It’s a ghoulish race to the finish line!
WHAT YOU NEED: A big pack of toilet-paper rolls (one roll for each player), a bag for recycling paper, designated Start and Finish lines, and teams of two people each.
1. The game begins when the official shouts, “Run, Mummy! Run!”
2. One player on each team stands with arms at sides and feet together, while the other player quickly wraps him from head to toe in toilet paper so he looks exactly like a mummy. (Caution: don’t wrap so tightly that the mummy can’t hop.)
3. Once wrapped, the mummy must hop all the way to the finish line, cross it, and then return to where he started.
4. That mummy breaks out of the mummy wrap and now wraps his teammate in toilet paper.
5. The second mummy hops to the finish line, turns, and hops back.
6. The first team to have both mummies return home, scoop up all their mummy wrappings, and stuff them into the recycling bag wins.