Top 10 Benefits of the Macronutrient Diet

1. You can get in the best shape of your life while eating foods you love.

2. The diet adapts to your lifestyle and schedule.

3. There are no restrictive rules or requirements to carry around five small meals a day.

4. The macronutrient diet is not just a fat loss diet; it can be used by athletes, people trying to gain muscle, or just about anyone concerned with their overall health.

5. You can apply the principles of the macronutrient diet to any “style” of dieting, whether it’s low-carb diets, low-fat diets, ketogenic diets, Paleo diets, or any other diet you can think of.

6. This diet is meant to be sustainable for life. It allows you to have a fun social life and still keep up with a healthy diet.

7. The diet teaches you how your individual body responds to various foods, something only you can figure out.

8. The macronutrient diet is the most accurate way to track and adjust your food intake so you can continue to make progress all the way to achieving your ideal body.

9. It can be fun building meal plans for yourself once you understand that no foods are completely off-limits.

10. The macronutrient diet builds self-control and teaches you to enjoy foods in moderation—a practice many tend to struggle with.