The faces on the following pages are just suggestions. The patterns that follow are yours to mix and match. Which eyes with which mouth and what accessories is totally up to you! Both eyes and both eyebrows of a set are provided, even if they are exactly the same, to give you an idea of placement—how far apart they are set in the examples that follow. If you wish to place the features in the same relative position, you can trace the parts separately and then measure the distance apart on the template pattern in the book.

The examples below will also show an idea of where within the face the features are placed. To place the features on the face, I fold the face in half both directions to get lightly pressed centerlines. Then I use this face to center the features from side to side. From top to bottom, there are some guidelines you can try out:


For sad and mad faces, the eyes are often centered on the horizontal centerline of the face. The mouth is halfway between centerline and bottom.



For happy faces with eyebrows, the bottom of the eyes often rest on the centerline. The mouth is halfway between centerline and bottom.



For happy faces without eyebrows, the bottom of the eyes are about 1˝ above the centerline. The top of the mouth is about 1˝ below the centerline.


Of course, these are just guidelines to get you started. Feel free to experiment and play around with placement before fusing in place.

For more on using the patterns, see Using the Feature Patterns.


Two patterns are provided for each of the hands and the poo emojis: the background and the foreground. You will need to enlarge the hand and poo patterns by 120% so they appear consistent in size with the emoji faces.


For more on using the patterns, see Using the Hand and Poo Patterns.
