- Aalto University, 10, 73
- Aapo (Greenland Analogue Project expert), 50–52
- Adams, Barbara, 112
- Adventurous learning, 157
- Afghanistan, refugees from, 9
- Äikäs, Timo, 33
- “Alternative fact,” 28
- Ammattikorkeakoulut, 73
- Analogue monuments, 150
- Analogues
- analogous reasoning and research, 53–54
- forest analogy, Laura’s, 94–95, 98, 101, 102, 105–106, 110, 116, 120
- as interscalar vehicles, 57
- and multiple lines of reasoning, 54–57, 66–67
- natural, defined, 161
- other resources and tools, 65–66
- Anders (Swedish expert), 49–50, 51–52, 58, 65
- Anthropocene, xiii, 2, 4, 14–18, 157, 167n20
- characteristics and questions, 5–7
- and deflation of expertise, 36
- Anthropocene Poetics: Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones and Extinction (Farrier), 66
- Anthropocene Working Group (IUGS), 14–15
- Ants, Sisyphean, 18–19, 88
- Archaeological Analogues, 46–48, 157
- Areva-Siemens, 100
- Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), xiv
- Asiat riitelevät, eivät ihmiset, 157
- Aspen Institute, 115
- Atlas Obscura, 58, 62
- Atomic Age, and the Anthropocene, 15
- “Atomic Priesthood,” 24
- Attunement, 157
- B+Tech, 10, 19
- Ballard, J. G., 151
- Bateson, Gregory, 135
- BBC, 33
- Bechtel Corporation, 24
- Bede, 151
- Beneford, Gregory, 3, 23
- Bergson, Henri, 151
- Bhopal, 31
- Big Bang, 91
- Big History, 70, 157
- Biosphere Assessment and assessors, 20, 157–158
- Bjornerud, Marcia, 102
- Bothnia, Gulf of, 4
- Boyer, Dominic, 135
- Brand, Stewart, 39
- British Petroleum (BP), oil spill, 31
- Buffon, Comte de, 167n20
- Bureaucracy, in Finland’s institutions, 77
- Burke, Edmund, 101
- Canticle for Liebowitz, A (Miller), 147
- Case Pyhäjoki, 34
- Cats, bioengineering of (proposed), 24
- Center for the Study of Existential Risk (Cambridge), 3
- CGIAR Climate Analogues Project, 54, 66, 158
- Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 15
- Chernobyl, 31, 100
- Climate Scenarios for Olkiluoto on a Time-Scale of 120,000 Years, 12
- Cold War, Finland during, 102
- Comb Ceramic cultures, 98
- Complementary Considerations (report), 56, 67, 158
- Computer simulation. See Quantitative modeling and modelers
- Confederation of Finnish Industries, 10
- Consultive Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), 54, 66, 158
- Copernicus, Nicolaus, 16–17, 37
- Cornell Club, 116
- Cosmos Club, 116
- Credit Suisse, 113
- Crutzen, Paul, 14, 15
- Curiosity Rover (NASA), 58
- Currie, Adrian, 51, 52
- Danger, warning about, 23–24
- Dartnell, Lewis, 147
- Darwin, Charles, 17
- Databank (Posiva), 58, 65
- Death(s), of expert(s), 121–122
- Debt: The First 5,000 Years (Graeber), 151
- Deep History: The Architecture of Past and Present (Smails), 65
- Deep humanity, 88–89
- Deep time, 2–3, 22–26
- doubleness of, 91–92
- heuristics, 85–87
- reckoning, xiii, 71, 96
- reimagining landscapes, 61–62
- timescales, toggling between, 96
- Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates across the Millennia (Beneford), 3
- “Deep Time of Life and Art” (Finnish Society of Bioart), 2
- Deep Time Reckoning Association, Global, 114–118, 147, 153
- Defamiliarizing perceptions, 61–64
- Deflation of expertise, xiii, 6–9, 27–30, 64, 90, 92, 158
