The arrow flew into the target, some twenty paces away, striking low, but inside the small wreath he’d woven out of some supple green branches from the woods, not far off. Trying again, pulling firmly on the bow, but without too much strain, not more than he could bear at any rate, he re-aimed and let fly again. For the second time he was low, while inside the round he needed to be in.
On the eighth arrow of the set he was finally on target. That lasted for the next two, until of course he took five paces back and started over. Then he was low again, the first arrow striking the bottom of the greenery. It was annoying, but he kept going, doing better after a bit of practice. Then he had to finish his work, starting from ten paces, aiming at a wand stuck into the ground. That was two inches thick, and old enough that a clean hit would stick in, as long as the force of the blow didn’t rip the thing from the ground.
Traditionally people ended their day’s practice on the first solid hit. Anders sunk arrow after arrow, missing six of every ten he let fly. He didn’t back up however, since that would just mean missing every time. When he was on the last set of ten, with the wand reset, a voice spoke from behind him. He fired the nocked arrow, since holding a war bow at full draw was beyond him, so far. It was difficult enough that he’d never met a man who could do that, for more than a few breaths.
“You’ve been keeping up with your practice then?” Captain Ford, Duke Lister now, seemed mildly impressed with that fact.
“Well, I’ve done the exercises daily, when I could. There was some disruption, on the march, but other than that I’ve pulled it three hundred times each evening, as instructed. I haven’t had a lot of target practice in the last months. I wasn’t needed to clean the ambassadorial rooms today so decided to make good use of my time. Later I’m going to be making some buildings, using magic. I haven’t learned where I’m doing that, but that’s the current plan. Countess Rainly and some others asked after a demonstration. You should be there for that, to see what can be done for your palace. Princess Salina and Princess Sweyn are working on the plans for that, so you should get with them, to make certain those are to your liking.” He nocked and drew again, working hard not to miss. It wasn’t a perfect hit, but it did hit with a glancing blow that took the wand down.
The former guard Captain ran to set it upright, collecting the spent arrows before jogging back.
“I’m not up on this? What do you mean, a palace?”
He nodded, since it was clear that no one had mentioned that to the man, as of yet.
“Your wedding gift, from both Barquea and Modroc. A joint effort, to show unity, at least of a sort. We should go soon, to your lands and set that up while we still have good weather, for travel. I also have a chest of gold and silver for you. Some nice gems, as well. That’s from Sergeant Gull, Daren Willet and myself. A decent sized chest, too.” He held the bow in his left and placed his hands out, waving a bit with the right to show the size of the thing. “In fact, you can come and get that today, so I don’t have to store it in my room any longer? I’m moving soon, and the less I have to carry the better.”
The man looked at him, as if annoyed, then snorted.
“Ah? So I won’t have to go into debt to keep my wife fed this winter? That’s a wonderful thing. Thank you, for the gift. It sounds like a bit much, to be fair.”
Anders shrugged at the words.
“Not really. I’m technically a Prince now, from Barquea, so the gifts have to be bigger and more impressive. At least I think that’s the case? Just... When we go, I want to leave Hoatha Eta and Lady Martya behind, if at all possible. There have been some small things that worry me with them and I need time away from them to think.”
“You fear danger from that direction?”
The man looked hard as he spoke, but what he meant by the words were impossible to tell.
So Anders looked around, and then whispered.
“I... Yes. I think so. Martya mentioned that her plans had changed, but were going well enough. I’d hoped that she’d drop them. Hoatha... He’s been acting strangely. Not like my old friend Ganges at all. That could mean anything. He’s truly ancient now, and has seen much of many dark things. I can’t help but wonder if he’s truly given over, just to have Farad back in his life. When we were at war, he watched me, more than seeking to revisit the friendship of old. Truly, again, that could mean many things.” He sighed then and closed his eyes.
“He, they, also made the magics that cost your mother her life. I know that we would never think to punish a smith for making a sword used in murder and even that is a step closer than what Ganges did, but... He doesn’t seem to be truly sorry about it. Perhaps too jaded by time and loss to feel such things any longer? There was a time when the mere mention of such a crime would have pushed my old friend to tears. Now, he mouths platitudes and seems unaffected by the world.”
He frowned, as the Duke seemed a bit stiff.
“A man can be affected by battle in such ways. I have felt that myself, at times.”
