
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, and t indicate tables.


AATCC Test Method 145–146, 146t
Abrasion 357–358
Achiral dendrimers 
polyamidoamine 200–202, 201f
Acrylic derivatives 16–17t
Admicellar polymerization 180
Aerogel 240, 250f
Aerosol coatings 526
Ageing population, on healthcare provision 449–450
Ageing process, parameters 245–248
Agent transfer hazard 522
Agriculture, waterproof-breathable textiles 10
Alginate, healthcare textiles 460
Alkoxides 238, 242–245
Alkoxylates 406
Alkoxysilane 238, 404t
Alkyl phenol polyglycol ethers (APEOs) 397
Alum tanning 546
American ASTM 85–86
Amorphous chelate 238
Anisotropic etching 285–286
Antimicrobial protection 463–467, 464t
Aqueous liquid repellency test 349–351, 350f
Architectural textiles 10
Aria 423–424t
Army Combat Uniform (ACU) 489, 514
Arnitel VT technology 425–426t
Assistive technologies 252
Atmospheric plasma treatments 216–217, 217f
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) 180–181, 226, 227f


Bacterial prevention 463–467
Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) method 241
Base layer 323
Battleshield and Battleshield X 420–421t
BCS  See Breathable Construction System (BCS)
BDA  See Butylenediamine (BDA)
Bed pads 454–455
Belted trench with Stormwear 315f
Bicomponent polymers 423–424t
Bi-component structures 55
Bio-adhesion 292
Biocides, in shoe manufacturing 548t
Bio-inspired waterproof clothing 3
Biomimetic textiles 121–124
applications 132–133
durable hydrophobic textile finishes 128–129
fibre to yarn 126f
hydrophobic micro-textures 129–131
smart waterproof breathable fabrics and 55–58
in structural hydrophobicity 124–128
Bionic-Finish Eco 332
BJH method  See Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) method
Black Yak outdoor jackets 423–424t
Bluestar Silicones 175–178t
Body-worn pads 454–455
Booster technology 78, 79f
Breathable Construction System (BCS) 331–332
Breathable laminates 424–426
Brunauer–Emmitt–Teller (BET) method 241
Bundesmann rain-shower test 353–355, 354f, 358–359
Butylenediamine (BDA) 202


CAGR  See Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
CAH  See Contact angle hysteresis (CAH)
Calcium carbonate crystals 123–124, 124f
Capillary transfer 40
Carbon Armor 420–421t
Carbon-based dendrimers 203
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) 406
Cascade molecules 194
Cassie–Baxter model 
military applications 477, 480–481
plasma-based treatments 235, 235f, 267
surface roughness 269–271, 269f, 279–281, 279f
C4 chemistry 148–149
C6 chemistry 148–149, 484–485
C8 chemistry 484–485
Cellulose fibres 
AFM images 227f
plasma-based treatments 223, 227f
water contact angle 254
C8 fluorocarbons 396, 398–408
C8 fluorochemistry 222
Chelate gel 238
Chelating agents 239
Chemical agent repellency 508–510
Chemical etching 285, 287
Chemical hazard assessment 95–101, 98t
bioaccumulation potential 101t
persistence 100t
selected water repellents 108–109, 110t
Chemically modified silicones 153–154
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) 276–277, 407
Chemical warfare agents (CWAs) 474–476
NSRDEC data 509t
simulants 524–525
Chiral dendrimers 204–205
Chitin, healthcare textiles 460
Chitosan 460, 464t
Chloroprene (CR) rubber 542
Chloropropyltriethoxysilane (CPTS) 252–253
Chrome tanning 546
Circular economy 301–304
avoiding waste and damage 302–304
water-resistant and water-repellent clothing 305–306, 305f
Civilian applications 523–524
Cleanshell 405t
Climate Technology Seamless 425–426t
Climatic conditions 311
Clothing  See also Specific types of clothing
design 307
concept 307–308
layering systems 322–328
specification 5–9
household wardrobe 304
ranges/design 320–328
ready-to-wear 304
Clothtech 35t
Coagulation process 
thermo-coagulation 51–52
wet coagulation process 51
Coated waterproof textiles 15, 16–17t
Coated woven fabric 47f
Coatings, for waterproof breathable fabrics 60
Co-design 301–302
advantage 308–309
climatic conditions 311
expert consumer 311–313
selection of materials 314–320
specification of requirements 309–313, 309f
stages 308–309
Coir raincoat 315f
Coldblack 421
Cold plasmas 215–216, 227
Collagen, healthcare textiles 460
Colloidal assembly 284
Comb polymers, dendrimers and 406
ergonomic 310, 336–337
layered protective clothing 335f
psychological 310, 337
requirements 309–311
skin sensorial 310, 336
in sportswear 378–381
thermal physiological 310, 336
types 309–310
Common Threads Partnership in 2005 307
Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 4
Confidential business information (CBI) 111
Confocal Raman microscopy (CRM) 181
Contact angle (CA) 11–12, 268
equilibrium 220, 274f, 275
heterogeneous solid surface 270
liquid droplet on flat surface 268f
by liquid drops on homogenous solid surface 348f
measurement 127, 236, 236f, 288
plasma-based treatments 219–220, 220f
shoes 552
Contact angle hysteresis (CAH) 220, 288, 349, 364
Contaminated surface 522
Conventional garments 6–8
Conventional wet-weather clothing 6–8
Convergent method, dendrimer 198–200, 198f
Coolcore 418t
Coolmax Air fiber 418t
Copolymers, grafting 219
Copper 464t, 465
Cordura denim 418t
Core range 420–421t
Corkshell 418t
Corona plasma treatment 217
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 304–306
Cotton fabrics 209–210, 252–253
hydrophobic properties 256
superhydrophobic coatings 253
CPTS  See Chloropropyltriethoxysilane (CPTS)
Cross-linking 82–83
CSR  See Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CVD  See Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
Cyclomethicone 106–107


