Chapter Ten
It was a beautiful late spring afternoon when I stepped out of the third class carriage at the tiny country station which had been created a generation earlier to serve the needs of the Great Hall in its heyday, that time of balls and shooting parties.
The usual pony and trap was waiting at the exit for anybody who might be going up to the house but the lad at the reins showed no interest in me, clearly thinking I must be heading for the village, not well dressed enough to be a guest of his employers, even though I had invested some of my money from modeling in a new suit.
The walk seemed more appealing anyway, a chance to enjoy the pleasures of the rural English landscape at its most picturesque.
I cut out across the fields, taking a short cut I had discovered as a lad in those days that now seemed a lifetime ago, eventually emerging at the lakeside where once two young boys, after sneaking out of their attic room on a warm spring evening, had stripped off their clothes and plunged into the cooling waters before emerging to fuck on the soft grass, glorying in their nakedness.
It was the first time in many months that I had really thought of Eddie, handsome, slim and laughing as he enjoyed my body and I responded by worshipping his.
Ahead of me arose the Great Hall, as elegant and imposing as I remembered – and just as daunting.
I knew better than to approach the main doors so went around to the familiar rear of the building, through the stables and the kitchen garden – the pang of pain as I recalled the act of lust that had shattered a beautiful friendship – and walked into the Servants’ Hall.
“Goodness, is that young Fitzgerald?” It was Jordan the butler, still as formal as ever, unchanged by the passing years.
“The Young Master did tell me to expect you but he didn’t say when. The house is very quiet at the moment - everybody except the young master is in Europe for the summer.
“You’d better follow me – we don’t want to keep the Young Master waiting Fitzgerald.”
He led me along familiar corridors until we emerged from the gloom and into the splendor of the family quarters, the glory dimmed by closed shutters and dust sheets.
I followed him up the grand staircase that led from the magnificent painted hall to the family rooms and we eventually paused at what I knew to be the door of Alex’s suite.
Knocking gently, Jordan opened the door, announced my presence with all the formality he would have used had I been a guest at one of the grand balls of the pre-war years and then turned and left.
“Fitzgerald, how good of you to come,” Captain Kenilworth Hardy exclaimed, leaping up to shake my hand with a level of enthusiasm that rather took me by surprise.
“So Seb passed my note on. I’m so pleased. When we last met, you gave me no idea where you were living but I knew you had been working with Seb and I know you wouldn’t be there forever and I so hoped you wouldn’t have found yourself another situation before I saw you again. This is going to be the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to see the world. Now, what do you say Fitzgerald. You will say yes won’t you? You won’t let me down?”
The words had tumbled out, almost as though he were afraid that if he didn’t say everything at once, he would never say it at all.
“Your offer is very generous sir,” I started to reply.
But the Young Master interrupted with: “No more of that sir thing. We’re not at war any more. I thought I said that the last time we met.
“In this new venture, even though you’d be travelling as my valet, we’d really be equals, not master and servant but Alex and Bertie... you don’t mind if I call you Bertie do you?”
His eyes shone brightly, a smile of anticipation flickered over his lips and it was hard to resist such puppyish, youthful enthusiasm.
“Well,” I started. “It is a very generous offer sir – I’m sorry, Alex – and there’s nothing here for me any more so I really do feel I should accept.”
Again Alex leapt to hit feet and grabbed my hand, smiling broadly as he said: “You’ve no idea how delighted I am. I do hope you can start right away.”
“I only have an overnight bag,” I replied. “The few things I have are still in my room in London.”
“Oh we don’t need to worry about that,” he laughed. “We’re about the same size so you can have some of my things until we get up to town to get you kitted out for the voyage.
“And I really do mean it – although you’ll be travelling as my valet, I want to think of us as friends, as travelling companions, two men who share a common bond, something that only the two of us know about... ”
“And what would that be?” I asked, suddenly aware that the conversation was about to take an unexpected turn.
“You saved my life,” Alex said. “I wouldn’t be here now to make this offer if you hadn’t taken me in your arms that night and done what you did.”
“Alex, I only did what any other man would have done, saved my commanding officer... ”
“You know that’s not true Bertie. Do you think I don’t remember the feeling of your lips against mine, your hands nurturing me back from the edge in that hell, encouraging me back to life again?
“I had waited so long for some sign from you, some expression of mutual interest and when it came it was the thing that snatched me back from the jaws of death.”
“Alex,” I said. “You’d never even noticed me. It was Eddie you wanted.”
“Eddie? You mean the dark boy who was fucking young Daisy? Where did you get that idea from?”
I told him the story Eddie had told me so long ago, that story of sexual gratification in the bath.
“He said that?” Alex sounded genuinely incredulous. “I don’t know what his motive might have been but he was pulling your leg old chap.
