It’s All about You
The Capital T Truth
Everyone has basic questions about tarot, like “How does it work?” and “How do you know what the cards mean?” Here’s where tarot gets difficult. It’s not in learning to read the cards. It’s in understanding how tarot works. Here’s why that is the hard part: we are all looking for an answer, a clear, concise, undeniable truth answer. We think there is one universal truth behind these mysterious cards and if we can discover it, we will have access to the secrets of the Universe. We read one book that says one thing and another that says something else and we think “so and so doesn’t know what he’s talking about!” We get hung up on trying to figure out the Capital T Truth. Or at least, that’s the way I felt when I started out. After all, if the cards are supposed to tell the future, they must have some rules for accessing that all-important information.
The Capital T Truth is this: tarot has never been absolute … not in the way it looks or in the way it has been used. But if there is no original written-by-God-and-given-to-Moses-in-stone Truth, it seems impossible to unlock the secrets that we think the cards hold. On the other hand, this realization makes everything easier. I’ll tell you why soon and as the chapter title says, it is all about you. But first let me prove my point about tarot never having been absolute.
A Brief History of Tarot
Museums contain remnants of a few tarot decks made in the fifteenth century in Italy. The tarot cards that we now call the Major Arcana (in modern decks, these twenty-two cards are named and numbered) were not numbered. Tarot decks back then were handmade works of art, often full of luxurious gold leaf, and only the richest families had them. The decks were sometimes given as wedding gifts, with images of the bride and groom gracing some of the cards. The cards that we now call the Minor Arcana (in modern decks, these fifty-six cards are divided into four suits and include an ace through ten, Page, Knight, Queen, and King) had no scenes on them, just suit designators like modern playing cards (the one notable exception to this rule is the Sola Busca Tarot, which you will read about very soon).
When the printing press made printed items more affordable, the cards gained in popularity, and then lots of people played the game of tarot, also called tarocchi.
As is the case with games, tarot fell out of popularity for a few hundred years until the eighteenth century, when a few people found the old decks. Because the cards were full of symbols, they decided that the cards were not just a game but had deeper allegorical meanings. These people began writing books about the meanings of the cards, sometimes claiming that the meanings came from ancient Egypt. Today we have no evidence that there is a solid Egyptian connection. This doesn’t mean there isn’t, and it is fun to imagine wild histories about the cards. However, strictly speaking, we can’t claim any Egyptian roots with any confidence.
During the Victorian era when secret societies and occultism were all the rage, people in those various secret societies used the cards to, well, hold the secrets. Some used the cards for divination while others “discovered” or referenced more “ancient” texts. Today, we believe most of these texts were invented, not discovered. During this time, one of the biggest changes in tarot occurred. A man named Arthur Waite hired an artist named Pamela Colman Smith to illustrate a tarot deck. They were both members of the Golden Dawn, one of the more popular Victorian-era secret societies. Waite didn’t care much about the Minor Arcana and left a lot of the image design up to Smith. She was influenced by that Sola Busca deck mentioned earlier and, instead of using only suit designators, she painted images that reflected what the cards were said to mean.
What’s really interesting is that this deck, often called the Waite-Smith Tarot (although it was originally called the Rider-
Waite Tarot because Rider was the name of the company that published the deck), has come to dominate modern tarot, especially in the United States. Most tarot experts say it is the best deck with the most authentic symbols and meanings. And most tarot decks that are popular today are modeled after the Waite-Smith Tarot. In recent decades, there have been many books published about the symbols used in these particular cards, analyzing everything. For example, the number of lines forming the rays of the sun in the Sun card was thought to be meaningful, but a closer examination of the printing history shows that the number of lines changed in the earliest printings because one of the plates used to print the cards cracked, creating an extra “ray.” Further, a 2015 book titled Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot by Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin shows that many of the symbols come from somewhere other than where people had originally thought. For example, a great many symbols are from Shakespeare’s writings, and some are simply from the summer cottage where Smith lived while painting the deck.
