THE trigonometrical functions are called circular functions, because they arise naturally in connection with the geometry of the circle. There are other functions which are associated with the geometry of the hyperbola and may therefore be classified as hyperbolic functions; this name is, however, usually restricted to certain special functions of this group. We use it, in this Chapter, in a general sense.

In developing the argument, we shall make use of geometrical ideas, and especially that of an area bounded by a curve. At a first reading, the reasoning is more easily understood if this method is followed. But it is important to realise that the functions themselves can be regarded as purely analytical and that their properties can be obtained by purely arithmetical arguments. The more abstract line of approach will be followed in the companion volume on Analysis.

The Area-function for the Rectangular Hyperbola.  Fig. 31 shows part of the graph of the function y = images; this equation represents a rectangular hyperbola. We shall confine attention to that part of the curve for which x > 0.

To every positive value of x there corresponds one, and only one, value of y; and, as x increases, y steadily decreases and tends to zero as x increases indefinitely. Further, if x tends down to zero from above, y increases without limit.



FIG. 31.

The point (1, 1) lies on the curve, and the curve is symmetrical about the line y = x, since, corresponding to any point P, images, on the curve, there is the point P′, images, also on the curve.

The curve is therefore shaped as in Fig. 31.

Consider the area bounded by the fixed ordinate CA, x = l, the variable ordinate NP, x = t, the curve and the x-axis. This area CNPA, shaded in Fig. 31, is a function of t and will be denoted by the symbol hyp (t).

Expressed as a definite integral,



Approximate values of hyp (t) can be found for given values of t by the ordinary methods of practical geometry, such as counting squares or Simpson’s rule.

It is best to adopt the usual sign conventions of the Integral Calculus for areas, as follows :

If t > 1, that is, if N is to the right of C, the area CNPA is represented by a positive number.

If 0 < t < 1, that is if N lies between O and C, the area CNPA is represented by a negative number.



If t ≤ 0, we shall not discuss or even define hyp (t).

If t = 1, the shaded area CNPA vanishes ;



Behaviour of hyp (t) when t increases indefinitely. If, in Fig. 32, P1N1, P2N2, … are the ordinates x = 2, x = 4, … , x = 2k, then



but this is the sum of the areas



and is therefore greater than the sum of the areas of the rectangles



FIG. 32.



This fact cannot be assumed without proof. For example, if a(t) denotes the area under the curve images from x = l to x = t, we have



α(t) tends to the finite limit 1, when t → ∞.

Behaviour of hyp (t) when t tends to 0 from above. Using the same method as before, suppose, in Fig. 33, Q1M1, Q2M2, … are the ordinates images; and construct the rectangles CAS1M1, M1Q1S2M2, M2Q2S3M3, etc.



FIG. 33.







1. Find from the graph of y = images, by some method of practical geometry, approximate values of hyp (2), hyp (3), hyp (4), hyp (images).

Draw a rough graph of y = hyp (x) from x = images to x = 4.

2. Use Fig. 34 to show that 0·5 < hyp (2) < 1.



FIG. 34.

3. By drawing the ordinate x = images, show as in No. 2 that



4. Use Fig. 35 to show that hyp (2) lies between images and images.



FIG. 35.

5. By drawing the ordinates x = l, x = images, x = images, show as in No. 4 that – images < hyp (images) < – images

6. By taking the ordinates x = l, 1·1, 1·2, … 1·9, 2, show that hyp (2) lies between



Deduce that 0·66 < hyp (2) < 0·72. [Actually, hyp (2) = 0·693… .]

7. Show from a figure that hyp (t1) < hyp (t2), if 0 < t1 < t2.

8. Prove, as on p. 53, that hyp (2k) < k, if k is a positive integer.

9. In Fig. 36, PN is the ordinate x = t of any point on the line y = 2x. If the area of Δ ONP is denoted by sq(t), prove geometrically that (i) sq(2t) = 4sq(t); (ii) sq(t + t′) – sq(tt′) = 4tt′.



