Now read the book
Screw Work, Let’s Play provides expert advice for building the kind of career that makes you excited to wake up each day and get to work. Author John Williams wants you to make money by doing work that feels like play, so that “work” is no longer a dirty word that makes you dread the weekdays.
Williams himself once lived in a corporate nightmare and dreamt of breaking free—until he finally discovered a way out. Now he spends every day doing what he loves: helping others find the careers and businesses they want to be in through mentoring, public speaking, and writing. He wrote Screw Work, Let’s Play to share his extremely effective escape route with the world. In the book, Williams reveals ten important secrets for turning work into play, along with corresponding exercises to complete that allow the reader to fill out their playbook and create a plan of action.
Each chapter includes real-world examples of ordinary people who took their hobbies and skills and turned them into moneymaking opportunities. These accounts allow the reader to see that absolutely anyone can take something they enjoy and successfully turn it into a play job; it just takes perseverance and enthusiasm for your chosen project.
Screw Work, Let’s Play will change the way you think about careers and earning money. You will stop seeing work as a necessary evil, and begin taking control of the way you earn money and spend your time. Allow your work to become play, and your whole outlook on life will change for the better.