B.P.O. ELKS, NO.378
August 13, 1939
Brother Hermann A. Baum
N. Jonathan Street
Hagerstown, Md.
Dear Brother Baum:
At the regular weekly meeting of Hagerstown Lodge No.378, B.P.O. Elks, held this evening, the Lodge unanimously instructed the Secretary to write to you and express its unqualified confidence and faith in your patriotism and citizenship.
We deplore and condemn the malicious gossip being circulated throughout this community in the past several weeks and express our deepest regret that you should be made the target for such gossip.
Be assured that we, as your brothers in the Order of Elks, will do all that is humanly possible to right this wrong.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Exalted Ruler
John E. Travers