Despite the symbols not necessarily meaning what we thought or why we thought, for more than a century people have used this deck (and ones like it) to great effect. Symbols are powerful, and they get so much of their meaning from the society from which they emerge and also from the individual looking at them. Finding meaning in a symbol is a very active experience based on innate archetypal recognition, cultural environment, and personal experience. It is not necessary to go back in time to some mythical age when the cards fell to earth fully formed and with precise and unchangeable meanings. The tarot cards are sometimes called “keys.” They are keys that open doors and behind those doors are worlds of meaning, some of which don’t even exist until you walk through them. I think of it as being like those scientific theories that explain how the observer affects the thing that is being studied.
Other changes happened to the cards, beginning with Smith and her charming paintings. The Major Arcana cards became numbered (and the order in which these cards were numbered caused, and continues to cause, much debate among tarot experts). Images changed radically. For example, in the earliest decks, the Fool looked like a crazy person (or perhaps like a person who is mentally challenged), often with his pants falling off and his rear end (and sometimes even his genitals!) hanging out with a dog trying to bite it. Today, the Fool is shown as a pure soul about to incarnate into this plane of existence. Also, in earlier books, the meanings of the cards seemed arbitrary and didn’t necessarily reflect the image on the card, which meant the image was merely decorative and not meant to be interpreted. This is very different from today, where it is almost more common to read the image rather than refer to any sort of esoteric meaning.
For a long time, tarot was used to tell fortunes. This is probably still one of the most common uses for it today, because, really, who doesn’t want to know the future? However, even this has changed. Before the later twentieth century, people had a much more deterministic or fatalistic view of the world. Depending on where you were born, what class you were born to, and what gender you were, it was not too difficult to “predict” your future because it wasn’t like you had a lot of choices. Today, we are more of a “you make your own future” people. We believe not just in free will but in the ability to do or achieve whatever we want. So the idea of telling the future changes, because the future is not set in stone.
Tarot is now also used for other things, such as creative writing, journaling, magical work, and brainstorming. Because of his notion of synchronicity and interest in symbols, many tarot readers are fans of Carl Jung. His work has influenced the direction of modern tarot. In fact, some psychologists incorporate tarot into their work with patients. Each year in New York, there is a conference about tarot and psychology, a clear indication of the level of interest among psychology professionals.
Besides new uses, there are more decks than ever before with all sorts of artwork and themes. Some of these break with the Waite-Smith tradition and create new ways of exploring what tarot can be. Oh, and in parts of Europe, you can still watch locals buy a pack of tarot cards at the corner tobacconist’s shop and play a game with a friend at the local café.
Maybe that wasn’t as brief as I led you to believe. The history of tarot is a lot longer and very interesting. If you want to know more, check out Robert Place’s The Fool’s Journey: The History, Art, and Symbolism of the Tarot or Mary K. Greer’s blog at
I know that not everyone cares about history, and you really don’t need to know the history to read the cards. It is, though, important to understand at least this very basic timeline because this is how we know that there is no full and complete Capital T Truth. This, it turns out, is actually great for you because it means becoming a reader has become easier. This means that everything about the tarot, everything about what you will do with the cards and how they will work in your hands, is determined by no one but you. Your use of the tarot cards should reflect your beliefs … about how the world works, about spiritual ideas, about what your role on this planet is, to name just a few. You might need some help in translating your beliefs into tarot principles, but I’m here to help with that. To get started, let’s gather some data about you. Hurray! This is our first recess period!
Your First Reading
Even if you’ve done a reading before, pretend that this is your first. I would suggest doing this initial reading for yourself. Decide on a question that you’d like to ask the cards and that you think is possible for the cards to answer. Imagine what kind of possible answers you might get, what kind you would most hope for, and what kind you hope you don’t get. Think about how the answers you get will help you. Especially consider how knowing a particularly unwelcome answer might affect you. Take a few minutes and write down your question, possible answers, and how the information will help you. You may find that having a notebook or, better yet, a three-ring binder will be really helpful. Throughout this book, you’ll have opportunities to write down your own observations and notes. Having them all in one place will save you from having to search for them later. I like a three-ring binder because you can easily add or rearrange pages.