“As I have as well. I’ve killed so many that I dare not count them all. Close to a hundred thousand, I fear. He’s admitted to taking so many more lives than that... Millions, at the least. The problem here is that, when he spoke of not fearing coming here, because nothing we could do would harm him, I thought he might be seeking to be brave, to impress me. Instead... Some of the things he did at war, to support our efforts, were so incredible and complex that I think he might simply have meant it. If we seek battle there, or treachery, then we’ll lose.” The same was true of Lady Martya, but Anders didn’t mention the danger there.
Jennings simply looked considering for a while, then waved for Anders to continue his practice.
“I’ll see to it that those two stay here then, on the brief run up to my lands? We should have a full guard, do you think?” He rubbed at his smooth jaw, as if trying to work the travel plans out already.
Anders shook his head.
“A few men only. Free up Demo Gull, if possible? I want to make certain he’s up to this new kind of building. I haven’t been checking on his growth in magic as I should. His wizardry has grown, at the very least. We’ll have Princess Mathia, as a guard.” He got ready for the man to laugh at the idea, and felt a bit of mirth over it himself, but the fellow simply nodded.
“We shouldn’t strip this place of the new magic users. Not that they can do much against the threat we’re leaving behind. What plans do you have if they turn on us?”
“Not much, I have to admit. I’ll suggest everyone else flee and then... Die, attempting to purchase time for that? I might stand for, oh, whole seconds, if facing them that way. My best course will be to use words and... I honestly don’t know if that will impact them at all. It was a mistake, bringing Hoatha here. I’d hoped we had an ally, but... I don’t know. Perhaps we do? Perhaps we can seek to shape and alter the plan of these two, so it works for us as well, if nothing else?”
The man actually laughed then. It sounded real and not at all dire.
“Ah? Well, that might be all that is left to us. Still, I’ll go and set this up with the King. How long do you need, to raise the buildings?”
“Two weeks, at a minimum. It depends on how extensive we need things to be.”
There was a nod, and a half wave, as the man stepped off, walking to the practice square the guards used. Even that early, a few were out working already. Anders knew he needed to be doing that as well, but his middle demand tribute, if he was doing magic of note that day. It growled at him when he considered the idea.
Still, there was time to finish the last set of ten arrows, and to collect them all up. Three had broken in practice, and would need to be repaired, if he had half a chance to make that happen. He fully intended to go to the low hall to eat, but after finding his room and stowing his bow and sack full of arrows, altering his clothing for that place, there was a knock on his chamber door.
When he opened it, he blinked, several times.
There, on his own doorstep, stood the King himself.
He bowed, using second courtly, which had the man walking into the room, as if he owned it. Which, of course, he did.
“Anders, do you have a moment?”
“I do. I was just going to the low hall, to get something to eat. What may I do for you?”
The man looked around the space and seemed to find it wanting, after some fashion. It showed on his face.
“I’m concerned about this Grandfather Snow, mentioned in the report you left for Robarts. We have almost no intelligence from that area. Master Tolan sought in that direction and found himself blocked fully, from the entire land of Ferlith, which was a thing unknown before today. He could do more if he rode that way himself, but... The Queen spoke to me this morning, of a vision. One of you, riding, far to the north. Then you vanish, and the vision ended. She doesn’t think it was you dying, but truly said she doesn’t know.”
The man didn’t hold his breath, but seemed ashamed of what was being suggested.
“Oh? How interesting. I was just speaking to Duke Lister about heading to his lands, also up in the north, near the border of Dora. Very near Ferlith, in fact. I could... Perhaps take some presents with me? After all, even if they trained Duke Cohen, who was against us due to his duty, even he stated that they had nothing to do with our petty squabbles down here. Their skills with the dark entities are simply amazing, I have to admit. I’d been told that the riders took control of the host and led them from that point on. Cohen spoke of other things, that I’d never even heard of. It might prove useful for us to gain these skills as well, if we’re forming a center of learning here.”
There was a very slow, small, bow from the King.
“That... Sounds correct? I’m not certain you going alone is the best idea, however. What if you go and find yourself in a trap, or attacked and overmatched?”
Then, he knew, he’d probably die. Instead of complaining about that, he smiled.
