I would like to thank the Alzheimer’s Society for their very useful information. Dementia Talking Point (https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/dementia-talking-point-our-online-community); Dementia Voices (https://dementiavoices-id.org.uk) and Dementia Diaries (https://dementiadiaries.org) have been such important sites. Thank you, forum members and contributors; your posts give so much towards an understanding of the condition. Wendy Mitchell’s brilliant books, Somebody I Used to Know and What I Wish People Knew About Dementia, have been indispensable and have clarified so many things. The novel that Selina is reading in chapter twenty-five is A Harlot’s Progress by David Dabydeen (Vintage 2000).
Judith Bryan, Pauline Edwards, Theres Fickl, Kate McGowan, Gerri Moriarty and Jane Taylor have listened patiently as I’ve tried to get to grips with the writing of this book, and I’m very grateful.
A dear friend said of the last book, ‘Well, I thought it was good when I read it and I know you’ve tarted it up a lot since then.’ I would like to thank editors Clare Hey and Mina Asaam at Simon & Schuster for their very helpful, thoughtful and supportive suggestions for this book’s tarting-up process.
Finally, there is my wonderful agent, Milly Reilly, who always offers invaluable advice with intelligence, kindness, patience, tact, and a remarkable eye for detail. I can’t thank her enough for her support.