Shuffle the cards (however you like) and lay down three cards in a horizontal row. A row of three cards is one of the simplest and most common spreads readers use. Spreads can be a single card or five cards or even the whole deck. Sometimes (in fact, most of the time) the positions in a spread are assigned meanings, such Past, Present, or Outcome. We’ll talk more about spreads later. For now, just read your three cards with no concern for positional meaning and determine the answer to your question. Don’t peek at the meanings in the book!
If you feel stuck, here are some suggestions. Look at the words and numbers on the cards and see what they mean to you. Even if you don’t have a set of numerological meanings at your fingertips, you probably have ideas about the difference in energy of, say, odd numbers and even numbers (for example, I think odd numbers are “spiky” and even numbers are “smooth”). Some cards have words like Wands or Cups on them. Do those words bring to mind any ideas? For me, swords are sharp and can protect or hurt; they are dangerous and take great skill and care to use effectively. Some cards, called Court cards, have words like Page, Knight, Queen, or King. What does a knight make you think of ? If you’re like me, you will think of quests and adventures and heroic stories. After looking at all the words and numbers, look at the pictures. Pretend that you are a five-year-old who doesn’t know how to read words yet and imagine the cards are pictures in a storybook. Look at the pictures and read the story that you see. Weave the images together so that they make sense.
Write down what you did, in what order you did it, and in as much detail as you can. Even consider doing your reading out loud and recording it. Then transcribe it so you can refer to it more easily.
The more you are completely yourself, the easier all this will go. Okay, that’s all for now. Off you go!
Some Answers, Some Things to Ponder
How was your first reading experience? I bet it was better than you expected, but if not, don’t worry! This reading was a research expedition, not a test of your skills. Skills can be learned. We are looking for your baseline tarot beliefs. Just from that one reading and the excellent notes you made, you will learn so much about your natural tarot inclinations.
Now, take a moment to answer the six questions below. Don’t worry, you won’t get any answers wrong … the correct answer is always whatever is true for you. Trust me on this. Take a minute to write down your answers:
1. How does the tarot work?
2. Where did the answer come from?
3. What is the purpose of a reading?
4. What kinds of questions are good for a tarot reading?
5. How do I shuffle, select, and lay out the cards?
6. How do I interpret the cards?
We’ll take the questions you’ve answered topically and start with a few broad ones because they may very well shape everything that follows.
How does the tarot work?
This is a big question with no one right answer. For most, the answer will be rooted in spiritual beliefs, but not always. There are some who read tarot with no particular spiritual connection (this is not to say the readers may not be spiritual, but that they don’t attribute any spiritual influence to readings) but instead take a psychological approach. Although I’m using the word “spiritual” here, I’m using it broadly and including any kind of metaphysical explanation.
The psychological approach will likely involve less emphasis on prediction and more on accessing the wisdom of the subconscious mind as a way of gaining understanding about a situation. Many with a psychological approach say that it is Carl Jung’s idea of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences, that drive the process.
A spiritual approach may also have less of a focus on prediction or it may include specific predictive messages and advice, depending on what you think the goal of a reading is (more on that momentarily!). If you think you have a more spiritual approach, think about where the messages come from. Are they from a divine being and to be considered absolute? Is your role as a reader more of a channel? Are the messages from your higher self or your intuition? If you are reading for someone else, are they from that person’s higher self or their intuition? Is intuition always right? Or are the messages from other types of guides or ancestors or angels?
When you were doing your reading, did you have any of these ideas in mind? Did you say a prayer or calm/ground/focus your energy in some way? If so, what do those actions say about your beliefs about a reading? Maybe for you, it is a combination of psychological and spiritual. Or something else entirely.
