“Don’t move.”

Terrified, Nora froze, staring at the letter she now realized was not a letter at all.

Seth eased the envelope out of Nora’s fingers and walked as steadily as he could away from Nora. “Get Jude,” he instructed.

Nora ran inside and returned a moment later with her brother.

Jude pushed Nora back toward the building, eyes riveted on Seth. “Bomb squad’s on its way but it will be a while. Can you put it down?”

Seth did, lowering it millimeter by excruciating millimeter down onto the pavement.

Nora stood, lip between her teeth, trembling. When Seth joined them, he reached a hand to her. She took it, holding onto his strong fingers. “How...how did you know that was a bomb?”

He smiled grimly. “Heavy envelope, grease stains, bump where the trigger is hidden inside. Military service makes you savvy.” He paused. “And the fact that someone recently threatened your life.”

Nora’s grip tightened before she let go and hugged herself. He knew what she was thinking and he wondered too. Why did someone want her dead?