Book IV

Bathroom and Kitchen Remodeling

In this book . . .

W e’re a nation of countless bathrooms and kitchens on the brink of being torn apart, redesigned, and remodeled. You may be asking yourself, “Can I remodel without spending every penny I have, destroying the harmony of my household, and breaking the spirit of everyone involved?” The answer is yes, but it’s a qualified yes that hinges on how you plan the project and prepare for the inconvenience.

This book tells you how to transform these important rooms from blah to beautiful. We explain how to manage the remodeling process, how to do certain jobs yourself, and when to hire a professional. We also guide you through the maze of decisions and options. Undoubtedly, you’ll enjoy immediate payback and pleasure, but you’ll also raise the resale value of your house. Even a modest bathroom or kitchen makeover adds value, but an honest-to-goodness remodel is an investment worth making.

Here are the contents of Book IV at a glance.