Lindsey Lacey

110 West Manor Way—Robbinsville, NJ 08691
Cell (609) 647-8888—


To obtain a marketing internship providing the opportunity to demonstrate strong work ethic, reliability, organizational and interpersonal skills, as well as gain experience in the marketing field

West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, PA, BS Marketing, May 2012
Dean’s List every semester; GPA 3.98; Outstanding Marketing Junior Award 2010-2011

American Marketing Association
, Fall 2008 to present, Co-President (two years)
Professional student networking and learning organization in marketing field

Effectively use communication and leadership skills to motivate members to contribute

Scheduled professionals to speak at meetings and other activities to increase membership

West Chester University, Fall 2010 to present, College of Business Dean’s Advisory Board

Selected to represent marketing interests of approximately 200 majors to dean’s office

State Farm® Executive Leadership Series, Fall 2009 to Spring 2010
Active Participant in Ongoing Leadership Development Program

Student Leadership Retreat, 10/20/09, Participant in Freshman Retreat

Actively participated in leadership programs; developed social network with other freshmen

Association Headquarters, Inc., [location], Internship - August 9, 2011 to present

Build new sponsorship sales and marketing prospect database to target new revenue opportunities

Collaborate on new business development proposals, conference marketing, membership growth, and new sponsorship sales ideas

Identify and track 3 ways of measuring marketing success of MarCom campaigns

Learned how to utilize social media sites

Evaluated marketing proposals

Learned how to segment markets and find new markets to tap

Sun Splash Jewelry, Long Beach Island, NJ, 06/2007 to present, Shift Manager, Sales Representative

Managed 3 individuals in a small company

Effectively addressed customer and employee concerns

Recognized as one of top employees

Creative Marketing Alliance, Princeton Junction, NJ, 12/09 to 01/10, Marketing Intern

Contributed to direct mail, social media, and in-house marketing projects

Gained valuable experience in the field of marketing

West Chester University Circle K (Extension of Kiwanis)
, Fall 2008 to present, Club Member

Breast Cancer Walk, AIDS Walk, Adopt-a-Block, Salvation Army Food Drive

Students Actively Involved in Leadership (SAIL)–non-credit leadership development program 1/20/09 to present