DAB-dendrimers 202
Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) 172–173t
Dendrigraft polymers 194–195
Dendrimers 81–83, 82f, 191–194
accelerated approaches 198
achiral 200–202
architecture 192–193
carbon/oxygen-based 203
characteristics 208
chiral 204–205
classification 194–195
and comb polymers 406
convergent method 198–200, 198f
divergent method 198–200, 198f
fourth generation 196f
full-generation 200
hazards associated with 108
historical background 194
host-guest chemistry 205–206
hydrocarbons 203
ionic 203
metallodendrimers 204
molecular weight 206–207
phosphorus-based 204
polylysine 202–203
porphyrin-based 203
properties 205–207
silicone-based 204
solubility 205
structure 195–197
surface groups and diameter 196–197, 196f
synthetic methods 197–200, 198f
and 3D molecules 402t
toxicity 207
types 200–205
viscosity 207
water repellency treatments 207–211
Dendritic hydrocarbons 203
Dendrons 195, 199
Density functional theory (DFT) 241
Department of Homeland Defense (DHS) 523–524
Detox Campaign 397–398
Devan THERMIC 421
DfE AA 99
Dichlorodimethylsilane (DCDMS) 182
Dielectric barrier discharge plasma 217
Fick's law of 41
through individual fibres 40
through interyarn spaces 40
vapour pressure gradient 40–41
Diisocyanates 108
Dimethyl formamide (DMF) 51
Dip dry method 256
Dip-pad-cure method 276
Directive 89/686/EEC 396
Divergent method, dendrimer 198–200, 198f
DMF  See Dimethyl formamide (DMF)
Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) 172–173t
Donning and doffing feature 333
Double exponential growth 199
Dow Corning 171, 174, 175–178t, 179f
DriRelease 381, 420–421t, 423–424t
Dryfast Adaptive 422t
Drying control chemical additive (DCCA) 245
Drying test 512
Dry-spun linen yarns 58
DryVent, 3 layer construction 64
Durability, water repellency 363
abrasion 357–358
laundering 356–357, 360–361
prolonged exposure to water 358–359
wearer trials 359–361
Durable hydrophobic textile finishes 128–129
Durable Omni Repellent (DOR) 474
Durable one-sided repellency 525
Durable water and oil repellents (DWOR) 163
Durable water repellents (DWRs) 89
disadvantage 324
military applications 488–489, 488f
shoe manufacturing 549–554, 550f
silicone-based water repellents 163–167, 166f
sportswear 376–377, 383
superhydrophobicity 301, 317
treatments 222
DWR-7000 Soft Hydro Guard 174–179
Dyeing 546–547
Dynamic Moisture Permeation Cell method 64
Dynamic test methods 
Bundesmann rain-shower test 353–355, 354f
hydrostatic head test 355–356
impact penetration test 352–353, 353f, 355–356
spray test 351, 352f, 355–356
suitability 355–356


E beam radiation 53, 553
Eco-jacket 331
ECO products 321
Ecotoxicological concerns 93–109, 94–95t
Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center (ECBC) 522
Elastomeric polydimethylsiloxanes 157
Electrochemical fluorination 141
Electrospinning 281–283, 282–283f, 373
Electrostatic shielding 21
Encapsil 423–424t
Encapsil Down 405t
Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) 241
Environment Program in 1972 302–303
EPA banned vs. environmentally friendly chemistries 484–485, 484f
ePTFE  See Expanded PTFE (ePTFE)
Ergonomic comfort 310, 336–337
etaProof 58
Etch species 218
Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) 539
EU Eco-innovation Observatory 304
Euromonitor International 369
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) 397
European export of textiles and clothing 395
European outdoor group (EOG) 317
European PPE Legislation 396
EU standards and legislation 395–396
eVent fabrics 64
EverShield conformal coating 489
EverShield Durable Omni Repellent (DOR) coating 485–486
EverShield omniphobic ACU 514–517, 516–517f
Expanded PTFE (ePTFE) 29–30
in Gore-Tex 53–54
schematic and SEM image 50f
Expert consumer, co-design 311–313
External devices 447
Extracorporeal devices 448–449


Fabrics  See also Specific types of fabrics
dendrimer 209
liquid drops 254f
roughness, Wenzel model 278–279
self-cleaning 256
structure, military textiles 494–497
superhydrophobicity 249
three-layer structures 381–382, 382f
two-layer structures 381–382, 381f
water drops on 254f
wetting 35–38
Fatty acid 401t
coating aerogels onto 251f
etching 226
structures, military textiles 489
Fick's law of diffusion 41
Field emission scanning electron (FeSEM) 240–241
Field testing 336–338
Finishing of textiles 
chain length effect 145
development 149–150
evaluation 146–149
fluorochemical finishes 140
fluorochemical formation 140–144
hydrophobicity 139
perfluorochemicals 139
healthcare textiles 
bacterial and fungal prevention 463–467
fibres and fabrics 461–463
rejection of implants 466–467
protective clothing 
alkoxysilane based systems 404t
C8 fluorocarbons alternatives 398–408
CNTs 406
dendrimers and comb polymers 406
dendrimers and 3D molecules 402t
for heat reduction textiles 419–421
hydrophobic polymers 403t
hydrophobins 405
innovative hydrophobic finishing systems 405t
microencapsulated systems and plant extracts 403t
MLSE technology 408
for moisture management 412t
nanoparticles 407
novel short chain FCs 401
paraffin, wax and fatty acid 401t
PFOA and PFOS 399–400t
plasma 408
silicon based systems 404t, 407
sol-gel based systems and nanolayers 406–407
UV curable FCs 402–404
shoes 547
Flame resistant (FR) textiles 522–523
Flame retardant 21
Flameretarded fibers 417
Flat surfaces, Young's model 268–269
Fluid dynamics, theory of 455–457
Fluorinated polymers 104–106
Fluorinated surface 492, 514–517
Fluorine 140
Fluoroalky-functional water-born siloxane (FAS) based sol–gel process 252
Fluorocarbon (FC) 376–377
dispersion, components of 142f
dual-action fluorocarbon 81
and environmental issues 396–398
finishes  See Fluorochemical finishes
Greenpeace's DETOX campaign 397–398
long chain and short chain finishes 77–81
novel short chain FCs 401
plasma treatment 224–225
structure of 78f
UV curable FCs 402–404
Fluorochemical 92, 101–106, 222
Fluorochemical finishes 140
AATCC Test Method 145–146, 146t
application methods for 142–144
chain length, effect of 145, 145f
evaluation 146–149
formulations 141–144
repellent finishes 142, 143f
Foam coating 52, 553
Footwear 533–534
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) 237, 237f
Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research (ISC) 407
FR fibers 419–421t, 425–426t
Functional fibers 417, 418t
Functional requirements, sportswear 368–369
Functional textile modifiers 155
Fungal prevention 463–467


