


“Where have you been,” Samuel asked as he approached me. I was sitting on the very cliff I had jumped from so many years before. This spot wasn’t too far away from my home. I fooled myself into thinking it was far enough away from the beach for Samuel to find me.

“Avoiding you,” I snapped and looked back down at the river. I only had an hour before I was to meet with my mother. I could only hope I would see her again.

“Why do you choose to fight me?” he asked as he sat down next to me. I wanted to shove him off into the rough waters below. “Don’t you get bored with no one to talk to?”

“Actually, no, it’s nice to finally have silence after having your annoying voice in my head for so long.”

“If you would only allow me in, I could show you how much you mean to me. I would do anything for you, Willow. All you have to do is ask.”

“Hold your breath until I call,” I snapped.

“My, my, you sure are bad-tempered. Maybe an orgasm would help you relax,” he said in a saucy voice.

“No thanks.”

“You use to enjoy my affections.”

“Not anymore. My tastes have changed. I prefer a little more of a meaty man if you catch my drift.” I winked.

“You try to insult me but my cock was enough to make you scream my name at one time.”

I decided to tease him a little. I softened my eyes and looked over at him. I might as well take some pleasure in being trapped with him. “I do remember,” I whispered. He began to pant slightly as I leaned in closer to him. He placed his hand on my thigh and I wanted to barf as he moved it closer to my core. I was not hot for him at all. His very presence turned me into an Ice Queen. His touch instantly made me dead from the chest down. His mouth was only inches from mine.

“Do you remember my mouth kissing and licking you?”

“I do,” I sighed and brushed my lips against his.

“Do you recall me bringing you to bliss as I fucked you?” he questioned deeply.

“I do recall,” I looked down to the crotch of his slacks and could see his bulge of excitement. “But I’ve moved on to bigger and better things,” I whispered and pulled away.

“You are a saucy tease. Oh God, Willow,” he shoved me down and was on top of me. I shoved at his chest but his mouth made contact with mine. His kiss was hard and greedy. I turned my head and his lips made contact with my neck. His hands were quickly trying to rip my clothes off.

“Samuel, get off of me,” I growled and shoved.

“Let me love you, Willow,” he growled against my chest as he tried to suck my nipple through my shirt and bra. I didn’t have my vampire strength but I did have a knee. I shifted my legs and gave him a good blow to the balls. He bellowed a scream of pain. Without even thinking I lifted my foot up to his stomach and shoved. His body flew off of me. He screamed as he fell. I got to my knees just in time to see him crash into the water below.

I ran into the woods and headed towards my childhood home.

“MOTHER, CAN YOU HEAR ME?” I frantically shouted into the darkness. I wasn’t exactly sure where she wanted to meet but I stayed about a hundred yards from the house.

“I’m here, Willow,” she called in a whisper. I turned to see her dressed in a heavy cloak. She was holding a lantern up to light her way as she stumbled towards where I stood. It was a relief to know she believed me.

“The witch is after me. I have to get out of here now,” I panted in fear.

“I wasn’t sure on which supplies I would need so I brought everything I had. Follow me,” she instructed and walked deeper into the woods. She was carrying a large leather bag. I followed her but kept a sharp eye on the darkness. I didn’t need Samuel following us and trying to ruin my plans.

“We must hurry,” I said in a whisper.

“We are almost there,” she stated. A few moments later we stepped out into a clearing. I knew exactly where we were. This was my death spot. I had been attacked by the moose in that very spot.

My mother dumped the contents of her bag out on the grass. I was too worried watching the trees to question what everything was. I was tapping my hand on my leg as I grew nervous.

“Willow?” she questioned.

“I’m here.”

“I need to know what the witch did to bring you here,” I told her about the circles, symbols and ingredients they used. “What next?”

“They cut my hair and drew my blood, letting it hit the ground but I don’t know how we can do that. I’m a spirit.”

She took a knife out of her cloak and cut her hair and once done she drew in a deep breath as she sliced her hand. She hissed against the pain. Her blood dripped.

“If you’re my daughter, you have my blood,” she stated. “Now get into the center of the circles.”

I did as instructed, “Once I was in the circle they began to chant.”

“Do you remember what they said?” she questioned.

“No. Please hurry,” I begged.

“Calm yourself, daughter. I will get you home.”

She raised her hands into the air and began to do a chant as she pointed her knife to the moon above. I felt a jolt of energy, the same as before.

“I think it’s working,” I said and tried to leave the circle. I couldn’t. Pain struck my heart and I fell to my knees. I had forgotten about the pain. I released a wince of pain.

“Willow, are you alright?”

“Yes, keep going,” I growled through my teeth.

“I can feel you going,” my mother said happily. “Safe travels, daughter.”



I opened my eyes to see a ceiling fan spinning above me. I gasped deeply and sat up. I was in my room. There were red roses and lilac hung everywhere. Fresh flowers even sat in vases scattered around the room.

“Willow,” Caleb said from beside me. “You’re awake.” I looked at him and he looked terrible. His eyes were black and his cheeks were sunken in. Just by his appearance it was obvious he hadn’t fed enough. He looked as if he had starved himself waiting for me to wake up.

“Caleb,” I lifted my hand to his boney cheek and he sighed in relief.

He placed his hand over mine and closed his eyes. “My Willow, I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“How long?” I questioned.

“You have been out almost a month.”

“No, how long has it been since you fed?” I questioned. I felt so bad for him. The thirst should have driven him mad.

“If I couldn’t have you with me, I didn’t want to feed. I would rather wither away with you.”

“Caleb,” I whispered and pulled him into me for a much-needed hug. It felt amazing to be back in his arms but my body was very sore. My door burst open and there stood Es, Ben, and even Elsa.

“Willow, my sweet, sweet Willow,” Es pled as she approached me. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. I hugged her. “You’re back. Caleb never gave up hope.”

Ben smiled from the foot of my bed, “Welcome back.”

“Yes, welcome home,” Elsa smirked. Her green eyes rolled a little. As if I wouldn’t notice her displeasure but she quickly covered it up with her adorable smile, showing a little fang.

“Thanks,” I said and Es pulled out of the hug. Caleb took my hand in his. “What is that God-awful smell?” I hissed and felt my nose scrunch with distaste.

“Umm, that’s you, dear,” Es said.

“Me?” I questioned.

“Well, yes. You didn’t expect your body to stay fresh did you?”

“I was dead?” I looked down at my body and I was nearly a skeleton with skin. The skin on my arms was a nasty gray-green color. “Oh my, God,” I lifted the blanket to cover my face.

“Willow, what’s wrong?” Caleb asked with a snicker. He tried to pull the blanket down but I wouldn’t let him.

“Don’t look at me. I look like the crypt keeper,” I cried. Es laughed.

“No, love. You’re beautiful,” Caleb said. I could hear the smile in his voice but I couldn’t help but cry. I knew he was only saying that to make me feel better.

“I suggest you feed. The both of you. Then we can figure out what happened,” Es said.

“Agreed,” Ben said. “Willow, believe my son. You are beautiful as ever.”

I lowered the blanket so they could only see my eyes, “Really?” I sniffled.

“Even with your creepy black eyes,” Caleb smiled.

“Look who’s talking,” I replied with a giggle.

“True,” he smiled. “Let’s eat.”
