Thank You

This book skirted over the finish line just days before the arrival of my son, and I have to say, writing 180,000 words during the course of the second and third trimesters was…uh, a challenge to say the least. But with 300 Kickstarter backers raising $12,000 to get all three books, it was important to at least get the book on paper before the baby arrived. And I'm so grateful to each of the folks who contributed to getting this book off the ground—not just in physical form, but eBook and audiobook as well.

Thank you to my husband, for continuing to believe in me and allowing me the space to get this book down, even after I was released from bedrest. I'm so grateful to have you in my corner, and our kids are so lucky to have you as their dad. As always, my appreciation goes out to the village of grandparents, aunts, and friends who step in to help out with the toddler when needed.

My thanks to Natasia and Luke at Stardust Book Services for the brilliant map, Robert Ardy for the brilliant cover, Danielle Fine, my editor, and my typo checker, Lisa.

Thanks also must be paid to the MI(L)F Discord group, without whom I wouldn't have been nearly as productive. A good writing group is essential to a writer's sanity, and sprinting with you guys was so much fun.