Gas adsorption–desorption technique 241
Gas Flow Rate 64
Gelation process 240
parameters 245–248
particle size distribution measurement 245–246
General Electric 171, 174
GlenGuard FR 420–421t
Glide 422t
Global Industry Analysts. Inc 533
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) 95–101, 96t
Global market for industrial protective clothing 394
Global personal protective equipment 393–394
Global technical textiles market 393
Glow-discharge plasma 217
GO  See Graphene oxide (GO)
GORE PYRAD 425–426t
Gore-Tex 29–30, 307, 324
ePTFE in 50f, 53–54
3 layer construction 63–64
“Surround” technology 425–426t
Gowns, hospital clothing 457–458
Grafting copolymers 219
Grangers products 362
Graphene 255–256
Graphene oxide (GO) 255–256
Green chemistry 109–113
Greenpeace 397–398
GreenScreen 98–100, 108–109
Gym wear 368f


N-Halamine chemistry 464t
Hard surfaces, military textile 477–480, 486–487
dendrimers 108
fluorochemicals 101–106
hydrocarbons 107
nanoparticles 108
polyurethanes 108
silicones 106–107
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAIs) 450
Healthcare textiles 
ageing population 449–450
applications in 447–450
development 467
disposable incontinence products 448f
extracorporeal devices 448–449
bacterial and fungal prevention 463–467
fibres and fabrics 461–463
rejection of implants 466–467
fluid dynamics, theory of 455–457
general properties 455–457
hygiene products 449
implantable materials 448
lifestyle choices 449–450
absorbance properties 454–455
barrier properties 452–454
hospital bedding and curtains 453–454
hospital clothing 453
solely waterproof properties 452
microorganisms 451
protection 447–448
repellence and barrier properties 457–458
repellence and requirements 455, 458–461
wound dressing 448f
Healthy life expectancy 450t
Heat application 361–362
Heat-curing treatments 143–144
Heat reduction textiles 419–421
Heat stress 414–416
Heat stroke 414–416
Heat transfer process 379
Helsingør statement 105–106
Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) 253–254, 254f
Hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) 172–173t, 227, 276–277, 286
Hexoskin Arctic 423–424t
Higg Material Sustainability Index (MSI) 318
High-density woven porous structures 47–48
High density wovens 58–60
High Performance Plus 425–426t
High-temperature environments 414–421
H2No shell fabric 64
Hometech, waterproof-breathable textiles usage in 35t
Home textiles 9–10
Hospital bedding and curtains 453–454
Hospital clothing 453
Host-guest chemistry 205–206
Hot melt technology 53
breathable-waterproof textiles 19–21
sport and leisure garments 8
waterproof fabrics 5–6
Hummer's method 256
Huntsman Int 174, 175–178t
Hybrid fluorochemicals 81
Hybrid scaffolds 460
aliphatic hydrocarbon 203
hazards associated with 107
resistance test 349–350, 351t
parameters 242–245
silicon alkoxides 238–239, 239f
Hydroperm 421
Hydrophilic materials 37, 219–221
Hydrophilic poly(acrylamide) 56
Hydrophobicity 73–74, 139
dendrimers 81–83, 82f
dual-action fluorocarbon 81
fundamentals 233–237
hydrophobins 84
long chain and short chain fluorocarbon finishes 77–81
nanotechnology and nanostructured surfaces 83–84
plasma treatment 84–85, 223–225, 224f
silicones 156
Hydrophobic materials 219–222
Hydrophobic micro-textures 129–131
Hydrophobic silica, water drops on 253f
Hydrophobic textile finishes, durable 128–129
Hydrophobins 84, 405
technological variants for 13
of textiles 3, 13
Hydrostatic head test 355–356
Hygiene products 449
Hyperbranched polymers 194


Image analysis method 240–241
Immersion test 348, 359
Impact penetration test 352–353, 353f, 355–356
Implantable materials 448
Implants, and regenerative medicine 466–467
Impregnation 15
Indutech, waterproof-breathable textiles usage in 35t
Inherently safer products, developing 109–113
Inherent waterproof materials 14
InnoOlTex 407
Inotek fiber 418t
International London Boat Show 328
International Sporting Goods Trade Fair (ISPO) 328
International Standardization Organization 85–86
Ionic dendrimers 203
Ion radiation 53
Irradiation 149–150
Itoguard NFC 90, 180 403t


