
I HAVE A LONG LIST of people to thank for their help in putting this book together.

I would especially like to thank Berroco, Cascade Yarns, Classic Elite Yarn, Knitting Fever, Kristin Omdahl, Lion Brand Yarn, Manos del Uruguay, Plymouth Yarn, and Universal Yarn, for contributing the yarn for the samples in this book. I also want to give them a big thank-you for their continued support of designers everywhere.

Thanks to Paula Alexander, Jeannine Buehler, Diane Cuthbert, Theresa DeLaBarrerra, Mary O’Hara, Nancy Smith, Marie Stewart, and Sharon Valencia, who helped me make all the samples.

Thanks to my granddaughter, Nicole Valencia, who modeled some of the garments, and my son, Christopher Hubert, who took some of the photos.

Last, but by no means least, a very big thank-you to the small army behind the scenes who make the book come together: Joy Aquilino, Regina Grenier, Rita Greenfeder, Heather Godin, and Linda Neubauer, just to name a few, and all the many others. Without them, there would be no book.

Thank you all! —Margaret