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When Es and I returned from our hunt, we found Ben waiting for us at Caleb’s door. “We should talk with him while Willow is still here,” he eyed Es and then me.
“I’m not going anywhere.” His words confused me.
“Well you never know,” he shrugged and stood from his chair. I grabbed his arm before he entered Caleb’s room. My eyes captured his. I wanted him to know how serious I was.
“I don’t know what your problem is but I love Caleb.”
“If you loved him, you would have stayed and none of this would have happened,” his nostrils flared. His words cut me deep. I already blamed myself for this situation. I didn’t need to be bullied.
“Ben, this isn’t her fault,” Es stated.
“I’m here to stay if you like it or not. We are going to get Caleb out of this and I plan to be with him,” I said with intent.
“I can only hope you mean it,” he said as he opened the door. I couldn’t believe the audacity of this guy. His words rang true but so did mine. I knew who I wanted and where I wanted to be.
We stepped into the dark room and Es hit the switch on the wall illuminating everything. Caleb’s body was sprawled out but still tied. I assumed Ben had come in and cleaned him up because his cock was back in his pants. Maybe that would explain his ill temper. I didn’t plan on leaving again unless Caleb was with me. Maybe after this was all over that was what we should do.
“Ah, have you come back for another roll in the hay, sweet Willow?” Samuel asked with a conniving grin. I hated how he could make the most precious face look distorted and ugly. His soul was so dark. “Or would you like to have another go at it, Esmeralda?”
“What is he talking about?” Ben asked Es. She looked as if she was choking on her tongue.
“Oops, did I spill the beans?” Samuel laughed.
“It’s in the past,” she said angrily.
“What is?” I asked a little curious myself. What kind of past could Es and Samuel have?
“She hasn’t told you? Esmeralda and I are longtime friends,” he smiled and flicked his tongue at my maker. I was appalled. Es looked at me with pleading eyes and Ben was glaring at her. “Do not worry Benjamin. I only have eyes for Willow. My sweet, innocent Willow with the chestnut hair and hot lemon tart pussy,” he licked his lips and closed his eyes as he thought of me. My body gave an involuntary shiver of disgust.
“Shut your filthy mouth, slime,” Es hissed.
“You use to claw at the sheets because of this filthy mouth. I can’t wait to taste you again,” he winked.
Suddenly Ben reached over and cold clocked him in the jaw. Blood was dripping from his lip. I couldn’t help feeling bad for Caleb. Samuel licked the blood from his lip and savored the flavor. “You will not speak to my mate that way again.”
“You just remember that when you’re licking that cunt, you’ll be licking my remnants,” he bellowed in laughter as Ben’s face fumed. He clenched his fists at his sides. I noticed his eyes were black. It had been a while since he had fed. I could see the thirst clawing at him.
“Willow, I...” I stopped Es from trying to explain.
“We can discuss it later. Right now we need to deal with this issue.” Before I could even begin my questions I saw Ben latch onto Caleb’s neck. He was feeding on him. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?”
Es and I both reacted quickly. I grabbed one arm and she grabbed the other. While we pulled he growled and held on tighter.
“Vase,” Es called. I released Ben and picked up the vase on the bedside table. I lifted it up into the air and smashed it over Ben’s head. Shards of French porcelain flew everywhere. His body went slack for only a fraction of a second but we were able to pull him off. I fell back into the floor with him. He began to mumble curses as he reached for his head but he was crushing me. I looked up at Caleb and he was lifeless on the bed. I shoved Ben off of me and frantically crawled to the bed. I lifted his head and place it on my lap.
“Caleb, wake up,” I shook him but he wouldn’t respond. “CALEB,” I screamed as I shook him harder. Blood was dripping out of his wound. He hadn’t fed so he wouldn’t heal. My heart was crushed. The love I felt for him in that moment was like nothing I had ever felt.
“What have I done?” Ben asked.
I hadn’t noticed I was crying until I couldn’t see his face. I had to wipe the moisture from my eyes. It felt like my soul had been ripped out. I had to keep Caleb with me and there was only one way. My fangs elongated and I lifted my wrist to my lips.
“You can’t,” Ben stated.
“I have to try something,” I panted and bit into my flesh. It hurt but the pain was nothing like I felt in my heart. I opened Caleb’s mouth and placed my bleeding wrist to it. My blood flowed into his mouth so fast that it began to drip down his cheek onto my lap. I didn’t care if I bled to death trying to save him. As long as he was safe I would be fine. He was worth it. “You can’t die on me,” I sobbed softly as I stroked his eyebrow and cheek.
“Willow,” Es whispered and I felt her hand on my back. “Willow, he’s gone.”
“NO,” I shoved her arm away. I placed my wrist back at his lifeless mouth. The majority of my blood was wasted on my leg. I was feeling weak but I didn’t care. If I couldn’t have him, I would be more than happy to die with him. “Drink, baby, please,” I whispered through my sobs.
“Sweetheart, let him go,” Es cooed.
“Would you let Ben go?” I growled and glared at her. She had to understand.
“If there was no way of helping him, yes.”
I ignored my maker and glared at her mate. He was still sitting on the floor in a heap of sobs himself. He should feel terrible. He killed not only my one true love but his progeny. He should be put to death. If I weren’t so depleted I would do it myself.