Kamleika 27, 314f
Kevlar AS450X 420–421t
Kevlar XP 2104 420–421t


for waterproof breathable fabrics 61
waterproof textiles 15–18, 16f
woven fabric 47f
durability 356–357, 360–361
ordinary laundering 413
restoration of performance 361
Layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition 284
Layering systems 
design 322–328
specialist activities 324–328
sportswear 381–385, 381–383f
LDPE  See Low density polyethylene (LDPE)
Lead market initiative 395
Leather 541
EU standards 395–396
textiles and clothing 396
Leisure garments 8
Lenzing FR 420–421t
Life expectancy, healthy 450t
Lifestyle choices on healthcare provision 449–450
Lightweight woven structure 58
Limited field demonstration 514
Liquid drops 
fabrics 254f
homogenous solid surface, contact angle 348f
Liquid polyurethane systems 543
Liquid repellency 
aerosol and 526, 527f
performance goals 498–508
textiles 480–483
timeline 234f
Liquid tight laminates 424–426
Lithography, surface roughness 285
Lotus effect 77f, 83, 127–128, 223–224, 235, 267
Lotus-leaf effect 377
Low density polyethylene (LDPE) 14
Low energy surfaces 75, 142
Low pressure plasma 217, 218f
Low temperature environment 421–423, 423–424t
Lubrication 155
Luna Innovations Inc 485–486, 514


Macromolecular architecture 191, 192f
Madrid statement 105
Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (MRSL) 397
Market Research Report 393–394
Marmot NanoPro 64
Martindale method 358
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 302
Mechanical fibrillation 53–54, 552
Mechanical roughening 83–84
Medical applications, waterproof textiles in 10
Medtech, waterproof-breathable textiles usage in 35t
Melt-blown technology 53
MemBrain Strata 64
Mercury porosimetry 241
Metallodendrimers 204
Methacryloxy methyltrimethylsilane (MSi) 180
Methacryloxy propylpentamethyldisiloxane (MDSi) 180
Methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) 247–249f, 248
Microclimate 25–26
Microencapsulated systems 403t
Microfibres 12
Microfilaments 12
Microorganisms, healthcare textiles 451
Microporous 44–47
bi-component structures 55
development of 52
membrane 552–553
structure 48–54, 49f
Mid layer 323–324
MIDWOR Project 171
Military textiles 74
added particle-on-surface texture 483f
army needs 473–476
benefits 518–523
challenges 524–526
civilian applications 523–524
commercially available products 485–486
durability 512
EPA banned vs. environmentally friendly chemistries 484–485
fabric structure 494–497
follow-up work 524–526
hierarchical reentrant textile structures 483f
increased protection from low volatility agents 518–521
limited field demonstration 514
fibre structures 489
hard surfaces 486–487
textile surfaces 487–489
molecular and morphological structures 493–494
omniphobic coating technologies 476–483, 514–517
performance goals 498–508
polar and nonpolar liquids 475t
reentrant fibre structure 497–498
reentrant geometrical texture 479f
selfcleaning clothing 518
surface chemistry 489–493
testing standards outside the US 508
test methods and assessment 508–513
Mobiltech, waterproof-breathable textiles usage in 35t
Modified Martindale method 358
Moisture management 409–410, 417
Moisture transfer 
assessment 38–40
mechanism 40–43, 55f
Moisture vapour permeability (MVP) 38–39
Moisture vapour transmission (MVT) 34, 38–39
Moisture vapour transport rate (MVTR) 38–39, 43, 63
Molar ratio 
methanol to MTMS 247–249f, 248
precursor to water 245
solvent to precursor 242–244
TEOS to water/ethanol 246
Molecular structures, military textiles 493–494
Molecular weight, dendrimer 206–207
Momentive Performance Materials, Inc 174, 175–178t
Monomer addition model 239
Motor sport clothing 368f
MTMS  See Methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS)
Multifunctional barriers 424–427
Multifunctional plasma treatment 228
Multifunctional superomniphobic coatings and fibres 525–526
Multifunctional waterproof fabrics 21–22
Multi-layered fabric systems, sportswear 373, 381–385, 381–383f
Multiple Laser Surface Enhancement (MLSE) 130–131, 408


Nacre 123–124
Nano-Care 149
Nanofics 110 coatings 405t
Nanolayers, sol-gel based systems and 406–407
NANOMEMBRANE (Czech company) 427
Nanomembranes 427
Nanoparticles 407
deposition, plasma treatment 225–226
hazards associated with 108
particle size distribution 240
sol–gel coating 251
Nano Sphere technology 149
Nanostructured surfaces 83–84
Nanotechnology 83–84
Nano Tex LLC 149
Natural rubber (NR) 541–542
Nelumbo nucifera 125, 127f
Neoprene rubber 542
NeverWet coating 485–486
Newkome dendrimers 204
Nexar 425–426t
footwear 533–534
lightweight woven structure 58
Nikwax products 362
Nilit Breeze 418t
Nitrile rubber (NBR) 542
Nomex MHP 420–421t
Nonfluorinated omniphobicity 525
Nonfluorinated surface 493, 517
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 397
Nonporous structure 44–47
Nonreactive silicone polymers 153
Nonthermal plasma treatment 215–216
Nonwoven fabric structure 495–497
NSRDEC 473–476, 488–489
CWA repellency 509t
drying test method 513f
live agent data 473
R&D programmes 507–508
reentrant fibre 494, 497–498, 499f
self-blooming superomniphobic reentrant fibres 526f
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 237
trilobal nylon fibres 130f
Velcro tape 123f


