







A With Samuel Parker

1 RICHARD LEIGH on the Rehearsal Transpros'd, 1673

2 SAMUEL PARKER'S first response, 1673

3 EDMUND HICKERINGILL on the Rehearsal Transpros'd, 1673

4 [?JOSEPH GLANVILL] on the Rehearsal Transpros'd, 1674

5 An anonymous comment on the author of the Rehearsal Transpros'd, 1674

6 ROCHESTER on the Parker controversy, c. 1674–5

7 ROBERT MCWARD comments on Parker and Marvell, 1677

8 THOMAS LONG comments on the Transproser, 1678

9 BISHOP BURNET on the Parker controversy

(a) from An Enquiry into the Reasons for Abrogating the Test, 1678

(b) from his History of My Own Time, before 1715

(c) from A Supplement to his History

10 ANTHONY À WOOD from Athenae Oxonienses, 1691–2

11 DEAN SWIFT'S allusion to the controversy, 1710

12 ISAAC DISRAELI on the Parker controversy, 1814

B With Francis Turner

13 BISHOP CROFT'S letter to Marvell, 1676

14 An anonymous poetic tribute, c. 1689

15 W.P.KER on the superiority of Mr. Smirke, 1894

C With Roger L'Estrange

16 An anonymous notice from A Letter from Amsterdam, 1678

17 ROGER L'ESTRANGE on the Growth of Popery

(a) from An Account of the Growth of Knavery, 1678

(b) from The Parallel or An Account of the Growth of Knavery, 1679

(c) from the Observator, 1683

18 [? MARCHAMONT NEDHAM] on the author of the Growth of Popery, c. 1678

19 An anonymous tribute On His Excellent Friend, post 1678

20 From Tell-Truth's Answer to Tell-Troth's Letter, c. 1680

21 JOHN DRYDEN'S comments

(a) from His Majesties Declaration Defended, 1681

(b) from The Medal, 1682

(c) from Religio Laici, 1682

22 BISHOP PARKER again on the Growth of Popery and the ‘First Anniversary,’ c. 1687

23 A further comment on the Growth of Popery, 1689

24 Three eighteenth-century historians comment

(a) from Roger North's Examen, post 1706

(b) from Laurence Echard's History of England, 1718

(c) from John Oldmixon's History of England, 1730

D With Thomas Danson

25 HENRY ROGERS on Marvell's defense of Howe, 1836

26 DR JOHN BROWN on Marvell, 1854

Satirist, Patriot, and Emergent Poet

27 MILTON'S recommendation of Marvell, 1652/3

28 JOHN AUBREY'S comments, post 1678

29 JAMES YONGE, from his Journal, c. 1681–2

30 NAHUM TATE, an allusion, 1694

31 Preface to Poems on Affairs of State, 1697

32 DEFOE on satirical poetry

(a) from More Reformation, 1703

(b) from A Review of the State of the British Nation, 1711

(c) from the Review, 1713

33 THOMAS COOKE on the life and writings, 1726

34 JAMES PARSONS on ‘Eyes and Tears,’ 1747

35 VOLTAIRE on In eandem [Effigiem] Reginae Sueciae transmissam, 1748

36 WILLIAM MASON, from the ode “To Independency,” 1756

37 CHARLES CHURCHILL on satiric poetry

(a) from The Author, 1765

(b) from lines attributed, 1776

38 CAPTAIN EDWARD THOMPSON on Marvell's works, 1776

Note RALPH GRIFFITH'S unsigned review, 1776

39 JOHN AIKIN on Marvell, 1799–1815

40 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH'S sonnet, c. 1802

41 Three political comparisons

(a) from the Craftsman, 1735

(b) from the journal of Henry Wansey, 1796

(c) from a letter by James Russell Lowell, 1845

Poet and Prose Writer

42 WILLIAM LISLE BOWLES'S notes on “Upon the Hill and Grove at Bill-borow” and “Appleton House,” 1806

43 THOMAS CAMPBELL on Marvell, 1819

Note from FRANCIS JEFFREY'S review, 1819

44 CHARLES LAMB'S comments

(a) from a letter to William Godwin, 1800

(b) from “The Old Benchers of the Inner Temple,” 1821

45 WILLIAM HAZLITT on Marvell's poetry

(a) from Lectures on the English Poets, 1818

(b) from Lectures on the English Comic Writers, 1819

(c) from Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, 1820

(d) from Select British Poets, 1824

46 LEIGH HUNT'S comments

(a) from the Indicator, 1819

(b) from the Indicator, 1820

(c) from the Literary Examiner, 1823

(d) from the Monthly Repository, 1837–8

(e) from “An Illustrative Essay” in Wit and Humour, 1846

(f) from “Andrew Marvell” in Wit and Humour, 1846