FIG. 36.

What does (ii) become if t = t′, and if t = 0 ?

Interpret geometrically sq( –t).

10. Use geometrical methods to prove that



11. In Fig. 37, PN is the ordinate, x = t, where t > 1. Use the indicated construction to show that 1 – images < hyp (t) < t – 1.

12. Draw, in Pig. 37, the ordinate x = s, where s < 1, and by the method of No. 11, show that 1 – images < hyp (s) < s – 1.



FIG. 37.

13. In Fig. 38, take PN and QM as the ordinates x = t, x = t + h and hence show that images lies between images and images.

Is this result true if h is negative, t + h being positive ? What result is obtained by making h tend to 0 ?



FIG. 38.

14. In Fig. 38, PN, QM are the ordinates, x = p, x = q, for the curve images. Prove that the area of the trapezium PNMQ is images.

If P′N′, Q′M′ are the ordinates, images, prove that the area of the trapezium P′N′M′Q′ is images.

What relation between the values of hyp (t) and hyp images can be deduced from these results ?

15. If, in Fig. 38, PN and QM are the ordinates, x = λp, x = λq, for the curve images, prove that the area of the trapezium PNMQ does not depend on the value of λ.

Use this fact to prove that the value of hyp (λt) – hyp (λ) does not depend on the value of λ, and so obtain its value in terms of t.

16. Draw a rough graph of images, marking the lengths of the ordinates at the points P0, P1, P2, P3 whose abscissae are 0, 1, 2, 3. By considering the area under the curve P0P1P2P3, prove that



17. Show that



Deduce that if tan–1t is defined to be images, the function tan–1t increases with t, but remains always less than 2.

18. By considering the area under the parabola y = x2, show that l2 + 22 + 32 + … + n2 lies between imagesn3 and images{(n + l)3 – 1}.

19. Prove that



20. Prove that, if 0 < θ < images, sin θ + sin 2θ + … + sin nθ lies between images.

Differentiation of hyp (t). In Fig. 39, if ON = t and ON′ = t + h, we have





FIG. 39.

But area NN′P′P lies between NN′.NP and NN′. N′P′, i.e. between images and images.



But images tends to the value images as h tends to 0;



If h is negative, t + h being positive, hyp (t + h) – hyp (t) is negative. ∴ images is positive and still lies between images and images.

Therefore it tends to the limit images as h tends to 0 in any manner.


1. Differentiate with respect to x:

(i) hyp (2x);

(ii) images.

(iii) hyp (ax);

(iv) hyp (ax) – hyp (x).

What inference can be drawn from the last result ?

2. Differentiate with respect to x :

(i) hyp (x2);

(ii) hyp (x3);

(iii) hyp (images);

(iv) hyp (xn).

What inference can be drawn from the last result ?

3. Differentiate with respect to x:



4. Differentiate with respect to x:

(i) hyp (sin x);

(ii) hyp (tan x);

(iii) hyp (cot x).

5. Integrate the following with respect to x, giving the answers as hyp functions.



6. Write down an expression for images {hyp [f(x)]}. Use the result to integrate with respect to x:



7. What is images Hence find images.

8. What is images{x hyp (x)} ? Hence find images.

9. What is the sign of images{hyp (x)} ? What inference can be drawn from the result ?

10. What is the sign of images{x – 1 – hyp(x)}, (i) if x > 1, (ii) if 0 < x < 1. Use the result to prove that hyp (x)< x – 1 for x > 0, x ≠ 1.

11. If images, show by the method of p. 57, that



12. By the substitution images show that images, and deduce that tan –1 t + tan–1 images is independent of t.

Other Properties of hyp (t). The following properties have all been illustrated in the previous examples.

To prove



By definition,



Put images, so that z = t when x = images, and z = l when x = 1; also



This result may be illustrated geometrically.

In Fig. 40, OC = OC′ = 1, ON = ON′ = t, NP, N′P′ are perpendiculars to Ox, Oy and P′K is perpendicular to Ox, so that images.