“Or, what if they take me and decide that they like me too much to get rid of? I could come back married and fat on sweets, just as likely as harmed or threatened. A man arriving with gifts, from a neighbor, might not be taken too far amiss. Especially if I can bring the glad tidings that we have no aspiration to take their land?”
“Agreed. Still, we need for you to be most careful, Anders. Sending you to your death could anger our friends in Barquea, after all. Also, it would sadden many here, including myself. A thing that... Well, forcing you out at such a young age isn’t the best way to show that, is it?” He paused then. “I hear that you and some of your students are to demonstrate the raising of a structure today? What’s planned for that?”
Anders took a deep breath then and forced a fake grin.
“Almost nothing, to be honest. Is there a building you’d like put up near here? That or we could start work on the school, if a location has been picked for that?”
Turning, as if to leave, the King gestured toward the door. Indicating Anders needed to move with him.
“We don’t, exactly. Not that you can’t simply choose that for yourself, I’m certain. Perhaps the large clearing, between here and the city? That’s close enough that no one will think I’m throwing you away, without being too close to the connivers who would seek to turn you against us. I...” The man shook his head, just a bit, as he opened the door. “I do know that won’t work. I could turn you against me, but I doubt that anyone else would be able to do that too easily. Not that I know what I’ve done to win or deserve such loyalty. Still, not seeing it there, or denying it, would be the worst thing to do.”
When the door was shut, the King looked at him.
“Perhaps you should change into something else for the meal? You’re in with the family, from now on.”
Taking a moment to think, he muttered.
“Clotha relen idi showa pelth drollo kal, fen” His boots were fine, and standing there in the hallway, his outfit altered, into shiny indigo robes with trousers, with a black dragon design in the cloth, that stood out a bit, as if sewn in.
“Ah! That will work. Very good. This way.”
If the King was bothered by the casual magic, it didn’t show in the slightest. They walked slowly, in a stately manner, speaking lightly as they did so. When they got to the lesser hall, where the first meal was taken by the King and his close advisors and family, the room was rather more full than Anders would have expected.
It made sense, because of course it was where the foreign princesses and the queen from the far-off land would be fed each day. That Sulana Meegan was still there made some sense, but had, truly, been a thing that Anders had totally forgotten about. Once he’d left the castle for the war, he hadn’t thought of the lady for even a moment. He kept that lack from his face, bowing toward everyone, including her, to find Lissa waving for him to settle in next to her. The girl was in fine state, wearing robes to show she was a magic user, even if Javina, Jasmin and Salina were in simple dresses.
The youngest girl spoke to him, in Scara, her voice pleasant.
“Did you hear, Anders? Salina is to be the new Great One! I didn’t even know that was a title, really. I’d thought it was just what Grandfather Depak was called.”
He answered, but in Istlan, so that it didn’t seem like they were keeping secrets.
“Yes. Stand ready to take her place if she falls or fails, Princess Lissa. Also, prepare for Depak Sona to see to your personal training as well. We spoke of that on the trail, many times. It’s too dangerous not to have spare Great Ones around.” He was trying to be teasing, but down the table, closer to the King and Heir, Depak Sona smiled and hooded his eyes just a bit.
“Exactly right. Not that you haven’t been doing excellent work of late, on your own. I must admit that I’m rather impressed, by all of you.” The man let himself beam for a few moments, including both Prince Erold and Princess Mathia in his praise, which was kind of him. “You have an event planned for today, of magical interest, Anders?”
He nodded, since it was polite to respond, when spoken to.
Then he scrambled to use actual words.
“I do, as it turns out. King Mathias suggested that we could use the large clearing down the stone road, for that? It’s about an eighth of a mile away from here, and has a stream behind it, as well as a surrounding of woods. People are taking food for mid-meal, to watch the goings on. You should all come, if you have time? It won’t be that interesting for some of you, since we have to keep you from doing any work, Depak Sona. Otherwise, we’ll seem lazy and as if we’re doing this just to force you to do it all. You can call out suggestions for artistry in the structure?”
Princess Salina clapped a few times, and then ducked her head a bit.
“Forgive me, that was a bit abrupt, for the table. I was thinking that I could practice a few things that I have planned for...” She shot an obvious glance at Jasmin then, who clearly took it as being some form of plotting against her. No one explained the situation, either.
Anders waved to get her attention.