Nobody can say with 100 percent certainty how the tarot works. We can only say how it works for us, how it fits into our understanding of how the world works. Answering the question “How does the tarot work?” will help shape so much of your work with the tarot.
There are also those who think tarot “works” because readers “read” their clients, starting with generalizations then asking questions and watching for clues. This is called a cold reading, and I know you are not reading this book because you are interested in that process. You can learn it, but not from me. Another reason that some think tarot works is that the predictions given influence the person so that they take the actions necessary to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think that this can be true. I remember my days as a college tutor. With some students, I could push them simply by telling them that I knew they could do better. Mostly, then, they did, even to the point of professors checking with me to see if I had any idea why the student was suddenly doing so much better. As a reader, you have a lot of influence, which means it is very important for you to think about what you are doing and why.
Tied into this is, of course, your worldview. For example, if you think that the future is predestined, then you would naturally be confident in asking predictive questions, even far out into the future. Someone who does not believe that the future is set in any way would never ask predictive questions because that is contrary to their worldview. If you are like most people, you probably fall somewhere in the middle. I think of this as the weather-forecaster approach. That is, the future can be predicted to an extent, just as the weather can be. But the thing to keep in mind with this approach is that the further out into the future, the less accurate the prediction, and also anything can happen to change the current weather pattern. I think too many people, both readers and those who get readings, are too quick to relinquish their beliefs. It is surprising how many people say that they do not believe the future is predestined and yet expect detailed and predictive answers. This is very normal, though. Humans don’t like change, generally, and we usually turn to the divinatory arts when we face uncertainty. We crave prediction then, hoping to be told that everything will be okay. We will come back to this when we explore the purpose of a reading.
Where did the answer come from?
This question is an extension of “how the tarot works.” I’ve pulled it out as separate because I want you to really think about this. I’ve met so many people who get readings or even give readings without having an opinion or belief about where the answers come from. Add to this, “how do the answers come?” When you “read” the cards, what are you doing? Are you accessing divine wisdom? If so, does it come from saying “the first thing that comes into your head?” Does it come from a careful analysis of the symbols? How trustworthy are the answers? How does your involvement as a reader and as a human (I assume you are a human … if you are a super being, my apologies!) help or hinder the quality of the answer?
Here’s an example of how answering these questions will affect your tarot practice. Let’s say you believe that the answers come from a divine being and that you are a channel for that wisdom. Humans have lots of prejudices and biases that we aren’t even always aware of. If you are a channel, then is it your responsibility to be as clear a channel as possible? If so, what does that mean? For some, it means that as part of your spiritual practice, you include things that help keep you clear and open, whether it is meditation, chakra work, chanting, etc.
If the answers are from the divine, then that may affect how you think about the information given in a reading. Many readers spend a lot of time studying how to counsel people. It is important to think about how you will handle what you might perceive as bad news. If the information is from the divine, does that mean that you are obligated to tell the client all the information that you see? If not, how do you know which information is just for you as a reader and which information is meant for the client? Not all readers feel that they should disclose everything they see in the cards. This also ties into what kind of questions you will answer and ethics, which are discussed below.
If, for you, the answer is not from the divine but is instead a synchronistic expression of your subconscious, then what does that mean regarding the nature of the answer? Can answers from your subconscious be predictive or are they reflections of what is deeply desired and possibly not “true”?
Here is a final thing to think about, and it is something I’ve been struggling with recently (you never master tarot!). I happen to think that the answers come from the divine. And here’s my thing. I don’t think that the divine is an answer machine that pops out answers like a gumball machine. I don’t know if the divine always tells us the “truth.” Instead, I wonder if the divine tells us what we need to know in order to have the life experience (and learn the lessons) we are meant to learn. This is, after all, what happened in the movie The Matrix, when the Oracle told Neo that he wasn’t the One (and we should all take our deepest spiritual teachings from movies, right?). After it became apparent that Neo was, in fact, the One, Neo tried to argue with Morpheus about it:
Neo: Morpheus. The Oracle, she told me I’m …
Morpheus: She told you exactly what you needed to hear, that’s all. Neo, sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
I’m still chewing on this, though, and I hope you do, too.
