Liuzi’s case was settled quickly, and the main perpetrator, Qiao Feiyan, was shot. Many others were sentenced, and a bunch was given their dismissal notices. Yihua did not come to see me any more. She had good looks, but did not know how to use a computer or how to speak English, and she had no skills. Was there any more suitable place for her than a nightclub? I imagined her lending her lustre to the assembly line at some factory. Apart from sexual harassment from her boss, factory manager and the like, generally I felt it would be a waste of her youth. She would be worn down in a matter of years, and that would truly be a regret. The good fortune to attain the right path seemed to elude innocent girls like her who had nothing besides their looks. They were born to be property.

I did not interfere in Yihua’s affairs. After all, every plant must grow in its own way.

When it comes to repaying a favour owed, a noble person will always keep her promises. Yihua’s path was not destined to be anything ordinary. She took the initiative to contact Hu Lilai to settle her debt with him. No lion will let a deer just pass by in his line of sight – Lilai only hesitated for a few seconds before pouncing.

Early on, Yihua had figured that if she gave her first time to Lilai, that would be worth more than ten times in compensation, and Lilai would not be able to give her change, so she thought she would have to find someone else to be her first. The fellow she found was a white man, around thirty years old. He could not speak Chinese, but was very gentlemanly, not like the Chinese men who touched and pinched the girls all over as they laughed wretchedly. His name was Mike, and he kind of looked like the character Michael in The Godfather. It was rather a novel idea to allow a foreigner to take her chastity overseas to distant lands all over the world, like carrying off some small daughter she never had a chance to meet. Yihua chose him. In bed, he treated her gently, as if she really was his lover. They did not speak – did not make any noises – even remaining silent as they climaxed. It was like struggling with a disease, bearing it patiently, though it was unbearably painful.

When they had finished, Mike poured two glasses of red wine. Yihua could not move. She felt her body had been torn into a ragged cloth, fluttering in the wind. She lay in bed for half an hour, looking at the banknotes on the pillow beside her. She mustered her strength, got dressed, smoothed her hair, and felt like she had been reborn. There, with Mike, was her first time. She was at peace. She left the money, and even said ‘thank you’ as she walked out.

She did not have small change for a taxi, so she went to a small shop, bought a bottle of water, and got some change. She felt both liberated and relieved.

Lilai took Yihua straight to his house. He lived in a two-story home, and there was a plot of land full of banana trees in front of the door. She could hear his mother coughing inside. His room was upstairs. Clothes were strewn everywhere, and it smelled like someone had spent all his time jerking off in there.

As she took off her clothes, she asked, ‘Do you want to do ten times separately, or finish it all today?’

Lilai said, ‘Depends on the situation.’

Yihua lay down, then said, ‘Let’s do it all today. Your house is far away. Let’s save on travel costs.’

Lilai was in a rush, crying out almost as soon as they had started. After ten minutes, he started again. This time he showed more restraint, going slowly, and even trying to get Yihua to participate. When he had finished the second time, he decided to save the remaining times for a later date. If he gobbled up everything at once, he might later find himself hungry with nothing to consume. But in the end, he could not hold back, and before he knew it, he had used up five times.

Yihua actually climaxed. She was surprised, but also disdainful. Climaxing changed the quality of the relationship. She was no longer returning a favour. She should not do that. It was blaspheming Liuzi’s name.

But Yihua’s body felt good. After the tenth time, she continued to see Lilai. He told his mother Yihua was his girlfriend. The old woman was so happy, she kept having asthma attacks. Yihua sometimes brought small gifts for her. Lilai’s mother was quite satisfied and urged him to marry Yihua, giving his mother a chance to receive a cup of tea from her daughter-in-law’s hand at the wedding ceremony before she died. Lilai told Yihua, but she said did not want to get married and have kids. She had many things she still wanted to do.

Putting aside his mother’s wishes, Lilai said he would wait for her. His feelings for her ran deep, and he did not want to marry anyone but her.

This was a threat. Yihua knew she would have to be vigilant.