Chapter Nine
As the weeks progressed, the stories became less frequent and Sebastian’s concentration on the job intensified.
He would sit at the easel for hours, only looking up occasionally, barely aware that I was still there as he focused on the details of the portrait.
Winter gave way to spring and the studio, with its vast overhead window would heat up like a greenhouse, making it almost impossible for me to stay awake as the hours passed.
It was one of those days of bright blue skies and blazing sun that filled the studio with heat and seemed to interfere with Sebastian’s concentration.
Already he had pulled open his usually neat tie and wrenched off his stiff collar, sending the studs flying – I tried not to look too excited by this small erotic detail – and next he unfastened his waistcoat and then undid the top four buttons of his shirt to expose the hairy chest I hadn’t seen since that afternoon many months before when we had entertained Lilly and Elsie.
He worked on feverishly, occasionally running his hands through his black hair and then suddenly he threw his brush across the studio floor and exclaimed: “Fuck this! It’s just not there today. I need inspiration... ”
Suddenly, he seemed to recall that he wasn’t alone and, looking across and smiling, he said: “I think we could both do with a break. What do you say to a five minute breather?”
He stood up, stretched languidly, rubbed his hand across his damp chest and wandered over to the big bay window that looked down onto the street.
For a moment he didn’t move but them he turned and came over to the coach where I was still lying and sat down beside me.
“You know, it’s a funny thing old chap but even after al these months, I really don’t feel I know that much about you,” he said.
“Well, there’s not much to know,” I replied. “I’m just the model.”
“Oh there’s no just about it,” Sebastian said. “You’ve inspired me to do some of my best work ever and you’ve never complained about the long hours or the boredom. I at least feel I owe you something.”
Slowly his hand reached out and his fingers touched my arm lightly, just a friendly gesture perhaps but now the air was filled with a sultry tension, an atmosphere heady with anticipation.
He leaned forward and, for the first time since that afternoon of passionate fun with the two girls, his lips brushed lightly against mine, his moustache tickling a little just as I remembered.
He nibbled at my lips while gently running a hand over my chest and then his tongue darted into my mouth and sought out its playfellow, each teasing and probing as we sighed together at the thought of pleasures to come.
Unable to resist his gentle advances, my fingers sought out the hairy chest as we continued to kiss and then I pulled away to move down and take a nipple in my mouth, tugging and teasing while my fingers fumbled with the remaining buttons, pulled down his bracers and then pulling the shirt clear of his beautiful big shoulders, revealing the big broad chest and abs, defined by dark curls that had to be touched and played with while he struggle out of shoes, socks, trousers and underwear, finally releasing the dark sturdy cock I had fantasised about through my many weeks of naked enforce idleness, listening to stories that had stirred my imagination and creating that delicious tingling sensation in my loins.
As though he read my mind, he took his beautiful engorged member in his hand and guided it between my lips, my tongue licking the glans and enjoying the sweet salty taste of pre cum before I swallowed as much of the shaft as possible, taking it to the very back of my throat, willing him to insert it as much as he could.
“Oh Bertie,” I heard him whisper. “Take every part of me, enjoy my body, my soul... ”
I returned to his tits that were now standing erect and began to feast first on one and then on the other as he groaned and writhed beneath me.
Then I rose above him and placed my right nipple against his lips, encouraging him to suck as I had just sucked him before moving up so that I could now take my cock and bush it against his panting, open mouth, playing with him before finally allowing him to take his first mouthful.
He took it just as enthusiastically as I had swallowed his, his lips sliding up and down the shaft, lubricating it ready for the activity to come, making it slick with saliva.
So great was our concentration that we had not noticed that the valet, as silent as ever, had entered the studio and, after witnessing the sucking, groaning action, had taken off his trousers and pants and now stood by the couch with his fully erect knob in his hand, at exactly the right height for me to reach forward and suck just as Sebastian was sucking on mine.
The sensation was gloriously intense and I knew now what I wanted to happen next, just moving down slightly so that I could sit on Sebastian’s rock hard tool and still enjoy the deeply satisfying feeling of the valet’s sturdy cock banging into my mouth.
Sebastian took my penis and began to masturbate me, concentrating on the shaft with one hand while cupping and squeezing my balls with the other.
Only when I felt I might come too soon do I rise from Sebastian’s cock and, getting to my feet, pulled at the valet’s shirt to reveal a smooth hard chest, very different to his master’s hairy frame but no less appealing.