Since the curve is symmetrical about OA, the areas bounded by ON′P′AC and ONPAC′ are equal.



FIG. 40.

But OKP′N′ and OCAC′ are each of unit area; therefore the remainders, the areas KCAP′ and CNPA, are equal.

But these areas are – hyp (images) and hyp (t) respectively.

An alternative geometrical method is indicated in Ex. IV. a, No. 14.

To prove








where c is a constant;



∴ the value of hyp (ct) – hyp (t) does not depend on the value of t and is therefore equal to the value obtained by putting t = 1;



Putting c = a, t = b, we have hyp (ab) = hyp (a) + hyp (b).

Putting c = images we have hyp (images) = hyp (a) – hyp (b).

It should be noted that the result in (8) really contains those in (5), (6), andd (7).

Relation (6) may be illustrated geometrically.

If, in Fig. 41, NP, MQ are the ordinates x = p, x = q, and if N′P′, M′Q′ are the ordinates x = bp, x = bq, then the trapeziums P′N′M′Q′, PNMQ are equal in area.



FIG. 41.

For, trapezium P′N′M′Q′



Now draw a large number of ordinates between x = l and x = a, and take, as above, the corresponding ordinates between x = b and x = ba, (see Fig. 42). We then obtain corresponding pairs of trapeziums of equal area.



FIG. 42.

If we allow the number of ordinates to increase indefinitely and the width of each trapezium to tend to zero, we see that, in the limit, the area under the curve from x = l to x = a is equal to the area under the curve from x = b to x = ba;



This geometrical illustration corresponds to the analytical method indicated in Ex. IV. c, No. 7.

To Prove



where n is any rational number.

If n is any positive integer, we have, by repeated applications of (6),



Putting a1 = a2 = … = an = a, this becomes



It is now possible to show by a similar argument that this result is true if n is any rational number; see Ex. IV. c, No. 9. Relation (9) may, however, be proved in a different way, as follows :

By definition,



Put x = yn, so that y = a when x = an and y = 1 when x = 1; also




1. Given that hyp (2)images 0·693 and hyp (3)images 1·099, find approximate values of hyp(x) for x = 49 6, 8, 9, images.

Draw on squared paper the graph of hyp(x) from x = 1 to x = 3, and use it to solve hyp(x) = l.

2. Use the data of No. 1 to evaluate :



3. Evaluate images by putting x = ay.

What relation can be deduced from images?

4. Use the method of No. 3 to prove that



5. Prove that hyp(2n) > images by applying the substitution x = yn to images.

6. Use the method of No. 5 to prove that hyp(2n) < n.

7. By using a suitable substitution, prove that



What is the geometrical meaning of this relation ? What property of hyp (t) is obtained from the relation ?

8. Prove that images, where x > 1 and [x] denotes the greatest integer not greater than x.

Deduce that hyp (x) tends to + ∞ when x tends to + ∞.

9. Use the fact that hyp(an) = n hyp(a) if n is a positive integer, to prove that images, where p, q are positive integers [put a = bq]. Prove also that images.

10. Use the relation



to prove that images < hyp (2n)< n.

11. By considering the area of the trapezium ACNP in Fig. 40, p. 59, show that images, where k > 0.

12. By using the method of No. 11, prove that



where 0 < k < 1.

The Function hyp (x). We have shown that, as x increases from zero to + ∞ , hyp (x) increases steadily from – ∞ to +∞ and is zero when x = 1. The graph is shown in Fig. 43.

Further, since hyp (x + h) – hyp (x) lies between images and images, (see p. 57), it follows that hyp (x) is a continuous function of x and, since everywhere it increases with x, we may conclude that it assumes once, and only once, any given value, as x passes from 0 to + ∞. In particular, there exists a unique value of x, such that hyp (x) = 1. This value is always denoted by e, so that



The number e is irrational and, moreover, like π, is not algebraic; that is to say, there is no algebraic equation of any degree, having rational coefficients, which has e (or π) for a root. It will be shown later how the value of e can be calculated to any number of places of decimals. For the present, we shall merely point out some limits between which e must lie. Thus from Ex. IV. a, No. 2, hyp (2) < 1 and.hyp (4) = 2 hyp (2) > 1; therefore 2 < e < 4.