- and analogue research, 53, 58–59
- and guarded enthusiasm for expertise, 36–40
- de Geus, Arie, 113
- deGrasse Tyson, Neil, 115
- Derrida, Jacques, 130
- Dershowitz, Alan, 109
- Donovan, Joan, 151
- Drowned World, The (Ballard), 151
- Economist, The, 16
- Edison, Thomas, 146
- Ehrenfeld, David, 177n19
- Einstein, Alfred, 37, 151
- Elliott School of International Affairs (George Washington University), 62
- Eppu Normaali, 34
- Estonian minority in Finland, 9
- Ethnography and ethnographic fieldwork, xiv-xv, 3–5
- Eurajoki, 11, 132
- European Commission, 53
- Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 3, 112
- Evolution of the Repository System beyond a Million Years in the Future, The (Posiva), 21
- Existential risk, 158
- Experts, xiii–xiv. See also Deflation of expertise; Safety Case
- guarded enthusiasm for expertise, 36–40
- Safety Case, 4–5, 12–13, 72–73, 107–108
- and trust in technocrats, 31–36
- Facilia AB, 19, 72
- “Fake news,” 28
- Fall of the Faculty, The (Ginsburg), 28
- Farrier, David, 66
- Fennovoima, 10, 100–101
- Finnish Energy Industries, 10
- Finnish Environmental Institute, 36
- Finnish Meteorological Institute, 36
- Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Power Plant Safety (SAFIR), 73
- Finnish Research Programme on Nuclear Waste Management (KYT), 10, 20, 72, 73
- Finnish Society of Bioart, 2
- Finns and Finland, x-xi, 9
- Atomic Energy Act (1957), 21
- and expertise, 30
- Government Decree 736/2008, 21
- Linkomies Committee, 31
- Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, 11, 12, 34, 56
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 32
- Nuclear Energy Act (1987), 11, 21
- Nuclear Energy Decree (1988), 21
- nuclear waste in, 3–4
- Parliament (Eduskanta), 10
- Radiation Act (1991), 21
- State Nuclear Waste Management Fund, 11, 19
- and technocrats, 31–36
- Footprints: In Search of Future Fossils (Farrier), 66
- Forest analogy, Laura’s, 94–95, 98, 101, 102, 105–106, 110, 116, 120
- Fortum, 10, 11, 20, 100
- Francis (Pope), 109, 148
- Freud, Sigmund, 16, 17
- Friends of the Earth, 10
- Fukushima meltdown, 27, 32
- Futility, 87–89, 152
- Future of Humanity Institute (Oxford), 3
- Future of Life Institute, 148
- Future, Secretary of the, 151
- Future Sister Cities, 150
- “Future Will Be Terrible, The” (exercise), 151
- Galison, Peter, 23
- Garfield Conservatory Fern Room (Chicago), 62
- Geoengineering, 59
- Geo-history, 15
- Geological change, humans as agents of, 16
- Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), 10, 35
- George Washington University, 62
- Ginsburg, Benjamin, 28
- Global Deep Time Reckoning Information Repository, 154, 158–159
- Gould, Stephen Jay, 3, 17
- Graeber, David, 29, 151
- Great Acceleration, and the Anthropocene, 15
- Greenland Analogue Project, 50–51
- Greenpeace, 10, 34
- GTK. See Geological Survey of Finland
- Gustav (nuclear waste expert), 123, 126, 128–133, 140, 141
- Hanhikivi 1, 100
- Harris, Richard, 29
- Health, Hollywood & Society institute (USC), 115
- Hecht, Gabrielle, 23, 57–58
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 135
- Helsinki University of Technology, 100. See also Aalto University
- Heuristics, deep time, 85–87
- Higgs, Peter, 28
