Well, it’s tradition now that I start by thanking Kelly, AKA the inspiration for everything great about Graham. When I threatened to dissolve into a pool of panic that would require me to start sleeping in a bucket, you propped me up and reminded me that there are a lot of reasons to remain a solid being. There’s no way I could have done something as productive as write and publish this book if you weren’t pushing me forward. I love you!

Enormous feathery thanks to my incredible friend Menum. You and your five crows helped me get my butt in gear and find some momentum, and you regularly inspire me to share my art (such as it is) with the world.

I started writing these books while I was dealing with the pain of loss, and in the years since I finished Donn’s Hill, we’ve lost many family members, including kitties. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for grieving with Kelly and me and for always helping us make the impossible decisions about when it’s time to say goodbye.

There’s a group of truly talented ladies without whom this book would barely be readable. Thank you Kelley Lynn, Jennie Stevens, and Beverly Bernard for your detailed and thoughtful edits. Thanks also to my eagle-eyed ARC readers who caught a few last-minute errors: Travis Poole and Brandy Rood.

Finally, thank you. Yes, you, the person who stuck with me through three books about Mac and Striker and is now reading these acknowledgments. Writing is my favorite thing to do and creating things comes with its own kind of high, but the thing that makes it even better is knowing that somebody out there will read the story, and my words will become images in their minds that are probably much cooler than what I was picturing when I wrote them. Thank you for reading. I wish I could give you a hug.