Kera Rogers sniffed the morning air. There was something new in it, something she hadn’t encountered before. It was a pungent, organic smell, like manure but with a musky tang. She’d walked this trail her whole life, and knew it like the proverbial back of her hand, but never before had she smelled something like this. She looked around, but saw nothing.
Her dog, Quigley, a mass of entwined canine genes so thick, hardly any aspect of a specific breed could be identified, stopped suddenly. Kera didn’t notice, and kept walking.
Kera was twenty-one years old, wide-shouldered and broad-hipped, with an earthy femininity that meant she’d never lacked for male attention since she hit puberty. She had the jet-black hair, dusky skin, and perfect teeth of Cloud County’s mysterious Tufa people, but her Tufa blood wasn’t terribly strong, and she never thought of herself as that different from the people in Unicorn or other nearby towns. She was sweet but aimless, content to still live at home, work part-time at Doyle Collins’s garage, and indulge her one true Tufa vice: music.
She was in one of the low gullies at the far east end of Cloud County, ten miles from Needsville and an hour’s slow walk from her family’s farm. She had her pennywhistle in the back pocket of her cutoffs and sought a comfortable and acoustically suitable spot to play. She knew there was a particular outcropping of rock ahead that crudely mimicked the shape of a recliner, nestled in a grove that gave her playing the extra spark that she imagined the great god Pan had enjoyed in the forests of Greece.
At last she noticed that Quigley remained stock-still in the middle of the trail behind her. “What is it?” she asked impatiently.
The dog stared straight ahead, his ears flattened. He was a notorious coward, having once been treed by a squirrel while the whole family watched. But even for him, this was unusual.
“Oh, go on home, you big baby,” Kera said. “Git!”
Quigley didn’t need a second command. He turned and trotted back toward the house.
Kera shook her head. Quigley was old, and it wasn’t fair to expect him to change his ways now. She’d had him since he was a pup, and whatever his failings as a guard dog, he was still her baby. She continued on to Recliner Rock, enjoying the silence without pondering its source.
She recalled the shallow stream that ran beside Recliner Rock, trickling down from a spring somewhere in Half Pea Hollow and cutting through Dunwoody Mountain on its way to, eventually, join the Tennessee River. It had no official name, but was generally referred to as Half Pea Creek, after its origin. Sometimes she stripped naked and sat in the water, imagining herself one of those rural Greek girls, about to be ravaged by their goat-footed god drawn to her piping. Although, as a Tufa, she and Pan were more like equals than anyone might suspect.
There were two groups of Tufa in Cloud County. Kera’s family had, as long as anyone could remember, been under the guidance of Rockhouse Hicks, a bastard by any definition of the word. But his death the previous year had resulted in Junior Damo, a man with no experience in any sort of leadership, taking over.
Kera hadn’t had many dealings with Rockhouse before his demise. Mostly she saw him at the old moonshiner’s cave, where her family and the rest of his people met to play, drink, and hang out, or at the Pair-A-Dice roadhouse, where they mingled with the other group. The old man had, of course, commented on her physical attributes, saying she was “building herself a career” when she hit twelve and her ass went from flat to shapely, and snickering that she “must’ve left the air-conditioning on” if her nipples were visible through her bra and blouse. But he did that to every woman and girl, so she neither thought much about it nor took it personally.
And as for Junior, she barely knew what he looked like. Her parents bitched about him, but he didn’t impinge on her life any more than Rockhouse had.
Neither of them were on her mind that morning as she hiked the familiar trail and pondered the unfamiliar smell. She couldn’t wait to settle in and hear the notes of “The Old McMaynus Goose” twining through the trees from her pennywhistle.
But another song ran through her head right now, and she sang it softly, to herself, smiling at the irony.
Somebody’s tall and handsome,
Somebody’s brave and true,
Somebody’s hair is dark as night,
And somebody’s eyes are blue.…
The irony was that the song could apply to either of two young men in her life. Or for that matter, to almost any Tufa boy.
On impulse, she texted Duncan Gowen. Duncan was twenty-one, a Cloud County Tufa even though his family’s blood, like hers, wasn’t terrible true. But this was no Romeo-and-Juliet romance, or even a Hatfield-and-McCoy one; the Gowens, just like the Rogerses, were part of Junior Damo’s group of Tufa families.