- Hiljainen tieto, 73, 159
- Hiljaisuus, 32, 159
- Human extinction, 3
- “Human Interface Task Force” (Bechtel Corporation), 24
- Husserl, Edmund, 151
- Hutton, James, 17
- Ice Age, coming, 12
- “Imagining Deep Time” (National Academy of Science), 3
- Industrial Revolution, and the Anthropocene, 15
- Infinition, 64, 159
- Input/output patterns, 77–79
- International Atomic Energy Agency, 21
- International Commission on Radiological Protection, 21
- International Commission on Stratigraphy, 14
- International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, 14
- International Quaternary Subcommission (IUGS), 14
- International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), 14–15
- Interscalar vehicles, 57, 159
- Into Eternity: A Film for the Future, 22, 91
- Iraq, refugees from, 9
- Iteration, 159
- Jones, Jonathan, 58
- Juha (Safety Case expert), 133, 140
- Kalevala, 31
- Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, 47
- KBS-3, 11, 12, 50, 57, 102, 159–160
- Keynes, John Maynard, 146
- Kierkegaard, Søren, 128
- Kilroy-Marac, K., 175–176n9
- Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch, The (Dartnell), 147
- Knowledge management programs, 138
- Knowledge Quality Assessment, 52, 64, 160
- Kronan (Swedish ship), 48–49, 52, 57
- Kuhn, Thomas, 37
- Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH, Sweden), 38–39
- Kuroda, Paul, 58
- Kurzweil, Ray, 147
- Labbé, Cyril, 28
- Landscapes, reimagining, 60–62
- Lappajärvi, Lake, 46, 48, 160
- Lappajärvi meteor, 101
- Lappeenranta University of Technology, 73
- Latour, Bruno, 16, 135
- Laura (Safety Case expert), 94–95, 98, 101, 102, 105–106, 110, 116, 120
- Laurila, Erkki, 31
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 134
- Leopold, Aldo, 148
- Levinas, Emmanuel, 64
- Logical patterns, if/then, 86–87
- Lohikäärme, 45
- Long Now Foundation, 2, 116, 160
- Lovecraft, H. P., 17
- Loviisa, 11
- Luottamusperiaate, 32
- Lyell, Charles, 17
- Lynch, David, 109
- Macfarlane, Robert, 3, 88
- “Man, Organisation, and Society” (SAFIR), 73
- Mars, 54
- Marsh, George, 167n20
- Marxists, 147
- Masden, Michael, 22–25, 91
- Matauranga, 3
- Microbialites, 54
- Miller, Walter, Jr., 147
- Miyazaki, Hirokazu, 174n21
- Mereology, 90
- Models, chains of, 80–81
- Models and Data report (Posiva), 72, 94–95, 105, 132
- Monuments, 23, 150
- Morton, Timothy, 15
- Moss, Robb, 23
- Mounana (Gabon), 57–58
- Multiple lines of evolution, 76
- Multiple lines of reasoning, 54–57, 66–67, 148
- Multiscalar perspective, 96–97, 160
- Multitemporal perspective, 96–97, 160
- Munch, Edvard, 24
- NANet, 53
- NASA, 54, 58
- Natural analogues. See Analogues
- Natural Analogues Working Group (NAWG), 53, 54, 65–66, 139
- Nazca Lines (Peru), 103–104, 110
- Nietzsche, Friedrich, 131
- Neolithic Revolution, 15
- Newton, Isaac, 37
- Nichols, Tom, 28
- Nokia, 35, 74, 100
- Nordic Bronze Culture, 98
- Not-in-My-Backyard, 34–35
- Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD), 21
- Nuclear fuel bundles, 10–11
- Nuclear Waste Commission of Finnish Power Companies, 73
- Nuclear waste disposal experts, 3–4
- Nuer communities (South Sudan), 112
- Nye, Bill, 115
- Offentlighetsprincipen, 49, 161
- Oklo natural fission reactor, 57–58, 161
