

Imagination is something we start to cultivate as children, but at times it dulls with the responsibilities that come with age. Writing gives us some of that back, and there is nothing more freeing than letting my mind wander and listen to the voices of the characters that are always chatting away. What a gift it has been to find a boss who encourages me and gives wings and voice to those characters and stories. Thank you, Radclyffe, for your support and for giving me a home at BSB.


From the very beginning, Shelley Thrasher has been there as well, guiding me with an active red pen as well as kind words. Thank you for all you’ve taught me, and for the ideas that sometimes send me off in directions I didn’t consider. With your help the stories always end up stronger, and something I’m proud of. I’m so glad you’re a part of my team.


The first people who get to read these stories are Kathi Isserman and Connie Ward. Thank you both for your suggestions and for honesty. You guys aren’t just the best beta readers in the business, but you’re great friends as well.


Thank you to each one of you who has supported and encouraged me from the very beginning. Every book, every word is always written with you, the reader, in mind, and it will always be so. It’s nice having you all along for the journey.


No matter what else is happening in my life, or what the story is about, there is one person who is at the heart of my life who makes me feel as if everything is possible. Thank you, C, for not only your love, but for all you’ve brought into my life. These past twenty-six years have passed in a flash, and I’m looking forward to the next fifty at least. I love you.