Obesity 367
Octa 423–424t
Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) 172–173t
Octamethyltrisiloxane (MDM) 172–173t
Oil Rating Scale 508
Oil repellency 
perfluoroacrylate component 141
test 349–351, 351t
Oil skins 27
Oleophobicity 73–74
dendrimers 81–83, 82f
dual-action fluorocarbon 81
hydrophobins 84
long chain and short chain fluorocarbon finishes 77–81
nanotechnology and nanostructured surfaces 83–84
plasma treatments 84–85
Oleophobic surface 479f
Oligomerization 141
Omni-Freeze ZERO 418t
Omniphobic coating technologies 476–483, 486–487, 514–517, 519f
Omniphobic materials 482f
Organo-modified silicones 180
Organophosphates 524–525
Organosilicon 153
Osprey jacket 327f
Outdoor Foundation report 370
Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) 89–90
Outdoor textiles 9–10
Outer shell 324
Outlast Thermocules 421
Oxalic acid 245
Oxidative plasma 85
Oxygen-based dendrimers 203


Packtech, waterproof-breathable textiles usage in 35t
Pad-dry-cure method 210
PAMAM dendrimer  See Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer
finishing systems 401t
repellents 107
PARALLON 425–426t
Paramó ‘Velez’ jacket 317f
Particle size distribution 
measurement 245–246
nanoparticles 240
silicone aerogels 247–248f
Paxton, Joseph 121–122
PCMs  See Phase changing materials (PCMs)
PDMS  See Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
PECVD  See Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD)
Penetrating water-repellent chemicals 157, 157t
Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) 193–194, 208, 222, 324
Perfluoroalkane sulfonates (PFSAs) 
long-chain 103
schematic molecule 102f
short-chain 104–106
in textile production 101
Perfluoroalkyl chain, length of 101
Perfluoro alkyl group 77–78
Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS) 104
Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) 139, 376
healthcare textiles 461–462
toxicology and ecological considerations 146–148
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) 104, 148–149
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) 102–103, 376–377
Detox campaign 397
environmental issues 397
finishing systems 399–400t
military textiles 484–485
soil repellency 78–81, 86
Perfluorooctane telomere alcohol 141f
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 102–103, 276, 376–377
Detox campaign 397
finishing systems 399–400t
in human blood 147–148f
military textiles 484–485
soil repellency 78–81, 86
Stewardship Program 106, 398
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) 97–98
Stockholm Convention 105
Personal protective equipment (PPE) 8–9, 301, 318
C8 fluorocarbons alternatives 398–408
commodity of market 391–396
design 313
EU standards and legislation 395–396
functional laminates for 425–426t
general requirements 427t
global market for 394
for high-temperature environments 414–421
layering systems 322, 335f
lead market initiative 395
manufacturing 391
market situation and forecast 393–395
with multi-barrier properties 409–427
occupational 312
PCMs for 416–417
physiological performance 409–410
rain-test method 334
requirements 309
societal background 391–393
standards 427–428
antimicrobial 432t
antistatic 431t
flamperoof, heat resistant 430–431t
high visibility 432t
hydrophobicity, water-repellency, rain 428t
mechanical 433t
oil-repellency 428t
physiological properties 433t
protection against liquid, chemicals, gaseous chemicals 429t
soil release and staining 434t
termoinsulation 431t
UV-protection 432t
washing for testing 434t
weather resistance 433t
with thermoinsulating and thermoregulating effect 414–427
types 392f
Pertex Quantum 423–424t
Petroleum, oils, lubricants (POLs) 
contamination 521–522
exposure 522–523
Phaseable Adaptable laminates 425–426t
Phase changing materials (PCMs) 57, 375, 416–417
Phase seperation method 51–52
Phobotex 174
Phosphodendrimers 204
Physical Activity Council 369
Physical comfort 512–513
Physical vapor deposition (PVD) 407
Pills, visual assessment grades 358t
Plant extracts, microencapsulated systems and 403t
Plasma 130, 408
Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) 276–277, 286
Plasma enhanced vapour deposition (PEVD) 218
Plasma etching 218–219, 285–287, 286f
Plasma Guard 405t
Plasma treatment 84–85, 215, 252
atmospheric 216–217, 217f
atomic force microscopy 226, 227f
characteristics 216f
etching 218–219
fibre surface nano-roughness 226
fluorocarbon 224–225
gas and properties conferred 223t
hydrophobic/hydrophilic materials 219–221
hydrophobicity 223–225, 224f
low pressure 217, 218f
multifunctional 228
nanoparticle deposition 225–226
nonthermal 215–216
PEVD 218
silicon chemistry 227–228
surface modification 218–219
thermal 215
water repellency 221–222
Point-in-point (PiP) patented technology 53
Polartec FR 423–424t
Polartech Alpha 423–424t
Polartec NeoShell 64
Poly(caprolactone) 543
Poly(propylene amine) 202
Poly(propylene imine) (PPI) 202
Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) 460
Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer 200–202
host-guest chemistry 205–206
tetra-functional synthesis 201f
toxicity 207
Poly(amidoamine-organosilicone) (PAMAMOS) dendrimers 204
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) 157–158, 157–158f, 169–170, 493
components 160f
molecular arrangement 159f
nonvolatile 183
SEM micrographs 181, 181f
Polyester enzymatic hydrophilisation 412
Polyester fabrics 252–253
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fabrics 226–227
Polyfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) 164, 301, 397
Polyglycolic acid (PGA) 460
Polylactic acid (PLA) 460
Polylysine dendrimers 202–203
Polymer chemistry 191
Polymeric foils 14
for soil-release textile finishes 413
surface tensions of 76t
Polyolefins 16–17t
Polysiloxane backbone 167
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 4
Gore-Tex 29–30
membrane 14
Polyurethane 16–17t
coating 553–554
hazards associated with 108
microporous membrane 49f
midsoles 539
polymer 51
Polyurethane dispersions (PUD) 374
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 14, 16–17t, 316
POPs  See Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Porosimetry 241
Porosity 50
Porous structure of textile surface 11, 12f
Porphyrin-based dendrimers 203
Power Shield Pro 64
PPE  See Personal protective equipment (PPE)
PPE Directive 89/686/EEC 396
PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 396
Precip 64
Precursor 252–255
Processing aids, silicones 155
Pro-CFR 420–421t
Pro-Fil 420–421t
Protech, waterproof-breathable textiles usage in 35t
Protective clothing  See Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Protex 175–178t
Psychological comfort 310, 337
Pyridinium-based water repellents 91
PyroMan 415


