To begin, I’d like to thank my literary agent, Laura Nolan, who recognized the worth of this story and ensured that my voice could be heard. To my professors at Goucher’s MFA Program—Jacob Levenson, Leslie Rubinowski, Laura Wexler and Diana Hume George, as well as Patsy Simms—who pushed me to dig deep, show not tell, cut, cut, cut, and DMSU (don’t make s**t up). To the stellar team of women at Ten Speed Press, whom I’ve had the honor to work with—Dervla Kelly, Emma Rudolph, Lizzie Allen, and Ivy McFadden. Thank you for your amazing feedback, edits, and design.
To the farmers—thank you for taking the chance on this little mill. To the bakers—thank you for bringing our flour into your bakeries and for the resulting baked goods you bring to your communities; and for those of you represented in this book, thank you for your time and inspiring recipes. To Rinne Allen, for your stunning photography. Such a treat to get to travel around the South with you. And yes, you did warn me about this whole book writing endeavor and yes, you were completely on point. To Cathy Cleary and Lydia Stamm for the many, many bake tests and feedback. To my team at Carolina Ground: Scott Starling, Lydia Stamm, Lindsey Giglio, and Dante Campanaro, who kept the stones turning while I was distracted by the writing of this book. Thank you to Sharon Burns-Leader, Dr. Erin McKenney, Amy Halloran, Thor Oechsner, Glenn Roberts, Melissa Martin, Graison Gill, Mark Fowler, Tass Jansen, Roger Jansen, Dr. David Marshall, and Dr. Stephen Jones, all of whom contributed in some way to this book. And my foundation: my family. I won the lottery with my mom and dad, forever believing in us girls. To my sister, Liz, for always cheering me on. To my daughter Hannah, for reminding me to continuously broaden my perspective. To Emma, Siena, and Tim, thank you for your love and acceptance, even through the writing of this book. And to my husband and best friend, Scott Unfried. Forever grateful for your patience, your love, and your editing skills.