In some ways, Duncan was more Tufa than her, because he took his Dobro-playing very seriously, and had even—or so he said—once been able, however briefly, to manifest Tufa wings and ride the night winds.
Kera wasn’t sure she believed him, but she also didn’t discount it. The Tufa as a whole—a few dozen families clustered around Needsville, Tennessee, at the center of tiny Cloud County—had a history that most people considered myth at best, mere tall tales at worst. That didn’t mean it wasn’t true that they were descended from an exiled band of Gaelic faery folk, just that they could keep that secret, like so many others, right out in plain sight. After all, who in the twenty-first century believed in faeries?
Duncan was also as close to a boyfriend as she had these days. A Tufa woman, at least one who chose to take her amorous partners from within the community, was not bound by the outside world’s morality. She was free to fuck anyone who wanted to fuck her, as often as both of them agreed to do it, without judgment from the other Tufa. And she’d sampled what Cloud County offered. But only Duncan seemed to know her rhythms without being taught, and could match her with every moan, gasp, and cry. They always managed to climax simultaneously, and that was a gift she appreciated. She wasn’t in love with him, certainly; but she wasn’t done with him, either.
Not that there was anything actively wrong with Duncan. It was just that outside the bedroom, he lacked the spark she sought in a partner. He was good-looking enough, talented enough when he sang and played his Dobro, and certainly skilled enough when they were intimate. Yet she couldn’t shake the sense that something more waited for her. And that made her touch the old buffalo nickel hanging on a chain around her sweaty neck, an heirloom from her grandfather. She smiled at a thought that had nothing to do with Duncan, but with the other boy.
Her phone buzzed with Duncan’s reply. MORNING. WHERE ARE YOU?
She rolled her eyes and giggled. ARE YOU IN SEVENTH GRADE?
She laughed out loud. This was what kept her around him: his outlandishness, which popped up when she least expected it and sent irresistible little intimate tingles through her. She knew she’d have to tell him the truth soon, and that he’d take it badly. But ultimately that was his problem, not hers.
She glanced down past her phone at the ground and saw something even more outlandish, something that made her stop dead. In the dirt beside her tennis shoe was a huge three-toed animal track, like some dinosaur had passed this way. It was easily six inches across.
She instantly recognized it: the track of an emu, one of the huge Australian birds released by her uncle Sim when his attempt to farm them failed. After getting one last warning from the bank about his delinquent loans, he’d simply walked to the pen, opened the gate, and shooed the immense birds into the woods. He expected them to die during the first winter, but they survived, or at least enough of them did. Now they were breeding, and making these foreign hills their new home. They mostly avoided people and minded their own business, a stance the Tufa could respect.
She recalled her last visit with Uncle Sim. Since his stroke, he’d become convinced that the emus he occasionally saw in the woods were the ghosts of the ones he’d released. No one could persuade him otherwise. He worried that they were plotting revenge, like the haints of murdered wives or husbands.
Ahead she saw the rock, already in comfortable shade. Beside it, the little creek emerged from the ravine before disappearing downhill into the woods. She texted Duncan, I’M JUST NOW GETTING STARTED. WHY DON’T I—
The odor she’d caught earlier suddenly washed over her like a noxious wave. She scowled, turned, and screamed.
The enormous wild hog, nine feet from snout to tail, snorted in surprise as he caught her scent. He stepped out of the woods onto the trail, between her and the way home.
She knew wild hogs were dangerous, and this one seemed to be the size of a Volkswagen. Yellowing tusks curled out from the lower jaw, sliding against the upper whetters that honed their razor-sharp edges. It had high shoulders with ragged skin that had grown thick enough to stop most bullets before they reached anything vital, and bristly hair tapered along its backbone. Its eyes were small, black, and malevolent, set above a wet, flat nose that seemed as large as her own head.
She looked wildly around for any place that might get her out of its reach, but there was nothing. None of the trees had branches low enough for her to grab.
Panicked, she dropped her phone and ran for the chair-shaped boulder. If she could get atop it, she’d have a chance: the hog, even as large as it was, had hooves and couldn’t climb.
She slammed into the rock so hard, the pennywhistle fell from her pocket. She didn’t notice.
She raised one leg and tried desperately to find a foothold. The edge of her tennis shoe caught on a tiny outcropping, and she prepared to haul herself up.