“Barquea and Modroc are gifting you and your new husband with a grand palace, on his lands, to the north. The plan is to ride out in a few days, to see to that, in fact. As soon as we’re all prepared for that? Princess Mathia, you’re expected to aid with that, I believe?”
He wasn’t certain that had been mentioned at all, but instead of denying the idea, she nodded.
“I’ve been helping with the planning on that and trying to learn all the needed phrasings, so I can be of some service. I should practice more first, before I go.” She didn’t look at anyone else at the table, just down at Anders, as if that were going to free her from the will of her parents or the King.
So, he worked with her, nodded and pretended that was already a settled matter.
“You can help today, in fact. We all can. Except for you, Depak Sona and Hoatha. Lady Martya is out as well, for the same reason. I would like to have Master Seness on hand, to give input into what kind of facilities an alchemist would like to have. Perhaps one of the cooks, as well? Senna Grace would work for that, if she can be spared from her duties for half a day?”
There was no real reason to bring people in for that part of things. He knew how to build a working kitchen, after all. The woman just deserved some rest, on occasion. As for the Alchemist, he’d been up late the day before, so sitting in the sunlight for a while might be good for him. The man wasn’t exactly youthful, any longer.
The King simply held a hand up, gesturing to one of the messengers.
“Please request Master Seness, and Senna Grace from the kitchens attend the raising of the new college facilities today at... When will you begin, do you think, Anders?”
He had to think about that for a moment, then shrugged.
“If they can be there by about an hour after half morning? Or, really, meet us at the front gate and we’ll all walk over together.” It wasn’t a hard walk after all. Not much worse than going to some locations inside the castle wall, really.
When the King repeated the words, so that they’d come from his lips, directly, the messenger trotted off. The official messengers of the King were the only ones allowed to truly run inside the castle, without being scolded. Unless a true emergency arose, of course. Then everyone did their best that way, nobles or not.
The food came then, and while very good, it was a simple plate of poached eggs, warm bread and some lightly fried pork. He ate with care, the portions a bit scant to truly fuel him for the day. Which wasn’t a problem, since he could eat more than twice, not being on a journey, at the moment. He could even have sweets or other treats, if he ever had time to get into the town and purchase things like that.
The meal lasted a bit less than an hour, meaning that Anders at least needed to walk directly to the front of the castle, to see who wanted to go with him down the stone road, to the site of the new college. It was, he had to admit, kind of an interesting idea. A thing that left him feeling just a bit excited, to be honest. That, feeling as if something good was about to happen was a thing that he hadn’t really noticed for some time. When most of his life had become filled with a quiet sort of dread, expecting negative things constantly had come about, he wasn’t certain.
For some reason he’d expected there to be a few people there, waiting to go to the site. Senna Grace, perhaps, and Tag Seness, since the King had asked for them specifically. Maybe Princess Salina, since she’d actually seemed eager to try out some of her personal ideas. So, it was a bit shocking to find nearly a hundred people, standing with baskets and sacks, ready to go and sit, waiting for him and the others to do something.
Which didn’t seem right to him. Then, he’d seen buildings going up hundreds of times or more. To him it wasn’t that special at all. He didn’t make any sort of announcement that he was leaving however, simply finding the Princesses, who all had followed him to the door, including Jasmin, and for some reason Sulana Meegan and the Queen.
No one came with a carriage for them even, which felt a bit off. Then, there was nothing like that for Prince Robarts, his wife or the King, himself.
Everyone simply walked, following him as if he knew where he was going. That was true, of course. He was familiar with the large clearing, having played there many times, as a child. A time no more than a year and a half before, in fact. It hadn’t happened each day, but it had been a location he’d hidden from work in, more than once.
Before Farad had merged with him, from that damned crystal. Then, after that, doing things like sitting and dreaming of what he’d be in the future had gone away, almost instantly. He’d dreamed of being a fighter back then. Of gaining accolades in war, and being admired by people, who would call his name as he passed.
Now he’d been to war. He’d taken lives. So many of them. He’d gained skills and powers that hadn’t even been in his dreams, back then. More, he’d learned things that no one else could have taught him. Only Farad, the old historian. How to school his mind and tame his anger and will. Compassion for others, which, without that influence, he didn’t think he would have had. Things that were better to have than not.
His life was, he knew, better for having become part of Farad. He wasn’t certain the same was true, the other way around.