While Sebastian started to kiss the valet on the lips with a familiarity that demonstrated this was no one off occasion, his hands reaching down to give the servant’s tool some good hard tugs.
I concentrated on the man’s nipples for a while, biting and chewing, before getting behind him, squatting on my knees and thrusting my tongue into his anus, working up a froth of lubricating saliva, ideal for the next moment when I rose again, bent him forward and rammed my cock into his arse.
Leaping up onto the couch, Sebastian now forced his member with equal urgency into the valet’s mouth and we both established an insistent rhythm, giving him no chance to plead for mercy as we reached simultaneous orgasm, Sebastian’s cum squirting into his man’s mouth while my jizz flooded his anus.
We both collapsed onto the couch laughing as we watched the valet gasping for breath as we finished our assault, though a few minutes later Sebastian went down on his knees and, sucking the still hard cock brought the valet to quick climax, removing his lips just in time for him to squirt his man juices across us all, showering us with spunk.
Knowing his place, the servant then gathered his clothes together and walked out of the room with all the calm assurance of a man who might just as well have been serving afternoon tea and cucumber sandwiches.
We remained as we were, naked and slick with sweat and cum and we lay in each other’s exhausted arms for a while but both knew we had unfinished business that had been interrupted by the servant’s intrusion, welcome though it may have been.
Wrapping arms tightly around each other, we began to kiss again, lips against lips, mouths opening as tongues slid against each other and our cocks stirred to new impatient life.
Sebastian lay beneath me and he opened his legs wide, his calves up on my shoulders so that I could enter him and fill him with a second harvest of sperm that gushed out with surprising force.
Then, turning so I was away from his handsome face that I could have kissed forever, I pierced myself on his solid member and rode the cock until, with a noise that started with a groan and ended in a cry of pure passion, he too filled me with his juices and our activities came to a hot, sweaty conclusion, our two penises completely spent and flaccid after so much activity.
We finished our afternoon of pleasure by sharing a bath, cleansing ourselves of the residue of the afternoon’s exertions, laughing as we soaped each other, making the most of every opportunity to kiss and fondle slippery bodies.
It was as we dried each other with big white towels that Sebastian said: “You do know that this is the end don’t you? This was our parting gift to each other. The painting is all but finished and I don’t need you to model any more – and after today’s activities you’d be too much of a distraction. I don’t know how I’ve kept my hands off you for so long.”
“I suppose I knew it would have to come to an end soon,” I replied. “There’ll be more work out there somewhere now the weather’s turned. Labouring might not seem such a bad deal in the sunshine and it’s an honest living for a man who needs the cash.”
“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about digging ditches or anything like that, though I might quite like to see you muscled and dirty in a stained vest as you sweat under the hot sun, rubbing yourself down and then stripping for a cooling shower - where I would join you, of course,” Sebastian laughed.
“I have a letter for you – from an old friend I suppose you’d say. It only arrived yesterday and I at least wanted one afternoon of pleasure with you before letting you go to somebody who’ll love you for more than just that spectacular todger of yours.”
He walked over to a bureau, opened a drawer and took out a letter that he watched me read as he started to dress.
“My dear Fitzgerald,” the letter started, “I do hope you don’t mind me contacting you through Sebastian but I knew you had been working with him and hoped you might still be visiting the studio occasionally.
“The last time we met, that night at the Ritz, we never really had a full chance to catch up or for me to express my true and deep gratitude for the fact that you once saved my life.
“I hope now that I might be able to make amends and perhaps do even more if you are still looking for work, as I believe you were last year.
“I am intending to travel to America very soon and need a personal valet to accompany me.
“As it is going to be a journey of some duration I need somebody I know I will get along with and somebody I can trust to look after me and I rather hoped that you would be agreeable to taking up the post yourself.
“I am currently back at the Great Hall so if you were interested, simply take the train down –there’s no need to make any appointment. I’ll be here.
“I sincerely hope you give my offer your serious consideration and I look forward to seeing you soon.”
“Yours, Alex.”
As I finished he letter I looked up and saw Sebastian smiling as he fastened the final button his waistcoat.
“Good news I rather think,” he said. “I suspect our friend Alex has been down in the country fretting about what we’ve been getting up to.
“If it’s the offer I think it is, you’d be a fool to turn it down. Alex could be your ticket out of the past, the chance to start a new life.”
He came over and kissed me lightly, helping me to button my shirt, his fingers briefly slipping under the fabric to give a nipple one final playful tweak.
“Your work here is done,” he said. “Love and War is finished – it’s time to seek fresh adventures, to maximize your potential old chap.”