The hog’s tusks slashed upward at her other leg just above her knee, cutting through flesh, tendons, muscle, and her femoral artery. Then its mouth closed on her ankle.
The pain was nothing compared to the irresistible strength that yanked her from the rock and tossed her to the side so hard, it separated the rounded top of her femur from its hip socket. The mouth crushed her lower leg bones, and as she lay on her back in shock, blood surging from the torn artery, she caught sight of a dozen smaller hogs emerging from the woods like a gang of junior high bullies supporting their leader.
The last thing she felt was the hog’s hot breath, tinted with the coppery smell of her own blood, as it came for her head.
* * *
Duncan Gowen stared at his phone. It was unlike Kera to drop off in the middle of a text.
He looked at her last words: WHY DON’T I
At last he texted, WHY DON’T YOU WHAT?
As he waited for a reply, he went to the refrigerator and got out the iced tea. He was at his parents’ house while they were at work; this was his day off from both Old Mr. Parrish’s farm and his weekend job as a barista at the convenience store in Unicorn, so he was particularly irked when Kera said she wasn’t available. Here he was all alone, the whole house to himself, especially the carpeted stairs that Kera loved to be bent over, as they’d discovered during a tryst back in high school. He’d even done fifty sit-ups and push-ups so his abs, which Kera liked to kiss her way down, would be good and tight.
After he poured his glass, he looked at his phone. Still no reply, and no dots indicating she was typing.
He took a drink and texted, ARE U THERE?
Dots appeared. Then came the reply: DFSGSJDGHKK
He texted, WTF?
He had no way of knowing that a hog had stepped on the discarded phone as it carried away a hunk of Kera’s flesh.
* * *
Later that day, Duncan stopped at the Fast Grab convenience store in Needsville. It was nothing like the relatively upscale Traveler’s Friend he worked at in Unicorn: there the crew wore uniforms with their names on their visors, and corporate sent a representative around every six months to put them through a customer-relations refresher. Here, though, the Fast Grab clerks got loud polyester shirts that were probably trendy around the same time as disco, and nobody got a name badge until they’d passed their first month.
Lassa Gwinn had her name badge. She’d been working here for six years now, through two pregnancies and a divorce. She knew everyone in the county, and remembered anyone traveling through who stopped more than once. She was three-quarters Tufa, part of Duncan’s group, and his third cousin.
Now she looked up at him and said, “What’s the matter with you?”
He put the bag of chips and bottle of Mountain Dew on the counter and said, “Who said anything was wrong?”
“Well, for starters, you’re not drinking beer.”
“It’s not even eleven o’clock in the morning yet.”
“And you got that scowl on your face.”
“What scowl?”
“That frowny look you get when you’re worrying about a problem. You’ve gotten that since you were knee-high to a grown man’s ball sac. Did you lose your job over in Unicorn?”
“’Cause if you did, there’s a part-time shift open here. Midnight to six A.M., three nights a week. And I hear that Cyrus Crow and his NY boyfriend are reopening the café down at the Catamount Corner.”
“I haven’t lost my job.”
“Then what’s the frown for?”
“You ain’t seen Kera come through here, have you?”
“Kera Rogers?”
“Have I got another girlfriend named Kera?”
“She’s your girlfriend? I knew you two went out some, but I didn’t think you’d made it exclusive. When did that happen?”
He leaned across the counter and said through his teeth, “Have … you … seen her?”
“Don’t get your drawers twisted around your nuts, Duncan. No, I ain’t seen her today. Why?”
“We were texting each other this morning and she just dropped off in the middle of it.”
“Where was she?”
“She said she was out looking for a place to practice her pennywhistle. But I know that spot, and she ought to get a signal the whole way.”
“Have you been out there to look for her?”
“No,” he said like a pouty child.
“Well, if you’re so worried, why not?” When he didn’t answer, Lassa said, “Oh, ’cause maybe you don’t want to know she ain’t there.”
“Can you please ring these up before my Co’-Cola gets warm?”
Lassa rang up the purchase and took his money. “If I see her, I’ll tell her you’re looking for her.”
“Thanks,” he said, and went outside to his car, an old Altima with a cracked windshield. He cruised around, eating the chips, drinking the Mountain Dew, and trying not to dwell on his suspicions.
Kera was out of his league, and he knew that, but he loved her anyway and tried not to let his paranoia get the best of him. Yet if she’d been texting from somewhere else and only pretending to be in the woods, that would explain the sudden loss of signal, if not that strange last text.