Quarpel DWR finish 489
Quaternary ammonium salts (QAS) 464t


Radio frequency (RF) 553
radiation 53
RadMan 415
Rain drop, types and diameter 372, 373t
Rain room tests 334–335
Reactive silicone polymers 153
Ready-to-wear (RTW) clothing 304
Realfleece Nano 423–424t
Reentrant feature, military textiles 494
Reentrant fibre structure 497–498
Reentrant nylon fibre properties 499f
Regenerative medicine, implants and 466–467
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) 397
Repellent finishes 142, 143f
Reproofing products 362–364
Residual cyclic methyl siloxanes 170
Resil Chemicals 175–178t
Resistance to Evaporative Heat Transfer (RET) value 63
Roll-off angle 289
RTW clothing  See Ready-to-wear (RTW) clothing
Rubberized textile fabrics 3–4
Rubber, vulcanization 28
Rudolf GmbH 175–178t
Rugby body armour 368f
Running wear 368f
Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) 241


Safety Data Sheets (SDS) 96–97
SAMs  See Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)
S. Café 418t
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) 126–127, 240–241
and contact angle measurements 127
of lotus leaf 127f
skin of shark 132f
Schoeller Textiles AG 149
Scotchgard Fabric Protector 101
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) 284
ability 267–268
clothing 518
effect 377–378
fabrics 256
property 267
superhydrophobicity 290, 291f
Shape memory polyurethane (SMP) 57
Shedding angle 289, 290f, 364
Shin-Etsu Silicone 175–178t
adhesives 543–544
allergies 554–555
anatomy and dominant components 536f
biocides 548t
comfortable waterproof shoes 547–555
contact angle 552
durable water repellent 549–554, 550f
heel and toe counters 544–545, 545t
insoles 537–539
less-familiar rubber chemicals 546t
midsoles 539–541, 540f
neoprene formulation 544t
outsoles 541–543
raw materials and tools 534–545, 535t, 537–539f
rubber polymers 545t
soles 534–536, 536f
upper shoe material processing and finishing 546–547
water-based resins 544t
Sieving method 240
Silica aerogel 237f
Silicon alkoxides 238–239, 239f
Silicon chemistry 227–228
characteristics 153–155
hazards associated with 106–107
hydrophobicity 156
physical properties 159
Silicone-based dendrimers 204
Silicone-based innovations 407
Silicone-based water repellents 
advantages of 167–168
applications 161–163
characteristics 155–161
commercial products and future trends 171–184, 175–178t
construction 156
derivatization 156
disadvantages of 168
durable water repellents and 163–167
environmental and health aspects 169–171
performance 167–169
silanol-silane reaction 160f
Siloxanes 92, 107, 157f
Silver 464t, 465
Skin Model 43
Skin sensorial comfort 310, 336
Sliding angle 364
superhydrophobicity 289
Smartrepel Hydro CMD 403t
Smartrepel Hydro PM liq 403t
Smart waterproof breathable fabrics 55–58
SMP  See Shape memory polyurethane (SMP)
Snowboard gear 368f
Soft-shell garments 384–385, 384f
Soiling 73
Soil release 412–414
Soil repellency 
assessment 85–86
hydrophobic and oleophobic treatments 
dendrimers 81–83, 82f
dual-action fluorocarbon 81
hydrophobins 84
long chain and short chain fluorocarbon finishes 77–81
nanotechnology and nanostructured surfaces 83–84
plasma treatments 84–85
mechanism 74–76
trends and challenges 86–87
Solar+ 423–424t
Sol–gel process 233, 237–241
assistive technologies 252
coating aerogels onto fibre surfaces 251f
FAS 252
formation 238
gel type relevant in 243–244t
and nanolayers 406–407
parameters 242
gelation/ageing processes 245–248
hydrolysis of alkoxides 242–245
precursor in 252–255
surface roughness 284–285
water repellency 249–256
Solid polymer structures 54
Solid surface-free-energy (SFE) 489–492, 490–491t
Solubility, dendrimers 205
Solubilizing one component in mixture 52–53
Solvent extraction 52
Spectroscopic methods 237
Sport England 370
activity, United Kingdom 370f
garments 8
type 369t
Sportswear 367–368
comfort in 378–381
designing requirements 385–386
functional requirements 368–369
growing market 369–371
layering system 381–385, 381–383f
soft shell 381–385
types 368f
waterproof breathable 367–368, 371–375, 372t
water repellency 376–378
Sporttech, waterproof-breathable textiles usage in 35t
Spray test 351, 352f, 355–356, 359
Sputtering 226
SR finishing, commercial products for 413t
assessment 85–86
hydrophobic and oleophobic treatments 
dendrimers 81–83, 82f
dual-action fluorocarbon 81
hydrophobins 84
long chain and short chain fluorocarbon finishes 77–81
nanotechnology and nanostructured surfaces 83–84
plasma treatments 84–85
mechanism 74–76
trends and challenges 86–87
EU standards 395–396
personal protective equipment 427–428
antimicrobial 432t
antistatic 431t
flamperoof, heat resistant 430–431t
high visibility 432t
hydrophobicity, water-repellency, rain 428t
mechanical 433t
oil-repellency 428t
physiological properties 433t
protection against liquid, chemicals, gaseous chemicals 429t
soil release and staining 434t
termoinsulation 431t
UV-protection 432t
washing for testing 434t
weather resistance 433t
testing standards outside the US 508
Starburst dendrimers 200
Starburst effect 197
State-of-the-art water-repellent systems 128
Static test methods 347
aqueous liquid repellency 349–351, 350f
immersion test 348
oil repellency 349–351, 351t
water/alcohol solution resistance test 349
water contact angle 348–349
Stimuli-sensitive polymers 56–57
Stockholm Convention 97, 99–100, 105
Stomatex 375
Structural hydrophobicity 124–128
Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) 542
Summer dried seal gut 314f
Superabsorbents 417–419
Superhydrophobic coatings 
cotton fabrics 253
sol–gel coating 252–255
Superhydrophobicity 267
applications 290–292
characterization 288–290
contact angle hysteresis 288
fabrics 249
fundamentals 233–237
self-cleaning property 290, 291f
shedding angle 289, 290f
sliding angle 289
surface energy modification 275–277
surface roughness 224f, 277–287
water contact angle 288
water droplet bouncing 289, 364
Superhydrophobic spray coatings 404t
Superhydrophobic surfaces 233, 479f
Super-hydrophobic textiles 
Nelumbo nucifera 127f
self-cleaning properties 128–129
technology transfer 129
Super-Microft 377–378
Supernonwetting fabric 480–481
Superomniphobic coated fabrics  See also Military textiles
hard surfaces 480–481f
multifunctional 525–526
performance goals 498–508, 500–506t
self-blooming 526f
Surface chemistry 477–480, 478f
vs. robustness 496f
structures and polarity 489–493
Surface energy 
modification 275–277, 284
moieties/liquids 377t
Young's equation 270
Surface-free-energy (SFE) polymers 486–487
Surface modification, plasma treatment 218–219
Surface properties, military textiles 510–512
Surface roughness 267, 478f
bottom down approach 277t
electrospinning technique 281–283, 282–283f
layer-by-layer deposition 284
sol–gel process 284–285
factor 269, 278t, 279
formation 277–287
military textiles 494
plasma treated fibres 226
sol–gel process 240
top down approach 277t
chemical etching 287
lithography 285
plasma etching 285–287, 286f
Surface tensions 11, 11f, 268
moieties/liquids 377t
of polymers 76t
of selected polar and nonpolar liquids 475t
Sustainability 302–303, 303f
Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) 303–304
Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) 304
Sustainable cycle 306f
Sweating guarded hot plate 511
Sweating manikin test 511–512, 511t
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 93–94
Swimwear 368f
Sympatex 64, 374
Syngero 422t
Synthetic filament yarns 59
Synthetic methods, dendrimer 197–200, 198f
Synthetic rubbers 16–17t


