
Like all sabbats, each one lends itself as the ideal time to work with different energies to bring about change. When it comes right down to it, a spell is simply a way of making change occur, so the spells in this section are going to deal with helping make certain changes manifest in your life that work with the energies of Ostara and the equinox. We will also look at what types of questions it is a good time to be asking in your divination work.

While Ostara is about new beginnings, sometimes starting over is one of the hardest things we can ever imagine doing. Whether it’s starting a new job, starting a life without a spouse or a significant other, or maybe even starting a life with a new spouse or significant other, change is hard—even when the change is for the better. Sometimes even though we know something may be for the best, that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with it. Most of us fight against change, it’s a natural instinct, which often doesn’t get us anywhere but frustrated. Even when the change is something we want, it can be difficult to adjust to it, but when the change is something we don’t want, it can feel downright suffocating to have to do something we have to do but don’t want to do.

This candle spell is going to help relax the mind enough to open it to the new possibilities this new change may present, and therefore it will also make you more accepting of the change that is taking place.

Spell to Assist in Difficult Changes

You will need two candles for this spell, one black and one blue, and something to light them with. You will also need a place where you can be alone, cast a circle, and be at about eye level with the flame of your candles. This should be a safe location to burn candles, where you won’t be in danger of falling asleep. If at all possible, you should perform this spell outside.

Set the two candles next to each other, black on the left and blue on the right. Cast your circle as you normally would and then either sit or stand in front of the two candles.

Take a moment to take several deep breaths and to empty your mind of all other thoughts, particularly if you are already stressed about the change you are here to work on. Relax as much as you can while still focusing on what the problem is, but feel yourself getting distance from it.

Light the black candle. As you do so, say either aloud or to yourself the following:

The confusion, hurt, and stress I feel

burn away inside this flame.

The change I face is made for me;

no other can take my pain.

Spend some time staring into the flame of the candle. Project your hurt, sadness, confusion, stress, anger, and any negative emotions you have regarding this change into the flame of that candle. Imagine those feelings burning up in the flame and turning into nothing but smoke that disappears into the air. Spend as much time as you need doing this. When you think you are done, take a few moments to just relax. See if any more of those feelings come to the surface, and if they do, go back to projecting them back into the candle. Give yourself a couple of breaks and do a “stress check” each time you do. Once you can tell you really do feel a bit better, go ahead and move on to the next part of the spell.

Light the blue candle and say:

Moving forward, moving on,

changes must be made.

The past is gone, it slips away

from my mind to fade.

The future is what matters now.

I need my strength so bold,

to make the changes I must make

and let them take ahold.

Now stare into the flame of the blue candle. Imagine positive reactions and results from whatever these changes are. Keep anything negative out. If a negative thought creeps in, turn back to the black candle and send it into that flame instead. Keep all of your positive thoughts going into the flame of the blue candle, where they are absorbed by the flame and then dispersed into the universe. Keep the negative thoughts going into the black candle, where they are burned up and destroyed. Go back and forth between both candles as much as you feel necessary. When all the negative emotions are gone and you feel ready to take on this new challenge, move back to the black candle and say:

Negative feelings, I don’t need you.

I cleanse you and release you into the air.

Blow the black candle out, allowing the feelings to just float off and away. Next move back to the blue candle and say:

These changes I make are for the best.

I accept you and release you into my surroundings.

Blow the blue candle out gently, allowing the positive energy to stay in the room with you and permeate the air.

You may need to perform this spell several times over to fully rid yourself of the negative feelings associated with the change you have to make. Small changes won’t take as long, but harder, more difficult changes may need you to perform this spell nightly for a couple of weeks until you feel you have things more under control. Then you can cut down to once a week, once every other week, finally to once a month, and then only if you feel those feeling trying to creep back in again. If you have more than one change going on at a time, you can work on those at the same time, just be careful not to overwhelm yourself, particularly in the beginning. If it starts to feel like it’s too much to deal with at once, then break those changes down into separate sessions until you are strong enough to tackle them all at once, and work your way back up to combining them as you work at chipping them away. For example, by the time you get down to once a month, you should be able to combine several together if need be and work on them all at the same time. If you can’t do that many at once though, don’t worry about it. Everyone handles stress differently, so make sure you do what works best for you.

