When you gotta go…go with the “E-e-e-ek!”
• GLOW-IN-THE-DARK TOILET PAPER. Avoid the blinding glare of bright lights on nighttime bathroom visits with toilet paper that glows eerily green in the dark. Also useful for power outages, camping trips, and glow-in-the-dark mummy costumes. ($6.99)
• BLOOD-BATH SHOWER CURTAIN. If the bloody handprints smeared down the front of this shower curtain don’t make you think of Psycho—Alfred Hitchcock’s classic horror movie—then you’re probably not allowed to see R-rated movies yet. Trust us when we say this curtain will make your parents’ hearts pound. ($19.99. Matching bloody-footprint bath mat sold separately.)
• SKELETON TOILET-PAPER HOLDER. A hollow-eyed skeleton grins above bony hands that helpfully hold a T.P. roll between them. ($13.55)
• ZOMBIE-HAND TOILET TOPPER. Looks like a rotting hand coming up out of a blood-filled toilet bowl. To use, just peel off the backing and stick it to the lid. It’s removable (so maybe Mom won’t kill you). And reusable (so you can scare Dad’s socks off, too!). ($5.52)