What is the purpose of a reading?
The short answer to this is probably the same for everyone: to get answers! The usefulness of answers depends on the source, which is why knowing where you believe the answer comes from is important. For example, asking a five-year-old what the best snack is will probably result in a very different answer than if you asked a nutritionist. Does it make a difference if the answer comes from your subconscious, your higher self, or a divine being? In what way is it different?
Someone with a more psychological bent is probably looking for insight into how they really feel about a situation. They are looking for understanding of themselves and through that knowledge hope to figure out how to act.
When you did your reading, what were you hoping to accomplish? What sort of answer were you looking for or expecting? Were you looking for a prediction about the future, a description of the underlying energies of a situation, or advice about what to do? Were you hoping for a specific answer? Did you get it? How did that feel? Did you get something unexpected? Did you get something unwelcome? This is one thing I always tell people: don’t ask if you don’t want to know. By that, I mean are you really prepared for any answer? What are you hoping to do with the information? How will an unwelcome answer affect your actions or decisions?
Determining your own objectives for reading the cards will help you as you decide other things like what questions to ask and what spreads to use.
What kinds of questions are good for a tarot reading?
What kind of question did you ask? I don’t just mean the subject (such as romance, job, etc.) but also what was the nature of the question? Was it a yes or no question? Was it more open ended? Did it seek information only? Did it seek advice? Was it looking for a prediction about the future? Was it about someone else? Was it about health or a legal problem?
When I was in grad school, one of my favorite professors always said that you cannot get the right answers unless you ask the right questions. I’m not sure that is absolutely always true, because I’ve seen instances, in both readings and research, where asking any question will get you to the answers you need. However, because a question provides the initial focus for the reading, it doesn’t hurt to make your question as strong as possible. Different readers will have different advice on how to do this. It is always helpful to learn how other people do things, but unless you start from a foundation of understanding your own beliefs, you can get swept away on sheer quantity of opinions and practices.
Just from the simple act of phrasing a question, you can learn many things about your tarot belief system. As you read through this section, if upon reflection, you think, “Now that I’ve thought about it, I wouldn’t phrase the question that way,” that’s okay! Part of this process is one of exploration. Don’t be afraid to examine and explore. Your effort will be rewarded with clarity and confidence.
Let’s start with the subject of the question. You may not be surprised to learn that for most professional readers, the most common questions are about love, money, and health. Was your question on one of these topics? Are these the sorts of questions you are most interested in? It is important to think about topics because topics lead to ethical considerations. For example, many readers will not read about health, legal, or financial issues, stating that they are not qualified to do so because they are not a doctor, lawyer, or financial advisor. These same people have no problem reading about relationships or career, even though they are not therapists or career advisors. There is, to be sure, a huge difference between “should I have this invasive operation?” and “will my ex come back?” The point remains, it is up to you to decide what line, if any, you will not cross.
Other ethical quandaries surround other topics. For example, if you are against abortion, would you read for someone wanting to know if she should have one or not? If you did, how would you keep your biases out of the reading? Or would you think that this person came to you for a reason and that reason was so you could steer her toward continuing the pregnancy? If you are against arranged marriages and a young woman comes to you for advice about accepting her parents’ arrangement or leaving her family and culture, could you read for that situation objectively?
A big debate among tarot readers is whether it is okay to read about someone who isn’t present or who hasn’t given their permission. An example of this is if someone asks “is my ex going to come back to me?” Is it okay to read about what the ex is going to do if he hasn’t given permission? Perhaps that is acceptable to you, but what if the person then wants to know if their ex is seeing someone else? This is a step removed from the person getting the reading and harder to justify, some say.
