not help that Daren nodded at the words, but Anders grinned.
“Well, you’re a true beauty, so it won’t be for that, at least. All of you are attractive enough. Even you, Daren. Just remember, if you get too nervous, cover it with bowing and smiling. You might end up looking foolish, but better that than rude.”
That got a chuckle, and no one spoke for a while, which was fine, since the castle, the only home he’d ever known, personally, came into view. It wasn’t a vast complex, compared to what the Sula had, but seeing it again, with fresh eyes, did show that it wasn’t humble in particular. It was grand and impressive, just a bit more modest in the numbers who could dwell within.
None of the Princesses seemed to be disappointed at least.
When they pulled up, Anders whispered, leaning in to the ladies, then Hoatha, including his oldest friend.
“It looks like we have Prince Robarts and Princess Peri out to meet us. Next to them is Princess Mathia, their daughter.” He’d covered all of that already, but did it again, just in case anyone had forgotten. They should have committed the names and faces to memory, but he hadn’t walked anyone through that, so the failure there would be his.
By the time the wagon was still enough for him and the others to stand and climb out, the princesses being helped by the men, Prince Alpert and the others were all out of the carriage, which had gotten there several minutes before they did, even if they were traveling together. Most of the wagons were behind them, holding their guards and then the servants from Barquea.
Directly behind them was the wagon that had all the gold and silver in it. With Demo and the rest of the guards sitting on the large heavy boxes, like they were chairs. The boxes were all sealed shut, formed into a seamless single piece of heavy wood, so they worked for that, pretty well. They probably needed cushions, but none of the guards complained, as they moved forward. Sir Daniel had to come forward a bit, to be greeted, since he was sworn to the King, directly. Gull got waved up as well, as Lady Lyse, Anders’ mother, moved back, to stand with him. Except that she started to move further back, which had Hoatha shaking his head.
“Lyse! Come stand with us? Gull, you should as well. I think we’re far enough back not to seem self-important?” He glanced at Depak, who looked at Anders. Who didn’t really know the answer, to be honest.
So he lied.
“That sounds right? We need to hold people back, since this is about meeting Princess Jasmin, and Prince Leopold, today. We don’t want to get in the way there. People will want to see the baby, first thing, naturally.”
Lyse looked at him closely then, as if he was saying something more than he was. Almost as if she feared he was angry with the situation. That wasn’t the case at all.
The only issue he had with Prince Leopold was that, when he’d first touched the little baby with his mind, he’d thought he was a girl. That was embarrassing and a thing that he hadn’t mentioned out loud, thankfully. It was a weakness in his skills that he’d made a point of working on after that. A thing that had instructed him in a very real way. With adults it was simple to tell a man from a woman. It wasn’t nearly as much so with a tiny baby.
A simple and basic difference, but one that had baffled him totally, causing error. It meant that he had to be aware that other things might well be the same, for him. Everything had to have attention paid to it, given that.
He winked at his mother then, and smiled. After all, he understood what she feared from him. He was a bastard. Leopold, his father’s next son, was legitimate. That wasn’t the fault of the baby, though. Just a thing of timing, and politics. One that it hadn’t even occurred to either Farad or the boy within to be worried over. That the child was his half-brother got him to smile again. He’d never thought about having such a thing, after all.
They were far enough back that he didn’t hear all the greetings and goings on from Prince Robarts, this time, but after the servants were brought forward to help Princess Jasmin and Sulana Meegan get to their rooms, the man, the Heir to the throne, walked back to where they were collected, by the wagon, and bowed. They all did that back, with the rest of them using Barquean bows, while he and Daren both used first Courtly. Gull, in the back, bent over, but Anders couldn’t see what he was doing, exactly.
Robarts smiled, hugely.
“Depak Sona! I wasn’t aware we were going to be seeing you again! Is all well?”
Depak nodded, then bowed, going low.
“I have come, as a private citizen, to help you in your war here. This man is my father, Hoatha Eta. Also here to aid in the same way, as well as help train Daren Willet in magic. Both he and Fenris Gull have learned much in the last months, on that topic. Enough so that it was thought important to make a point of that even before introducing the Princesses here? They, as well, have learned much of magic. Mainly under the tutelage of Anders Brolly. We... Should speak of that, soon, if that would be welcome? I am, as I said, only a private person, now.”
Prince Robarts bowed back, politely.
“I will always welcome your council, Depak Sona. We can repair to a private meeting directly, if you wish? After I make the acquaintance of these others, of course?”
