I could never have written this book if God had not given me the ability, desire, and courage to write. To God alone be the glory.
I might never have finished this project if Larry hadn’t taken our kids grocery shopping every Saturday morning. Thank you, my Cowboy.
Everything I write is made stronger by Deborah Koren. She encourages, guides, supports, goads, and hugs me. I couldn’t do any of this without her. Thanks, Pard.
Erika Ohlendorf created the most beautiful cover imaginable for my book. Again. You continually astonish me with your creations, Erika! Thanks!
I owe so much to my advisory team: Deborah, Eva, Katie, Sam, and Vianna. Thank you for all your advice and encouragement! Any remaining errors are my fault alone, not theirs.
My thanks to the Salem Book Bunch for loaning me their names for this book, and for all their love and support over the years! I love y’all.
Finally, thank YOU! Yes, you, the person reading this book. By reading it, you have brought my characters and ideas to life. You’ve fulfilled their purpose. I don’t create art “for art’s sake,” I write to glorify God and benefit my neighbor. Half of that only works if someone reads my book. You did. Thank you.