They didn’t travel fast, since it would be rude to push the pace, with people who were carrying burdens when he wasn’t. That was, of course, due to him having forgotten to bring food, which doubtless showed a level of brilliance that gave the lie to him having learned much at all. Magical work was much easier to manage if you had enough to eat, after all.
Even moving at a sedate pace, they were at the field, some ten minutes later. He could have made the trip in two minutes, if he’d been alone, of course. Still, when he looked at the cleared space, it was a bit larger than he recalled it having been. Enough that he could have put a copy of the palace there, complete with wall and courtyard. Doing that would be more than a bit showy, of course, though he wanted enough space for several hundred students at one time. That meant making rooms for them and having multiple levels. Also, he decided, separate places to learn and sleep. A large complex to practice fighting and magic, as well.
Princess Salina pointed toward the back.
“We need to build a large, raised cistern. Can you make one of those pumps that does that from flowing water?”
Anders did that first, using several large stones, turning them into smaller pieces, with chambers and tight, but smooth valves. At the same time Salina built a water tower, that was nearly twelve feet high at the bottom of the tank. Nearing twenty, at the top. It wouldn’t allow for total water flow, on a third level or above, but the second level could have that kind of thing, which was better than nothing.
Then, as boring as it sounded, he had to create a large underground seep, for waste and fluids, that was in the right place to not flow into their water supply. It didn’t take long, about half an hour, to have all that finished, but it didn’t seem like they were doing much, as of yet. Except that everyone was acting as if the whole process was riveting.
It wasn’t until he walked the outer wall of the structure he intended to make, that anyone else seemed to get the scope of the project, though. It was a different shape, but going to be nearly as large as the castle, in the near distance. Not visible from there, except a single tower, through the treetops.
Then he started to work, focusing only on what he was doing, calling out the needed spells, as others, Depak Sona and Princess Lissa, brought him food and water every half hour or so. At the same time Princess Mathia worked on the combat practice structure, which was large, but not as big as what he was putting up. For one thing, it was only a single level, though the ceiling was going to be nearly thirty feet up. Both of those places had windows, since, as soon as they were done, Prince Erold and Princess Javina both started using sand from the stream to make glass for them. Thin sheets that were smooth and allowed light in, but which were a soft tan in color, not allowing anyone to see in or out. They could be opened though, to allow for that, as well as letting air in at need.
The work went quickly, but still took most of the day. Though, the truth was that it took longer, due to Anders not being cautious enough about his words. As they nearly finished, in the midafternoon, Depak Sona walked up and directed alterations to the buildings, both inside and out, for decoration. Thankfully he was fine with patterns that they all had names for, instead of insisting on novel work being done in stone, as they built.
Doing the picky work on that took nearly as long as making the place had. In the end, they had large structures, but no beds for the students, in their barracks, or other furnishings in the learning rooms. He was willing to start on that immediately, when the King stood and started to clap his hands, as if at the end of a particularly well performed entertainment. The rest of the crowd joined in then. It went on for some minutes, until Princess Salina, wisely, bowed to them.
He did that as well, which meant that everyone else working on the buildings did, and the crowd did it back, in various forms. It stopped the noise from being made, which had the King standing and walking over to him.
“Brilliant work, all of you! I’d toured the small place you made in the woods, but this... Simply amazing! Making a gift such as this for Duke Lister as a wedding gift from both Barquea and the Modroc is a true sign of friendship. You all plan to leave in the next days, to travel to Lister? I was told that it would take you two weeks of work to see to that? This seems faster than that? Unless you plan something truly vast, perhaps?”
Princess Salina moved forward then, knowing the plans for the work.
“Not this large, for either dwelling, but two of them. One for the cold months and another for the warm. It won’t take that long, but...”
Anders smiled, scrambling for a reason that he’d said it would take that long.
“We’re expecting Duke Lister and his wife, Princess Jasmin, to want furnishings as well? Also defensive fortifications. That will take longer, as we might need to learn new patterns and woodworking skills, to make all that’s needed. I have to do this for these places still as well, but I can see that everyone wishes to skip that boring detail. It could take a bit to see to that. Days, possibly?” He grinned at the idea, as if seeing beds formed from sticks and trees would be worse than a building being put up.
The King laughed, as if Anders were making a jest, of course. Everyone followed suit, which he did as well. After all, the man was the King, and clearly trying to get everyone there out of his hair.