Spell to Restore Balance to Your Life

Often our lives get completely hectic and out of control. For many people this happens during the winter holidays and getting life back in balance again may seem impossible. We don’t eat right. We don’t sleep right. We might not be getting enough exercise. We may have let our spirituality slip to the back burner. We may have let many things slip to the back burner. While this spell can be done at any time, it’s very well suited for the spring for its renewal connections. It’s also extremely well suited for the equinox for its restoring balance aspect. What better day to restore balance to your own life than on the day that is naturally all about balance to begin with.

For this spell, you will need to gather a few things ahead of time. You will need to create a powdered incense mixture out of a few different herbs and resins, so you will also need a mortar and pestle, a fireproof container (your cauldron perhaps), two charcoal tablets, and a lighter. The herbs and resins you need are angelica, basil, sage, sweet woodruff, vervain, yarrow, comfrey, chamomile, frankincense, and myrrh. You won’t need a lot, just a teaspoon of each is fine for now, or you could do a tablespoon of each to save some for future recharging.

You will also need two pieces of amber. They may be stones of amber or amber set into a piece of jewelry—earrings would be ideal since there would be two and they go on each side of the body, creating balance. You could also use two rings (one for each hand) or two bracelets (one for each wrist), but try to avoid using a necklace if you can. If you are using jewelry, gold is preferred to silver in this case. You will be able to perform this spell again anytime you need to recharge, using the same amber pieces or jewelry. You will also need two green candles.

Begin by collecting all of your ingredients. You may also want to create a circle in which you do your prep work, but that is entirely up to you. Some people are able to do their prep work and their actual workings all in one location, others not, so just do whatever works best for you. Using the mortar and pestle, crush all of the herbs and resins together. It’s not very easy to crush resins, so some people use electric chopper/grinders just for this purpose. (If you go this route, be sure you have a separate one for your magickal workings. Don’t use the same one you use for food to prevent cross-contamination in either direction, both physically and magickally.)

When your incense is complete, set up your altar area with your fireproof container in the center with a dish containing the incense next to it and the amber stone on the opposite side. Place a green candle on each side of the fireproof container, creating balance. Cast your circle if you didn’t prior to preparing the incense, and call in any deities you prefer to work with. Light the charcoal tablets in your fireproof container (you are using two since this spell is about balance and also because it really helps in the burning of incense. If you only use one charcoal tablet, you have a much smaller burning area and often a lot of the incense will just sit in the cauldron and not be burned). Allow the charcoal time to fully turn red and become coated in ash.

Light the green candle on the left side of the altar and say:

Sometimes life slips out of control.

It is for me to set it right—

to strike a balance on this day

of equal day and night.

Light the green candle on the right side of the altar and repeat:

Sometimes life slips out of control.

It is for me to set it right—

to strike a balance on this day

of equal day and night.

Then add:

As I light these candles,

one on each side,

I begin my journey back.

Restoring balance

step by step,

putting my life back on track.

Take a small pinch of the incense and sprinkle it on top of the lit charcoal tablets. As you do so say:

Return balance to my life,

and create a harmony

that all parts of my life

live together in symmetry.

With these intentions

charge this stone,

so that my life

takes a balanced tone.

As the smoke rises into the air, take a piece of your amber and pass it through the smoke slowly in a clockwise circular motion. Sprinkle the incense with your nondominant hand and hold the amber with your dominant hand.

We often work in threes when doing magick, but because this particular spell is about balance, we want to keep everything about the spell nice and balanced as well. So, instead of using three pinches of incense and saying the above a total of three times, we are going to do everything six times. This way we are still using a multiple of three, and yet we are keeping it balanced with an even number and not off balance with an odd number.

After you say the above once and have made your circle through the smoke, use another pinch of incense and make another pass with the amber. Continue doing this until you have done it a total of six times. After finishing with the first piece of amber, replace it on your altar and repeat the entire process with the second piece.