Here is a final example of an ethical “big deal” before we move on to lighter subjects. Death. Is it possible to see physical death in the cards? If so, is it ever okay to tell someone that they or someone in their life is going to die? Does it make a difference if they ask about it specifically? Most readers say, as a rule, that even the Death card (yes, there is one!) doesn’t mean physical death but rather a transformation. Then they will lean in and in hushed voices tell of this one reading when they saw actual death in the cards. I can tell you about two of my experiences. One was a reading for a friend whose mother was very ill. She wanted to know if her mother would die soon. Turns out, she would. At the funeral, the friend threw her arms around me and thanked me because that reading led her to spend every moment she could with her mother before she died and she was grateful. Another time, I was reading at a party and someone asked about their kids (one happened to be sick quite often). I am convinced that I saw the child’s death, but I did not say anything. I’ve never heard from the people at this party, so I don’t know what happened. All I know is that I couldn’t bring myself to say what I saw. Which does bring up another ethical point: as a reader, are you obliged to tell someone anything and everything you see in the reading? How do you know what to tell or not to tell? Some of these questions are so situational that you probably won’t be able to say absolutely what you would do in all cases, but it is good to think about them as much as you can.
We talked a little bit about predictive readings, so we won’t spend much time on that topic here, except to talk about timing and phrasing. If you incorporate some kind of prediction in your readings (whether full-out predestination predictions or weather-forecaster predictions), that will affect how you phrase questions. You will be more likely to ask “when” and “will” type questions while nonpredictive readers are more apt to use “how” questions. For most readers, tarot is not the most precise tool for timing, so I suggest that those who want to include predictions in their readings “build in” timing into the question itself. For example, instead of “will I ever find a romantic partner?” try something like “will I find a romantic partner in the next three months?” Someone who is not a fan of predictions would be more comfortable with “what can I do to find romance in the next three months?”
We’ll end this section on questions with the topic of yes/no questions. Again, there are lots of differing opinions among readers. Some will never, ever answer a yes or no question. Others have no problem with it. The biggest issues with yes/no readings are that some readers are not willing to take on the responsibility of telling someone any answer so definitively (most nonpredictive readers fall into this category) and that these readings preclude the possibility that “maybe” is the answer. As for me, I find that starting with a yes/no question is a great way to establish a foundation for a reading and that, if done skillfully, can lead to a deeper examination of the situation and helpful clarity. In CHAPTER 8, I will share my favorite technique for answering yes/no questions.
How do I shuffle, select, and lay out the cards?
Yes, we do have to talk about this because lots of people wonder. How do you shuffle? How long or how many times? How do I know when I’m done? Do I have to cut the cards in three piles with my nondominant hand? Shuffling can become an important part of your reading practice. The repetitive act of shuffling gives you a built-in time to allow the question to unfold in your mind and focus in that moment between question and answer. It can be a really powerful, magical moment. I know of three ways to shuffle (and I’m sure there are more!) and all are perfectly fine. My favorite is the riffle shuffle, but some people don’t like that because it bends the cards. The overhand shuffle is another method. After riffle shuffling, I usually end by overhand shuffling. These methods are hard to describe but you can find videos online that show them very clearly. The third method is sometimes called the mud pie method and involves putting all the cards on the table and just mixing them up, like a mud pie! I don’t like this method (too messy!) and because it creates reversed cards, which I don’t use. We’ll get to reversed cards in CHAPTER 3.
When you did your reading, how did you shuffle? Did you wonder about the “right way” to do it? Did you count a specific number of times (for example, seven is considered a mystical number so some people like to shuffle seven times)? If you didn’t count, how did you know you were done? Did you cut the cards after shuffling? Some people like to cut the cards into two or more piles with their nondominant hand and then restack the cards in a different order based on intuition or habit.