- Olkiluoto, x, xiv, 4, 10, 11, 12, 35, 100–101
- analogous sites, 46, 47, 50–51
- antinuclear demonstrations, 34
- documentary about, 22
- Olkiluoto Blockades, 34
- Omissa oloissan, 32
- On Deep History and the Brain (Smail), 3
- Onkalo, 10, 79
- Osborn, Fairfield, 167n20
- Oxford English Dictionary, The, 28
- Palmottu, uranium deposit at, 47
- Paskaporukka, 161
- Pärt, Arvo, 107
- Part/whole patterns, 90
- Paskaporukka, 125
- Pasquale, Frank, 148
- Past Sister Cities, 150
- Pasteur, Louis, 135
- Patterns, 84–85
- input/output, 77–78, 90
- longevity of basic, 89–90
- part/whole, 90
- power of, 71
- Performance assessment, 161
- Permian Basin oil field (Texas), 111
- Perspective-Exchanging Parlors, 152
- Perussuomalaiset, 35
- Pessimisti ei pety, 147, 161
- Picardo, Robert, 115
- Pilkunnussijat, 161
- Pit-Comb Ware cultures, 98
- Planetary Society, 115
- Pleistocene, extinction of megafauna, 15
- Pohjanmaa region (Finland), 125
- Population, 6
- Posiva, 4, 10–12, 38, 161. See also Safety Case
- archaeological analogue studes, 47
- Complementary Considerations (report), 56, 67, 158
- Construction License Application Safety Case, 73, 74
- copper nuclear waste canisters, 49
- Databank, 58, 65–66, 139
- Models and Data report, 72, 94–95, 105, 132
- project management hierarchy, 19, 20
- Synthesis report, 72, 76, 105
- POTTI, 72
- Pöyry Oyj, 19
- Predecessor preservation, 123–128, 161
- Principles of Geology (Lyell), 17
- Psychozoic era, 167n20
- Quantitative modeling and modelers, 72, 75–76
- input/output patterns, 77–78
- networks, 77–78
- Radionuclide Transport, 161
- RAND Corporation, 152
- Rasmus (modeling expert), 126, 140
- Reasoning
- analogous reasoning and research, 53–54
- and multiple lines of reasoning, 54–57
- Reckoning of Time, The (Bede), 151
- Reckonings, 18, 161–162
- and futility, 87–89
- reimagining landscapes and urban areas, 60–64
- Ressentiment, 131, 162
- Reuters Institute (Oxford), 31
- Rigor Mortis (Harris), 29
- Risto (computer modeling expert), 18–22, 58, 64, 88
- Rock Suitability Criteria, 72
- Roma minority in Finland, 9
- Rose, Nikolas, 16
- Rosetta Disks, 153
- Royal Dutch Shell, 113
- Rudwick, Martin J. S., 3
- Rumsfield, Donald, 65
- Russia, Finland as Grand Duchy, 74
- Russian minority in Finland, 9
- Saami minority in Finland, 9
- Saanio & Riekkola Oy, 10, 19, 72
- Sack, Seymour, 134
- SafCa Group, 72
- “Safety Analysis of Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel: Normal and Disturbed Evolution Scenarios,” (report), 73
- Safety Case, ix-xi, 4–5, 6, 11–12, 18, 162. See also Posiva
- analogue studies, 46–48, 66–67
- Biosphere Assessment, 20, 76, 79, 81, 82–83, 173n13, 174n15
- chains of models, 80–82
- and deaths of experts, 132
- Decommissioning License Application (Posiva), 74
- and deflation of expertise, 6–9
- experts and their lives, 12–13, 72–73, 107–108
- Groundwater Flow team and model, 81, 89, 173n12
- and Olkiluoto, 10–11
- Operating License Application (Posiva), 73–74
- Performance Assessment section, 55–56, 75
- project management hierarchy, 19–20
- Radionuclide Transport, 79, 81, 89, 101, 174n15
- reports, 71 (see also Posiva)
- SafCa Group, 72, 124, 130, 131
- Safety Assessment, 56
