I’m lucky to be published with one of the best publishers, Boldwood Books, and owe a huge thanks to all the staff, but especially to my wonderful, supportive editor, Emily Ruston.
Grateful thanks to all those who read, review and blog about my books, and for those who shout about them whenever they can – it’s always worrying to name names as there are so many who are owed thanks, but deserving of a special mention are Sarah Westfield and Jade Potter – thanks ladies, you’re both special.
Thanks to the usual bunch of people who keep me sane – Jenny O’Brien, Anita Waller, Judith Baker, Keri Beevis, Pam Lecky, and Lynda Checkley.
Last, but never least, thanks to my lovely husband, Robert, my siblings, extended family and to Fatty Arbuckle for purring so nicely.
I have a habit of memorising quotations, and like to make use of them when appropriate – I’ve used two in this book so for anyone who is curious about them, here they are:
‘Would he have made of me a saint, or I of him a sinner?’ attributed to St Augustine of Hippo, a 4th century Roman theologian.
‘In a minute there is time for decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.’ From ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ by T.S. Eliot.
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