He saw her. “Hey.”

“Hi, there.”

“You want to join us?”

A ripple of uncertainty went through her. She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

He opened one arm wide and said, “Aw, come on. You never know. It might be fun.”

She wanted to. What would it hurt if she did? Ignoring her fear, she stepped into his arm and he lightly wrapped it around her waist. One of her hands went to his forearm and the other rested on Lily’s back. Could she ever have a moment like this in her life? Her child. Her family.

Just a crazy dream. Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking it would be a marriage for real.

They shifted in a small circle.

Being this close to Grant was heady. His deep hum filled the room as he smoothly moved around the floor. He smelled slightly of Betadine, which was so much a part of his profession. She didn’t find it offensive. It just reminded her that his business was to save lives.

She looked up to find Grant’s rich-coffee gaze on her. There was a question there. A desire. Her heart thumped hard but she managed a smile. His head lowered. Her breath caught. He stopped as if awaiting her permission. Her lips parted. Grant’s mouth moved closer. Time slowed. Lily cooed between them, her head resting on his shoulder. Sara silently begged for his touch. He no longer shifted his feet. Finally his lips found hers.

His mouth was firm. Warm. She rose on her toes. His lips slanted over hers, finding a more perfect fit. He pulled her tighter against him, then pressed his mouth more determinedly against hers. She’d been kissed before, but not so that she shivered and burned at the same time.