- Salpausselkä region, 97
- Sampo, 31
- SAM Switzerland GmbH, 72
- Säteilyturvakeskus (STUK), 10, 11–12, 74, 132, 162
- Posiva’s Construction License Application Safety Case, 73, 74
- regulatory rules, 20–21, 72, 81
- YVL regulatory guides, 21, 56
- Scenes from Deep Time (Rudwick), 3
- Scholarly assessment metrics, 29
- Science, in Finland, 35–36
- and guarded enthusiasm for expertise, 37–38
- Scream, The (Munch) 24
- Sebeok, Thomas, 24
- “Secretary of the Future,” 151
- Seneca, 124
- Seppo (nuclear waste expert), 42–43, 122–128, 136, 139, 152
- and Gustav, 123, 126, 128–133, 140, 141
- surviving colleagues’ memories, 141
- Shallow time discipline, 6, 43, 162
- Shortsightedness, 5–6
- Shrader-Frechette, Kristin, 22
- Sherlock, Robert, 167n20
- Signs, language and non-language, 23–24
- Singh, Ranjit, 151
- Singularity, 147
- SKB, 11, 38–39, 50
- Slow violence, 162
- Smail, Daniel Lord, 3, 65
- Snowden, Edward, 27
- Society for Social Studies of Science, 115
- Socrates, 135
- Soini, Timo, 35
- Somalia, refugees from, 9
- Soviet Union, 74
- Stoermer, Eugene, 167n20
- Stoppani, Antonio, 167n20
- Strathern, Marilyn, 64
- Strategic redundancy, 57
- Stratigraphy, and the Anthropocene, 14–15
- Successor stewardship, 140–141, 162
- Sun Tzu, xiv
- Suomen Atomiteknillinen Seura, Young Generation Working Group, 73
- “Suomi ilmiö” (Eppu Normaali), 34
- Suuret nälkävuodet, 163
- Svalbard Global Seed Vault, 146, 163
- Sweden
- Environmental Court, 39
- Nuclear Waste Fund, 49
- SSM, 49
- Switzerland, repository program, 47–48
- Synthesis report (Posiva), 72, 76, 105
- Tacit knowledge, 73
- Taimi (geologist), 103–106, 110
- Talvivaara mine, 35
- Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT), 10, 19, 35–36, 100
- Technocrats, Finnish trust in, 31–36
- Techno-optimism, 38
- Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO), 10, 11, 20, 100
- Theory of the Earth (Hutton), 17
- Thiel, Peter, 29
- Three Mile Island accident, 34
- Tikkanen, Henrik, xiis
- TILA-96 (report), 73
- Timefulness, 102–103, 163
- Time reckoning, 163
- Time’s Arrow, Time’s Cycle (Gould), 3
- Timescales, 1–2
- deeper, 16, 18
- geologic, 17, 18
- toggling and zooming, 96–97
- Timescapes, 112, 163
- Trump, Donald J., 29
- administration, 30
- TVO-92 (report), 73
- Tyhjän puhuminen, 32, 163
- Underland: A Deep Time Journey (MacFarlane), 3
- United Nations, 6, 115
- Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 21
- UNESCO, 139, 154
- United States
- Department of Energy, 23, 24
- National Academy of Science, 3
- National Arboretum, 63
- National Environmental Policy Act, 30, 114
- National Security Agency, 27
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), 23–24, 146
- Yucca Mountain repository, 22–23, 35
- University of Helsinki, 36
- University of Southern California, 115
- Urban areas, reimagining, 62–64
- Ussher, Bishop James, 16
- Wagner, Roy, 84
- “Walk through Deep Time, A,” 3
- Washington, DC, 62, 63
- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), 23–24, 146, 163
- Weber, Max, 109
- Weichselian glaciation, 97
- Weisman, Alan, 65, 147
- World without Us, The (Weisman), 65, 147
- Wyrd, 146
- Yamaki, Masaru, 63
- Yucca Mountain repository, 22–23, 35
- License Application, 25, 163