FIG. 43.

Again, from Ex. IV. a, No. 10, hyp (2images) < 1 < hyp (3), therefore e lies between 2images and 3. See also Ex. IV. c, No. 1. Actually, e = 2·71828… .

The reader has probably solved by this time the mystery of the function hyp (x).

From equations (9), (10), we have, if y is any rational number,



Therefore, if ey = x, hyp(x) = y; and so ehyp(x) = x.

In other words, the “hyp” of a number is the power to which e must be raised to make that number.

Therefore the “hyp” function is the logarithm of the number to the base e. Logarithms to base e are called natural logarithms or Napierian logarithms.

In mathematical work (as distinct from mere computation) the logarithms which occur are nearly always natural logarithms; and so the symbol logx is generally understood to mean the natural logarithm and is used as an abbreviation for loge x.

The argument, given above, therefore shows that



and equations (1)-(10) of this chapter may now be re-written in this sense. The most important of these results are






It should be noted that the function log x has been defined for positive values of x only.

The Exponential Function. If y = log x, not only is y determined uniquely when x is given, but for any assigned value of y there is one and only one value of x, and that value of x is positive, since it has been shown that log x increases steadily from – ∞ to + ∞ , as x increases from 0 to + ∞.

Therefore, if y = log x, we may regard x as a function of y and this function is single-valued and everywhere positive. This function might be denoted by hyp–1(y) or by antilog (y), but it is in fact denoted by exp (y), and is called the exponential function of y. We therefore write



and equation (11) may be expressed in the form



The graph of x = exp (y) is of course the same as that of y = log x. We therefore obtain the graph of y = exp (x) by interchanging the axes of x and y in Fig. 43, or, equally well, by taking the image of y = log x in the line y = x.

This gives the curve in Fig. 44.



FIG. 44.

If y is any rational number, we have from (9),



A discussion of the theory of irrational numbers is beyond the scope of this volume; we shall not, therefore, at this stage define the function ey for irrational values of y. But it will be found that, when this function has been denned, equation (15) is true also when y is irrational.

Differentiation and Integration.  If y = exp (x), then x = log y;






The function ax, where a > 0, may also be called an exponential function of x, but it is easily expressed as a power of e.

If y = ax, then log y = log (ax) = x log a, a being supposed positive;



It follows that



Applications to the Calculus.  The results of (12) and (16) may be used in conjunction with the ordinary processes of differentiation and integration; and the scope of the Calculus is thus extended to include many functions involving logarithms and exponentials. The most important applications are those of



Example 1. Integrate tan x.



therefore it follows that



Whenever a function can be written in the form images, where the numerator is the differential coefficient of the denominator, the integral can be written down in the form A. log [f(x)].

Example 2. Evaluate images.



A very large class of functions can be integrated by the method of the last example, which consists in expressing the integrand as the sum of partial fractions; for the general method of doing this, see p. 231.

The formula for integration by parts will be required in some of the examples in the next exercise. It is




1. What is the connection between the graphs of

(i) y = x2 and y = imagesx;

(ii) y = sin x and y = sin–1x ?

2. Sketch the graphs of 2x and e2x.

3. Sketch the graphs of

(i) log x;

(ii) log(2x);

(iii) log(x2);

(iv) log (images).

4. What is the value of x, when

(i) log x = 1 + log a;

(ii) log x = l – log b;

(iii) log (log x) = 0; (iv) log (log x) = 1 ?

5. Simplify (i) e2log x; (ii) exlog2; (iii) log(e2x).

6. Prove that if x1 < x2 then ex1 < ex2.

7. Sketch the graphs of

(i) e–x; (ii) ex2; (iii) ex2; (iv) eimages.