Tanning 546
TDR 405t
Tecasystem Millenia 450 425–426t
Technical applications 10
Teflon  See Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Telomerization 141
Temperature-responsive polymers 56–57
Template-based method 285
TENCEL R 100 with kaolin 423–424t
Tennis wear 368f
Testing standards outside the US 508
Tetraethyoxysilane (TEOS) 242, 245, 252–253
and hexamethyldisilazane 253–254, 254f
molar ratio to water/ethanol 246
and trimethylethoxysilane 253, 253f
Texchem 175–178t
and clothing legislation 396
hydrophobization of 3, 13
for low temperature environment 421–423, 423–424t
and water interaction mechanism 11–12
wet environment 3
Textile Exchange Market Report 393
Textile fabrics 
aerogel particles with 250f
surface roughness 277–281
with waterproofing finishes 14–18
Textile Regulation (EU) No 1007/2011 396
Textile surfaces, military textiles 487–489
Thermal comfort 511
Thermal physiological comfort 310, 336
Thermal plasma treatment 215
Thermal properties 320
Thermal tests, waterproof materials 335–336, 335f
Thermo-coagulation 51–52, 553
Thermoinsulating effect, PPE with 414–427
Thermolite Pro brand 418t
Thermophysiological comfort 381
Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) 542–543
Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) 542–543
Thermoplastics 541
commercial examples 422t
and moisture management 409–410
PPE with 414–427
properties 416–417
Tightly woven cotton fabric 44–47
Tightly woven fabrics 47f, 58
TMES  See Trimethylethoxysilane (TMES)
Topaz Carbon Membrane 425–426t
Toxic industrial chemicals (TICs) 476t, 507
Toxicity, dendrimer 207
Toxicological concerns 93–109, 94–95t
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 240–241
Trimethylethoxysilane (TMES) 253, 253f
Two-dimensional microscopic images 240–241
Typhoon PS330 Extreme Dry suit 334f


Ultrakim 175–178t
UltraTech International, Inc 485–486
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) 53, 318
UNIDYNE of Daikin 180
Uniforms, hospital clothing 457
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 397
US EPA Design for the Environment Alternatives Assessment Criteria for Hazard Evaluation 108–109
UV-blocking and cooling fabrics 418t
UV curable FCs 402–404


Value addition 139
Velcro tape 123f
Ventile clothing 4, 13, 371
history 58
waterproof breathable coatings 29, 47–48
Vertical wicking test 510–511
Victoria amazonica 121–122
Viscosity, dendrimer 207
VOC  See Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 146–147
Vulcanized rubbers 28, 541–542
VX repellency 510