When you finish six rounds with the second piece, place it back on your altar as well.

Pick up the candle on the right-hand side and hold it close enough to your mouth to blow out. Say:

The magick done here today

sets in motion

a brand new way.

I pull together from all of my sides,

to balance out

as the chaos dies.

I release this magick into the air

so mote it be

into the Goddess’s care.

Slowly blow out the flame of the candle and envision the magick being released and swirling in the air on its journey out into the universe. Pick up the candle on the left side of the altar and repeat exactly as with the first candle, reciting the above, blowing out the flame, and envisioning the magick being released into the universe. Close your circle.

Dispose of the ashes from your fireproof container. If you have a stream nearby this would be the most ideal place to dump them, but you can also bury them. If there are still pieces of herbs or resins that did not burn, bury it in a location where you won’t be planting anything. Some people keep a small section of yard (a couple square feet) or a special planter with just dirt in it for burying their magickal workings. Wear the jewelry to help bring your life into balance. If you used amber gems, keep one in your pockets on each side of your body to keep them balanced against one another. If you feel it is needed, you can repeat this spell at the Autumnal Equinox as well.

Spring Is in the Air Love Attraction Spell

With spring and love buzzing all around the air, this spell is literally like sticking a butterfly net right into the middle of the swirl to see what you can catch. It isn’t about seeing one particular butterfly and chasing it down, it’s about putting the net out there and seeing which one is curious enough to come check it out. This spell is best done outside, as it will make a little bit of a mess and because you want to send your intent out as far and wide as you can.

For this spell you will need both red and pink glitter—at least half a cup of each, but more if you can do more. (Red for love, lust, passion, and courage; pink for compassion, tenderness, harmony, affection, and love, too.) You will also need a couple of fresh red and pink roses.

To prepare for the ritual, carefully peel each petal off of the roses and put them into a large bowl. Next add the glitter and gently mix the two up a bit with your hands. You don’t want to damage or bruise the rose petals and the glitter will stay pretty much separated, but if you can get at least a few of the rose petals to have some glitter stick to them that is good. If you want, before adding the glitter, spritz a little water on the rose petals to help the glitter stick.

Once you are prepared, cast a circle calling in either the Greek gods Aphrodite and Eros or their Roman equivalents Venus and Cupid.

Hold the bowl out in front of you and say:

(Name your chosen deities),

bless these petals and infuse them with your power.

Help them to help me in my search for love this hour.

Find the one that’s meant for me and send them on their way,

to come into my life and to become what may.

You will notice that in this spell we are not asking for a specific person nor a specific trait. We are asking the god and goddess we are entrusting to find who they deem appropriate to fit the bill and to give that person a shove in the right direction. Love spells should never be done asking for a specific person to fall in love with you. This goes against the person’s free will and is simply unethical. Cupid and Eros know what they are doing, and they will direct their arrows to where they need to go.

This is the part of the spell that gets fun even if you feel a little silly doing it. It is spring, love is in the air and that means being a little silly is perfectly fine! You will continue to repeat the last two lines of this spell:

Find the one that’s meant for me and send them on their way,

to come into my life and to become what may.

As you recite these two lines, dance around, scoop up handfuls of petals and glitter, and throw them as high as you can into the air. You will most likely get covered with glitter, but hey, it is glitter, so it’s all good. Throw the petals and glitter in all directions: up, north, south, east, west. Spin and throw it, just toss it really good all over the place. When you are finished say:

(Name your chosen deities),

in your names, I ask for this love to be brought to me.

If it pleases you as well, so mote it be.

Close your circle. You will probably also want to wash your clothes and take a shower!

Blessing Eggs

Like the cascarones, blessing eggs are blown out eggs refilled with herbs, oils, and whatever you want to symbolize a blessing you either want to receive or give to someone else. To begin, make two holes in the egg, one at each end. One can be small but the other will need to be large enough to fill the egg back up (but still try to keep it small). Blow into the small hole, pushing the yoke and white out the larger hole into a bowl. Once empty, carefully rinse the egg out. Using the Ostara correspondences at the back of this book, choose herbs, flowers, oils, and even colored glittered that represent what it is you are looking for. For example, if you need to make more money at your career, you may want to include green glitter and oak moss. If you are making an egg for a loved one who has difficulty sleeping, try blue glitter and lavender.