47 A two-part anonymous account of Marvell, 1824, 1825


(a) from his Journal, 1828

(b) from Parnassus, 1875

49 JOHN CLARE, from a letter to H.F.Cary, 1829

50 JOHN DOVE, from The Life of Andrew Marvell, the Celebrated Patriot, 1832

51 Three anonymous reviews of Dove's Life of Andrew Marvell

(a) from the Eclectic Review, 1832

(b) from the Monthly Review, 1832

(c) from the Westminster Review, 1833

52 HARTLEY COLERIDGE, from The Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire, 1832

53 SAMUEL CARTER HALL on the poetry, 1836

54 EDGAR ALLAN POE comments, 1836


(a) from the History of the English Language and Literature, 1835

(b) from the Cyclopaedia of English Literature, 1844

56 From the Penny Cyclopaedia, 1839

57 HENRY ROGERS'S observations on Marvell, 1844

58 GEORGE L.CRAIK'S observations on Marvell, 1844–5

59 A portrait of the poet and prose writer, 1847


61 MRS S.C.HALL on Marvell

(a) from the International Magazine, 1851

(b) from Eclectic Magazine, 1852

62 MARY RUSSELL MITFORD, from Recollections of a Literary Life, 1852

63 An anonymous notice on the “Horatian Ode” and “Eyes and Tears,” 1853

64 JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL'S observations on Marvell's poetry, 1854

65 GEORGE DAWSON, from Biographical Lectures, 1859

66 GEORGE GILFILLAN comments on Marvell, 1860

67 MATTHEW ARNOLD on the “Horatian Ode,” 1861

68 HERMAN MERIVALE'S comments on the political poetry, 1861

69 SAINTE BEUVE on the “Horatian Ode,” 1864

70 ARCHBISHOP TRENCH'S comments on “Eyes and Tears,” “Horatian Ode,” and “On a Drop of Dew,” 1868, 1870

71 JOHN ORMSBY'S essay from the Cornhill Magazine, 1869

72 JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL on two of the Cromwell poems, 1870

73 CHARLES COWDEN CLARKE on Marvell, 1871

74 EDWARD FITZGERALD'S comments on two poems, 1872

75 W.D.CHRISTIE'S reviews of Grosart's edition

(a) from the Spectator, 1873

(b) from the Saturday Review, 1873

76 An American divine comments, 1877

77 SIR EDMUND GOSSE on the garden poetry, 1885


(a) from A Memoir by Hallam Tennyson, 1887–8

(b) from Personal Recollections by F.T.Palgrave, 1849–92

Poetic Reassessment

79 A.C.BENSON on Marvell, 1892

80 J.STUART'S review of Marvell in the Muses' Library Series, 1892

81 SIR E.K.CHAMBERS'S review of Marvell in the Muses' Library Series, 1892

82 RICHARD GARNETT on Marvell, 1895

83 An anonymous comment on the poetry, 1897

84 ALICE MEYNELL'S comments on Marvell

(a) from the Pall Mall Gazette, 1897

(b) from the Pall Mall Gazette, 1899

85 GEORGE SAINTSBURY'S comments on Marvell, 1898

86 H.C.BEECHING on the lyrics, 1901

87 An anonymous review article on Marvell's prose style, 1902

88 W.J.COURTHOPE on “The First Anniversary,” 1903

89 STEPHEN GWYNN on the Puritanism of the poet, 1904

90 AUGUSTINE BIRRELL on Marvell, 1905

91 Three unsigned reviews of Birrell's Andrew Marvell

(a) from the Times Literary Supplement, 1905

(b) from the Saturday Review, 1905

(c) from the Spectator, 1906

92 A poet's review of Birrell's edition, 1905

93 ALBERT F.SIEVEKING on garden poetry, 1908

94 EMILE LEGOUIS comments on “The Death of O.C.,” 1912

95 EDWARD B.REED on Marvell's lyrics, 1912

96 FRANCIS L.BICKLEY on the quality of Marvell's poetry, 1913

97 ISAAC ROSENBERG comments on “To His Coy Mistress,” 1917

98 A.CLUTTON-BROCK on Marvell and Vaughan, 1918

99 H.M.MARGOLIOUTH on Marvell and his contemporaries

(a) “Marvell and Cowley,” Saturday Review, 1919

(b) “Marvell and Other Contemporaries,“ Saturday Review, 1919

100 H.J.MASSINGHAM on Marvell's poetry

(a) from A Treasury of Seventeenth-Century English Verse, 1919

(b) from the Nation and Athenaeum, 1921

101 SIR HERBERT GRIERSON on the metaphysical lyric, 1921

102 CYRIL FALLS on the tercentenary of Marvell's birth, 1921

103 T.S.ELIOT on the tercentenary of Marvell's birth, 1921

Note Eliot's review of the Nonesuch edition of Marvell, 1923

