Facts and Fictions

The Dumfries Free Clothing Project is based only very loosely on the Edinburgh Clothing Store and all the personnel are fictitious.

St. Vincent’s is imaginary and not connected either to St. Michael’s or St. Joseph’s in actual Dumfries.

It would be folly to suggest that JM Barrie House in the book has no connection to Moat Brae House in Dumfries. What I will say is that the fictional council, the fictional committee, the fictional Gary Boyes, and the goings-on in general are not in any way connected to the marvellous work of the Peter Pan Moat Brae House Trust and their blossoming vision of a children’s literature centre at the site. I took Moat Brae House down a very different path and am delighted that fact is so much better, in this instance, than fiction. Details of the real project can be found at www.peterpanmoatbrae.org.

Shed Boat Shed in the book is closely based on the work of Turner Prize winner Simon Starling, and Gav’s imaginary House is very similar to the extraordinary and moving Semi-Detached by Michael Landry. (Thanks to Erin Mitchell, who read a proof copy and reminded me what this piece was called.) I think Pram in the story sprang from my imagination. If it didn’t and anyone recognises the idea, as Steve recognised “Gus’s” borrowings, I’d be grateful if you’d let me know at catrionamcpherson@gmail.com.