Fill the egg up as much as you can and use a small piece of masking tape to cover the larger hole on the end. Next, you should paint and decorate the egg to also correspond with the blessing you want to receive or give. You can use regular craft paints to paint the eggs and add words, symbols, or runes to the egg to boost its power. For example, an egg for money can be painted green and you can add the words money and abundance as well as a $.

Once the eggs are finished, place them on your altar during your Ostara ritual. Take a moment during your ritual to ask your deities to bless the eggs and yourself (or loved one) with what it is you are asking for. If you have made the egg for someone else, give it to them after you have completed your ritual. Both you and your loved one may then decide if you want to display your eggs in a location where you will often see it, or “plant” it so the blessings may grow by burying it somewhere—this can be in a vegetable or flower garden or even just in a planter if you don’t have room for a garden. If you want, you can even make two identical eggs—one to be displayed so you are reminded of what it is you asked for, and one to be planted so that it can grow.

Egg Cleansing and Divination

This cleansing is easier to do if you have the help of someone else, however, you can still do it on your own. Begin by filling a clear glass with blessed water or moon water. Place it on your altar and add a few drops of your favorite protection oil. Place a fresh, unbroken egg on your altar as well. You may want to place it on a piece of material, such as a scarf, to keep it from rolling.

Cast your circle and invite your deities in. Hold the glass of water in your hands and ask your deities for protection, for cleansing, and to assist you in seeing clearly. Place the glass back on your altar and then do the same with the egg. Also while holding the egg, ask your deities to allow it to absorb any and all negativity.

Once you are done, take the egg and roll it around the crown of your head. Next roll it down your face, neck, each arm, your chest, torso, back, and the front and back of each leg. Finally, roll the egg over each palm and the soles of each foot. Always make sure you are rolling the egg downward toward the ground. This is where it comes in handy to have help! If working with a partner, lie down while he or she rolls the egg all over your body, turn over and have them repeat the process. When it’s their turn, do the same for them (with a fresh egg, of course!)

After rolling the egg all over your body, immediately crack the egg and pour the contents into the water. Take a moment to observe the egg. Pay attention to the smell, color, any shape it takes, and whether or not there is blood present. A bad odor, blood, or cloudy water is a sign of a problem and more cleansing and protection work should be done.

Look carefully into the yolk, if any of these other signs are present, a face may appear in the yolk. It is the face of the person who harbors ill will against you. You need to be careful of this person, forgive them, and work your cleansings and protections.

If an eye appears in the yolk, this is the infamous “evil eye,” and again you need to work your cleansings and protections. You can perform the egg cleansing several times until the egg comes out normal looking.

If you see small bubbles in the water, this means your guardians have been at work for you and have already taken care of the problem. Be sure to send them thanks and then reset your protections.

If the water is clear, no blood is present, and there is no foul or bad smell, there haven’t been any magickal workings against you. Go ahead and reset your protections and thank your deities for their assistance and protection. No matter what you find in your egg, take it outside and bury it in the ground. This should not be done in a planter unless it is an extremely large one as not only will it possibly start to smell, animals such as opossums, raccoons, or even coyotes may be drawn to the smell and dig it up.

Divination by Oomancy

This practice is the art of divining with eggs and comes from the Greek words oon for “egg” and manteia for “divination.” It is also known as ooscopy, oomancia, oomantia, ooscopia, ovamancy, or ovomancy.

The most common type of egg divination begins by separating the whites from the yolk and then quickly pouring the white into very hot water and interpreting the shapes that form. The best way to do this is to bring the water to a rolling boil and then remove it from the heat, allowing the bubbling to cease before quickly adding the whites. How you interpret the shapes you see is entirely up to you, but remember to keep an open mind and don’t just see what you want to see. This is also a good divination to do with a partner so you can bounce ideas and interpretations off of each other. What one may see as a dollar sign, another may see as a snake.

