Final summary

If you want to quit working in the traditional sense and instead enjoy earning your money, you must determine what it is you love to do. Start by picturing yourself in numerous situations that combine your skills and passions and bring you happiness. Write out all of your options and then pick your favorite to create your plan of action.

Once you have picked your favorite play option, turn it into a project to create work for yourself. Then identify your ideal customers and the best way to reach these. Think about who will benefit most from what you have to offer. It is essential to identify a problem that you can solve for your customers, because this is the most effective way to get people to pay for your skills.

Next, work out the finer details of the solutions you have to offer by thinking of the exact way you will deliver your product or service and how you will market this. Then, start selling! You can adjust your play project, or move on to another one, until you have something that is good enough to be sold for your first playcheck.

Keep a positive outlook, and never stop testing and perfecting your play project. Eventually you will make larger playchecks, until you have the confidence to leave the drudgery of work behind. Find a way to play for pay and you can own your career, explore your passions daily, and live a more fulfilled and happy life.