Of course, if she’d butt-texted, especially as she was squirming out of her jeans …
He glanced at his phone on the truck’s seat beside him. Still nothing.
When he looked up, he stood on the brakes, rose in his seat, and locked his arms to hold the steering wheel steady as the truck screeched to a halt. A half-dozen wild pigs crossed the highway ahead of him. The noise from his tires made them scurry in all directions, and he waited until two that ran back the way they’d come finally went across and joined the others. The whole herd disappeared into the woods.
Duncan tried to calm both his startled heart and his seething temper. He hated himself when he felt this way, helpless to his own emotions and desires. He wanted Kera so badly right now, mainly because the thought of her being with someone else—no, the thought of her wanting to be with someone else—was more than he could handle.
And then he inevitably thought: Who could the other guy be? He began mentally listing all the boys she might be fucking at this moment.
* * *
Duncan sprawled naked on the couch at his apartment. It was a subdivided old house just off Main Street, and he had three neighbors: two single men who worked construction and were often gone, and a woman who was a secretary at the elementary school and had an eight-year-old son. For the most part, they all got along, since they all knew each other’s families, and they all ultimately answered to Junior Damo.
He was half-asleep in the drowsy summer heat when his cell phone finally rang. It was Kera’s landline number. “Where have you been?” he said, his voice thick.
“I got up, took a shit, blew my nose, and started my day,” said a male voice he instantly recognized. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Sorry, Mr. Rogers,” Duncan mumbled. “Thought you were somebody else.”
“I hope so,” said Sam Rogers, Kera’s father. “Is Kera with you?”
Duncan shook his head to clear it. Why was Kera’s dad calling him? He checked the clock on the cable box: 3:47 in the afternoon. “No, sir. I haven’t heard from her since this morning.”
“Neither have her mother and I. She went out to practice her pennywhistle and ain’t come back.”
He sat up. He was damp with sweat from the vinyl couch, and his skin peeled off it like the back of a sticker. “I don’t know where she is, either.”
“It’s not like her to miss lunch, especially when she’s working this afternoon out at Doyle’s garage. You planning to gather her round from there this evening?”
Duncan waved at a fly that, drawn to his sweat, tried to land on his face. “No, sir. Have you tried calling her?”
Sam Rogers sighed the way parents do at the stupidity of the young. “No, son, that hadn’t occurred to me. Glad you’re here to remind me of these things. What did I ever do before you came along?”
Sam had never really cared for Duncan, and Duncan knew it. Sam had been a trucker since he turned eighteen, and he felt the boy was too aimless for his daughter, whom he cherished. He’d even tried to fix Kera up with Whitey Crowder, who’d been born without his right arm, when she started dating Duncan. While Duncan had nothing against Whitey, it meant that Kera’s father preferred him to someone like Duncan, who had all his parts. That was humbling.
Still, Sam wasn’t one of those men who kept his daughter locked away from life. He let Kera make her own mistakes, and was always there to wipe her tears and help her sort things out. So Duncan secretly worried that Sam was, deep down, right about him.
“Sorry,” Duncan said, “I just … I was asleep.”
“In the middle of the afternoon?”
“It’s my day off,” he said defensively.
“Huh. Must be nice. Well, if you hear from her, tell her to call home. Her mama’s worried, and it ain’t doing my blood pressure no good, either.”
Sam ended the call, and Duncan stared at the phone. He almost screamed when it suddenly buzzed in his hand again.
“Hey,” his friend Adam Procure said. “Is Kera with you?”
“I just got a call from her dad, looking for her.”
“Why would he call you?”
“I think he’s calling everybody.”
“No, she’s not with me. Have you seen her?”
“Not in days.”
“I talked to her this morning, but we got cut off.”
“Do you think we should be worried?”
“I dunno, man. I was asleep.”
“In the middle of the afternoon?”
“It’s my day off!” he repeated, more vehemently.
“Whoa there, slick, calm down. I didn’t mean anything by it. When she turns up, let me know, okay?”
“Yeah,” he said, and Adam disconnected. Duncan made himself get up, went into the bathroom, and started the shower. He left the water fairly cold, so it would wake him quickly.
For the first time today, he wasn’t annoyed or pissed off. Now he was a little scared.