“I did have him valet for me one evening but that was a mistake, all old Jordan’s fault. I sent him to look for you but when he came back with Eddie I couldn’t very well send him away could I? So I let him dress me and very well he did it too but there was nothing happened in my bath, no fumbling, no sexual activity and, as far as I’m concerned, no thought of it.
“For God’s sake, don’t you understand man? I wanted you from the first day I saw you. I’ve never kissed another man, never wanted another man, I’ve only wanted you.
“And that night when you brought me back from the brink with a life-saving kiss and the restoring touch of your hands, I was determined that I would make you mine, that I would have you, that we would be together.”
My head was spinning at the force of his words, at the insistence of his sentiments, at the realisation that Eddie had told me a story simply to provoke me, that our final break had been the result of nothing but a stupid prank that I had taken too seriously.
Alex watched as I struggled to master the conflicting emotions and then, as if to prove everything he had told me, said” “There’s something I think you should see.”
He went to the door that I knew led to his bedroom, opened me and beckoned me to follow.
There on an easel in the bay window stood a painting, Mars the God of War, his loin cloth cast aside to reveal his erect penis, the painting I had spent so many weeks posing for.
“There are two versions,” Alex laughed. “One belongs with its companion, the portrait of Venus, and will probably hang in a gallery somewhere.
“But when I heard that Seb had encouraged you to pose, I asked him if he could persuade you to pose naked for the second and it looks like he succeeded.
“Of course, I know he’ll have had you – he has every model that passes through his studio – but I don’t care so long as I can now call you my lover.”
With that, he grabbed hold of me and, with a passion he could no longer contain and returned the kiss I had given him so long ago.
This was no moment for loving caresses though and as our tongues tangled, we ripped at each other’s clothes, ripping at shirts and trousers, stripping as we fondled and embraced, finally tumbling back onto his massive bed.
“For God’s sake Bertie, do what you have to do!” he cried. “I’ve waited so long for this. Fuck me now... please!”
With no other form of lubricant available, I wet my fingers with Alex’s saliva and put my hand between his legs, gently massaging his anus while attempting to relax him further with long slow kisses.
He groaned with pleasure, his hands fondling my bottom and then moving up to stroke my nipples as I spread his legs as wide as possible and then, taking my hard, engorged tool in my hand, began what I knew would, for Alex, be an undoubtedly painful first time.
I felt his sphincter muscles tense at the first attempted entry but I continued to apply pressure until, much sooner than I had expected, Alex yielded and my rod plunged into his hole.
At first he cried out, a sort of yelp of pain and surprise but then, looking up at me, he smiled the smile of a deeply satisfied man and pulled me towards him to kiss me, his tongue invading me just as my penis was invading him.
Then I began to push forward with greater force, ramming my entire shaft deeper and deeper until he could take no more.
His hands roamed over my body as he urged me on with cries of: “Yes Bertie, deeper Bertie, harder please my lover... ”
But instead of yielding to his entreaties, I surprised him my withdrawing completely and then, placing him on his hands and knees, too him from behind, my cock slipping in much more readily now that the arse knew what was coming.
I knew that this way I could penetrate him even more deeply at the same time as letting my hands go round to his front so I could feel the texture of his beautiful golden hairy chest, while he – quickly learning how to please his lover – slipped a hand between my legs to massage my balls.
Then my hands too moved down towards his groin, grabbing Alex’s member and beginning to masturbate him as I felt my own sap rising, reaching the moment of climax.
And then I could hold back the floodgates no longer. With a cry of: “Ohhhh, my God!” my sperm shot out, filling Alex with the product of my desire just as he too reached orgasm, his cum spurting out as my juices continued to pump into him.
The strength of our mutual ejaculations gradually subsided and as my penis finally lost some of its rigidity and slipped from his back passage, we both collapsed onto the sheets sticky with seed.
“Bertie, I do love you,” he whispered as he stole a further kiss. “I’m happy now, happy that I saved my body for your pleasure.”
I sighed contentedly and held him close, enjoying the feeling of his gorgeous body hair against me, the sensation of his lovely soft blonde moustache as he nibbled playfully on my lip.”
Later we bathed together and when we emerged from the water and began to dry each other, I knew it was time for Alex’s next lesson in male love.
Leaning over the bath and standing with legs planted firmly apart, I presented my bottom to him and guided his cock into my body.
I could tell how much he enjoyed the sensation of now being the fucker rather than the fucked as he settled into a steady rhythm, which gained pace as he came quickly to the point of no return, delivering a refreshing spurt of spunk that splashed into me as he pushed eagerly on.
But proving that he no longer wanted to be master and servant but simply my lover, he then happily went down on his knees and sucked my tool until I too could hold back no longer and squirted creamy cum right to the back of his throat, amazed at how quickly he was mastering the art of making love to another man as he swallowed every drop as though he believed it was the secret to everlasting lust.
We washed each other’s now happily limp genitalia once more and laughed as we dressed for dinner, happy to know that we had shared the same dream for so long and had now been able to make it real.