Show graphically that ex = x + a has two roots if a > 1 and no roots if a < 1.

8. Differentiate x log xx and write down the value of



9. Differentiate (x – 1) ex and write down the value of images.

Differentiate with respect to x :

10. x2 logx.

11. images.

12. images.

13. eax

14. ex3.

15. e log x.

16. log (cos x).

17. log (sec x).

18. e sin x.

19. etan2x.

20. exp (x sec x).

21. cos (ex).

22. cosec (log x).

23. log(a + bx)n.

24. log (ex + ex).




Integrate with respect to x :

26. images.

27. images.

28. images.

29. e3x.

30. exe–x.

31. images.

32. images.

33. images.

34. images.

35. xex2.

36. cot 3x.

37. images

38. (i) sec x; (ii) cosec x; (iii) images. [See No. 25.1]

     Use the method of partial fractions to find :

39. images

40. images

41. images

42. images

43. images

44. images

    Use the method of “integration by parts ” to find :

45. images

46. images

47. images

48. images

49. images

50. images

51. Differentiate eax sin bx and eax cos bx, and hence integrate the same two expressions.

52. Find the value of x for which x2 log x is a minimum.

53. Find the maximum value of images, and discuss the number of roots of the equation log x = Ax for different values of A.

Useful Inequalities.  The results given in Ex. IV. a, Nos. 11, 12 should be noted. They may be deduced directly from the definition



First, suppose t > l. Then throughout the range of values 1 < x < t, the integrand images is < 1 and is > images;



Next, suppose 0 < t < 1 and put images, so that s > 1;





for all positive values of t, except t = 1, we have



Example 3. Prove that images.

From equation (18), images < log t < t – 1, if t > 0, t ≠ 1;

∴ if t > 1,



and if 0 < t < 1,



∴ if x > 0, x ≠ 1, images lies between images and 1;



Example 4. Prove that

(i) images → 0, when x → ∞;

(ii) x log x → 0, when x → 0 through positive values.

(i) From equation (18), log t < –l if t > 0, t ≠ 1.




∴ if x > 1,



But when x → ∞, images → 0;   ∴ images.

(ii) images, from (i).

Example 5. Prove that

(i) images when t → 0;

(ii) images when n → ∞, for a > 0.

(i) images is the value of images at x = 0 and is therefore e0, = 1. This result can be obtained directly as follows:

from equation (18), with et instead of t,






∴ when t tends to 0 in any manner, images.

(ii) In (i), put t = images log a, where a is any positive constant.

Then images. Also when t → 0, n → ∞;



Example 6. Prove that the function



decreases when n increases, but that it remains positive.



but equation (18) with 1 + images instead of t, proves that



thus un+1 < un.

Equation (18) also gives



un is positive.

Since un decreases but remains positive, it follows that images exists and is not negative; but the theorem on which this depends is bound up with the theory of irrational numbers, and the discussion of it must be left to the companion volume on Analysis. The limit in the present example is called Euler′s Constant, and it is denoted by γ. Since u1 = 1, it follows that γ < 1; from Ex. IV. e, No. 14, it follows that γ > ·3; the actual value is ·577….

Example 7. Prove that images.

Since images, we may assume that x is positive; also if images.

Thus, from equation (18), putting sec images for t,



since sin θ < θ (see E.T., p. 162).

But when n → ∞, sec images → l, and sin images → 0,







1. If 1 < t1 < t2, prove that log t2 – log t1 < images.

2. If a and b are positive, prove that log(a + b) – log a > images.

3. If 1 + x > 0, and x ≠ 0, prove that



4. If 0 < x < 1, prove that images.

5. Prove that ex ≥ l + x.

6. Prove that eximages if x < 1. What happens if x > 1 ?

7. If p is positive, prove that images.

8. Show that images steadily decreases as x increases from e upwards.

9. If n > e, prove that nn+1 > (n + l)n.

10. Prove that images.

11. Prove that images, where p is positive.

12. Prove that images, where p and x are positive.

13. Prove that images increases with n, and that it is always less than unity.

14. Assuming log 2 = ·69…, deduce from No. 13 that γ > ·3.

15. Find, in terms of γ, the limit of images when n → ∞.

16. Evaluate images.

17. Evaluate images.

18. Prove: images.

19. Prove that images tends to a limit when n → ∞.

20. If p and n – 1 are positive integers, prove that



and deduce that



where q is a given positive integer.



