CHAPTER II.—Map: Boeotia and Attica
Plan: The “salient” of Plataea
CHAPTER III.—Map: The entrance to the Corinthian Gulf
CHAPTER IV.—Map: The North-West
Map: The Isthmus of Corinth and Salamis
Map: Aetolia—Phocis—Boeotia
Map: Aetolia
Plan: Aegitium
Map: The eastern shore of the Ambraciot Gulf
Plan: The battle of Olpae
Plan: Poplar Grove
CHAPTER V.—Map: Pylos and Sphacteria
CHAPTER VI.—Plan: The battle of Delium
Plan: Megara and Nisaea
VII.—Map: Macedonia—-Chalcidice
Plan: Amphipolis
CHAPTER VIII.—Map: The Eastern Peloponnese
Map: Phlius—Nemea—Argos
Plan: The armies at Argos (intended)
Plan: The armies at Argos (actual)
Map: Mantinea and Tegea
Plan: The battle of Mantinea
CHAPTER IX.—Map: Sicily
Plan: The battle of Dascon
Plan: Syracuse.
Map: The route of the Athenian retreat.
CHAPTER X.—Map: The coast of Asia Minor
Map: The Hellespont
CHAPTER XI.—Plan: The battle of Arginusae