Shuffling is more about preference than beliefs, except for this one point. If you are reading for someone else, do you let them shuffle your cards? Do you both shuffle and if so, who goes first? Or do only you shuffle your cards? How do beliefs affect these decisions? Here’s how: if you believe that you are reading the other person’s energy or connecting with their higher self, then you may believe that having them shuffle will put their energy into the cards and therefore into the reading. If you think that you are a channel, you may opt to have them not shuffle the cards so as not to let their energy interfere with the energy you wish to tap into. If energy is not part of your system at all—if, for example, you are more of a psychological reader—then you may wish to have them shuffle so that they feel more involved with the reading and more inclined to interact with you and the cards. Another practical consideration is that tarot cards are usually larger than regular cards and so people sometimes feel awkward shuffling them. Or they may just be nervous about getting a reading and trying to shuffle large cards adds to their anxiety. Because of this, some readers simply shuffle the cards themselves so that the person getting the reading can be as relaxed as possible.
Selecting the cards for the spread is usually done by dealing cards off the top of the deck. That is the easiest, most efficient way to do so. But for people who are very sensitive to vibrations or other intuitive sensing, there is another method. Fan the cards out, facedown, on the table, close your eyes, and run your hand over the cards until you sense which ones to select. Then either lay them out in the order selected or shuffle the selected cards and lay them out. This is another opportunity to think about your beliefs about tarot. Do you think that there are forces at play that order the cards the way they need to be ordered or do you think that individual cards will let you know they need to be picked? If you read for other people and do the fanning and selecting method, would you do the selecting or have them do it?
After shuffling and/or selecting the cards, how did you lay them out? Did you lay them facedown and flip them up one at a time or did you lay them all faceup? Laying out the cards is less connected to beliefs and more about your personal reading style. This will develop as you go along. Those who like to lay them face down and flip them one at a time enjoy the dramatic effect of flipping each card. They also find that it helps them and the person getting the reading (which, by the way, is sometimes referred to as the querent, the client, or the seeker, so from here on out, I’ll use those words … see, you’re already getting the jargon!) from being distracted by other cards. It’s sometimes hard to focus on the Five of Cups when the Lovers is sitting right there commanding attention. Other readers prefer the cards all face up right from the start, and this is usually because their reading style includes a scanning of the cards to create a general impression of the reading before focusing on the details. This is my preferred method and I’ll share with you how it works in CHAPTER 4.
How do I interpret the cards?
When you interpreted your cards, did you most naturally connect with the images? Did the pictures reveal stories and seem to interact with each other easily in your imagination? When you looked at the cards, did you feel like your intuition (or some other part of you) almost immediately “knew” the answer? Or did the pictures leave you confused and instead the words and numbers or specific symbols in the cards (as opposed to the pictures as a whole) resonated with you?
If you responded more easily to the pictures or just felt like the answer presented itself to you as you looked at the cards, you are probably more of an intuitive reader. If you enjoyed interpreting the numbers, words, and symbols, then you are more likely an analytical reader. Earlier, I mentioned about tarot and balance. Even though you may very well favor intuition over analysis or vice versa, you will find your readings to be easier and more comprehensive when you engage both sides of your brain. The way tarot is designed and the method of reading I’ll show you later will make it easy to use your whole brain (that’s got to be a good thing, right?), and you will develop both aspects leading to a more balanced experience … in tarot reading and other parts of your life as well.
Your Results
How did your reading go? How did it feel? What did you think of your answer? Will the answer help you decide about actions to take in the future? Now that you’ve read some more details about various topics, write out your ideas about the topics we’ve discussed here. Don’t forget to date your notes! It’s always fascinating to review your notes and see how you’ve changed and developed over time.
If you like things orderly or more structured, use the information you’ve gathered about yourself and write out a code of ethics. This will help you keep the idea of ethics in your mind as you learn more about reading the cards. As you learn more and gain experience, your ethical code may change. Or it may not. In any case, it’s always helpful to know what you think! Even though it is very early in your learning, consider writing a mission statement, not for yourself as a reader (it’s unfair to ask that of someone so early in their studies) but for yourself as a student. Again, knowing what you think, what you want to achieve, and how you intend to achieve it will help you stay focused.
Now that you’ve spent some time getting to know yourself and your own ideas, opinions, and beliefs about tarot and tarot readings, we’ll shift gears and get to know your tarot deck.