

THE MORNINGS PAPERS were flung about Erin Brandt’s front parlor. A very private tornado had entered this room and torn the calm to shreds. Reiner watched Erin stride to the front window once again. This was what his career had come to. Twenty-nine years of clawing his way to the top, axing the competition, and kowtowing to a multitude of egos, so that he could sit in Erin Brandt’s front parlor and watch her come undone.

“Why are they staking out my house?”

The previous night he had finally done the unthinkable and confessed to his wife that she had been right all along. Taking on Erin Brandt had been the worst mistake of his entire career. He had said this not to grant his wife immense satisfaction, which it most certainly had. He needed answers. He was at the end of his rope, dangling over a precipice, millimeters away from the fall that would send his career crashing upon the rocks. His wife had no answer save a scream very much like the one he was hearing now.

“I asked you a question!”

“They have staked out my house as well.”

“Did I ask for information about your health and well-being?”

Erin struck the window so hard it was a wonder the glass did not break. “I want to know what you are going to do about that man!”

He walked over to join her by the window, wondering how many other fingers had itched to wring that alabaster neck. “Is that him there?”

“Are you intent on being perversely dense this morning? How many hulking strangers do you see outside my door? Of course that’s him!” She stamped her foot. “I want him gone!

Reiner returned to the sofa, distancing himself from the impending cyclone. “Erin, I forbid you to go to New York.”

She tore her attention away from the window. “What?”

Reiner gave himself time for a long look. He took in the imperious chin, the power that defied her diminutive form. The regal bearing that translated so forcefully to the stage. He had gained much from this connection. But lost far more. Gradually his other top singers had grown resentful of playing second fiddle to Erin’s star. For three years now Erin had been his only client. A disastrous state of affairs. “You can’t possibly go to New York.”

“Can’t I.”

“You’ve lost your case in North Carolina. They can arrest you. The lawyer said traveling to America at this point would be insane.”

She treaded across the Chinese silk carpet, alighted upon the sofa next to him, and took his hand. “Shall I tell you what is insane?”

Reiner fought against the urge to rip his hand away. He knew that soft, melodious voice. It was the viper’s hiss. “Please, Erin, I’m thinking only of your welfare.”

“Oh, I know all too well how you look after me.” She stroked the veins running down the back of his hand. “For example, I know about the secret accounts.”

“I … What?”

She took hold of the flesh between his thumb and forefinger and pressed delicately. “The accounts, dear Reiner. The ones where you slip in the extra five percent of my earnings. Above the ten percent written into our contract.”

She gripped more tightly now, searching for a hold on his racing pulse. “Not to mention the percentage you add to everything you acquire for me. This house, for example. How much was your secret take on this? A hundred thousand?” She used her fingernails to clench the sensitive flesh. “Two? Four?”

“Erin, please, you’re hurting—”

“Now I shall tell you what you are going to do.” As she gave her instructions, she continued to tighten her pincher hold, until he could feel her talons actually join together. “Is that all clear?”

He gasped, “Perfectly.”

“I’m so glad.” She released him and rose to her feet. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go see to my packing. Goscha has been of no help whatsoever since the child departed.”

Reiner stared at his hand. The raw quarter moons bled softly and ached as though he had been branded. His gut churned so that the words emerged as a plaintive moan. “Why did you bring the child back at all?”

“That is not your concern.” She swept open the doors like a queen taking her leave. “Your concern is making safe my journey to New York.”

Kirsten exited the hotel in the company of an extremely vigilant detective. Traffic thundered and the trolleys clanged metallic music as they walked toward the river. Overhead the sky had darkened to a gun-metal hue. The city’s muted pastels and prismatic grays were now matched on all sides. A chilly yet harmonious order hemmed in this very German world. Only the trees and flowers shouted defiant accolades to a summer now lost.

The Schwanenspiegel lakes and their whimsical bridges were as colorless as the sky. When they approached the line of houses on the lakes’ other side, the detective pointed her toward a jewel box of a house in powder-puff blue. A cupola adorned the upper floor, opening into double French doors and a tiny balcony painted a very feminine ivory.

As they started across the street, the detective made a sharp drumming sound deep in his throat and veered off to their right. Kirsten hesitated, feeling very exposed. The detective aimed straight toward a watcher who had suddenly appeared beside a Mercedes van. The observer was caught off guard, and momentarily debated the wisdom of flight. But the detective was too swift. He gripped the man by his lapels and roared an extremely German invective.

A woman Kirsten had not noticed before raced across the bridge they had just crossed and tried to move in between the two men, both of whom were now shouting. Kirsten’s detective shoved the woman so hard she bounced off the Mercedes and sprawled on the pavement. She scrambled to her feet and added her own shrill cries.

A voice behind Kirsten demanded, “How dare you show your face at my house.”

She turned to confront an irate Erin Brandt. Her manager hovered in the background, three suitcases at his feet. Kirsten told them both, “I just wanted to make sure you realized your attack didn’t succeed.”

Erin showed bitter amusement. “My attack? Darling, you vastly overestimate your importance.”

Kirsten switched her attention to the manager. From behind his electric blue spectacles, gray eyes shot venom her way. “Your lackey, then. It doesn’t matter. You both failed.”

“Oh, so someone else is after you? How utterly comforting.” Erin fingered the diamond pendant draped about her neck. “Is this a gift, how you manage to create enemies in every new town? Does the grass also wilt beneath your tread?”

Kirsten gestured at the suitcases. “When is your flight to New York?”

The manager sucked in his breath, but Erin merely smirked her response. “You and your meddling lawyer are in for a great astonishment.”

Reiner protested softly. “Erin.”

The diva ignored him. “You think me helpless? You assume you can waltz into my world and attack me at will?” She noticed the bandage on Kirsten’s neck, and lifted her smile until she revealed small perfect teeth. “You think I am without friends? Without power?”

“Erin, enough.”

“You have been neutralized, my dear. Phone your darling little lawyer. Hear what he has to say.” She glanced over to where the three detectives were exchanging a few parting words. “While you’re at it, call off your toothless dogs.”

As they started away, Kirsten called after them, “Where did you hide the child?”

Erin hesitated, but was drawn forward by a hiss from her manager. Kirsten raised her voice. “I’ll find her, you know.”

The diva was kept from turning back by the manager reaching over and gripping her arm.

Kirsten watched the pair slip into a new Mercedes sedan and drive away.

The detective appeared at her elbow. “We should move away from here.”

“Just a minute.”

He reached for her. “It is far too exposed.”

She shook her arm free. “Wait.”

The minutes ticked by, until Kirsten thought she might have been mistaken. Finally Erin’s front door clicked open and a fearful gray head peeked through. “The madame, she is gone?”


Apprehensively Goscha crept outside. She began rubbing the brass banister with a cleaning rag and spoke without looking directly at Kirsten. “She has said nothing more about the child.”

Kirsten made no move to approach any closer. “Where is she staying in New York?”

“The Plaza. Always the Plaza.”

Kirsten turned to the detective. “Give me one of your cards.” She took it and started toward the front steps. Goscha watched with fearful eyes but did not retreat. Kirsten slipped the card into her apron pocket. “If you find out anything more, call this man.”