Another form of divination with eggs is to tell whether a mother is having a single baby or multiples. Take a fresh egg and rub it on the mother’s pregnant belly for a few minutes, then crack the egg into a bowl. The number of yolks predicts how many babies the mother will have. This can be a scary divination for some people, particularly if there is blood in the egg or if the yolk is broken. These are signs of a miscarriage or some other problem with the birth.

Divination by Floromancy

Using flowers in divination is called floromancy. While there are several different types of floromancy, not all of them have specific names, such as this version below. Not everyone will be able to do this divination, it depends on where you live and what the local vegetation and flora is like. It’s easy enough to do, however, and may be more likely to happen if you are a person who takes a lot of walks. All you have to do is look for the first spring flower and know the day of the week. If you see the first spring flower on a Sunday, it means you will have very good luck for the next several weeks. If you see it on a Monday, you will have good luck throughout the spring season. If on Tuesday you find your first flower of spring, whatever you attempt, you will succeed. If the first flower is found on a Wednesday, a marriage is coming. (It doesn’t necessarily mean yours!) The flower on Thursday is a warning of financial troubles, while one on Friday predicts wealth. The first spring flower on a Saturday is bad luck.

In order to do this divination correctly you really must look for flowers every day. You can’t just go out on Fridays looking for flowers and then say, “Oooooh, I’m going to be wealthy!” It doesn’t work like that. (Though wouldn’t it be great if it were only that easy?)

Divination by Daphnomancy

Daphnomancy combines pyromancy with bay laurel leaves to predict the future. You will need fresh (not dried) leaves for this type of divination and either a fireproof container or an open fire of some sort (bonfire or fireplace). If you use a fireproof container such as a cauldron, you can use a couple of charcoal tablets as your fire source. Get the tablets lit and brightly glowing before adding a few leaves, or go ahead and throw them into an open fire while thinking of your question. If the leaves catch fire and crackle as they burn, it means the timing is favorable. If the flames smolder, suffocate, and die out, or the leaves burn silently without crackling, the timing is not favorable. Flames rising together is a good sign. If there is only one flame point, it means you are being single-minded, or you may need to be single-minded. If two flame points are visible, you are going to need the help of a friend. If three flame points burn, your outcome will have an amicable conclusion.

Sitting around a bonfire taking turns reading the burning leaves for yourself, family, and/or friends can be a fun way to spend your equinox evening. Not to mention, the burning of the leaves smells pretty good.

A Spring Tarot Spread for Coming Changes

This tarot spread is a quick and easy way to get some input on what kind of changes are in store for you this spring. It doesn’t matter what type of tarot deck you use, just make sure you start off by making sure it is shuffled extremely well, particularly if it is a new deck. Cut the deck into three piles and then choose which pile you want on top, in the middle, and then on the bottom. Choose a total of eight cards, two columns with four cards in each column. Work left to right when placing the cards down (not top to bottom). The four cards on the left will be major changes or challenges. The cards on the right will give you information about the outcome for each of the changes. If you have questions regarding the changes or the outcomes, you can use additional cards as clarifiers until you feel you have enough information.

When doing card readings or other types of divination at this time of year, you want to focus on certain questions that tie in with the energies of the season. Asking about changes and new beginnings are a good idea. Are you looking to start a new project or job but you’re not sure if it’s the right time? Consult the cards or another divination source with these types of questions. Other topics to ask about right now would be anything related to gardening, fertility, growth, life, light, love, or any other type of rebirth or renewal. There are a ton of different types of oracle cards on the market these days—animal guides, angel message cards, fairy message cards—everyone has some type of message for you. Use some of these decks to find out more about bringing balance into your life and the changes you should be making. Message cards are ideal for these purposes, often more so than tarot cards, as you tend to get an even more direct answer.

Use this time of renewal and rebirth to get yourself straightened out, in balance, and on the right path to a happy, healthy life.
