No acknowledgment can measure my gratitude to my friends and family for their contribution to my learning and understanding of human nature. As a result, a bit of each of them have become part of me and is conveyed in everything I write.

First and foremost, I would like to offer my sincere thanks and love to my wife, Carol, who has provided me with the inspiration, support, and patience I needed to write this book. My gratitude to The Hilton Writers Group—George Bernstein, Fred Lichtenberg, Tina Chippas—for their help in adding some level of polish to my work.

No one has influenced my writing career as much as my mentor and fellow author, Sharon Menear. I cannot thank her enough for sharing her knowledge and encouragement. My sincere thanks to my friend and scholar, Roy Wolff for our enriching conversations during which he shared his wisdom and provided me with the idea for the novella Against the Odds. My thanks, also, to my friend Rosa Sophia, talented editor and author, who has honored me by editing this book. Thanks to Patti Rogers for creating the perfect cover. Last, and certainly not least, special thanks to my fans and readers who have read my books and taken the time to express their views on Amazon and Social Media. I hope my books have touched all my readers in a good way.