Wacker Chemie AG 174, 175–178t
Water/alcohol solution resistance test 349
Water contact angle 267–268, 275, 348–349
cellulose fibres 254
static 288
Water drops 
bouncing of 289, 364
and fabric surface 254f
hydrophobic silica film 253f
Water interaction mechanism 11–12
Water penetration resistance 
classification 319t
testing materials 318–320, 319t
Water penetration tests 373
Waterproof and water repellent clothing 3–4, 347
activity specific features 331–332
application 4–10
aqueous liquid repellency 349–351, 350f
brand partners and applications 325–326t
Bundesmann rain-shower test 353–355, 354f
characterization 12–22
circular economy 305–306, 305f
classification 5, 14
compact coated waterproof textile 19f
design 307–308, 328–338, 329–332f
design characteristics for 7f
design specification 5–9
donning and doffing feature 333
durability 363
abrasion 357–358
laundering 356–357, 360–361
prolonged exposure to water 358–359
wearer trials 359–361
ecological issues 22
example 13
features 330
field testing 336–338
and flame retardant 21
garment size and protection labelling 338–339
guidance for sustainable materials selection 318
home and outdoor textiles 9–10
hydrostatic head test 355–356
immersion test 348
impact penetration test 352–353, 353f, 355–356
inherent materials 14
labelling 338–339
laboratory testing 333–336
leisurewear 8
material selection 314, 316
oil repellency test 349–351, 351t
Osprey jacket 327f
patency 3
plasma treatments 221–222
point of sale 339
preparation for production 338
prototypes and fitting 332–333
rain room tests 334–335
recycling 308
remake and alterations to 307–308
restoration of performance 361–364, 363f
sell, rent, resell and repair 307
silicone applications 161–163
sol–gel treatment 249–256
sportswear 8, 367–368, 376–378
spray test 351, 352f, 355–356
standards for determining 4–5
surface finishing treatments 14–18
sustainable, policies/goals 306–307
technical applications 10
thermal tests 335–336, 335f
water/alcohol solution resistance test 349
water contact angle 348–349
waterproof breathable fabrics vs 26–27, 26t
Waterproof breathable fabrics (WBFs) 4, 25–27, 367–368, 371–375, 383
applications 372t
Bi-component structures 55
and biomimetics 55–58
characterization 19–21
classification 44–47, 45–46t
coatings for 60
for comfort 30–34
compact hydrophilic layer 20f
E beam radiation 53
ecological issues 22
and electrostatic shielding 21
fabric wetting 35–38
foam coating 52
high-density woven porous structures 47–48
high density wovens 58–60
history 27–30
hot melt technology 53
ion radiation 53
laminates for 61
layers arrangement 61–62
individual layers 62f
2 layer construction 62
2.5 layer construction 63
3 layer construction 63
macroporous structures 38
mechanical fibrillation 53–54
melt-blown technology 53
membranes in 56f
microporous 376
membranes 21, 21f
structures 48–54
moisture transfer 
assessment 38–40
mechanism 40–43
performance 380
point bonding technology 53
porous coating polymer 20f
problem 375
properties 43–44
radio frequency radiation 53
solid polymer structures 54
solubilizing one component in mixture 52–53
solvent extraction 52
standards for determining 5
thermo-coagulation 51–52
UV radiation 53
vapour transfer properties 22
waterproof and water repellent vs 26–27, 26t
wet coagulation process 51
Waterproofing and water-repellent agents 
chemical hazard assessment 95–101
classes of 112
filling data gaps 112–113
green chemistry 109–113
dendrimers 108
fluorochemicals 101–106
hydrocarbons 107
nanoparticles 108
polyurethanes 108
silicones 106–107
historical usage of 90–91, 91t
hydrocarbons 92–93t
long-chain fluorochemicals 92–93t
modern chemical classes 92, 92f
performance properties 90f
polyurethanes 92–93t
short-chain fluorochemicals 92–93t
siloxanes 92–93t
toxicological and ecotoxicological concerns 93–109, 94–95t
classes of 43t
quality of 43
Waterproof/water-repellent shoes 547–555
Water rating method  See Aqueous liquid repellency test
Water repellency treatments 207–211
Water resistant 325–326t
Water Vapour Diffusion Test 64, 65f
Water vapour permeability 38–39
Water vapour resistance 320t, 380, 383
Water vapour transmission (WVT) 5, 40–41
evaluation of resistance 44t
of fabric 40
microporous structure working principles 49f
through shape memory polyurethane 57
Wax, finishing systems 401t
WBFs  See Waterproof breathable fabrics (WBFs)
Wearer trials 359–361
Wenzel model 235–236, 235f, 267
surface roughness 269–271, 278–279
wetting state 278–279, 279f
Young's equation 269–270
Wet coagulation 51, 552
Wet gel, ageing process 246–247
Wet process 276
Wetsuit design 316–317
Wettability 219
Wetting 267–268
Cassie–Baxter model 267, 269–271
dual-scale hierarchical structures 273, 273t, 273f
hierarchical surfaces roughness 272–274, 273f
resistance determination 351
solid surfaces 270
Wenzel model 269–271
Young's model for flat surfaces 268–269
Wet weather clothing industry 306f
Wicking base layer 323
Wicking effect 410–412
Wound dressing 448f
Woven fabric structure 494
WRAP 318, 338
circular economy 304
remake services 307–308
WVP, vs. waterproofness 42, 42f


X-BIONIC in Switzerland 375
Xerogel 240
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) 241
X-ray tomography 240–241


Young–Laplace equation 233–234
Young's equation 11, 219, 268–269
liquid drop on solid surface 234f
Young's equilibrium 37–38
Young's model, flat surfaces 268–269


Zelan N3 403t
Zepel and Teflon Fabric Protectors 101
Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) program 89–90, 164, 316, 398