He looked at Anders then, for some reason.
So he nodded and took a single step forward.
“These ladies are Princess Salina, Princess Javina and Princess Lissa. Princess Lissa is here to learn more of various magics, with an eye toward training others in that task. She’s very skilled in that area. Truly, we should introduce her to Princess Mathia for that?” He wasn’t certain the girl had the magical talent, but he thought it likely, since it seemed to run in families. All of the Caldas line seemed to have it, at least. “A warning though... Ambassador Belford gave her a stick to use, and she isn’t shy with it.”
That got a smile, from the girl, who nodded.
“True. A most wise man, Baron Belford.”
Robarts smiled at the girl then, and nodded.
“You speak Istlan? Impressive!”
Salina nodded.
“We all do, of course. Master Anders is very good at teaching such things. Magic, as well. We were told that might frighten some of the... More common people, here? We won’t wish to do that. I think that some of these others are planning a show of illusion and wonder, in a few days, for those who serve here?”
It was a strange thing to bring up, but Robarts tilted his head then.
“That sounds like a fun event... I don’t know... Perhaps you could, no, I can’t ask.”
Anders had to cheat and read the man’s mind, to find out what he was saying. He didn’t know if it would work, and didn’t know that having the others perform for them was at all polite to demand. Especially for the servants and common people of the castle.
Anders bowed again.
“It was a lesson set, to myself, Master Daren and Princess Lissa. I can perhaps show you and some others a small show tonight, if you wish? It won’t be the same, but it will give you the idea of what we have in mind? I’ve had some practice, as we traveled in the south.”
The Prince nodded.
“That sounds right, then. If it’s just Anders doing it, first? I don’t wish to give insult, but...”
He was so uneasy, it left Anders feeling awkward, for a moment.
Hoatha finally started to laugh.
“That seems correct? It will be a marvel, and done well enough not to leave you having to lie and pat his back to protect his feelings. He’s something of a master of such things now. He did a show for the public in Lo’usa Tet, which was still being talked about regularly, in the streets, months later.”
The Prince smiled again, seeming a bit strained, but not upset, really.
“Good then? Now, we should get you to your rooms and perhaps arrange a meal? Some of you will dine with the King, tonight, at the high table, but...” The man positively blanched, then, since adding a dozen people to the high table wasn’t going to work. Not without bumping several high-ranking nobles, which would be taken as an insult, of course.
Before he could be left stammering, trying to figure out how to not invite Depak and perhaps some princesses, Anders bowed.
“Forgive me, Prince Robarts, but would it be all right to arrange for a separate meal, for these people? I don’t wish to be demanding, or to give offense, but the common meals in their land tend to be smaller and while all here are prepared in skill for a high meal with the King at need, having had lessons, it might be easier on them to... not do that? If they aren’t needed.” He hung his head then, as if expecting a blow for being so uncouth and impolite.
Instead, the man relaxed, suddenly.
“Oh? Who would you send to the high meal then?”
Ducking again, Anders bobbed in place, just a bit.
“Princess Jasmin should attend, as should Sulana Meegan. I think... Depak Sona as well? We can lend you him for the event, but we should rather protect the others, if we can? I understand if the situation demands others, but...” He readied himself, to act humble, or even be struck, in case it was deemed to be a poor idea. Not that Prince Robarts had ever been anything except supportive of his efforts.
The man nodded then and looked concerned.
“We could have a small meal in the second hall? Is that appropriate? We should have someone in with them, to show that we aren’t stinting them. Who would you recommend for that?”
Again, he stared directly into Anders face, so that no one would mistake who was being asked the question.
It took a moment of thought, really.
“Prince Erold, his wife Princess Sweyn, and perhaps Princess Mathia, if any of them are available?” They were all younger individuals, but important, while not being so highly placed that it would seem out of place, them sharing a meal with the foreign Princesses.
That was a lot to ask for, and might seem out of place, since Sweyn was of the Modroc. Anders had a bit of a plan there, but didn’t know if anyone else would think it a good idea. Still, Prince Robarts simply nodded at him.
“I can ask after that? Regardless, we’ll have each of you in to meet with the King, in the coming days, if that won’t press you? He’s most interested in meeting you all. Anders... If we could meet after the event you have planned, this evening? Perhaps just before the meal for your event, if that works?”
That would give him a few hours to ready himself, so he nodded.
“That sound more than fine. Thank you, Prince Robarts.” He bowed then. Receiving one in return that didn’t seem ironic at all.