Table of Contents

1. Black Holes
Listening for gravity waves
How big can a star be?
‘Black holes’ in space
Black holes: No longer hypothetical
No mini black holes yet
Monster black holes
Repaired Hubble finds giant black hole
Black hole’s veil peeled back to reveal bases of powerful jets
Hawking radiation created in the lab
The mysterious boundary
2. Stars and Galaxies
Everlasting light
Sky pinwheels are stellar universes 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles away
Dr. Hubble finds galaxies evenly scattered in space
Nebulae hold sky’s ‘speed record’
Hubble finally has the stars in its eyes
Cosmic dawn
Explosive tales
At home in the universe
Galaxy cluster extremely fertile
A third of the population can’t see the Milky Way at night
3. Extreme Phenomena
Searching for distant signals
Repeating fast radio bursts recorded
Quasars are ‘crazy’
New view of quasars sheds light on origin
Powerhouse astronomy
Neutron stars
Let there be spin
The mystery of the cosmic gamma-ray zaps
Blasts from the past
Greatest ray shower
Turning a fly’s eye on energetic cosmic rays
Chasing a cosmic engine
Alien high-energy neutrinos detected
4. The Big Bang and the Universe’s Expansion
Cosmic question mark
Scientist says universe is actually exploding
Einstein and de Sitter return to Euclidean idea of cosmos
Atom started universe
Discuss origin of universe
Remnants of the primeval fireball believed aglow
Will the universe expand forever?
The new inflationary nothing universe
A computer-generated cosmic portfolio
COBE causes Big Bang in cosmology
Cosmological controversy: Inflation, texture and waves
Eyeing evidence of primordial helium
Lab tests mystery of lithium levels
Age of the cosmos: a first consensus
Balloon sounds out the early universe
State of the universe
Inflation on trial
Gravitational wave discovery gives way to dust
5. Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Light in the dark
Celestial pinwheel
A closed universe may be axionomatic
Battle over WIMPs goes another round
Mining for missing matter
Dark matter, where art thou?
Studies support an accelerating universe
Embracing the dark side
Data from galaxy clusters suggests dark energy is constant over time
6. The Next Frontiers
Pre-Bang branes and bubbles
Strung together
Strings link the ultracold with the superhot
Success in coping with infinity could strengthen the case for multiple universes
When worlds collide
Out of the fabric
Hunting hidden dimensions
Appendix I
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