


Caleb’s voice rang in my memory like an old tune I couldn’t shake. I hadn’t seen him, Ben or Es in six months and I couldn’t be more miserable. She hadn’t tried calling me but I could feel when she was thinking of me, which was most days. It didn’t help that I thought about Caleb every time. Forgetting him was not an easy task. Having Samuel on my mind was torture but Caleb had become a part of me. It was absolute agony having him on my mind. He was like a sheet wrapped around my entire being that I couldn’t shake. He was a part of me, no doubt about it.

I hadn’t heard Samuel in that time either. It was as if he was erased, gone. It was a relief to have a silent sleep after so many years but I was lonely. At least when he spoke to me I had company, even if it was a voice of a ghost, even if I felt crazy. It was better than the utter hush in my mind.

I made my way through the entire state of Oklahoma. I never settled in one place for very long. I had just crossed the border into Texas when I was taken by surprise by Esmeralda’s call. She was calling me back home. I tried to fight it and continued on my way.

“Willow,” a voice called to me but it wasn’t Samuel. The voice I heard was deep and sensual. When I heard him it felt like my body was showered with the same euphoric feeling I had with Caleb. “Willow, come back to me. I need you.”

“No!” How could he be in my head now? “I must be crazy.” I pushed his pleading voice away and continued on. I found a small town. The houses were scattered apart enough that no one would be asking questions about the strange woman in town. There were still a few people awake in the center of town but I found a small house a mile away from there. It was the typical white farmhouse. It needed fresh paint but was an ideal place for a vampire to feed. Off the side of the small house stood a barn, it wasn’t too big but it had a hay loft. If there was enough, I could cover my body with the hay while I slept.

I made my way around the house and peeked into the kitchen window. There was a woman in her late twenties early thirties. She was hand washing some dishes.

“Are you almost done in there?” a man called from another room. His booming voice made her jump.

“Yes,” she replied and frantically finished her dishes.

“Bring me another beer, woman.”

The woman walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a silver can. She dried off her hands on a dishtowel and adjusted her blonde ponytail before she made her way out of the kitchen. I quickly rounded the house to find another window. I chose the one with the faint glow and saw a man sitting in a recliner. He had a baseball game on the TV. I could never stomach the sport. He was roughly the same age as the woman. He was dressed in a white tank top and his belly was extended slightly. He looked like he was pregnant and he wasn’t the only one. The counter obstructed my view but I could see the woman’s stomach was gorged with a child.

She woman handed the man the can and he snatched it from her. As he popped the tab he glared at her. She turned to leave him but he grabbed her hand.

“Come sit on my lap,” he smiled.

“I have dishes to do and laundry to finish,” she stated with a smile. I wouldn’t want to sit on his lap either. The man pulled her a little too hard and she fell into his lap. I nearly gasped as I thought of her baby. He gripped her hips and aggressively placed her on his knees. She was facing the TV screen. He stroked her back and toyed with her hair. He had hunger in his eyes. He quickly undid his belt and released his cock. It was average at best.

“Left your skirt, baby,” he panted as he stroked himself. She did as instructed without saying a word. As she flashed her naked ass at him he gave it a soft stroke before slapping the tender flesh. “Sit on my cock, baby.”

The young woman sat down slowly, allowing him to insert himself into her. She released a sigh of pleasure. The man, who I assumed was her husband, began to pump up into her. He gripped her neat ponytail and pulled her head back. She moved her hips as she sat back on his chest. He kissed her cheek tenderly a few times. Her cry of pleasure took me by surprise as I watched her begin to rock harder in his lap. Then she jumped up and straddled him. Their stomachs rubbed against each other as she began to ride his cock fiercely. He gripped her hips and seconds later he growled with a powerful release.

She held onto him as they caught their breath together. He stroked her cheek, “I love you, Bug.”

“I love you too,” she panted with a smile.

I waited until they went upstairs to enter the home. All the lights were out as I slowly crept up behind them. The woman was in the bathroom. I could hear the shower running. The man was in the bedroom. I peeked through the crack in the door and saw him standing with his back to me in nothing but his boxer shorts. I pushed it open slowly and just as he turned I struck. I covered his mouth and sank my fangs into his flesh. His blood was like fire on my tongue. My sex grew hot and all I could think about was Caleb.