More proof that truth is stranger than fiction.

IF YOU’VE EVER WATCHED the TV program, Storage Wars, you know that all kinds of strange things can be hidden in storage lockers. U-Storage Manager Kevin McKeon was about to auction the contents of a 10 by 10-foot unit. The renters had not made payments for more than a year. Before the auction, McKeon made one final call. He contacted the original renters’ granddaughter, Rebecca Ann Fancher. “You can’t sell our stuff!” Rebecca Ann said. “My mother told me on her deathbed that Grandma is in the storage unit.”

McKeon was skeptical, so he didn’t check the unit until a week later. Inside, he discovered old TVs, trashbags of stored stuff, and a hand-made blue casket that contained the remains of Ann Bunche (Grandma). After he got over the shock, he placed a call to the Clearwater, Florida, police. Further investigation revealed that Grandma had been in the unit since her death—17 years earlier. Seems her daughter, Bobbie Barnett Hancock (also deceased by the time the body was found), “just couldn’t part with her.” No charges were filed against the surviving family members.