
No road is long – so the saying has it – with good company. And on my particular journey to publication I’ve met so many lovely people it would be impossible to list them all – another book would be needed!

Huge thanks must go to June Tate for inviting me along on writing holidays in Italy and Corfu; so much fine wine and food, so much laughter, so many good friends made. But I did learn something, June – and here’s the proof.

When Katie Fforde awarded me her bursary it was a massive boost to my confidence that hey, maybe I could do this. Thanks, Katie.

All writers need writing ‘buddies’, I think, and I have two of the very best in Jan Wright and Jennie Bohnet – thank you, and merci.

My cousin, David Haas, dragged me kicking and screaming from my ‘loom’ to embrace technology and the internet – I will be forever in your debt, boyo.

Brixham Writers might be a group of the smallest order but it is perfectly formed and I’m proud to be amongst you, girls and boys.

The Romantic Novelists’ Association gets my thanks, too. Joining you has been money well spent, and you opened up my world with your friendship and encouragement – especially my most consistent mentor of all, bella Stella – she knows who she is.

And now to Choc Lit – my destination, but by no means the end of the journey: my life as a novelist is just beginning. Thank you one and all for taking me into your fold.

You know that favourite chocolate you save until last to eat? Well, my husband, in this list, is that chocolate. Thanks, Rog, for fielding the ’phone for me, for copious cups of coffee, and for never, ever, as I battled on to publication, for even thinking it might be a good idea if I gave up. I wouldn’t have anyway!