“Entering launch basket.”
Captain Lieutenant Mikhail Alekhin, Kazan’s Weapons Officer, made the report.
“Verify each target is within range,” Plecas ordered.
Plecas waited as Alekhin ran the target package through fire control, checking the distance to each target. Once the fire control system completed its calculations, Alekhin announced, “All twenty targets are within range.”
To his Watch Officer, Plecas ordered, “Slow to ten knots.”
Captain Lieutenant Ludvig Yelchin, this section’s Watch Officer, relayed the order to the Steersman, and after Kazan coasted down to the ordered speed, Plecas picked up the tactical communication microphone.
“Hydroacoustic, Captain. Perform detailed acoustic search, all sectors. Report all contacts.”
A few minutes later, after analyzing the broadband and narrowband sensor data, Hydroacoustic reported, “Captain, Hydroacoustic. Hold no contacts.”
That was good news, but the Kalibr missiles would leave behind a white smoke trail, pinpointing Kazan’s position for any nearby warships or military aircraft.
Caution was prudent. Plecas had been surprised by the maritime patrol aircraft they had encountered a few hours earlier. The Americans had apparently established an ASW barrier across the Gulf of Mexico, in addition to the one he expected to be arrayed along the United States’ East Coast. Whoever was in charge of the American ASW forces was astute indeed, recognizing that launching from the Gulf of Mexico would produce even more devastating results.
It was clear that the Americans had placed P-8A assets in the Gulf, but what else? As for submarines, he doubted there were any in the Gulf. All of the Atlantic Fleet submarine home ports were on the East Coast, with the nearest fast attack port being in Norfolk, Virginia. It seemed unreasonable to route a submarine to the Gulf when it was far easier to position maritime patrol aircraft there.
The only remaining task was to verify there were no warships on the horizon or military aircraft circling above, waiting to attack.
Plecas turned to his Watch Officer.
“Man Combat Stations and proceed to periscope depth.”