1. Differentiate log {x + images(x2a2)} with respect to x.

2. Show that images.

3. Evaluate images.

4. Obtain a relation between images and images.

5. Find the maximum value of images.

6. If y = a cos (log x) + b sin (log x), prove that



7. If y = ekx satisfies images, find k.

8. Prove that y = aemx sin (nx + a) satisfies



9. If y = ex sin x, prove that images.

10. If y = xx, prove that images.

11. Evaluate images.

12. Compare the graphs of log x and log (log x).

13. Prove that images where t > 0.

14. Napier used the approximation images, where images is small, for calculating logarithms. Express this as an approximate formula for log (1 + x) if x4 is negligible. [The error images.]

15. Prove that images.

16. Prove that lim xx = l if x → 0 through positive values.

17. What results can be deduced from log t > 1 – images by changing t into t2 and into images, where t > 1. Which of the three inequalities gives most information ?

18. If x > 1, prove that images.

19. Use the relation images to show that if t is positive, log(l + t) lies between



20. Prove that, if x > 1, images.

21. Prove that, if t > 0,



22. If p > q, prove that images.

23. Integrate x2ex, and prove that



24. If t > 0, prove that images lies between imagest3 and imagest(t – 2).

25. If p and t – 1 are positive, use the relation



to prove that images. Deduce that if m is positive, images when t → ∞.

What result is obtained by putting t = ey? Deduce that images when y → ∞, if r > 0.

26. Prove that images.



1. Prove that images.

2. If p is positive, show that 1p + 2p + 3p + … + np lies between



3. Prove that images lies between those values of tan–1 n and images which are between 0 and images.

4. Prove that, if x > 1, (x – 1) (x – 3) – 2x (x – 2) log x is negative.

5. Prove that images is independent of t.

6. If 0 < a < b and c < d < 0, determine whether images or images is the greater.

7. If x and y are positive and less than unity, prove that



8. If t is positive, prove that images.

9. If x > 1, prove that images.

10. If x > 1, prove that images.

11. If t is positive, prove that images.

12. If x > 1, prove that images.

13. Prove that images, if 0 < x < 2.

14. Prove that images where t > 0 and t ≠ 1.

15. Prove that, as t decreases steadily down towards unity, images increases steadily. Also state this result as a geometrical property of the hyperbola xy = 1.

16. By putting images for t in the result of No. 15, show that images steadily increases as x increases through positive values.

17. Prove that images, if x >0.

18. Prove that images, if x > – 1, for some value of θ between 0 and 1.

19. Prove that images when x → 0 through positive values, and that images when x → + ∞.

20. Prove that images lies between images log 2 and images. [See also No. 28.] .

21. Prove that images by taking the range of integration in two parts, from 0 to 1 and 1 to ∞. What result is given by the substitution, x = cy?

22. If images, where n is positive and the existence of the integral is assumed, show by integration by parts that



and deduce that if (m – 1) is a positive integer Γ (m) = (m – 1)!

23. If images, and assuming that this integral exists if n > –1, prove that f(n + 2) = images(n + 1) .f(n).

24. If images, and assuming that this integral exists if m and n are positive, prove that



   Express B (m + 1, n + 1) in terms of B (m, n).

25. If x > 1, prove that images.

26. If 0 < θ images, prove that cosec θ < images. Also show that the integrals images tend to limits when ∈ tends to zero through positive values.

27. Prove that images and hence that each equals images.

Prove also that



Deduce from these results that



28. By using the two transformations, x = tan θ and images and equating the results obtained, prove that

